Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 214 213, yes, you are Sano Ran! (combine)

...No, the angel in white seems to mean a nurse, so what should a doctor be? Moreover, the word angel always seems to be associated with women.

Can men also use it?

"He is a man."

After thinking wildly for a few seconds, Sano suddenly spoke up, surprising Ito Taka, and at the same time making the other party start to bluff.

"...What the hell, who is the man???"

"That White Death??"

"No, then why is he, a grown man, pretending to be a woman? Is he a hermaphrodite?"

"And Master, are you familiar with that guy? How could you even know such private things..."

After successfully arousing Ito Taka's curiosity, Sano ignored him and turned to the emergency news report that was suddenly interrupted on the TV.

[At two o'clock this afternoon, detective Nara Sawaharu was shot dead in a phone booth next to Mihua Park. No clues about the murderer were found at the scene].


Sano, who was just bored at first, suddenly focused his attention after seeing the title of this report.

... Sano smelled the smell of the case again.

This is just like Ito Taka just mentioned the White Death to Sano, and it must be Asai Narumi. There is an inevitable connection behind all accidents and coincidences.

It’s an old routine, I speak from experience.

...Although there are some accidents that later prove to be just accidents.

After all, empiricism kills people, but Sano has always adhered to the idea that he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go, so even if there is only a chance, he will take advantage of it.

"Oh, I feel like something is going to happen, Tokyo."

Ito Taka stuck to Sano's side like chewing gum all day long. He looked at the report and said with a smile: "But this is also a good opportunity for you to escape, Master."

"……What's the meaning."

Sano asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, Master, you know, in fact, your psychology... is now a psychiatrist. He is really not very professional."

Ito Takashi answered the question: "As far as I know, he was actually the chief surgeon on the operating table at first. Later, due to an accident, he could no longer do the surgery, so he came to this hospital and became a cardiologist."

"How highly professional can you expect a doctor like this to be?"

Sano nodded thoughtfully: "You mean, going down the road of misdiagnosis?"

"This is a very normal routine. Just like many wealthy people who make mistakes on impulse, in order to avoid punishment, they will pay psychiatrists to help them name themselves mentally ill. The subjective role of doctors in this regard is It’s just too big.”

Ito Takashi said eloquently: "So if you want to get rid of the name of mental illness, you can also spend money to find a more professional doctor to diagnose yourself as normal."

"It's a pity that this method can only be applied at the beginning, but it won't work for the current master."

Sano, who just felt like he had opened the door to a new world after clearing the clouds and seeing the blue sky, immediately frowned when he heard these words: "Why."

"Because just the day before yesterday, Master, you just... escaped from prison and injured someone. Although you acted bravely, it objectively caused a lot of trouble."

Sano turned his attention to the TV: "So, what does this have to do with this matter."

"Urgent measures are taken at an emergency. Master, it is already difficult for you to get rid of the reputation of mental illness, but there are still many ways to be discharged from the hospital."

Ito Takashi raised a finger: "The first one is to stay here quietly for a year and a half, and then find a professional doctor and spend money to get a recovery certificate."


Seeing Sano give up the first one without hesitation, Ito Takashi smiled: "The second one is to give yourself a more special identity, just like when you, Master, were briefly discharged from the hospital with the official guarantee, you can get an official official who can stay away for a long time. identity."

"I have asked Master for you. With your current reputation, it is not enough to get this identity. But if this matter can become a bigger issue and then you can solve it, maybe it can be done."

Sano couldn't help but raise his eyebrows again: "I asked, who did you ask about."

" ordinary friend."

Ito Takashi said with a smile: "In short, work hard, Master."

Looking at Ito Taka's back waving away, Sano narrowed his eyes and called Officer Megure backhand to ask about the matter.

The final answer is - it works.

But this case currently being broadcast on TV does not work.

According to what Officer Megure said, this case involves something rather... deep, so even Sano cannot get involved casually.

...Is it still a big case?

After being rejected by Officer Megure for such reasons, Sano became even more interested.

...Actually, to put it bluntly, what Sano has to do now is the same as what he has to do in the organization as Rye, which is to improve his performance, and then be promoted and... ahem, the salary increase is secondary, the main thing is to do Just an identity.

Therefore, the bigger and more troublesome this case is, the more achievements Sano will get after solving it, the greater the probability of getting his identity, and the greater the possibility of leaving here.

And in addition to this, Sano also felt that this case was likely to trigger a mission, even a large one.

Sano didn't bother too much with Officer Megure. After being rejected, he hung up the phone and stuffed it in his pocket.

Why not take a chance?

Some things are just not easy to catch.

As long as the situation continues to be serious, Sano is not worried that Officer Megure will not let him intervene, or even whether he will take the initiative to come to him later.

Just be patient and wait.

By the next day, Sano's hospitalization mission was completely over.

Beyond this, new news comes on a new day.

The first was yesterday evening - most likely before Sano called Officer Megure, another detective was shot and killed.

This incident was not reported until the evening, but the reason why Officer Megure refused to allow Sano to participate in this incident was probably because of this.

The current trend of public opinion is very lively because of this.

All kinds of conspiracy theories started popping up.

Especially another thing that also happened last night.

It seems that at the hotel where the wedding of a policeman's sister was held, another policeman was shot, and an innocent person was implicated.

However, this time the victim did not die on the spot, but was seriously injured...that's all, and was sent to the hospital together with the innocent person.

...It seems like it’s still Mihua General Hospital?

Sano turned his eyes to Ito Taka, who was approaching: "How are you doing?"

"I found out all about it. The policeman who was shot was a woman named Sato Miwako. It seems that she was shot three times. The nearest one was just a little bit away from her heart. She finally rescued her in the middle of the night, but she is still in danger now. Expect."

Miwako Sato?

Are you still an acquaintance?

Sano nodded. He originally thought that the level should be about the same and it was time to call Officer Megure. Unexpectedly, Ito Taka's next words made him even more surprised.

"The other innocent person seems to be your friend, Master. He is the one who comes to give you things every day. He seems to be called Mao Lilan, right."

Sano frowned slightly and put down his phone: "She was shot too?"

"That's not true. I was just too frightened and lost my memory. I'm currently hospitalized."

Ito Takashi asked with interest: "Why, are you worried about her, Master?"

Sano glanced at Ito Taka and called Officer Megure directly: "You should be in the hospital, Officer Megure, come to the psychiatric ward to see me."

After saying that, Sano hung up the phone without any intention of refusing to Officer Megure.

Soon, Sano waited for Officer Megure who came in a hurry, and the two sides began to communicate through the iron gate.

What was more unexpected to Sano was that the exchange ended very quickly, and Officer Megure's tone was very relaxed.

Sano didn't bother much, and the other party had already confessed everything.

It turned out that of the two detectives who died in this case, one held the police officer's ID in his chest before dying, and the other held the police officer's ID directly in his hand.

This made Officer Megure and others have to suspect that this case involved people from the police.

...even the top brass.

That's why Officer Megure was unwilling to let outsiders like the detective intervene before. To be more precise, it was because he couldn't make decisions based on his own will.

As for now, because this matter has implicated an outsider - namely Mao Lilan, Officer Megure has to confess the details to Maori Kogoro's family.

And at this point, it seems like there is no more people like Sano.

...To put it bluntly, it's just a broken jar, broken and broken.

"But this time is different from last time. Although the matter this time is equally serious, it does not involve the safety of too many innocent people and is not urgent enough. Therefore, I am not qualified to make the decision without authorization and guarantee your discharge."

"I need time to apply. It will probably take a day. If this case can be solved later, maybe the things I mentioned before will work."

Officer Megure also talked about the current difficulty, but added another sentence at the end: "Of course, before the application result comes out, Sano brother, if you are willing to have an examination in the hospital, there will be no problem, right?"

...This means that before the result of the application is received, Sano can move around freely within the hospital. After the result is received, he can be temporarily discharged from the hospital, and he can stay away for a long time after the case is resolved.

Of course, Sano can accept this statement.

After all, in Sano's original expectation, he would have to waste a lot of saliva and analyze the pros and cons with Officer Megure, and then skillfully add a set of moral kidnapping methods to give himself a chance to participate.

Now that everything has been saved and calculated, there is nothing left to find fault with.

"In this case, brother Sano, please go back to your room to clean up first, and then go directly to Xiaolan's ward. Brother Maori will tell you the other details of the case."

Sano nodded, said "Okay", and then turned back to the room to pack his things.

At the same moment, there was movement in the system.

[Please ensure that Mao Lilan survives within the mission time limit. You will receive two hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is - 47:59:59].

[Please find the real culprit behind this attack. If you complete it, you will get 100 strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is - 47:59:59].

Has Mao Lilan actually been targeted?

Sano glanced at the system. As expected, the mission reward was not low, and it was a double-yolked egg, but his steps did not stop at all.

After packing his things, Sano was ready to leave.

And because he knew that Sano might never come back if he left now, Ito Taka took the other mental patients to say goodbye at the door.

"Master, please walk slowly. Remember to come back and see me when you have time!"

The iron door creaked open. Hearing the hoarse shouts behind him, as if they were shouting about life and death, Sano couldn't help but look back after going out.

The more I look at this, the more it looks like I have survived until I was released from prison, and my fellow inmates are seeing me off.


After waving his hand, Sano left without looking back.

And when Ito Taka looked at Sanoji's back and the iron door that was closed again, he always felt that the other person was like a beast that had finally left the cage.

"New grudges combined with old grudges will bring bad luck to someone."

Ito Taka sighed with emotion, but there was uncontrollable gloating on his face.

...Sano didn't go very far.

Because Mao Lilan lost his memory and belonged to the psychotherapy department, so even if he was hospitalized, he was still in the psychotherapy department, which was only two steps away from the hardest-hit area where Sano lived.

Pushing open the door, there was a dazed Mao Lilan in the ward, as well as the Maori couple and Conan surrounding the bed.

"Sano, why are you..."

Conan and others looked at Sano and were stunned unconsciously. Logically speaking, the other party couldn't get out, right? How could it be...

"You kid, didn't you just run out when you heard Xiaolan was hospitalized?"

It seemed that because his daughter was hospitalized, Sano saw a rare seriousness and seriousness in Mouri Kogoro's face.

"Go back quickly, we will take care of this matter, and you don't need a sick kid to handle it!"

Sano glanced at Mouri Kogoro and ignored him. He just came to Maori Lan and bent down: "Have you really lost your memory?"

Mao Lilan instinctively leaned back and nodded hesitantly: "Yes... but who are you...?"


Sano straightened up, touched his chin, and said solemnly: "Actually... I am your biological father. It was only after I divorced your mother that Kogoro Mouri took my place and became your stepfather."

In the outrageous and shocked looks of Concubine Eri and Conan, Sano said painfully: "Yes, your real name is actually."

"Sano Ran!!"

"Fuck you!!"

Mouri Kogoro rushed over and dragged Sano angrily: "You kid, don't talk nonsense in front of Xiaolan just because you are sick!!"

"Okay, okay, it's just a joke. She didn't even take it seriously. Why are you arguing about it?"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Mao Lilan who was covering his mouth and snickering, and then he realized that even a fool would not believe that a boy about the same age as his daughter said he was her father.


After coughing twice, Mouri Kogoro glared at Sano with a slightly embarrassed look: "For the sake of Xiaolan's smile, I will spare you this time!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Sano picked his ears indifferently and looked more serious: "Then let's get to know each other again, Sano Shinichiro, I am yours..."

After a pause, Sano's expression became particularly serious again: "Fiancé."

"That's right, you and I are childhood sweethearts. We grew up together. You have a crush on me and I have a crush on you. It's consensual, so we made an engagement not long ago."

Sano's speaking speed became faster and faster, and the expressions of the three people beside him who had just returned to normal became more and more outrageous.

"That's right, although it's a little different from what I just said, it doesn't change at all. Your name is still Sano Ran!!"

Sano said plausibly.

"What the hell are you doing again!?"

It wasn't just Mouri Kogoro who jumped out this time. Conan also rushed towards him, hugging Sano's thigh tightly, eager to bite him.

What's the matter, except for the engagement part, the entire process of setting up my true identity as Kudo Shinichi was pirated. Could this girl really want to take advantage of the situation and replace herself? ?

" you and I have an engagement?"

To Sano's surprise, this time Mao Lilan seemed to be taken seriously. In addition to hesitation, there was also some curiosity on his face.


Can you believe this?

Sano blinked, not knowing what to say for a moment.

On the other hand, Mouri Kogoro and Conan, who were hanging on Sano's neck and thigh respectively, became grief-stricken at the same time after a brief period of sluggishness.

The former feels like his cabbage has been squeezed.

The latter is sad that he has been completely forgotten.

"Sano, explain it to me and Xiaolan quickly!!" ×2.

...A few minutes later, Sano learned from Kogoro Mouri what happened and the clues to the current case.

First of all, the reason why Mao Lilan was affected was because she happened to be in the bathroom with Sato Miwako when she was attacked.

It is said that the murderer used some kind of power-off device activated by the phone, which directly cut off the power on the first floor. He also placed an open flashlight in the cabinet under the bathroom sink in advance. Mao Lilan picked up the thing and directly Become a living target.

Probably because of this, Mao Lilan felt that it was her fault that Sato Miwako was shot, so she received too much mental stimulation and lost her memory.

Then there are all the current clues in this case.

What is known is that the murderer is probably related to the police and is most likely left-handed.

As for the suspect...

There is one biggest suspect and a few guys who have temporarily escaped suspicion.

Because the three policemen currently being attacked seemed to be involved in a... suicide case a year ago.

Since the case has been reopened, it is possible that the murderer of the suicide case wanted to silence him because he was worried about being exposed.

...This is what the police are currently guessing.

As for the original speculation, there were more.

For example, the father of the biggest suspect Youcheng was once one of the four police officers responsible for investigating the suicide case. However, he later suffered a heart attack during the investigation. In order not to affect the investigation, he did not call an ambulance. In the end, due to medical treatment, Died not in time.

It is probably because of this that Tomosema wants to take revenge on Miwako Sato and the three police officers.

Secondly, there is the victim of the suicide case, a doctor at the Tokyo University First Affiliated Hospital, Ninoho's sister Nino Tamaki.

The reason why Ninoho committed suicide was because he had a guilty conscience after a surgical error killed someone.

But Nino Tamaki said that it was impossible for her brother to commit suicide.

If you want to ask why - I can only say that this guy is definitely not such a conscientious person.

...This reason is very sufficient.

Okay, that's quite adequate, but still outrageous.

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