Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 191 190, Vodka: Gin in the front and Sano in the back

I just don’t know how he will compare with Akai Shuichi.

"Come again."

Gin didn't talk nonsense, just turned around and started another simulated sniper training, and this time the distance was a full seven hundred yards.

Sano also didn't talk nonsense. He just repeated the operation of the previous round and locked the target.

But this time, Sano did not fire, and only three seconds after raising the gun, he put the gun down again.


Hearing Sano's "admit defeat" without any hesitation, Chianti couldn't help but stare and shouted: "Hey, no, you haven't even tried it yet, how do you know it won't work? At least take a shot first. ah?"

Gin Jiu on the side also frowned: "Not sure at all?"

Sano nodded: "No need to try, you will definitely miss."

Sano really wasn't kidding.

According to the limitations of the sniper effect, the maximum ballistic simulation can only be 75% of the effective range.

As mentioned before, Cohen's Remington 700 rifle has an effective range of 800 meters, which means the ballistic simulation length is only 600 meters.

Sano didn't know how many meters the distance of seven hundred yards was equivalent to, but when he raised his gun just now, the "laser" couldn't reach the target at all.

So it's definitely a miss.

Of course, if he changes to a sniper rifle with a longer effective range, or if Sano directly activates the "fatal strike" effect, he should be able to hit it.

It's just not necessary.

After all, who knows whether it will be useful in this sniper mission.

...Anyway, Sano has now proven that he is stronger than the sniper duo, which is enough.

Sano is determined to take on this mission, and Gin can't stop him, he said so!

But then again, judging from Gin and Chianti's reactions, it seems that they really hope that they can hit the target in this 700-yard simulated sniper attack?

Does it have any special meaning?

Just as Sano was thinking, Gin had already turned off the sniper simulation, and the lift immediately fell back to the ground.

"So, can you leave this task to me?"

After coming back to his senses, Sano, who thought he had pretended to be in place, asked "Gin".

However, Sano did not receive an answer.

Until "Cohen" on the side made a cold voice: "You'd better take off your sunglasses first."

Only then did Sano realize that he had recognized the wrong person. After coughing awkwardly, he took off his sunglasses.

"What are you doing wearing this obstructive thing?"

Gin chose to hit the nail on the head and asked his question straight to the point: "If you want to imitate Cohen, you can get you some goggles later."

Hearing Gin's words, Sano was stunned for a moment, then looked at Cohen who started to feel awkward again: "When did I imitate Cohen..."

...Looking at it this way, Sano felt that he seemed to be imitating the other party.

But Sano is not a fool, so how could he not be able to tell the difference between sunglasses and goggles?

This is not so much that I am imitating Cohen, but that I am imitating...

As Sano's eyes turned to him, Vodka felt as if his heartbeat had skipped a beat.

...Of course it was not because his heart was moved, but because Vodka felt that his premonition might come true...and it seemed to be more serious than he imagined.

Sure enough, after noticing the movement of Sano's eyes, the eyes of the other three people also subconsciously turned to vodka.

For a time, Vodka, which had always had a relatively low sense of presence, rarely felt that it had become the most eye-catching presence.

...Though from Vodka's point of view, this is more likely to be the target of public criticism.

"... Damn it, isn't it? Brother, you are wearing sunglasses and you are actually learning vodka!?"

With Chianti's character, he didn't care about the atmosphere and just uttered a curse word with a look of disbelief on his face.

Sano even noticed something strange in Gin's eyes.

...It seems that since the first meeting with Sano, Gin has always felt that his cognition is accepting endless... and various challenges.

Outrageous and outrageous.

Only the honest man Cohen would take care of the feelings of Vodka, who is also an honest man, without saying a word.

...Although I am not actually imitating vodka, I won’t be so shocked by everyone, right?

Zuo Ye was a little speechless. In your hearts, how bad is vodka?

Who do you look down on?

Beware of thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi!

Sano felt aggrieved for vodka in his heart.


In the end, Gin coughed, breaking the weird atmosphere.

Considering that Vodka is following him around after all, and... based on his understanding of the other party, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to intentionally "lead" Sano, so Gin does not intend to cause trouble for the other party. Then he got down to business.

"...Now that it has been confirmed that Rye's sniper ability is indeed up to par, then this mission can be left to him."

When it came to tasks, Chianti suddenly became unhappy again, but she also knew that if a task was very important, it would be the best solution to arrange members with a higher probability of success to handle it.

So in the end I had to acquiesce.

"As for teammates."

Gin looked at Vodka with a cold look: "Just vodka."


Vodka was suddenly implicated innocently...or perhaps not innocently, and his mental state instantly changed from relieved to horrified.

This guy himself had just teamed up with Sano today, and it took a lot of effort to get to the end of the mission like walking a tightrope.

Vodka still hasn't forgotten the feeling of relief and relief when he saw Sano get off the car, but now he was actually told that he would team up with him for another mission in two days! ?

How about playing? ? ?

Don't be such a bully!

Just catch yourself and cause trouble?

"Looks like you and Rye are getting along fine after all."

Gin said so.

"not me……"

His eyes were widened under his vodka sunglasses. Since when had he gotten along well with Sano? ?

...Is it because Sano "imitated" herself? ?

"What, do you have any ideas?"

Gin narrowed his eyes and interrupted Vodka's "No". Sano on the side also smiled and said: "I also feel that I am quite destined to Kago."

...Jia Ge?

Chianti and Cohen, who had nothing to do with anything, were watching the show on the sidelines. Gin raised his eyebrows, glanced at Sano, and then looked at Vodka.

...If this guy says that the relationship is not good, whether others believe it or not, Sano will probably hold a grudge against him, right?

Vodka looked around and realized that he was now with Gin in front of him and Sano behind him. There was no room for rejection at all. In the end, he could only lower his head in silence.

"Yeah...I know."

"By the way, when is the specific time of this mission, Gin-sama?"

Sano came close to Gin and whispered.

"At noon the day after tomorrow, wait until the target gets on the Heisei Express."

Heisei Express?

Sano frowned slightly. He seemed to have seen the promotion report of this new train in the newspaper.

...Sano has forgotten the specific starting time, but it shouldn't be stuck in the time for make-up exams.

And Gin saw Sano frowning, and his own brows also frowned unconsciously: "Why, is there anything wrong with this time and place?"

"Oh, nothing."

Sano came to his senses and shook his head: "I just have to make up the exam the day after tomorrow, so I'm worried that the time will not match."

Make up... exam?

Whether it was gin or vodka who was eavesdropping on the side, they were stunned for a moment when they heard this word, and then they remembered the previous team-up mission with Sano - which was also the first time they saw Sano in the rain of bullets. After gaining the ability to dance awkwardly, the other party received the phone call in the car.

"...Did you fail the last make-up exam?"

Hearing Gin's question, Sano nodded matter-of-factly: "Yes."

Gin was silent for two seconds: "'s still a matter of not passing one exam."

Sano smiled brightly: "Of course I failed one."

Gin: "..."

Vodka: "..."

This criminal is obviously super fierce, but his academic performance is extremely poor.

"Let's go, the mission information will be sent to you later."

Gin was too lazy to talk nonsense and turned around to leave, while Vodka quickly followed.

After Sano watched the Gin duo leave, he turned his attention to the sniper duo who stood about ten meters away without eavesdropping.

"Two seniors, please recommend me a sniper rifle. The longer the effective range, the better."

Two days passed quickly.

During this period, Sano also conducted more than thirty hours of high-intensity sniper training in the underground training ground.

...Although with sniper sunglasses, Sano's static sniping skills have almost been directly upgraded to the full level, but in sniper missions, more dynamic shooting is still required.

After all, the target will not be a target, which is dead, but a living creature that can move.

Of course, in comparison, the technical key points of static sniping are equivalent to the sniper's prediction of his own trajectory, while dynamic sniping requires an additional prediction of the target's movement.

Of course, the importance of the former is higher between the two, and much higher——

How can we build a high-rise building without a good foundation?

Therefore, even with dynamic shooting, Sano will not be too overwhelmed.

In addition to training in dynamic sniping, Sano also conducted in-depth experiments on the effects of sniper sunglasses.

Putting aside the effect of doubling the effective range at a time, which requires three days of cooling, Sano has basically figured out some of the shortcomings of the sniper effect.

In order to maximize the sniper effect, Sano asked Gin to arrange for an anti-material sniper rifle to be delivered. After being modified by the organization's scientific researchers, it was said to be the anti-material sniper rifle with the longest effective range that the organization could obtain.

The huge caliber makes the effective range of this gun even exceed two thousand meters, that is, the ballistic simulation length exceeds one thousand five hundred meters.

Logically speaking, Sano can accurately hit the target at a distance of 1,500 meters with this gun.

But it didn't.

Because Sano found that the ballistic trajectory he simulated with this gun was not as "absolutely accurate" as he originally expected. It was as long and thin as the previous Remington, like a laser.

The first end of this trajectory alone is almost the size of a fist, and at the end it is even thick enough to cover a person.

With a shot of that level, even if it is a static shooting, the bullet may directly "miss" the target, let alone a dynamic shooting.

Sano then tried simulating sniping with various types of sniper rifles, and determined that this thing actually had the same disadvantages as he had thought before, simulating ballistic trajectories through technological means, and there would be an error zone.

No matter what kind of firearm is used, the trajectory will become thicker and thicker as the sniper distance increases.

And in addition, the caliber of the firearm... more accurately, perhaps the increase in the maximum effective range, as well as the accuracy of the firearm, etc., will also have a certain impact on it.

After all, although the effective range of a firearm is indeed linked to the caliber to a certain extent, it is not absolutely proportional. There will be many factors involved, and it will be more troublesome to talk about.

It was probably because the effect of the sniper sunglasses was too strong and the effective range of Cohen's Remington was not long, so the error was very small and did not show up when Sano was using it.

Of course, for Sano, the above problems are actually not too bad.

As long as he can choose a suitable sniper rifle, Sano will still be a top sniper, but he is not so awesome that he can break through the ceiling.

Therefore, during this period of training, Sano was not only improving his dynamic sniping ability, but also experimenting with the effects of different types of sniper rifles under the sniper effect, so as to find the gun that suits him best.

After pulling the trigger tens of thousands of times and touching hundreds of sniper rifles, Sano finally found this gun.

Sano turned his attention to the sniper rifle in his hand.

This gun looks very retro. It is different from modern sniper rifles that are full of technology. At first glance, I thought it would be some kind of antique specially used for collection.

However, in fact... this is indeed an "old antique".


...Of course it was not the Laifu who was beaten by Chang Wei as soon as he entered the door.

It is the originator of all modern sniper rifles, also known as rifles.

As the originator of sniper rifles, rifles have a very long history. They have gone through many times of research and development, and there are countless versions.

Therefore, if it is an older version of the rifle, its data will definitely be inferior to the modern sniper rifle that catches up from behind.

The one held by Sano was modified by the organization's scientific researchers.

And only this one.

...Of course, this is not because this modified gun is too difficult to manufacture, but because its... performance is not good, which is wrong. The performance is actually good. It should be said that it is too difficult to operate and no one can use it?

The reason why the rifle is called the originator of sniper rifles depends on its accuracy.

The one in Sano's hand has been modified, and both its effective range and accuracy have been greatly improved.

The effective range has been increased to one thousand meters, which is obviously longer than Cohen's Remington, but with excellent accuracy, the trajectory simulated by Sano is thinner and straighter.

It can be said that both advancement and retreat are accurate.

Logically speaking, this must be considered a good gun.

But I don’t know why, but none of the snipers in the organization can adapt to this gun. The difference between the bullet fired and the target cannot be said to be eight hundred miles, but even eight meters cannot be said to be an exaggeration.

So the gun was thrown into the warehouse to gather dust. It wasn't until Sano started testing the gun a lot that it was picked out by some peripheral member.

... Could there be some Ke Xue power at play in this?

Sano bit his finger. This situation was really incomprehensible to him who only relied on equipment and no real sniper skills.

"Rye, the train has already left over there."

Vodka put down his phone and reminded the absent-minded Sano.


Sano came to his senses, responded, adjusted the rifle in his hand, and put on sniper sunglasses - not strictly speaking.

It is a pair of ordinary sunglasses modified from sniper sunglasses.

After a large number of experiments, Sano came up with what he thought was a good way to handle the problem of being unable to search for targets while blind.

...In fact, it’s not really a processing method, it’s just using the permission switch effect.

Because Sano's method of controlling the effect of turning on and off by taking off and putting on sunglasses was already a waste of time, so he felt that it would be better to just rely on authority to turn on and off the effect.

Although the time wasted is the same, this action is omitted.

It not only saves physical strength, but also maintains the strength. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone, kills two birds with one stone, and... one cannot come out.

Vocabulary is limited.

...until after repeating this dozens of times, Sano suddenly discovered another blind spot.

That is the means to control the effect of the reinforcement on and off. It seems that I have a more convenient way.

This is the previous method of using the versatile effect of the vest to modify the passerby hat and the mask of the special attack suit to control their effect on and off.

It's just that this method has been used so little recently that Sano actually forgot about it for a while...

All in all, the blindness limitation of sniper sunglasses can be ignored for the time being.

"Ding Lingling."

Suddenly, Sano's cell phone rang.

Sano took it out and took a look. It was Officer Megure's number. Considering that the target was about to arrive in a few minutes, he hung up immediately.

"Ding Lingling."

The phone rang again, and Sano hung up without even bothering to look at it.

"Ding Lingling."

Sano hung up again.

"Ding Lingling."

Damn it, it’s not over, right?

Sano picked up the phone rather irritably, but he didn't expect that the caller number was not Officer Megure at all, but an unknown number.

what's the situation?

Sano frowned slightly and glanced at Vodka, who was looking at him casually.

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