Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 199 198, because it’s fun?

It seems a little strangely familiar, right?

Conan stared up at the night sky blankly. After a few seconds, he finally remembered where this familiar feeling came from.

Then the corners of Conan's mouth and eyes suddenly twitched at the same time.

This guy Sano...could he be...?

...The night wind was bleak and cold, but it couldn't cool Hui Yuan Ai's heart.

After smiling sadly, Hui Yuan Ai's expression suddenly calmed down - of course this was just the appearance, he was still panicking inside.

"What are you going to do to me? Are you going to kill me directly, or take me back for experimentation and research?"

"One living test subject is enough, as for you."

Looking at Haibara Ai who was pretending to be calm, Sano exhaled a puff of smoke and let it drift away in the wind, with murderous intent in his voice: "It's more valuable to die."

Seemingly losing his patience, Sano pulled the trigger without giving Haibara Ai any chance to speak.


Hearing the familiar dubbing of gunshots from Sano's mouth and the familiar water column on Haibara Ai's face, Conan behind him immediately showed helpless and speechless eyes.

Knew it……

Taking a deep breath, Conan couldn't help but look up at the sky again, feeling that he had both a toothache and a pain in his balls.

After rectifying his own family, he actually scored twice and started to rectify others.

Even the routines are exactly the same.

Can't Sano do something serious? ?

At the same time as Sano pulled the trigger, Haibara Ai had already subconsciously closed her eyes.

The expected pain did not come, but instead there was only a cold moist feeling.

...Blood, or brain plasma?

Something doesn't seem right.

Haiyuan Ai opened his eyes hesitantly. Upon seeing this, Sano immediately pulled the trigger again. This time, the water flow directly hit Haiyuan Ai's eyes.

After instinctively closing her eyes and then opening them again, Haihara Ai finally realized that she probably should be.

Got fooled.

Haihara Ai pulled up the hem of his clothes and wiped his face expressionlessly. He looked at Sano and then turned to Conan: "If he knows Gin, he must have heard everything you said a long time ago."

Conan, who was in pain, came back to his senses, blinked, nodded and admitted, then looked at Sano: "So what is going on? You already knew that she also grew smaller like me, and she was from that organization. Escaped from there?"


Hearing Sano's confirmation of Conan's question, Haibara Ai looked back at Sano and asked, "How did you know that I had become smaller and escaped from that organization?"

"Because you are as stupid as Conan, and you think I am as stupid as you."

Sano's faint ridicule made the two tomboys silent at the same time, but in order to understand the context of the whole thing tonight, neither of them said anything to refute, but continued to listen to Sano's words.

"Let's talk about you first."

Sano nodded at Conan: "If your shrinkage is really exposed to that organization, do you think it is necessary for them to arrange for another precious experimental subject to be specially transferred to you, and directly kill all the people who know about it and kill you?" Just take it away, why would it be unnecessary?"

"Since she said she is living in that doctor's house now, I think she probably learned from him that Edogawa Conan is Kudo Shinichi's vest... I have to say, it's been a few days. Well, you haven't learned about her existence from the doctor yet. Comparing the intelligence efficiency, you are really a bit defeated."

"Of course, this may be because this little girl deliberately blocked the information. The purpose is... to scare you tonight. Of course, even so, the doctor was first recruited by you to be your teammate, but now he is with a man you just met. If people take sides, you will be even more defeated."

Listening to Sano's "analysis" and ridicule, Haibara Ai nodded in agreement.

Indeed, as the other party said, if someone from the organization really knew about Conan's special existence, they would never be so nagging.

In addition, Haibara Ai has indeed communicated with Dr. Ali.

On that day, the duo of best friends took her to the Kudo family mansion. When they found that no one was there, Haibara Ai was temporarily handed over to Dr. Agasa next door.

Then, after testing, Haibara Ai learned that the other party was Kudo Shinichi's teammate, so he immediately confessed everything, successfully formed a team, and obtained Haibara Ai's name.

...As for the final "intimidation".

In Huihara Ai's view, he cannot completely agree with it.

Although Haibara Ai did ask Dr. Ari not to tell Conan about her existence for the time being, she was not ready to confess until she obtained the transfer certificate today and successfully "approached" Conan.

But the purpose of doing this was just that Haibara Ai wanted to observe the opponent's ability status. Of course, it was not what Sano said... it sounded like a playful intimidation.

...And for Conan, these analyzes of Sano are obviously not as impactful as the taunts that followed.

How the hell did he know that Dr. A Li didn't even exchange such important information?

You know, due to yesterday's sniper incident, Conan's glasses and equipment were damaged, and he went to Dr. Ali's house last night for repairs.

The other party never even mentioned Hui Yuan Ai's name.

If the reason why Dr. Agasa deliberately concealed this information is really what Sano said, then this operation is simply outrageous.

...Although it seems that after his parents came back last time, Dr. Ali didn't tell him, and even helped him come to "intimidate" him.

Damn it, it seems more reasonable when you look at it this way!

"And then there's you."

Sano pointed to Haibara Ai again: "Although we have only met once before, this person is wearing adult clothes and looks like he is being hunted. He is extremely vigilant, and all kinds of identity information are vague. Only He said that he is looking for Kudo Shinichi’s child, so there’s something wrong with him no matter how he thinks about it.”

Conan, who was complaining in his heart, suddenly twitched his mouth again when he heard this.

He asked how Sano could calmly and calmly intimidate Haibara Ai. It turned out that the last time he met the other party, he had already had clues and suspected the other party?

Now, Dr. Ali clearly knows about Haibara Ai's existence but doesn't tell him, and Sano seriously doubts Haibara Ai's identity and doesn't tell him.

Can we really still have these two teammates?

One deliberately conceals information in order to help others intimidate himself.

Not to mention the other one who has information, if Hui Yuan Ai hadn't threatened her tonight and was intimidated instead, when did she plan to tell her?

Why can’t you give yourself some normal teammates! ?

Haibara Ai and Conan also fell into silence, until after a while they suddenly asked a tricky question.

"Since you actually know that there is a high probability that I am the same existence as Kudo Shinichi, why didn't you mention it before, and also made unreasonable claims like bedwetting and educating children."

Sano raised his eyebrows. Is this fake loli still upset about what happened before?

This memory is a bit long. Could it be that you think you are a "good person", so you feel easy to bully?

To be honest, Sano found Haibara Ai's current reaction a bit boring.

A bit too bland.

At least he should be like Conan's biological father and mother, a little dull and a little angry.

"First, it was just a guess before. Detectives need evidence rather than intuition, so before the confirmation, you were still a child in my eyes."

After hearing Sano's words, Conan, who was thinking about trying to sort things out, immediately cast a strange look.

Why is it that who used to shout about intuition every day, but now they can no longer rely on intuition and rely on evidence? ?

"Second, even if you really shrink from an adult to what you are now, you are still a child, right?"

Sano looked down at Haibara Ai: "Don't think that if your body becomes smaller and your thinking is still the same, you are no longer a child. People's thinking ability can be affected by physical conditions to a certain extent. Just like when girls are on their period, their emotions and thoughts will be very changeable. , an extreme truth."

"A more practical example is the fellow sufferer behind you."

Sano suddenly pointed the finger at Conan: "The body has become smaller, and the thoughts have become childish, naive, stupid, and love to commit suicide. He is just like a naughty child."

Conan: "?"

Damn it, why are you still scolding yourself when you are so good? ?

After hearing Sano's explanation, Haihara Ai lowered his head thoughtfully.

Because what the other party said is actually not unreasonable... what a bullshit!

It’s okay to secretly change concepts, reverse cause and effect, and fool some laypeople who don’t understand. How can you also fool someone who is engaged in scientific research in your own profession?

Excuses, all damn excuses!

"Then you clearly heard the exchange between me and Kudo just now, and you still pretended to be a member of that organization. What do you mean?"

Hui Yuan Ai asked the key question to the point.

Sano had mentioned the concept of "intimidation" before. Although Haibara Ai didn't think she was doing it for this, she had every reason to suspect that the other party was doing it for this.

The other party seemed to have considered the fact that he had seen the other party's pistol lighter during the last meeting between the two, and took it out first to eliminate this "possibility", and then took out another fake gun.

Is this what you have been thinking about?


Sano touched his chin and tentatively replied: "Fun?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

The sound of the wind suddenly stopped for a moment, and Haihara Ai took a deep breath, turned around and kicked Sano's calf with his head tilted.

Of course, Sano simply dodged it by raising his leg, and then stretched out his big hand and directly pressed down Haibara Ai, forcing the opponent to not be within his arm's reach.

…Actually, it doesn’t seem to matter if I get kicked.

After all, with Haiyuan Ai’s small arms and legs, what’s the difference between hitting someone and tickling someone?

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