Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 193 192, Conan: A Brush with Death

...Conan's experience today is both complex and simple.

Anyway, with the help of Sano, a pervert, he successfully uncovered the truth of the incident and found the kidnapped police officer and his target. However, because of the critical situation, Officer Megure couldn't get involved at all.

Conan wanted to launch a sneak attack on his own, but he didn't expect that two bullets actually took away the two kidnappers on the rooftop.

It was confirmed that the two bullets were not fired by the police.

From this, Conan immediately concluded that there must be at least one sniper from a third party present!

Although I don’t know who he is, since he is an unofficial gunman, he must be arrested!

After closing the distance a little bit, Conan snatched the binoculars from Officer Memu's hand. After looking over, he happened to see the familiar figure holding a sniper rifle.

It's him! ?

Conan's heart was shocked at first, and then he was ecstatic.

Now I finally have a chance to catch the tail of that organization!

However, compared with the other party's previous impressions, this time in addition to a rifle sniper weapon, the other party also seemed to have a pair of black glasses temples faintly on the edge of the hat... Are they sunglasses?

what's the situation.

Generally speaking, do snipers wear something that gets in the way when sniping?

Conan had some doubts in his heart.

But soon Conan got rid of this irrelevant doubt, because he actually saw the big man named Vodka not far from the other party!

Good guy, although I had expected that the other party was a group, they actually showed up together this time?

The image of Gin instantly appeared in Conan's mind, and he licked his lips excitedly.

Then I accepted this double yolk egg without any courtesy!

However, while he was excited, a new doubt arose in Conan's mind, that is -

Why didn't the other party run away quickly, but kept holding the rifle?

If you were observing with a sniper scope, you shouldn't be observing for that long...

Conan's breathing suddenly stagnated, remembering that he seemed to have overlooked a very important issue.

Those were the two bullets that killed the two kidnappers in the first place.

It seems like the other party hit him from the rooftop, right?

If this is the case, then the helicopter he is currently riding on can also be hit by the other party! ?

For a moment, alarm bells rang in Conan's heart.

But before Conan could actually react to this, Sano on the rooftop had already made a move.

The wind on the rooftop was relatively strong, blowing the white hair under Sano's hat. Under the sunlight, the sniper sunglasses reflected light at the same time as the sniper scope.


Sano pulled the trigger, then quickly pulled the bolt and fired the second bullet.

Two bullets flew out in a spiral.

The first shot passed through the glass of the helicopter, rubbed the edge of Conan's glasses, and directly shattered the spectacle leg on his right ear.

The second bullet followed closely, hitting the root of the helicopter's propeller almost at the same time.

The helicopter seemed to have lost control in an instant. Officer Memu and Conan, whose expressions changed greatly, quickly pulled the pilot of the helicopter down to prevent another headshot.

"Control, control the helicopter!"

Amid Officer Megure's roar, the helicopter swung wildly in the air and made an emergency landing.

... Sano was not worried that the helicopter would crash directly.

If he didn't shoot Conan directly in the head, or kill the pilot, or even blow up the helicopter's fuel tank, it was considered that Sano was holding back on this kid.

Otherwise, Conan would never have any time to react.

And if Conan can destroy machines and kill people like this, then he can't blame himself.

After firing two shots in succession, Sano did not close the gun.

Then he turned the gun again and aimed at the rooftop where the sea urchin sniper was.

Because just now Sano discovered a problem.

That is, my task has not been completed yet.

Logically speaking this shouldn't be the case.

Those risk factors have obviously been eliminated, so why is the other party's life still in danger?

At a glance, the sea urchin sniper had already untied the rope from his girlfriend, but he did not leave immediately. Instead, he set up the rifle again and pointed it in Sano's direction.

...Good guy, so this last dangerous factor is actually Sano himself?

Sano couldn't help but sneered, the muzzle of the gun moved slightly, and with a bang, another shot was fired.

The sea urchin sniper was hit first before he could even find the rooftop where Sano was.

Of course, Sano didn't hit the opponent's vitals, just his palms.

But even so, this sea urchin sniper will definitely not be able to use a sniper rifle again for at least a year and a half, not only for the rest of his life.

Why don't you just hide in a corner and feel complacent after saving your life? Why do you have to come over to join in the fun?


Three consecutive headshots shot down a plane, which pierced a pair of glasses and a person's palm. Logically speaking, this dual mission was finally over.

But in the next second, Sano's eyes suddenly turned to the rear position.

I had no idea what kind of vodka it was. When I saw it, I subconsciously looked over, but I couldn't see anything.

"...What happened again?"

Sano said nothing, but raised the rifle in his hand again.

From the perspective of Sano's sniper scope, a helicopter was approaching at high speed.

Is there actually another one?

Sano frowned slightly. Air power is always the most difficult to deal with and requires the highest priority.

Just like if Sano doesn't deal with the helicopter now, he may be targeted by the opponent using his height advantage later. At that time, it won't be a question of whether it is beneficial or not to retreat, but it will 100% be entangled.

It is precisely because of this that Sano chose to shoot at the propeller of the helicopter Conan was sitting on just now, in order to prevent the other party from pursuing him.

But now the distance between the helicopter and Sano happened to exceed 75% of the effective range of the rifle in his hand.

...You can't just wait here for the opponent to get within the hitable range. Wouldn't that be putting the cart before the horse?

His thoughts stretched for two seconds, and Sano remembered that sniper sunglasses had a fatal blow effect.

Oh, this is a coincidence, isn't it?

One kilometer away, another police helicopter had just received an order from Officer Megure and planned to conduct aerial reconnaissance at the target location.

"call out!"

A small hole suddenly appeared on the helicopter's glass, with a large crack spreading from the center to the surrounding areas.

The driver lowered his head in shock, his left shoulder stained red with blood.

"Snipers, there are snipers, land quickly, land quickly!!"

The panicked screams reached the ears of Officer Memu and Conan on the other side through the wireless communicator that had not yet hung up.

"What, another sniper!?"

Looking at Officer Memu, who looked like he had seen a ghost, Conan's expression became even more ugly, and he made a bold guess: "No, that guy couldn't have known in advance that someone from the police was coming, let alone You will know that the police have a second helicopter, and even which direction it is coming from, and deploy it in advance, so I am afraid that this bullet..."

Officer Megure continued thinking along Conan's train of thought, and suddenly his eyes twitched.

"You mean this bullet was fired by the guy just now!?"

"This is impossible. The helicopter is at least one kilometer away from here. How could anyone do it at such a long distance..."

Reminiscent of the fact that the helicopter he was riding in was shot into the propeller from a distance of several hundred meters, Officer Memu suddenly fell silent again.

...Although both possibilities are so incredible, I don’t know why, compared to the former, the latter seems to be more likely to be the correct answer.

Unlike Officer Megure, after the emergency landing, Conan had already mentally raised the opponent's sniping ability to the highest level.

...After all, the feeling of a bullet grazing your temple is really not that wonderful.

It was okay when I was busy landing the helicopter, but now that I have regained my composure, I always feel like... my legs can hardly stand straight.

Conan looked at the glasses with a missing leg in his hand with complicated eyes. The lenses in the right frame were also full of cracks.

This time, I was really close to losing my life.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a brush with death.

It's just a pity, it seems that those two guys can't be caught...

Conan threw his glasses to the ground in annoyance. After a few seconds, he remembered that this was the equipment that Dr. Ari had finally made for himself, and silently bent down to pick it up again.

...Xiu Xiu should still be able to use it, right?

On the rooftop on the other side, Sano smacked his lips.

...Tsk, is it crooked?

After activating the fatal strike, the effective range of the rifle in Sano's hand was doubled. The simulated ballistic trajectory could even be 1,500 meters long. It was not easy to hit a target one kilometer away.

But correspondingly, the end of the trajectory has also become much wider, and the hit rate is not so accurate, which is natural.

But this is enough.


Sano modified his sunglasses, got out of the blind state, picked up the rifle and left quickly, and Vodka hurriedly followed.

... Without the trouble of air power, Sano and Vodka naturally left very smoothly before the police took the next step.

Vodka, who was sitting in the main driver's seat and driving, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was still frightened, it was only a near miss.

It seems that Sano just lost control a little this time, rather than simply targeting himself.

Sano sat aside in a daze for a while, then suddenly asked Vodka to turn left.

Vodka was stunned for a moment, and after instinctively turning on the left turn signal, he asked: "Isn't the mission over? Where are we going?"

"Go back to school and take the exam."

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