Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 187 186, don’t come over! !

Therefore, even if there is a chance, how should Sano explain to Gin that one of the medicines in his hand is missing after the stuffing is done?

This task is a bit troublesome.

How about retreating first, finding an opportunity later, using the black mask vest to fight back, giving the medicine to Miyano Shiho, or even forcefully taking him away, and then take one of this A medicine by the way?

...The risk is too great, right?

While Sano was thinking, he cuffed Miyano Shiho's hands - as if he could take this opportunity to put medicine into his hands?

At least this way, I only need to find opportunities to replenish my medicine, saving me a big trouble.

It seems feasible.

However, just when Sano was about to take out the medicine and stuff it into Miyano Shiho's hand, he unexpectedly discovered that there was a capsule hidden in the other party's sleeve.

Holding the obvious foreign object under the other person's clothes, Sano couldn't help but fell into silence for a moment.

If nothing else, it should be APTX4869.

But since this guy has medicine on him, why does the system still let him...


Sano reacted.

Although Miyano Shiho has medicine on her body, it does not mean that she will definitely be able to keep it.

Therefore, the content requirement of the system task is only to ask Sano to ensure that Miyano Shiho has medicine on her body, not to give her medicine.

If Gin had arranged for someone to escort him, he might have searched Miyano Shiho first and taken away the medicine.

In other words, what the system really wants Sano to do is to prevent Miyano Shiho from being searched - so this task is considered completed by accident?

If that's the case, why is there no task completion prompt?

Sano's eyes turned, and he met the eyes of Miyano Shiho, who was gradually waking up.

In addition to the fear and hatred that should have existed, Sano seemed to feel that the other party was a little... nervous?

...Sano seemed to understand why.

Perhaps Sano himself is actually part of this mission.

Because as the person who escorted Shirley here, Sano was supposed to search Miyano Shiho. As for whether that thing could be found or not, it depends on Sano's personal decision.

Of course, this is just speculation, you will know if it works or not.

If it still doesn't work, then Sano can only follow his original idea and use the No. 3 vest to rob Miyano Shiho forcibly to ensure that the medicine on him is still there before the mission time limit ends.

...has it been discovered?

Suffering from strong mental stimulation and external attacks, Miyano Shiho felt that his brain was still a little confused.

But even so, Miyano Shiho has not forgotten the APTX4869 he hid on his body just in case.

Miyano Shiho knew very well that once she broke with the organization, she would be discarded like useless firewood. In order to minimize the pain and prevent herself from dying at the hands of others, she hid a medicine in her body in advance.

Anyway, my sister is already dead, and it doesn't matter whether I live or not.

It's just a pity that I couldn't avenge my sister with my own hands... Even though the possibility of revenge is slim, and everyone is dead, revenge is meaningless.

...Of course, this is just wishful thinking now.

Miyano Shiho originally thought that Rye's arrogant temper would not be discovered because he would not check carefully, but he did not expect that it would not work after all.

The two men looked at each other for less than two seconds.

Then, to Miyano Shiho's surprise, the evil man in front of him who killed his sister and mocked him wantonly did not take out the medicine from his sleeve.

As if he didn't notice it at all, he turned around and left the prison room.

What does it mean?

Miyano Shiho looked at the closed door in front of him in confusion.

Could it be that it was the last trace of mercy for myself?

Do you feel guilty because you killed your sister?

Yes, after all, according to what was said just now, Gin has no intention of letting his sister go. Even if this guy doesn't take action, Gin or others will do it.

Or maybe this guy was actually forced or something.

Whether other people's actions will be as clean and neat as this guy's is another matter...

...Do you think you would think so?

Miyano Shiho's lip was bitten with a trace of blood, and his eyes looking at the door were also full of bloodshot eyes. No matter what the reason was, killing his sister was killing his sister.

Is it because he will kill others if he doesn't want to, is it because he has to kill, is it because he gives himself a little mercy like a beggar?

Will this hatred cease to exist?


...Although it doesn't seem to make any difference to me now, what kind of thoughts I have.

Miyano Shiho closed his eyes bitterly and weakly, and his body collapsed, hanging only by the chains that bound his hands.

Just like what the other party said before, I am just a waste, I can't do anything, I can't do anything...

Miyano Shiho's consciousness gradually blurred and he fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until two or three hours later that Miyano Shiho slowly woke up, and the capsule was hooked out by slender fingers.

It's time to end your life...

Sano didn't know what Miyano Shiho was thinking... and it didn't matter to him.

The important thing is that Sano's guess was correct. From the moment he ignored Miyano Shiho's medicine and walked out of the prison cell, the mission was completed.

Then Sano got into Gin's car at the entrance of the institute - driven by vodka.

That's right, Gin said that Sano and Vodka teamed up to complete this mission.

Although in the task assignment, Vodka only needs to give Sano some relief.

Opening the car door, there was Vodka, who was sitting upright for some reason in the driver's seat next to him.

Also, I don't know if it was Sano's misunderstanding. When he opened the door and sat in, Vodka's broad shoulders seemed to shake slightly.

Could it be that I was frightened when I was in a daze?

...To be honest, Vodka's current mental state is really not particularly good.

Because just today, Vodka received the most dangerous mission in the history of his career, and that was——

Team up with Sano.

When Vodka heard his teammate's code name, he thought he heard it wrong. Unexpectedly, after confirming with his big brother for the second time, he still got the word "rye".

...At that moment, Vodka seemed to vaguely feel that there was a big word "danger" on his head, and there seemed to be an extra word "death" on his face.

Although my eldest brother has emphasized that he just needs to relax and does not need to do anything dangerous, but.

Just standing alone with this guy is already the most dangerous thing! ?

...As Gin's personal bodyguard and professional driver, Vodka can almost be said to be the person who has had the longest and deepest contact with him in the organization.

So when it comes to the thoughts of gin in the organization, the person who knows the most and deeply about gin is none other than Vodka.

Even if there are many things that Gin doesn't want to say or can't say, Vodka can still detect them.

The most direct example is Sano.

Ever since Gin conducted a wave of tests on Sano earlier, he no longer arranged team members with code names for the other party. For a long... it could be considered a long period of time, he only brought peripheral members to fight.

It wasn't until Miyano Akemi's problem arose that Gin had to arrange a teammate with a codename member for Sano.

At the same time, this is also Gin's second wave of tests on Sano - to see if after this period of crazy team missions, the opponent's uncontrollability... which seems to be specifically targeted at code-named members has decreased.

And Toru Amuro, who has lived until now, is the best proof of the result.

...But this is just Gin’s idea, not his vodka idea!

The reason why the Bourbon guy is still alive now is because the two of them were just monitoring and following each other without any conflict.

If a fight breaks out in the middle, who knows if the other person will still be alive.

Furthermore, Bourbon and Sano had already known each other before they were promoted to code members. Not to mention the depth of their friendship, even if Sano was a cold-blooded animal and was not affected at all, then if Vodka remembers correctly if.

It seems that Sano once suspected that Bourbon was a rat?

What does this mean?

As long as the representative successfully finds out the evidence that Bourbon is a rat, he will reap a wave of results——

In this case, how could Sano, a performance maniac, be willing to kill Bourbon?

Now compare yourself again.

The mission is an assassination mission, not a surveillance mission, and accidents may happen at any time.

Friendship, I can't say it's not at all, it's probably close to zero.

Finally, Vodka didn't think there was any reason why he might be suspected of being a rat.

To sum up, the level of danger of this mission is - hell.

What is the difference between this and a certain death! ?

What do you think, brother?

Could it be that he wanted to test himself for the third time?

But aren't you afraid that this temptation will fail and lead to your own death?

If you lose yourself, who will drive for you in the future, brother? !

Vodka shivering.jpg.

Sano fastened his seat belt, looked at Vodka who had not made any movement for five seconds, frowned, reached out and patted the other person: "Hey, what are you doing? Let's go."

Vodka, who was deep in thought, was startled and almost didn't draw his gun.

Realizing that once he drew his gun, Sano would probably think that he wanted to attack, and then be dealt with faster. Vodka suppressed this impulse.

"Let's go now."

Vodka said bravely, then started the car and headed to the mission target location.

While driving on the road, Vodka always felt as if a bomb had been planted on his body because he was touched by Sano's hand just now, and he couldn't help but want to search his lower body.

Just considering that Sano was right next to him and that his "distrust" behavior might cause dissatisfaction to the other party, Vodka once again suppressed this impulse.

Sano sat in the passenger seat for a while, and unexpectedly found that compared to the cars he had been in before, the car Vodka drove did not seem to have any bumps or shakes, and the comfort was unusually high.

The driving skills are really good.

Sano adjusted his sitting posture. The driving skills he just mentioned were not the kind of driving skills in the movies that can take off everywhere, but the driving skills of vodka that can make people not feel the slightest discomfort.

It should be said that he is truly a dedicated driver that even Gin would like to stay with.

Sano looked at the vodka again and had some thoughts.

"Jia Ge."

As Sano's affectionate name came out after he had considered it for a few seconds, Vodka's originally stable steering wheel suddenly shook, and the original sense of comfort disappeared instantly.

What situation what situation! ?

This guy is clearly up to something. Is he really thinking about planting a bomb on himself?

Vodka's heart was agitated - not excited, of course, but frightened.

After all, Sano's inexplicable and sudden appearance is completely inconsistent with the "kindness" of his previous personality. It is really too weird.

On the other hand, Zuo Zhizhong sighed with a little regret. This vodka is good at everything. It is honest, obedient, talks little, and can drive. It can almost be said that it is the best among the best. The only problem is its psychological quality...

It's really not good at all. How come you are always frightened by small movements?

Well, this criminal is obviously very strong, but very timid?

After the Vodka on the side calmed down, he still twisted his body a little uneasily, looked at Sano cautiously, and asked: "Ahem... Yes, what's the matter, Hei... Brother Mai?"

... Vodka tensed his nerves - he didn't ask Sano to treat him well, he just asked him to end the mission quietly. If possible, don't ask him to call him brother, he could call him his ancestor!

"Hmm...have you ever thought about changing to another teammate?"

Sano took out a lollipop from his pocket and placed it next to the vodka, and asked: "We are all driving anyway, who should we drive for? You think so?"

That's right, Sano just wants to poach Gin and want Vodka to be his exclusive driver.

Sano wasn't worried that Gin would be angry. After all, he was just a driver. He didn't think there would be any deep feelings between the two criminals.

But what Sano didn't consider was that just because he had intentions, it didn't mean Vodka had intentions!

Damn it, just forming a team once is so scary. If you are a teammate for a long time, you might as well just tell yourself to jump off the building!

If I had to crystallize Vodka’s current psychological activity, it would probably be...

retreat! retreat! retreat!


Don't come here! ! !

So Vodka shook his head like a rattle, and in order to prevent Sano from being dissatisfied, he just kept describing how deep his relationship with Gin was, how loyal he was, etc., in an attempt to dispel Sano's love for him. of... coveted.

Seeing Vodka's resistance, Sano had no choice but to give up his poaching plan.

But this time it was considered a conversation starter. Sano was bored and chatted with Vodka for a while longer.

...This big guy's personality seems to be somewhat similar to Cohen's. He doesn't like to talk much, so Sano takes the initiative to initiate the conversation most of the time.

Sano didn't pay much attention to this, and just asked some things he was more curious about, such as——

"Brother Jia, let me see why you wear sunglasses all day long. Aren't you afraid of affecting your vision?"

Hearing the "kind" nickname from Sano again, Vodka felt that his throat was getting dryer and drier.

After licking his lips, Vodka subconsciously pushed up his sunglasses: "It's not bad."

Sano narrowed his eyes. This answer seemed a bit vague, but it was definitely not right.

In fact, Sano has two guesses about Vodka wearing sunglasses.

One is just for cupping, it doesn’t matter.

But the other one made Sano even more curious.

That is, Vodka wears sunglasses not to show off, but to prevent him from losing his personality - for example, his eyes are very inconsistent with his appearance.

There is nothing wrong with looking fierce or ugly, even if it is weird, it is not unacceptable, but just be afraid, it will look too cute.

Sano imagined Vodka taking off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of Kaziran's big and smart eyes.

Tsk tsk tsk, are you afraid that the enemy will laugh so hard that you can't even hold the gun steady?

Sano secretly looked at Vodka's profile. Why couldn't he see his eyes from this angle... Could this guy be an eyeless man?

Sano planned to find an opportunity to take off Vodka's sunglasses to find out.

...It's not because of curiosity, but because I want to be prepared in advance. What if during a team operation, I'm in the middle of fighting, my vodka sunglasses fall off, and I laugh so hard that Sano can't stand up straight? ?

Well, that’s right, it’s all for the mission.

This assassination mission was completed very smoothly.

With the help of the passerby's hat, Sano quietly sneaked into the mission target's home, dropped a pill into the water glass on the other person's bedside table, and then waited until the other person drank the glass of water and went to bliss, then he and Fang Feng of vodka confluence.

Then Sano was given a ride on vodka...literally.

Of course, in order to prevent the risk of exposure from increasing, Sano did not have the vodka delivered to his home. Instead, he got off the car halfway, switched his vest, and walked home.

And then……

It started to rain.

...This is so outrageous. Why does it always rain on the way home?

After buying an unknown number of umbrellas depressed and irritated, Sano continued to go home. When passing by a small alley, he spotted a thin figure in the rain.

I don't know whether it should be described as brown or brown wavy short hair, the iconic mixed-race facial features, and the adult white coat that obviously does not fit the body type.

If Sano couldn't recognize who this was, God would just punish him with thunder.

...has actually really shrunk?

So now Conan, the tomboy's team, is finally starting to expand?

Looking at the miniature version of Miyano Shiho, Sano had a little surprise in his eyes, but this was actually not that unexpected.

What really surprised Sano was how Miyano Shiho escaped from the prison cell.

The Aooka Research Institute is an important organization, with strict surveillance and dozens or hundreds of peripheral members guarding it. Let alone Miyano Shiho turning into a child, even if she turns into a fly, she may not be able to fly out.

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