Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 257 256, Clone Technique! !

But Sano did have some conjectures in this regard.

Maybe I just think too much, but one thing is true.

That is, the dog system seems to particularly like to give enhanced objects to... well, random black beings.

It's not that Sano hates black, on the contrary, he quite likes it, but black things all the time will inevitably make people feel a little tired.

After all, these are not ordinary clothes, and they don't count like that.

...Also to be honest, Sano doesn't know if the object of enhancement can be a living thing, but since his eyes can be strengthened, it doesn't seem impossible to strengthen a living creature, especially a non-human creature like an animal, right?

Although there is no conclusion yet as to what exactly that weird impulse is about.

Sano didn't know whether it was regret or something, but he sighed with a rather complicated mood.

"Hey, Sano, Sano, are you okay, Sano..."

Then, Sano was shaken back to consciousness by Conan's anxious and worried call.

"...If you shake it again, I'm going to hit you."

As soon as these words came out, Conan, who was grabbing Sano's shoulders, suddenly stiffened. After letting go, he pouted and stared resentfully: "Please, I'm just worried about you."

What a fucking high school boy... Even though he has become smaller, he doesn't look like he's acting cute or coquettish, right?

Sano moved to the side with some disgust: "Although I don't have a girlfriend, it's not your turn to worry about it. Instead of worrying about me, it's better to worry about that black guy. He is very interested in you anyway."

...Why is it related to Hattori again... Hey, when did you assume that the black man is Hattori?

In Conan's confusion, Haiyuan Ai on the side asked: "Have you been taking your medicine on time recently? What happened just now? Why did you stay there suddenly? Is there anything wrong?"

...Why do everyone ask themselves whether they are taking medicine or not?

Sano curled his lips: "It's not your turn to worry. I'm going home. It's up to you to feed these cats and dogs."

Hui Yuan Ai raised his eyebrows and folded his hands coldly: "If you don't answer the question, I won't help you."

Sano also raised his eyebrows: "Okay."

Just when Haibara Ai was a little surprised that Yu Sano could be coerced by him so easily, he handed the bag in his hand to the trio of real children at the other end: "You should be able to help me with this. Right."

"...Of course! We are very happy and honored to serve Brother Sano!"

The trio of real children stood at attention, and under Haihara Ai's somewhat speechless gaze, they respectfully took the bag from Sano's hand, just like his group of tool men of the Black Death.

If the form wasn't wrong, I might have wanted to give Sano a salute.

...After Sano returned home, he immediately took out the black doll he bought from Osaka.

Although he was very interested in this doll at the time, Sano took a closer look at it for the first time since buying it.

It's not too big, it's about the same size as Sano's hand, but it's not particularly small either, at least it's bigger than his pirated Masked Superman pendant.

Because it was completely dark, no details could be seen... and there were no details at all, it was just a humanoid with a round head.

Reinforcement name: Copy Doll.

Grade: B.


1. Copy (used on a single person, can be activated through contact, to perfectly copy an existence that is exactly the same as the target on a physical level).

2. Twins (the status of the clone and the target, including but not limited to basic attributes, physical strength, injuries, and consciousness, will be completely connected).

Restrictions: The effect copy can only be activated if it is in uninterrupted contact with the target for three minutes, and the copy will return to its original form after it lasts for a maximum of three hours.

Note: Shhh, another you is looking at you.

...It’s not a cursed doll, but a cloned doll? ?

Although in terms of effect, it seems to be almost the same as a cursed doll.

Sano carefully studied the effects and restrictions of the replica doll.

In the description of the twin effect, it is mentioned that the status of the copy and the copied body will be connected, including the mention of "injury".

To put it bluntly, as long as the clone is killed, the target will also die together.

At the same time, if the clone loses a left hand, there is a high probability that the copied target will also lose its left hand.

This fits the character of the Cursed Doll.

Although in addition to this, there is also the restriction that it must be in continuous contact with the target for three minutes before the copying effect can be activated.

The triggering conditions are troublesome, but will assassination be an absolutely concealed sure-kill weapon?

Sano frowned slightly. What he couldn't understand was that if you curse, you can curse. Why should a good person use the form of a clone?

And the connection of states even includes the connection of consciousness?

Forget it if it doesn’t make sense, it’s already a pure disadvantage. Logically speaking, it should be placed in the restriction column...

Suddenly, Sano's thoughts stopped abruptly, and then his eyes widened suddenly. Could it be! ?

Sano looked at the replica doll that had been in his hand for at least three minutes, and tried to activate the replica effect. The next second, the surface of the doll began to surge crazily, and then rapidly expanded, changed color, and twisted, and finally turned into a... The appearance, body shape, and clothing are all exactly the same as Sano's.

The most important thing is that Sano's perspective is divided into two!

Sano tried to drive the clone through his consciousness, and as expected, he controlled the clone to make corresponding actions.

Make fists, raise legs, turn heads, and combine punches, whether they are simple movements or complex operations, all can be executed meticulously and strictly.

Doesn't this mean that Sano can completely make this clone do whatever he wants, just like controlling a game character?

Isn't this the clone technique that Sano has always dreamed of! ?

Good guy, Sano said, why do you have to use the entire clone effect? ​​This is how it is used?

Curses and assassinations are all incidental. The real function is actually for Sano himself.

Sano's eyes were filled with excitement.

The reason why Sano wanted the Clone Technique was actually very simple... of course it was not to double the speed when making up for homework, but to use it for his vest.

Regarding the relationship between the vest and the main body, it is now considered a big problem.

First Conan suspected that Sano was a Black Death, then Gin suspected that Sano was a Black Mask, and then although he didn't say it explicitly, Sano could also see that Toru Amuro still had doubts about the setting that Sano was no longer a Black Death. .

The latter two were okay, not particularly serious at the moment, but the former had even been investigated...although Sano was temporarily fooled by him later.

But no matter which one it is, it is only temporary.

Not to mention whether other problems may arise in the future.

For example, Conan suspected that Sano was Rye or Black Mask, Gin still suspected that Sano was Black Mask or even Black Death, and even Toru Amuro suspected that Sano was Rye, etc.

And if there is a clone technique, all these problems will be solved head on.

...Although Sano had already achieved a clone technique through Kuroba Kaito as a tool man earlier, even a double one, but after all, it was a pseudo-clone technique through disguise, and it was a little careless. will be exposed.

Even if he wasn't exposed, Sano couldn't count on that guy to help every time.

Because I often walk by the river and my shoes always get wet.

Secondly, in such a routine, Kuroba Kaito himself is already the biggest flaw.

Unless Sano treats that guy as a disposable item and disposes of it directly after use.

But if Sano really did that, it would be contrary to the original purpose.

It's different now. As long as it is done properly, Sano will never be exposed again... It doesn't seem to be the case. If the clone wearing a vest has a problem in front of others, and then he also has a problem, the problem seems to be more obvious. .

But there's nothing you can do about it, nothing is perfect in the world.

Anyway, what is certain now is that at least Sano can stay at home by himself in the future, and then let the clone go to school to make up for the exam on his behalf. I just don’t know if letting this thing go to school can be regarded as completing the task...

Well, let another self go to school on your behalf. I believe this is a dream that many boys and girls have had when they were young.

I didn't expect that Sano would actually realize it today.

Although the replica can only exist for a maximum of three hours, which will be more troublesome.

Of course, no matter what, in general, Sano is very satisfied with this reinforcement and likes it very much.

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