Gin shook his head, not sure if it meant he couldn't do it or if he didn't see anything.

"It seems we still need to get the other side to speed up."

After taking a long breath, Gin looked at Vodka: "Contact Rum and ask him to arrange bourbon there."

Vodka was stunned for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll contact you right away."

...Sano didn't know that Gin had done a lot of things secretly, and he didn't even know that his "boss" would be "affected" by this.

Even if it was clear, Sano wouldn't care because he is busy with other things now.

Yes, it was the strengthening after a long time.

In fact, Sano could have been strengthened a long time ago, but because he didn't feel anything, he didn't move... even though he doesn't feel much now either.

Who cares?

Anyway, intuition is not always accurate.

Maybe we can even come up with some new fun to play.

Thinking of this, Sano no longer hesitated. However, as the prompt sounded, his first concern was not the strengthening target this time, but the consumed strengthening points.

A thousand points?

Wasn't it the same price of one thousand points last time? Why didn't it "increase the price"?

Could it be that I remembered it wrong?

After Sano was stunned for a moment, he picked up his fingers and did some calculations to make sure that he remembered correctly. There was indeed no "price increase" for this enhancement.

...Is this reaching the upper limit, or is there a bug?

After reacting, shouldn't he have to withdraw the wrong points from his own account to make up for it?

After blinking, Sano didn't complain about anything... After all, this was a good thing, at least it couldn't be considered a bad thing, and there was no way to verify it, so why did he care.

Open the box, open the box!

Sano returned his attention to the strengthening target this time.

"In random enhancement, congratulations on the host's suit being strengthened, the enhancement is successful..."


Sano was stunned again. He currently had only three enhancement items in his possession.

Vest, special attack suit, and silly coat.

Needless to say, the first two, although the last one is stupid, in terms of effect, it is really strong. After all, the hard control guaranteed for one second is still very useful in battle... although it is still very stupid.

Unexpectedly, this time it was also clothes, and it was also a suit... By the way, do you own a suit? Could it be that you are counting other people's things as your own?

Sano pulled out the location. Fortunately, it was at his own home, so there was no need to buy or rob it anymore.

With the new equipment, Sano was naturally not in the mood to do this mission himself.

He threw it to Ito Taka casually and acted as the shopkeeper.

Of course, Sano also underestimated the amount of the bonus by half. After getting a confirmation reply from the other party, he ran home in a hurry to see his new equipment.

Finally, Sano did pull out a dusty suit from under the pile of tattered clothes.

Reinforcement name: Thug Suit.

Grade: A.


1. Thugs (burst attribute +100).

2. Elite (when wearing this enhancement item and entering other forms, that form will gain the elite enhancement effect).

Restrictions: None

Notes: Elegant and timeless.

Sano: "..."

Does this special name have anything to do with the remarks?

After complaining, Sano focused on business again... In fact, there was nothing to focus on.

After all, there are only two effects, and they need to be as brief as possible.

But after all, it is A level, so the effect cannot be weak. The former's blessing of 100 points of burst attribute seems to be a standard match for this level.

Putting aside this powerful effect, the effect of this suit only has a somewhat vague effect... Compared with the Masked Superman pendant and the special attack suit, it undoubtedly looks a bit stretched, but that's just it. .

Sano didn't hesitate, took the suit and went out to start the experiment.

...The only thing that made Sano want to complain might be the composition of this suit.

Logically speaking, a suit covers the whole body.

Jacket, lining, tie, trousers, leather shoes, and maybe even a vest.

But this thing is just a simple coat... Of course, this should be a good thing for Sano, because it saves a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Of course, even if this thing is just a jacket, if Sano plans to wear it, he should still modify other clothes to match it.

Otherwise, it would be too nondescript.

It's okay to be special, or to be in the second grade, but the awkward thing of pairing a shotgun with a cannon is really hard to accept... Sano still cares about appearance, or to be more precise, his own quality.

It is still a place in the suburbs, an abandoned factory that is familiar yet unfamiliar.

A figure wearing a peaked cap was sitting cross-legged on the ground, waving his hands in the air, and muttering: "You should be slightly taller, otherwise the suit will make your legs too short... Tsk, what? What does it feel like?”

Sano touched his chin and thought for a long time, then took out a pair of sniper sunglasses from his backpack.

Through the modification of the vest, the sunglasses were quickly "refurbished" and turned into a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

This is it!

Sano's eyes lit up, he put on his glasses, then took off his hat, stood up, and thought.

In an instant, Sano's height increased, his clothes changed into a straight suit, and his skin became a degree whiter. Of course, the most important thing was the position of his head. The edges of his facial features became very "sharp" and the color of his eyes became The green and black hair turned into blonde, and the hairstyle was...

Turn your head sideways?

Or side parting?

Sano also had a very superficial understanding of hairstyles. He just thought it looked good, so he casually pinched it out. Anyway, he put the bangs on the left side of his forehead back, while the bangs on the right side were curled over because the length was still on his glasses.

Well, it tastes like that.

Sano separated the clones and looked at each other.

Just from the first glance, you can feel that this is a standard Western... noble?

Anyway, it fits the word "elegant" in the remarks.

In addition, it is because of those glasses that it gives the sense of instant vision that Sano wants.

Gentle scum.

and dressed beasts.

Tsk tsk tsk, it’s perfect.

Satisfied with his "masterpiece", Sano finally turned his attention back to business.

...a strong sense of power.

Sano looked at his hands and clenched his fists.

Because he has always been in the attribute-blessed state of the Masked Superman pendant, now that Sano puts on the special attack suit, he will no longer have the uncomfortable "freshness" of the past. After all, although the power of the two states has been improved, It's still big, but not ridiculously big.

But this time, it was a far cry from the explosive power of the special attack server.

This thing feels a little scarier than I imagined...

Sano's eyes turned to the clone in front of him. A minute later, the black man in the special attack suit immediately started fighting with the white man in the suit.

...Although both sides are actually controlled by Sano, and there is no point in fighting, at least some of the hard conditions can be seen.

After some attempts, Sano quickly determined the advantages and disadvantages of these one hundred burst attributes.

Yes, there are advantages and disadvantages, of course the latter is only relative.

Although Sano would like to call his current self as motionless as a mountain and as moving as thunder, it is a pity that he cannot.

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