Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 235 234, Rye is a teammate, so Pisco must die?

"...cough cough cough!!"

After the air was silent for two seconds, Dr. Agasa next to Sano and Vodka on the other side of the co-pilot couldn't help coughing violently.

The two tomboys below had their eyes almost bulging out of their heads, and they almost screamed out in fright at what Sano did.

...After all, both of them have seen Gin's appearance. Even if they can't see it directly now, just listening to Sano's distinctive... adjectives, you can't imagine who he is greeting. ?

So now comes the problem.

A cold-blooded super killer, whose gender is male, is called a beauty and asked to leave his phone number. What will the other party think?

...What's the difference between this and directly pulling out the human family tree! ?

Especially since Gin had just had a drink tonight, Sano's provocation made others bristle. He said he would not offend the other party. How could anyone believe it?

Both Conan and Haibara Ai began to feel weak in their limbs.

The already strong sense of crisis became even more intense.

Conan even had his death instinct temporarily subsided, and he just wanted to call Dr. Ari madly and drive away.

But the duo didn't dare to really shout out.

Because this might cause Gin to notice the duo hiding in the car, causing them to do something they wouldn't otherwise do.

So the duo could only open their mouths wide, with dull faces, frozen underneath like stone statues... If the soul could be seen with the naked eye, it might have floated out of the mouth.

It's really soul-crushing.

Sano glanced at Haibara Ai.

Ever since this fake loli became smaller, it seemed that every time she met someone from the organization, her pupils would shake like a sieve.

Sano was originally thinking whether this guy should change his name to "Sizi Ai" or "Sizi Ji".

This time, surprisingly, I stopped shaking.

...Well, it just became as motionless as a corpse.

It happened that the red light turned green at this time, Dr. Ali stepped on the accelerator in a hurry, almost stalling the car, and suddenly increased the speed to the highest speed.

But even so, Dr. Ali still felt that it was not enough.

...I always feel that the Porsche 356A behind me will catch up at any time, and with a gun, I will shoot at my little Beetle, sending a few bullets.

At this moment, Dr. Ali only regretted that he did not install a nitrogen accelerator on this Beetle.

Dr. Ali had already stepped on the accelerator pedal, and he almost stepped into the engine.

Sano was sitting in the passenger seat, enjoying the cold wind blowing in front of him. Under the background of the speed, he always felt a little sore in the face.

Why are all of them so timid?

There is no humor at all, alas.

...Watching the yellow Beetle quickly leave the field of vision, Gin on the Porsche 356A seemed to be confused. He didn't start the car until the green light was about to end, and then he started the car and moved forward.

After Vodka came back to his senses, he saw that his silent elder brother was about to speak, but he was about to speak. In the end, he could only be angry and did not dare to leave the ground and became silent.

"Ha, beauty?"

There was teasing laughter from the back row, and Belmode stuck out his head, his face full of teasing: "I didn't expect you to have such a depressing day, Gin."

There was a bit of schadenfreude in Belmod's voice.

Hey, although Belmod has been called ugly by Sano before, in comparison, Gin, the "beauty", seems to be more insulting.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Now that he has gin as a companion, most of Belmode's depression at night has dissipated.


Something doesn't seem right.

The smile on Belmod's face suddenly froze.

What's weird, that guy called himself ugly before, but then he called Gin beautiful. Doesn't this mean that he is not as "good-looking" as Gin in the other person's eyes? ?

This is too insulting! ?

No, that's not right!

It’s not necessarily you who has the problem, it’s not impossible that it’s that guy!

Yes, that’s right!

That guy must be gay, so he thinks Gin is prettier than him, which makes sense!

Thinking of this, Belmod immediately felt that he had discovered the truth and felt better.


Gin snorted coldly: "You'd better shut your mouth, Belmod."

"Hey, this is a series of failures. Are you taking it out on me?"

Of course, Belmode, who had come back to his senses, refused to give up. He asked another question in a strange tone, and then his face suddenly became serious again: "But to be honest, don't you think that guy just now looks a bit familiar? He seems to be... A famous high school detective named Sano..."

"Sano Shinichiro."

Gin took over the topic and gave Belmod a cold look: "It's his son. Do you have any questions?"

"...So you know, but he was the one who caused Pisco to be captured today. I still want to remind you of this."

Belmod raised his eyebrows.

"I know."

"you know?"

"I can't know?"

"...There's nothing you can't know, but since you know it, I won't ask any more questions."

"No one asked you to ask more questions."

"...Tsk, it's so hard to talk to you."

Belmod curled his lips and leaned back on the car seat, and then suddenly thought of another question: "By the way, Pisco, what are you going to do, rescue or..."

"There's no need to save him, he's already dead."

Gin said without looking back.


Belmode narrowed his eyes: "Did you arrange for someone to silence you?"

"Pisco's teammate for this mission is Rye."

Gin said nonchalantly.


Belmode thought of the... pervert he had formed a team with, and was silent for a moment: "How did he silence Pisco?"

...Belmode didn't know much about the existence of Rye. After all, the two parties only had the common experience of one mission.

If I had to say it, it would only be four points.

Disguise, bombs, bullet dodging, madman.

Among them, for Belmode, the most direct perception is of course the last point.

Because if nothing else, no matter how capable a person is, if he doesn't get involved, it means there is no difference.

But if you add the last point, then even if you don't get involved, it may still have an impact on Belmod. After all, they are all members of the same organization.

So now that Gin said that this guy was the one who silenced Pisco, Belmode had reason to wonder if the other party had made some big noise like he did during the last mission.

...Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong with Gin's answer just now.

It's not that he arranged for Rye to silence Pisco, but that "Pisco's teammate is Rye."

It feels as if... Rye didn't kill Pisco because he received a silence order.

... Could it be that Gin's instructions to Rye were actually rescue instructions, but that guy didn't listen at all and just killed Pisco? ?

And Gin's tone seemed to be... explaining some established rule - Pisco and Rye are teammates, so Pisco doesn't need to be silenced at all?

There is no necessary logical relationship between the two, right?

Although Bellmode and Sano had formed a team once, and had been affected a lot by it, at best she just felt that the other party was crazy and a little dangerous.

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