Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 307 306, sorry, they are temporary workers

This selection criterion is not limited to combat ability, but psychological quality is also necessary.

Therefore, Sano didn't feel at all that if he didn't take care of it, these guys who could be considered just fledglings would be useless. If they were really useless, it would only prove that they themselves were nothing more than waste.

There is no need to waste energy on waste, right?

"Spread out, be careful to hide your tracks, and change your clothes before going home."


It wasn't until the next day that the tragedy in the nightclub was published in the newspapers.

Correspondingly, the official people also came to the door of the Black Death again.

"Heidi, what on earth are you thinking? Isn't it too much this time?"

Looking at the three gloomy-looking people in front of him, Sano also knew very well how much pressure the other party must have endured after the last exchange and dared to come to the door.

If he had followed his past behavior, Sano would most likely have fooled the other party by saying, "We are not engaging in a large-scale conflict."

But this time Sano didn't.

Instead, he asked in a tone as if he really didn't know anything: "What are you talking about?"

"What else can you say?"

Fujiyoshi Yasaburo slapped today's newspaper on the table, pointed to the report about the nightclub and said: "Now that things have happened, don't pretend to be stupid for us. Someone asked the Armed Detective Agency to issue a commission to assassinate the president. The matter has been spread among private people, and judging from the police investigation, the biggest suspect in last night's incident is also a staff member of yours who knows everything."

"It's hard for us officials to cover up the past for you in this situation!"

"Then don't cover it up, let's just keep things official."

Sano responded calmly.


Fujiyoshi Yezaburo asked in disbelief, thinking that he had heard wrongly.

"I said, let's just keep things official."

Sano picked at his nails: "I told you that this matter has nothing to do with us. If you don't believe it, then check it out."


The three of them looked at each other hesitantly, not expecting such a response from the other party.

… Could it be that what happened last night was really not Hei Shi’s idea?

Fujiyoshi Yezaburo frowned, and for a moment he was not sure of the other party's true thoughts.

However, since Black Death has already said so, then there will be no problem if we do as the other party said, right?

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

Fujiyoshi Yezaburo determined the direction: "Now your armed detective agency is very suspicious. According to the process, we need to check your commission records."


Sano waved indifferently: "Xiaosan, bring me the commission record of the detective agency."


Seeing Sano's indifference, Fujiyoshi Yusaburo also knew that this "commission" would probably not be recorded... Logically speaking, there would be no record.

"By the way, there are also a few employees who went to this nightclub last night and need to go back with us to cooperate with the investigation."

... They say they are cooperating with the investigation, but in fact it is no different than arresting someone.

Of course, Fujiyoshi Yezaburo was also trying to help Sano step down.

After all, even though it was said that it was business, who knew what was going on in the other person's head.

If what happened last night was really arranged by the other party, then the meaning of Fujiyoshi Yusaburo's words was actually telling the other party that he could drag two people out to support him.

However, to the surprise of Fujiyoshi Yasaburo, Sano actually replied to the step he proposed: "Ah, I'm sorry, those are temporary workers we recruit everywhere, so we can't find anyone at all."


Fujiyoshi Yezaburo's eyes widened in astonishment. Of course he would not believe that the situation was really as the other party said, and that those few staff members who knew everything were temporary workers.

Putting aside the fact that this kind of thing sounds like a perfect coincidence, it is too unreasonable. If you say that the other party can know that those people are temporary workers without even checking, the problem is already too obvious. Couldn't be more obvious.

This is so obvious that he just wants to cheat!

"Heidi, this kind of thing can't be settled by just saying it. You have to talk about it..."

Before Fujiyoshi Yezaburo could finish speaking, Sano interrupted again: "Mr. Fujiyoshi, as you just said, everything can't be said with just one mouth. You have to provide evidence. I said those guys are If you don’t believe temporary workers, then you have to provide evidence that they are not temporary workers.”

"After all, this is what real business is about, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Fujiyoshi Yezaburo's breath suddenly stagnated. Where the hell could he get the evidence to prove that those people who knew everything were not temporary workers?

…Wait a minute, evidence?

Fujiyoshi Yezaburo's eyes suddenly lit up. He finally noticed this recurring keyword, and seemed to understand what Hei Shi's true thoughts were.

There is nothing wrong with keeping yourself business-friendly.

But doing things business does not necessarily mean that there must be results... although judging from the other party's attitude, there is a high probability that there will be no results.

In other words, it is to give this matter a result that is not a result.

This "official business" is actually the other party giving his side a suitable step to step down.

...If possible, the officials certainly don't want to confront a troublesome existence like the Black Death, but they have to come after them due to pressure from the outside world.

To put it bluntly, the so-called "result" is an "explanation" to the outside world.

It's just that if you just fool around, the outside world won't believe this explanation, so you have to "take it seriously."

You want the truth, then give you the truth.

At that time, it will not be a question of whether you want to believe it or not, but a matter of having to believe it.

"...If that's the case, then we will investigate the commission records of the Armed Detective Agency and the information about the personnel who are connected to each other."

After thinking about it, Fujiyoshi Yasaburo returned to calm: "We will notify you of the results of the investigation by then. Thank you for your active cooperation this time."

"Hey, I'm serious. It is our duty to cooperate with the authorities to maintain social security."

Sano also greeted the other party politely.

After the two parties successfully reached a consensus, Sano arranged for someone to send the other party away.

"That guy is quite knowledgeable."

Huang Mao came to Sano's side and muttered.

The mistress on the side said: "According to the information in the intelligence library, this guy belongs to the more honest official faction, and he is also a hawk, so he should know that the president we killed is himself. He has done a lot of bad things, so he will try his best to cooperate with us."

"...Although even if he doesn't want to cooperate, he will have to cooperate, right."

Huang Mao winked at the mistress.

The mistress rolled her eyes and turned to look at Sano: "By the way, boss, after we spread the news about last night, many people have started tentatively asking us about similar commissions. How should we determine the price?"

Sano turned around and said, "You can screen it a bit. If it doesn't suit our goals, we'll just raise the price and throw it away. If it fits, we'll send the statistics to me and I'll take a look."


...Yes, the reason why the incident last night spread so quickly was because Sano deliberately arranged for it to be done.

The purpose is to build a reputation and tell customers that the "professionalism" here is no worse than those of extremists or killers.

On the contrary, it is even stronger.

...For this reason, even the so-called "commission" last night was made up by Sano himself.

He just randomly picked a target in the intelligence database that was prone to evil deeds, had a high reputation, and was relatively difficult to deal with.

"Tell the others to be prepared and take action at night. I will lead you to do it a few more times at most. Any further entrustments will have to be left to you."

Faced with Sano's instructions, Huang Mao immediately nodded solemnly in response.

...After all, what this mission is about is the collective performance of the Armed Detective Agency. How can Sano achieve it with his own efforts... Well, in fact, after commanding Xiao Hei to save people before, Sano discovered that it seems that not all All the tasks required him to do it himself, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​leaving this task to others.

In this way, it can be regarded as training members of the special attack team.

Even if the same situation as last time happens again in the future, even if Sano has the clone technique, he still has no clone technique, there are other ways to deal with it.

Yes, that's right, this is all for precaution, it's definitely not because Sano wants to be lazy.

Sano thought so.

Then I started to select the commissions to be done tonight and prepare the prices.

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