Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 349 348, Sano x Maorilan mixed doubles package

Not to mention that there was already a karate master like Mao Lilan beside Sano.

Even if Sano is not familiar with Maori Ran's moves, he will never forget the karate moves that Kyogoku Shin showed yesterday so quickly.

Therefore, one of the two Dukes of Dark Night is Satoshi Maeda.

It goes without saying who the other one is.

Of course, that is not important now. What is important is how Sano can defeat Satoshi Maeda, a former karate champion, in the remaining two minutes.

Although not as good as Kyogoku, Satoshi Maeda is not weak either.

If you really want to compare, Sano feels that the other party is even stronger than Mao Lilan.

Maybe it is impossible for Sano to lose to Maeda Satoshi, but it is extremely difficult to win, especially in such a short period of time, without using special means.


Sano raised his hand to block Maeda Satoshi's whip kick. He wanted to take the opportunity to find a flaw, but he still underestimated the opponent's strength. After staggering back two steps, he exposed the flaw himself.

But it doesn't matter, Sano can also take this opportunity to counterattack.

The worst case scenario is just to trade injury for injury. What a big deal.

However, just when Maeda Satoru was about to attack and Sano was about to counterattack with force, another sound that broke through the air suddenly intervened in the battle.


Mao Lilan flew up and kicked with an angry shout, forcing Maeda Satoshi to retract his attack and dodge.

...In fact, it was not only Sano who discovered Maeda Satoshi's identity, but also Maori Ran.

Even without the karate moves he saw after being chased out of the elevator by Maeda Satoshi, the reaction speed he showed when facing Sano's sudden attack at the beginning was enough to make Mao Lilan guess.

The Duke of Darkness in front of him is the karate master of the Izu Detective Team.

This hit Mao Lilan very much.

As early as when she introduced Sano and Maeda Satoshi to each other during dinner, Mao Lilan mentioned that the other party was her senior and idol that she admired very much.

Even if it weren't for Maeda Satoshi, would Mao Lilan choose to learn karate.

It's all a problem.

Therefore, when he realized that his idol might have embarked on the path of murder, Mao Lilan's spirit seemed to be about to collapse, and her eyes became sore.

But even though her brain was very confused, when Mao Lilan saw that Sano had revealed a flaw and was about to be succeeded by Maeda Satoshi, she still couldn't control it so much.

Maybe the Duke of Dark Night in front of him is indeed Maeda Satoshi, maybe not, but the only thing Mao Lilan knows is that this person is most likely the murderer of Jiang Yuan, and he is still plotting evil intentions to attack Sano.

Protect Sano and capture the Duke of Dark Night. In this way, if the other party is not Maeda Satoshi, then it will clear the suspicion for the other party, but if it is...

Then we can only let the other party go to prison to atone for his sins!

Mao Lilan's mind flashed back to the answer she got when she asked Kudo Shinichi what to do if her relatives and friends became suspects.

But he didn't notice that the attack after Maeda Satoshi's dodge had arrived.

...Of course Maeda Satoshi never thought about what he really wanted to do to Sano and Maori Lan. He was just acting out of instinct.

Sano grabbed the stunned Mao Lilan with his backhand and pulled him back, causing Maeda Satoshi's attack to miss. At the same time, he turned around and kicked the opponent back, forcing him to retreat.


Under Sano's deep reminder, Mao Lilan instantly came back to her senses. While secretly cursing herself, she also responded with a deep breath. Then without even saying more, she started to cooperate with the next attack and launched against Maeda Satoshi. siege.

Even Maeda Satoshi became confused when facing attacks from both Sano and others at the same time.

Mao Lilan kicked Maeda Satoshi to dodge, and Sano took the opportunity to hit the opponent with a pendulum, causing him to stagger back.

When Maeda Satoru wanted to defend and counterattack, Mao Lilan stepped forward again and forced the opponent with three punches to turn the target back, and then was sneak attacked by Sano.

Maeda wanted to focus his firepower on one person.

If one person is eliminated first, then Satoshi Maeda's pressure will undoubtedly be much less, but it will be difficult for him to encounter Sano, who has a full level of agility.

Even if Sano sometimes "greeds for success", Mao Lilan will block the attack for him, or directly attack Maeda Satoshi to "surround Wei and save Zhao".

And if Maeda puts his target on Maori Ran, Sano, who has been eyeing him with eager eyes, makes him feel chills standing on end. Even if he seizes the opportunity when the opponent cannot "kill with one blow", he can still provide support very quickly.

This makes Maeda Satoshi unable to "kill with one blow".

In the end, it can only be like falling into a quagmire, sinking deeper and deeper.

...Maybe it's because after the karate competition, he stopped practicing karate, so Maeda not only had a gap period, but also regressed a lot.

Or maybe it's simply because of the talent gap.

The difference between Maeda Satoshi and Kyogoku Makoto is indeed more than a little bit.

Mao Lilan is not weak, especially as the main attacker and defense, while Sano takes the opportunity to make a sneak attack or attract the attention of Maeda Satoshi so that his teammates can attack.

In addition, Sano also has to use his own advantages to pull Maorilan out when the situation is not right, which can be regarded as a support and roaming position, of course, to be more accurate.

The two of them should be assisting each other.

It's just that Sano is responsible for more parts.

Although this is the first time the two have cooperated in actual combat, Sano has abnormal "control" after all. It may be a bit rough to ask Mao Lilan to cooperate with him, but if he takes the initiative to cooperate with the other party.

That would seem very easy.

So Maeda Satoru, who was facing the mixed doubles match between the two, after undoubtedly being a sandbag for a minute, was directly pushed to the ground and his mask was forcibly taken off.

Conan and the others, who were watching Sano and Mao Lilan and cooperated with the violent beating of the "Duke of the Night", were stunned when they saw Maeda Satoshi's face under the mask.

Only Akiko Sayama seemed to be hiding a little bit of understanding under her astonishment.

...What's going on? Could it be that Akiko Sayama didn't know that the Duke of the Night was actually her fiancé Satoshi Maeda pretending to be her, but because of the encounter just now, she had some guesses, but she was just not sure.

Sano received a reminder that one task was completed and immediately set his goal on the second task.

Find the real Duke of the Night and be guaranteed jail time.

To put it bluntly, the purpose is to solve Jiang Yuan's case.

But at present, Sano not only has no evidence at all, but also knows that Sayama Akiko has an alibi... Of course, if you think about it from the perspective of this guy being the murderer, it is hard to say whether the alibi is true or false.

A forged alibi, but no loopholes.

Then there is only one possibility - Jiang Yuan actually did not fall from his own room, but from the room where Sayama Akiko's crime occurred.

The problem is that with the location of Sayama Akiko's room, it is impossible to throw Jiang Yuan at the spot where the bronze statue is on the first floor.

What exactly is this method?

...While Sano was thinking, Mao Lilan didn't show much surprise when he saw Maeda Satoshi's face, and some were just disappointed.


Facing Mao Lilan's "question", Maeda Satoshi remained silent and just shook his head.

Seeing this, Mao Lilan and others could only inform the police.

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