Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 295 294, (Together) Toru Amuro: Where is my car? ? ?

Conan: "..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Mao Lilan: "..."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

A trio of real kids: "..."

Can this guy really know how to drive if he doesn't even know where the clutch is?

Or should they be grateful now that Sano asked "Which clutch is it" instead of "Alele, why are there three pedals below?"

"Let me get off, let me get off!!"

After a brief silence, the passenger door and the doors on both sides of the rear seat were pulled frantically.

It's a pity that Sano has already locked the car door, so it's impossible to open it. At most, it will only shake the car left and right.

You got into your car and still want to get out?


...In the end, Sano figured out the position of the pedal, switched gears and stepped on the accelerator, leading a car full of frightened and nervous passengers to start the pursuit.

"Hey, hey, car, car, car!"

"Slow down, slow down, slow down!!"

"Left left left, right right right!!!"


"You guys are making so much noise!"

Sano, who had already shifted to fifth gear, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, then braked suddenly and accelerated, making a sharp turn and drifting, and the taillight was instantly hit by a street light pole and was smashed to pieces.

Under the action of inertia, the two tires on the left flew directly into the air, and the entire car body tilted at 45 degrees, and then fell back down again with a "bang", shaking.

After twisting for an "S"-shaped distance, Sano started to accelerate in a straight line again.

Amidst the chaotic sounds of people shouting or screaming, Sano held his breath and concentrated his attention to an unprecedented height.

To be honest, although Sano's driver's license is fake and forged by himself, he had a real driver's license in his previous life.

…But it’s only limited to driver’s licenses.

According to custom, Sano took the driver's license test in the summer after graduating from high school after the college entrance examination. He passed all four tests in one go, but after that.

Sano's driver's license has been gathering dust in a drawer.

Firstly, Sano didn't have a car to drive, and secondly, he hadn't driven one in a long time, so he didn't dare to drive.

Sano's current driving skills basically come from the drag racing games he has played.

All it depends on is one word.


It can also be said to be courageous or reckless.

Anyway, there are no other bells and whistles, just press the accelerator to the bottom and it’s over!

Bumps and bumps are inevitable. As long as you rely on the superhuman effect and the blessing of one hundred flexible attributes, there shouldn't be any big problems. Well, it should!

... Along the way, Sano had close contact with various cars from time to time. It felt like playing with bumper cars. Fortunately, this was a city road and the speed of other vehicles was not very fast. Even if there were some friction and collisions, they would not overturn. .

However, sudden braking, stopping, accelerating and turning sharply left a lot of "hickeys" on the road surface.

"Yes, over there!!"

Although Conan's face was pale, he didn't know if it was because of his strong belief in arresting the criminal that he was able to identify the target and give Sano directions.


Without any nonsense, Sano started to accelerate crazily again, and then... directly hit the guy on the motorcycle hard!

American stop! ! !

The man riding the motorcycle noticed the white Mazda behind him and was immediately startled. He hurriedly hid to the side, and then narrowly missed the front of the car.

"Ah, you didn't hit it?"

Sano tilted his head in surprise.

"If it's not my eldest brother, why are you bumping into him? Murder is against the law!"

Everyone in the car had their eyes widened. They wanted to drag Sano but were afraid of disturbing the other person and causing the car to overturn. If they didn't stop him, they were afraid that Sano would actually hit him and kill him.

"Okay, okay, I know it in my heart!"

Sano licked his lips and stared excitedly at the motorcycle rider next to him through the car window.

...No, no, no, from the look in your eyes, it’s obvious that you’re already on top, right? ?

Everyone in the car had disbelief on their faces.

And the man was obviously frightened by Sano's eyes, and he immediately braked and turned around.

Seeing this, Sano immediately braked suddenly, turned around, and then accelerated to the maximum speed.


“It’s definitely impossible to crash this time!!”

“Holy shit, shit, shit!!!”

The man didn't expect that Sano's goal would be so clear, it was just one word - hit him!

"No, brother, I just robbed a gold store. I didn't kill anyone and I didn't set fire to it. I can't be so cruel, right!?"

For the sake of his life, the man finally gave up the struggle, threw the motorcycle aside, and then knelt directly on the ground, raising his hands to show surrender.

"Stop, stop, stop quickly!!"

...After all, Sano's goal is to arrest people, not kill them.

Seeing that this guy didn't even run away, Sano could only regretfully give up on his American stop, and instead did a dragon tail swing, hitting the motorcycle on the ground with the rear tire, and stopped accurately. In front of the other person's face.

"Oh, perfect, it was a success in one go!"

...You guy, you didn’t even think about stopping the success of your co-authorship!

Sano ignored the weird looks from everyone in the car and snapped his fingers: "Get down and bring him up. I'll take him directly to the police station."

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

A group of people scrambled to get out of the car, and the trio of real children couldn't even speak. As soon as they got out of the car, they lay on the side of the road and vomited.

Apart from the duo of best friends, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, whose faces were as pale as paper, only Conan and Haibara Ai had slightly better-looking faces.

Conan looked at Haihara Ai with some surprise: "You didn't react much."


Hui Yuan Ai forced a smile: "I was at America's side, and I did some racing."


Conan twitched his lips, and said that when it came to racing, his mother actually also raced a lot. Probably because of this, his performance was slightly better.

But compared to her mother, although Kudo Yukiko's driving skills are scary, she still won't get into a car accident.

Sano might be really good at killing people!

...A moment later, unlike when he arrived, Sano was escorting the prisoner to the Metropolitan Police Department. Only he and the prisoner next to him were left in the car.

"Tsk, what? At first, everyone was rushing to sit in my car, and now another one refuses to get in. Why don't they drive a little faster and bump into too many things? Isn't that scary?"

While muttering, Sano glanced at the robber with his hands tied in the passenger seat: "What do you think?"

Robber: "..."

Should I speak out at this time?

And at this moment, Sano only heard a sudden "bang" in front of the vehicle, and then the accelerator under his feet seemed to suddenly stop responding. No matter how hard he stepped on it, there was no sign of accelerator. The whole car lost power, but Glide by inertia.

"Hey, what happened? Something went wrong?"

Sano stepped on the accelerator a few more times in disbelief, but the vehicle still didn't respond at all. It wasn't until the inertia completely disappeared and it stopped that white smoke began to emit from the hood.

Sano: "..."

It seems really bad.

"It's not a big problem, we've arrived at the place anyway."

Sano opened the car door, looked at the door of the Metropolitan Police Department not far away, nodded with satisfaction, and then pulled the robber out of the passenger seat.

"Let's go, let's take you home."

...At night, after Sano returned to his cafe from the Metropolitan Police Department, it was already closing time.

Mao Lilan and others who came back first had already dispersed.

In the end, only Enomoto Azusa, Mitsuki Aiko, Amuro Toru, Sano, and Maori Ran and Conan who lived upstairs were left.

"Well, bye, please be safe when you go home."



"Let's go, I'll take you back."

Toru Amuro took out the car keys, instantly making Sano freeze.

"...Forget it, I'll just take a taxi back."


Before Tohru Amuro could figure out why it would be a waste of money to take a taxi if there was a good ride, Sano had already fled.

...It's really strange. With this guy's stingy personality, even if he didn't mention it, he would have brought it up. Why did he resist this time?

Could it be that now that you have become rich, you are embarrassed to do such a thing?

After tilting his neck, Toru Amuro didn't think much and pressed the car key, but got no response.


Toru Amuro finally noticed something was wrong, looked at the empty streets around him, and pressed the key frantically until after dozens of attempts, it stopped suddenly and froze there.

Damn it!

"Where's my car? I'm such a big car. Where's my car that can be parked here properly!?"

In the cold and silent night, only Amuro Toru's scream echoed.

In the cocktail bar, Sano was reading mission information.

"In short, it's just to make a deal. If we can't reach an agreement, we'll kill him directly. It's easy to take advantage of others, right?"

Listening to Sano's "summary" opposite, Gin nodded in agreement: "A team of peripheral members has been arranged for you. Remember to silence them after the incident is over."


Sano put away the information and waved to the vodka on the other end: "Let's go, Brother Ka."

Vodka: "...Come on, come on."

However, when leaving, Sano calmly threw a black shadow at the door of the first floor.

...To be honest, Sano was already tired today because he was taking make-up exams and looking for answers, supervising the operation of the cafe and driving to catch criminals.

So when Gin called Sano that night and asked him to do a task, he was a little resistant.

Just when Sano was about to find an excuse to temporarily drag him over, Gin actually brought up his story of driving a car to arrest people in the evening.

Now Sano can no longer make excuses and can only come over to do the task.

...Speaking of which, isn't this guy a pervert? He actually stared at me so closely. It only took a few hours for him to catch people while driving, and he found out.

Sano muttered in his mind as he got into the car.

No matter what, Gin is so good to Sano, so he can't even say that it's okay?

Gin is looking for a black mask, so give it to him.

"Hope you have fun tonight."

Sano chuckled softly and raised the corners of his mouth, causing Vodka, who had just got into the car, to tighten his seat belt.

What's fun?

Who is having fun?

What happened tonight?

Why did Sano say this, what was his purpose, was he saying it to himself on purpose or was he talking to himself, and what was the secret behind this sentence! ?


Sano tilted his head and looked at Vodka, wondering, "What's wrong?"

"...No, it's nothing."

After shivering, Vodka turned the key in a panic and started the car.

...It is better to solve the task as soon as possible, stay away from each other, and return to the big brother.

Cocktail, Gin watched the black vehicle below drive away and let out a sigh of relief.

Whether your speculation is true or not, it all depends on your performance tonight, vodka.


After the phone vibrated, Gin took out his phone and checked the text message: "Master Gin, we have arrived at the location."

After closing the phone, Gin stood up and left the cocktail.

...Gin was not planning to do anything about Sano's mission tonight, he was just going to complete the mission as well.

After all, time is money.

It's impossible for Qin to take a break just because Vodka, a horse boy, teamed up with Sano.

Then there is no point in trying to find a way to allow Sano to perform normal tasks.

Even if there are currently no suitable code members who have free time, they can temporarily form a team with Gin to complete high-level tasks, but low-level tasks are still acceptable.

Unlike Sano, Gin doesn't have a bad habit of being picky in this regard.

But when Gin drove away, he didn't notice that there was a black shadow lying on the chassis of his car.

When the vehicle stopped in a relatively remote area and Gin got off the car to join the peripheral members who had arrived, a black figure was already standing on the top of a nearby residential building, looking down slightly.

"...It's time for our communication, Gin."

In the black night sky, two bright red lights lit up.

At the same time, in another suburb of Tokyo, gunfire was ringing out.

"Damn it, we're ambushed!"

Vodka huddled behind the bunker, stretched out the muzzle of his gun and shot randomly, while shouting to Sano: "Rye, contact big brother quickly, we need support!"

Sano also huddled behind the bunker, frowning slightly.

...Tonight's transaction partner is obviously a little darker than Gin imagined. In fact, he had no intention of conducting a normal transaction from the beginning, but was also preparing to engage in blackmail.

However, compared to Sano... Strictly speaking, Gin's side, the evaluation of the strength of Sano's side is obviously much higher, so the firepower prepared for the purpose of taking advantage of others is also much higher.

Although there is no detailed count, preliminary estimates suggest that there must be at least fifty people.

Those who knew it were taking advantage of others, but those who didn't know it probably thought it was a war.

"What are you doing, Rye? Call your brother quickly!"

Vodka urged again.

However, Sano knew that even if he called Gin, the other party would most likely not care about them.

As for why Sano knew...heh, that's because it was thanks to him.

Sano took out his cell phone and called Gin. It rang for a long time before he was answered.

"Hey Lord Gin, we are ambushed here."

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