Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 275 274, Toru Amuro: Expression collapsed

Don't you dare to be more unreliable? The anesthetic bombs must be of really low quality! ?

Sano felt a little incredible in his heart.

...The killer hadn't fully recovered his consciousness, but after gaining some autonomy, he instinctively raised the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger.

And this bullet happened to be aimed at Sano... strictly speaking, the Black Death Vest.

No one present could react. Only Sano's black mask clone could see the trajectory of the bullet clearly with its super flexibility.

However, there was a long distance between Sano's Black Death Vest and the clone. If he tried to push it away, it would definitely be too late.

I can only rely on myself.

However, the effect of 100% bullet dodging has long since passed... Although even if the effect is still there, Sano doesn't want to show it.

Fortunately, Sano's Black Death Vest can be regarded as sharing the abnormal "sight" of the Black Mask clone.

This is also one of the advantages that dual-line operation can bring.

Because of the interconnected consciousness, the two bodies essentially belong to one person.

On the surface, this may seem like nothing, but it can be used to "share" information regardless of distance and time. When the two are in the same place, it is just because they are the same person that they can create telepathy even better than the so-called twins. A much stronger "tacit understanding".

But in fact, in the latter case, the effect that can be exerted is definitely much higher than it seems.

The "intelligence" transmitted in real time is not just important information, but also includes what anyone sees, hears, and feels. Isn't it equivalent to "sharing" all the "software" such as vision and hearing with each other?

...Although the Black Death Vest's body was unable to respond to Sano's instructions immediately due to insufficient flexibility, at least the vital part was avoided.


A blood flower spattered from the left arm of the black death vest.

"Damn it!"

The others finally realized the sudden danger, and their expressions changed drastically.

Toru Amuro even raised his gun to shoot.

It's just that Sano is faster than him.

While dodging as much as possible to avoid the bullets, Sano had already controlled the Black Death Vest and rushed out.

The distance of more than ten meters seemed to be spanned in an instant.

The killer lying on the ground had just barely been able to see the scene in front of him clearly, and the huge fist was already enlarging in his eyes.


The floor cracked and sawdust flew everywhere.

The killer's head was punched directly into the floor by Sano.

Judging from this situation, even if the killer was not killed on the spot, 99.99% of the time, it would be impossible to save him.

Okay, so cruel!

Most of the people present were frightened by Sano's punch and their backs trembled. They unconsciously stepped into the role of the killer, and felt a phantom pain on their faces.

...This is self-defense, this is courageous action!

Officer Memu's eyes twitched and he instinctively looked away.

...It's true, this person's fists and kicks have become much more powerful.

Unlike others, what Mao Lilan noticed immediately was the power of Sano's punch just now.

At the same time, he also thought of the three attacks when the other party came to rescue the two of them less than ten minutes ago.

Judging from Mao Lilan's... well, state, it can be seen that compared with the previous ones, what Sano has improved is not the essential strength and speed.

Instead, it relies on powerful martial arts skills to deliver attacks.

If Mao Lilan was still confident when she first met the opponent in the past that she could evenly match or even suppress the opponent in a short period of time, then now she is sure that she will not be able to survive a few rounds in the opponent's hands. .

This kind of growth rate is too scary, right?

...And of course it was not just Mao Lilan who saw the essence of Sano's punch, but also Toru Amuro.

I didn't even notice it just now because there was no lighting and the environment was too dark. Compared with before, the strength of "Black Death" has improved too much, right?

Judging from the black strength that I had in mind earlier, it should be impossible to improve so much in such a short period of time, especially since Sano is either wandering around or lying dead all day long, and has no time to practice at all.

Could it be that... I guessed wrongly, that this Black Death is really not Sano?

As the atmosphere suddenly became tense and relaxed, Officer Megure, who was making excuses for Sano in his mind, suddenly remembered a very crucial question and exclaimed: "Wait a minute, we haven't disposed of that bomb yet, have we?"

bomb! ?

Later, Conan and the others still had no idea about this matter, and they all looked confused.

"Anxin, if my guess is correct, the bomb problem should have been dealt with."

After Toru Amuro retracted his gun, he spoke calmly.

After saying that, Toru Amuro's eyes were fixed on Sano's black death vest: "I'm right."

...Since Toru Amuro sees "Black Death" and "Black Mask" as teammates.

So Black Mask's behavior of suddenly asking him about the "best blasting point" undoubtedly has logic.

Sano also knew that it would be strange for him to suddenly ask about the blasting point at that time, but there was nothing he could do about it, because he didn't have the location of the bomb, and he was looking around in the ship like a headless fly. It was impossible to solve it within the mission time limit. It would be such a big trouble, so he could only ask Toru Amuro.

...Besides, even without Sano... Technically speaking, Black Mask asked Amuro Tohru about this matter, wouldn't there be an association between Black Mask and Black Death?

Apparently not.

Two messengers of justice appeared at the same time and at the same place for the same thing. Who would believe it if they said there was no relationship at all between them.

But so what.

Is it a big problem?

Not a big problem.

Just let these "smart people" think about it on their own.

Anyway, it is impossible to involve Sano himself in the end.

Sano just needs not to admit or deny, that's enough.

The current benefits are that Sano has got everything he should get, all the killers have been solved, and the tasks related to Kuroba Kaito and Ura Shi Qinglan have been completed. According to what Toru Amuro said, those two were found. The killer has started taking bombs from the box.

Can I still suffer a loss for what I got?

...Of course, although it is true that the ship will not explode, it does not mean that Sano must say it.

"I didn't find the bomb."

Sano controlled the Black Death Vest and said, "Because I don't know the way on the ship."


The air at the scene solidified again.


Toru Amuro finally lost his composure and his expression suddenly collapsed.

Is the bomb problem still unresolved?

So what are they doing now?

After finally solving a crisis, I thought everything was over, but it turned out that another, bigger crisis had not been solved yet, and it was never discovered. Instead, I was still leisurely discussing this and that.

It’s simply outrageous!

...In fact, for people who are not familiar with this Suzuki family ship, there is nothing surprising about the fact that it cannot find its way.

But the problem is that such a setting is placed on a character who is thought to be a "hero" who stands up to turn the tide and solves the biggest crisis, which makes people feel numb.

"So, that's it."

Sano ignored everyone who almost lost their mentality after knowing that the "bomb problem" had not been solved. He continued to stay a little longer, controlled the Black Death Vest and the Black Mask clone to retreat at the same time, and quickly rushed onto the deck.

Then he jumped off the ship.

Jump, jump into the sea! ?

Everyone was shocked back by Sano's actions.

Toru Amuro and Conan moved the fastest and ran to the guardrail of the deck. When they looked down, they could only see a dark ocean.

"...No, no boat?"

Suzuki Sonoko's face turned pale: "They won't drown in the sea..."

"...I think it shouldn't be possible."

Amuro breathed out: "Neither of these two guys are looking for death, especially in such an inexplicable way. They probably have their own way to get ashore safely. This is not something we need to worry about."

"Well, what we need to solve most right now is the bomb."

Conan nodded heavily to express his agreement with Toru Amuro's view, and also proposed the next direction.

...Although Conan still doesn't know what the bomb is about, based on the two brief exchanges between Toru Amuro and Heisei just now, he can basically confirm that there is a very dangerous bomb on the ship that may detonate at any time.

"Why don't we just take a helicopter and escape?"

Pu Siqinglan pointed to the helicopter on the deck and made a suggestion, but it was rejected by almost everyone.

"No, there are other people in the boat. A helicopter can't carry that many people, and there's no time to tell them to evacuate!"

Toru Amuro analyzed calmly: "There should only be two or three people responsible for installing the bomb. It's not a big problem. Just get rid of them as soon as possible to prevent the bomb from detonating!"

"Then, I'll leave the rest to you, and I'll withdraw first."

Kuroba Kaito knew that he didn't need to do anything else here...if he really needed to, there was a high probability that he wouldn't be able to do anything, so he jumped off the ship.

But compared to the previous two, Kuroba Kaito still opened his glider.

Only Pu Siqinglan was left looking around, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Black Mask withdrew, that Black Death withdrew, and Kaitou Kidd also withdrew.

I can’t withdraw it by myself if I co-author it?

After all, Pu Siqinglan didn't have a hang glider like Kuroba Kaito, so she jumped into the sea like the previous two, and she felt like she would drown alive.

It's better to be arrested and go to jail, and at least he can still be alive.

After her eyes flickered, Pu Siqinglan set her sights on the helicopter. If she could seize the plane, she might be able to successfully escape safely...

"By the way, don't forget to cuff her again."

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