Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 233 Chapter 232, The love and hatred between Black Mask and Gin

The black... scarf, perhaps something called a scarf, was dancing in the wind. Sano lowered his head slightly and looked at Gin. The eyes of the beast that had been opened in advance just lit up red, but there was something in the muffled voice that could not be hidden. Jumping for joy.

As mentioned earlier, the helmet in Kamen Rider's setting is a motorcycle helmet, but this helmet is not like an ordinary motorcycle helmet. It has goggles that can be opened and closed, and it is not like Kamen Rider's hanging helmet. With a pair of big eye bubbles.

Just two... well, small eye bubbles the size of normal eyes.

It's the same as the two small holes at the eyes of ordinary masks, except that Sano's hole has lenses, which usually look like gray plastic.

Under such circumstances, if the Eye of the Beast is opened, red light will seep out.

...Although Sano rarely uses this thing except for some experiments he conducted when he first obtained the power-up item Eye of the Beast.

But this does not mean that the Eye of the Beast is useless at all. After all, it is a B-level enhancement item, and its blessing to the momentum attribute is as high as 100 points.

And after the bad special attack suit and the Masked Superman pendant, Sano always felt that the value of one hundred attributes seemed to represent a crucial threshold.

...Although it is not as outstanding as the previous two, this thing can indeed overwhelm some gangsters with its momentum alone. Even some veterans with good psychological quality will be affected to some extent.

In particular, Sano's current appearance was too sudden, and with the blessing of various factors such as the environment and location, the pressure he put on the three people below had reached its peak.

Even Gin was unable to react immediately due to his stiff body.

"Black, black mask!?"

A second or two was enough for people to get used to the black color on Sano's body that seemed to blend into the night sky. Coupled with the vague red light in the eyes of the beast, the three of them finally recognized this messenger of justice who was currently in the limelight.

...Originally, Gin should not be able to recognize him.

After all, as an excellent employee, Gin was busy with too many things every day and had no time to pay attention to gossip news, even the headlines.

Generally, only on rare occasions would Gin have the leisure and grace to read a newspaper.

But later on, thanks to a certain subordinate who often did things behind his back without saying a word, Gin had to scan the news reports every day to avoid missing any important information that he needed to know but didn't know.

But that's not important.

The important thing is that an unexpected spoiler appeared in my plan!

This is the thing that Gin cannot tolerate the most.

On the other side, Miyano Shiho noticed the black mask of Sano, but before he had time to think about it, he immediately noticed the Gin duo below.

Panic instantly began to spread in my heart.

As expected, Gin didn’t leave...


Without any more nonsense, Gin raised his gun and shot three bullets at Sano.

Of course, Sano easily dodged it and jumped down at the same time, pressing down on Gin from above.

This guy can actually dodge bullets! ?

Gin was shocked and was forced to retreat to avoid Sano's kick.

However, before Gin could adjust his condition, Sano followed up with a wave of fast attacks, forcing him to dodge, block, and retreat one after another.

What a fast move...

"Big, big brother!?"

By the time Vodka reacted and pulled out his gun to aim, Sano was already in a fight with Gin, and with his shooting skills, there was no way he could fire.

After Miyano Shiho on the other side came to his senses, he took the opportunity to find a bunker and hid temporarily, quietly poking half of his head to observe the situation.

"What's going on, Xiao Ai!?"

As if he heard the movement here, Dr. Agasa's anxious inquiry came from the glasses. Miyano Shiho breathed heavily and replied hesitantly: "Gin... they found me, but the black mask suddenly Also jumped in...Where's Kudo?"

"Shinichi hurriedly ran into the hotel again just now. He seemed to have discovered Pisco's identity... What, Pisco has been captured?"

Miyano Shiho didn't even have time to think about why Conan didn't take the communicator with him when he ran into the hotel but gave it to Dr. Agasa, before he heard Dr. Agasa bluffing again.

It seems that Dr. A Li is also in contact with Conan, so he can get information from the other side in time.

But what the heck is Pisco being captured?

What is the situation now, how do you feel, it is getting more and more confusing?

Something happened to Pisco, and Gin seemed to be squatting on his side too. It felt like...

Someone set up a special bureau for Yu Ginjiu and the others.

Miyano Shiho's heart was shocked, and he was surprised and delighted by his thoughts.

Because if this is the case, it may be caused by a force that has the confidence to compete with the organization, and Black Mask is even one of them.

Although this time, the other party may have just helped me by chance, but if I can get in touch and maintain a cooperative relationship in the future...

"What, Sano showed up in the hotel and grabbed Pisco directly and asked Officer Megure to take him away?"

But before Miyano Shiho's train of thought even reached the end, he was interrupted by Dr. Agasa's voice again.

...It turns out to be Sano, so it can’t be what I thought.

Miyano Shiho sighed with regret, then began to carefully observe the situation, and at the same time informed Dr. Agasa of the situation here.

"It's been so long since I last saw you, your skills seem to have weakened, Gin."

While Miyano Shiho and Dr. Agasa were exchanging information, Sano was continuing to launch an offensive against Gin while talking nonsense.

Long time no see?

Has this guy ever met me before?

Gin frowned. After about ten seconds of fighting, he had gradually adapted to it and slowly regained the disadvantage he had suffered due to Sano's surprise attack.

He no longer could only defend and dodge, he also started to counterattack, and even had the energy to think.

...And what this guy said when he appeared on the scene just now is also a bit intriguing.

"Why, are you one of my defeated generals who came to me specifically?"

The two of them were fighting around on the rooftop, and Gin asked a question in response, both in search of information and in an attempt to distract Sano.

"Ha, Gin-sama, you are such a noble person that you forget things. How can you remember this small role like me? You just need to know that I am able to reach this stage because of you."

Sano casually made some additions to the character of his No. 3 vest, trying to divert the other party's focus from today's matter. It is best not to have too many coincidence factors.

Sure enough, they had met before, and it could even be said that they had a grudge.

...I just don’t know if the reason why this guy appears here is a coincidence, and if there is anything involved with Shirley.

Gin did not deliberately recall when he had met the other person.

Firstly, there was too little information... Even if there was enough information, Gin didn't think he could remember it. Secondly, he didn't have time to distract himself now.

Vodka and Miyano Shiho on the rooftop naturally heard the exchange between the two.

...It turns out that there is an unspeakable past between Black Mask and Gin/his boss.

The two of them looked thoughtful, but it was hard to say what they were thinking about.

Anyway, what can be seen now is that Black Mask knows Gin, but Gin cannot recognize Black Mask's true identity.

The two sides most likely had a feud a long time ago. The Black Mask at that time should not be able to fight against Gin.

So he kept hiding in the dark and growing up, until he felt that he had enough abilities, and then he started to act chivalrously while collecting information about Gin and preparing for revenge.

It can be said that it has been Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years, the king has returned, and the year has been a blast...

Ahem, after coming back to his senses, Sano and Gin were still fighting.

The two sides were back and forth, with agile movements, simple and clean transitions between attack and defense, but Vodka and Miyano Shiho who were watching were a little dazzled.

It's almost like watching a movie.

In such a stalemate, in less than a minute, Sano and Gin had almost covered the entire rooftop and returned to the original position.

Then Sano Shun... gave Vodka a roundhouse kick with his foot, hitting the opponent's head and knocking him to the ground.

Just think of it as a snitch about the vodka and gin, and collect some interest.

...I didn’t directly use the knight kick, because Sano considered the friendship between colleagues and Vodka.

Sano didn't even look at Vodka and continued to fight Gin.

However, this time he finally gave Gin a chance.

Gin took the opportunity to kick Sano. Although he was blocked, after using the force, the two sides finally distanced themselves.


Gin fired three bullets almost instantly.

Sano wanted to avoid it, but after looking at it carefully, he found that he couldn't avoid it at all.

The three bullets were stuck at different angles. Judging from the current position, no matter how Sano dodges, he is destined to be hit by other bullets.

...All I can say is that it really deserves to be called gin.

Of course, the root cause is that the body cannot keep up.

If Sano could be faster, it wouldn't be impossible for him to avoid it.

Sano stopped and allowed two bullets to hit him, and another one passed by his neck.

In the splash of sparks, the two bullets that hit Sano were bounced away.

Body armor! ?

Gin's eyes twitched, he didn't expect that the opponent actually had such a card.

"Oh, I disappoint you."

Sano mocked and was about to rush towards Gin to continue, but unexpectedly the other party actually pulled out a high-explosive bomb with his backhand.


So what, if you can, just try to prevent bombs!

Gin used one hand to pull the ring with his fingers, and then threw the bomb in his hand towards Sano.

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