Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 206 205, you'd better stay away from me, I'm mentally ill

"What, no goods? Why are you fighting the landlord if there is no goods? Damn it, let me take one of his hands off to pay off the debt!"

Listening to the voice coming from the loudspeaker of Officer Memu's cell phone, Conan and the others gathered in a circle had cold sweat streaming down their heads.

"...It's really surprising. I didn't expect him to be quite adaptable."

Haibara Ai didn't know whether it was a complaint or something, but she muttered something, which made Conan's dead eyes look even more dead.

What's going on with this weird sense of harmony? It's so outrageous.

Or is it that Sano's mental illness is really serious and he can just get along so well with those mentally ill people?


This belongs to the found organization?

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore. I'm busy playing cards, so I'll hang up first..."

"Hey, brother Sano, I have fifty-six thousand people's lives that need to be taken care of. How can your playing cards be so important?"

In the corridor of Mihua General Hospital, Sano looked at the pile of bombs in his hand, curled his lips, and tried to convince himself by playing some moral kidnapping, which would be too contemptuous of others.

You must know that Sano's mission is to live in Shichitenyuan here, and the mission time limit is only seven days. Who knows if he goes out now, even if he comes back later, will he be regarded as missing a day of residence?

Besides, it's okay to find the murderer among a few people, but to find two robbers among fifty-six thousand people, you might as well count on Conan.

But before Sano hung up the phone, the system prompt came again.

[Please kill the mission target. You will get one hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is - 00:59:59].


Sano pulled out the system map and glanced at the two red dots.

...Since a mission that requires going out is triggered, whether you sneak out quietly, quietly, without anyone noticing, or you have a legitimate reason to go out openly, it should not be regarded as less hospitalization. Bar?

Sano thought about it for a while. Anyway, if you don't go out now, you will definitely lose one harvest. If you go out, you will have a small chance of losing one harvest. The choice is obvious.

Even if you take it a step further, if you fail a hospital mission after going out, it will be happier than staying here for seven days and losing a seemingly simple mission.

...Although after this day, Sano no longer has much resistance to being hospitalized - what he just said was not entirely evasive. If he did not want to be trapped here at the beginning, then now he feels that... These patients are indeed quite interesting.


After all, the hospital bed is not as comfortable as your own doghouse.

"You just said that you are in an arena right now, right?"

Sano asked Officer Megure on the other end of the phone.

"Ah yes..."

"Call the hospital immediately, I'll be there right away."

"Oh, that's a great feeling. I'll call you right away!"

Officer Megure, who was still in a hurry, immediately hung up the phone happily after hearing Sano's response, and then made another call.

When Conan heard that Sano was coming, his tense nerves relaxed a little, but beyond that, some passion ignited again.

I can have another duel with Sano. I can't lose this time!

Turning his head, the trio of real children standing firm came into view. Conan unconsciously showed his dead eyes again: "What are you...?"

"They originally wanted to go in again to help find the prisoner."

Haibara Ai clasped her little hands behind her back and explained, "Although I haven't dared to move since Officer Megure called Sano."


Yuantai looked at Haibara Ai with a serious face and educated him: "Brother Sano is our elder, how can you call him by his first name? Remember to call him brother in the future!"

Huihara Ai didn't say anything anymore and just shrugged at Conan.

...Soon, under the envious eyes of all the mentally ill patients, Sano left the Rice Flower General Hospital in a swaggering manner and rushed all the way to the mission target.

Officer Megure, who had been waiting outside for a long time, quickly came over to explain the plot: "Brother Sano, the current situation is like this..."

After probably listening for a while, Sano said, "Okay, I understand. I'll look for clues myself, and you guys are busy with your work." Then he entered the arena alone.

But before Sano could enter, he was stopped at the door.

"Sir, please show your ticket."


Sano was stunned for a moment, tsk, Officer Megure didn't even arrange this. Forget it, let him make up for it first and ask him to reimburse him later.

"How much."

Seeing Sano taking out his wallet, the ticket check guy quickly interrupted: "I'm sorry, sir, you can't buy tickets now. The tickets have been sold out. There are no replacement tickets. Please forgive me."

You can't even buy a ticket, after all, the game has started, and judging from the popularity, there is no telling how high the ticket price will be.

This is not something that can be made up by just making up for it.

Sano breathed out and looked straight at the ticket inspector until his scalp was numb, then he raised two fingers and tapped his temples.

"I advise you to stay away from me. I'm mentally ill."


Although the ticket inspector looked confused, he still smiled politely and said, "Sir, even if you are really mentally ill, you can't get in without a ticket."

...Did this guy not understand what he meant?

Sano, who wanted to "highlight" his "dangerousness", couldn't help but choke up when he saw the other party's reaction was so dull. This was not the same development as he expected.

Seeing Sano's expression, the ticket inspector took a step back hesitantly after thinking for a while.

...Is this guy trying to pretend to be sick to blackmail himself?

...What's going on with this vigilant yet unwilling posture?

Sano smacked his lips, forget it, let's call Officer Megure.

But before Sano could take out his phone, two figures walked out of the passage: "Sano?"

Turning around, he saw it was Takagi Wataru and Sato Miwako.

"You're finally here. Did you find anything?"

"When I first arrived, I couldn't even get through the door."

When the ticket inspector saw the duo, he immediately reacted: "Oh, couldn't you have just said you were from the police? If you insist on saying that you are mentally ill, really, please come in, please come in .”

...Is your brain sick? ? ?

Sato Miwako's eyes twitched, and they both looked at Sano in surprise.

...Of course the two of them heard the conversation between Officer Megure and Sano. Originally, they were still hesitating whether they should mention this after meeting Sano.

Mention it, it doesn’t seem very good, it seems like you are exposing someone’s wounds.

Don't mention it, it feels like letting the other person come here is just a tool and doesn't care about others at all.

As a result, looking at it now, Sano not only didn't care about this, but actually talked about it himself. It was a bit inexplicable...indescribable.

It doesn't seem right to say it's "proud of". It should be said... to let oneself go?

...It seems that this is the only way to find out.

Facing the strange looks from the duo, Sano said expressionlessly: "You can't get in yet."

"Come in, come in, of course!"

The three of them walked into the arena together.

"Okay, you go about your business, I'll go see if there are any clues."

After the tool man's role was completed, Sano simply threw the two aside and continued to work alone.

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