Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 227 226, Two dogs in the winery

Unexpectedly, Sano actually saved up everything and planned to repay it together...

But that's right. Judging from this guy's daily performance of focusing on performance, how could he let go of the reimbursement money?

Then when Gin finished thinking, he opened Sano's small notebook. The densely packed words on it immediately made his breathing stop unconsciously.

...I must have read it correctly, right? This is a reimbursement record? ?

Gin blinked instinctively, then focused a little more and looked seriously.

Food, drink, housing, transportation, these are the basics.

In addition, there are some additional expenses that have to be used for tasks.

For example, in the earliest days of the Maple Leaf Gold Coin mission, Sano treated the tool guys to an extra meal in order to let the tool guys help find people. It wasn’t much, just a few hundred thousand.

There is also something more in the middle, the money Sano spent to get information from the islanders in the Billion Gold Mission.

This is true.

But Gin still couldn't understand it. In that Black Dragon Society mission, what the hell was five million dollars spent on food? ?

Gin took a rare look at his memory. For that task, Sano seemed to have used all the Black Death members, reaching five figures of tool men.

After such a comparison, five million does not seem to be that much... shit!

If Gin remembers correctly, the total reward for the Black Dragon Society mission was not as much as five million, right? Why did he spend five million just to treat the tool man to dinner?

There is also the mission of Sanhuahui later. Why are all the food and drinks during the mission included?

Even money for instant noodles to eat at home?

Do you want to take advantage of a few hundred yuan advantage?

Who is the cake worth 100,000 yuan for?

I don’t even dare to be so extravagant!

The corners of Gin's eyes twitched involuntarily. After taking a deep breath, he chose to turn directly to the back.

The hospitalization expenses were two million, and the snack expenses were three hundred thousand...

"...Why should the organization reimburse you for the money you paid for hospitalization? This is not a mission injury."

Hearing Gin's question, Sano replied matter-of-factly: "But isn't it your mission to ask me to go for a follow-up consultation? Of course it is included in the mission."

Gin: "..."

It seems, it seems, it does make sense.

But looking at the total reimbursement calculated by Sano at the end of the book, Gin still felt a twinge of toothache.

After Sano's mission was reimbursed, Gin's mission was in vain.

You must know that the mission referred to here is not Gin's personal bonus after a mission.

Rather, it is the amount of money an organization can harvest after a mission.

These are two different concepts.

But thinking about it this way, it seems a little better.

...After all, it's just a mission. At worst, I can just go back and work overtime to make up for another one.

Gin Jiu put the small book into his pocket: "I'll ask them to reimburse you later."

After a pause, Gin added: "But if you want to reimburse yourself in the future, you should try to reimburse one at a time, and don't reimburse them all together like this."

"What's the difference?"

Sano was a little confused by Gin's order.

Because if you look at it separately, at least it won’t raise your blood pressure that much.

Gin took a sip of wine and said, "Just do it."


The atmosphere suddenly became silent. Sano spent a few minutes picking at the glass in boredom, then turned his attention to the vodka with a gin between him.

"Brother Jia, are you in a bad mood? Why didn't you say a word today?"

Hearing Sano's voice, Vodka, who was trying his best to hide himself next to Gin and reduce his presence as much as possible, for fear of being noticed by Sano, suddenly trembled.

"...Ahem, I have a cold and my throat feels uncomfortable, so I can't speak very well."

Vodka coughed, pretending to be hoarse, and stuttered out an excuse.

Then before Sano could speak again, Gin turned his gaze to the side: "Here he comes."

Sano stopped talking and looked over.

Several men in black suits walked in swaggeringly.

"Brother, is the person who wants to trade with us today the person from the winery?"

"Well, I just don't know who will come."

"Brother, I have long heard that there is such a mysterious organization here in Neon. It was not until recently that I learned that this organization actually has a name. So, brother, do you know much about this organization? "

"The winery always pursues keeping a low profile. Even I have been in the underground world for many years, so I have only had a little contact with it. I don't know anything about it."

"...But if you really want to say it, I do know that there are two relatively famous guys in this organization."

A few men just walked out from behind the Sano trio, and the murmurs of exchanges were not really small.

Sano originally thought that since the people had arrived, Gin would start the mission directly.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the conversation of those guys, Gin actually gestured to Sano, telling him not to act rashly and to wait and see first.

"Really? Brother, tell me, who are the powerful people in this winery?"

After those guys found a place to sit down, they immediately started bragging mode.

"Hey, have you ever heard of a rumor about the people in the winery?"

"What rumors?"

Sano pricked up his ears. It was rare to hear gossip, especially gossip related to his own organization. Of course, he was also quite interested.

And Sano also had an intuition that this gossip might involve Gin.

While Sano was eavesdropping on the gossip, two tomboys, Conan and Haibara Ai, were standing on the snow-covered roadside, staring blankly at a black Porsche 356A.

...Conan and Haibara Ai, who had just finished school, were preparing to go home. Unexpectedly, they encountered this car on the road, which Haibara Ai said was Gin's exclusive mount.

It was a rare opportunity for Conan to let him go. He immediately called Dr. Ari and asked him to send him a tool that could open the door. He planned to take advantage of this opportunity to see if he could catch Gin. live.

Conan glanced at Haibara Ai, who looked a little uneasy next to him, and his thoughts unconsciously pushed forward, going back to the day when Gin attacked him from behind, knocked him unconscious with a stick, and gave him medicine.

If it hadn't been for that guy, I wouldn't have become smaller...

When thinking about Gin, Conan couldn't help but think of that white-haired, faceless man who seemed to always be wearing a hat.

I remembered the chance encounter with the opponent that day in the arena.

...In fact, after forming a team with Haibara Ai, although Conan inquired about the inside story of the organization, except for the important information that "the organization has recently been named a winery", he did not inquire about Gin. Information about several members of the organization.

Maybe I felt there was nothing to ask, or maybe I forgot.

Anyway, it was not until that day that Conan remembered that he still didn't know that guy's code name, and judging from Haibara Ai's reaction, it seemed that he had met him before.

Most likely they have gotten to know that guy.

So after that, Conan asked all the members of that organization that he knew in detail.

Gin, vodka, bourbon, dead tequila, and the faceless man, these are the five people Conan asked.

In Haihara Ai's answer, vodka was just mentioned as "Gin's Ma Zi", while tequila was mentioned as "never heard of it".

Only the remaining three people, Haiyuan Ai, gave more answers.

Bourbon, an old member of the intelligence team, was very capable, but Haihara Ai had only heard of him and had no contact with him.

Gin, the pillar of the action team, is older than Bourbon and has stronger capabilities. He is loyal to the organization, decisive in killing, and cold-blooded.

And then there's...that guy.

According to Haibara Ai, that guy only recently became a member of Codename, but his ability is even comparable to or even stronger than Gin.

In terms of character, let alone being cold-blooded and ruthless, it can be said to be extremely cruel.

Therefore, even for a newcomer, his prestige and status increase extremely quickly.

And that person’s code name is-rye whiskey!

Gin and Rye seemed to be the two most dangerous killers in the organization according to Haihara Ai.

...But it just so happens that among the several members of the organization that Conan has met, these two are among them. I don't know whether it is lucky or unfortunate.

After sighing in his heart, Conan remembered what Haihara Ai had said after questioning that day, about the rumors about Gin and Rye.

"It is said that there are two dogs in the winery."

"The first one is about this rye."

"This guy especially likes to use bombs. In battle, he also likes to rush in front of the enemy with the muzzle of the gun to attack. He is simply a madman, so he is called a mad dog."

Sano, who was happily prepared to listen to the gossip, immediately twitched his lips after hearing these words.

In fact, Sano himself knew about being called a mad dog.

But no one has ever dared to mention these two words in front of Sano.

Because those who dared to mention it are all gone.

Sensing that Gin and Vodka's eyes were turning towards him, Sano exhaled and took out his gun.

"Don't rush to do it. There will be a transaction later. Let's talk about it after the transaction is over."

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