Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 361 360, Gin: I just feel noisy

A low and hoarse cry suddenly sounded.

Extremely unpleasant to listen to.

It's like scratching a blackboard with a fingernail or scratching a glass with a spoon, making those who hear it feel upset and have an inexplicable sense of desolation and even desolation.

Chianti turned around and glanced at the crows sitting opposite the hotel door, and muttered: "It's quite ominous to encounter these things when I first arrived."

Sano also glanced at the crows.

It turns out that Neon also thinks this thing is unlucky?

Sano thought that such a statement could only be made by planting flowers.

"Let's all take a rest and get the equipment for action in the evening."

Under Gin's command, several people entered their own rooms. Although due to the unspoken rule of "mutual supervision", there were actually two people in a room.

...Normally speaking, Sano would most likely live in the same room as Vodka.

But I don’t know why Gin was so angry that he actually entered the same room as Sano.

If you sleep with this girl at night, you will be pointed at a gun, right?


Why does this sound so weird?

After shivering, Sano chose the bed next to the window and lay down.

But even though Gin was watching from the side, Sano's mind was not stable.

Because after the matter in Tokyo was settled, Sano's points now reached one thousand, and he could be strengthened again... This was also due to the price increase of the strengthening being stopped, otherwise he would not be one or two points behind now. Hundred.

Although yesterday... it was not long since the last strengthening.

But it's precisely because of his failure last time that Sano feels so impatient now that he doesn't want to wait at all.

It used to be okay on the plane, but now it's all in the hotel.

Then of course there is nothing to worry about.

Seeing his account being emptied instantly, leaving only a few dozen points in balance, Sano's attention was completely focused on the goal of strengthening.

"In the process of random strengthening, congratulations to the host's crow for being strengthened, the strengthening is successful..."

……crow? ?

Sano's eyes twitched. He just heard Chianti complain about how unlucky he was to encounter a crow, and in the blink of an eye, he got another crow.

Feeling a little speechless.

In addition, to be honest, Sano's impression of living reinforcers is not very good.

This thing is really cumbersome... although it is indeed quite useful.

I just don’t know what the difference is between this thing and Xiao Hei.

Sano glanced at Gin next to him, rubbed his fingers, and finally couldn't hold back his itchy heart. He stood up and walked to the window and opened it.


Sano didn't even need to do anything, a crow had already taken the initiative to fly over.

Sano also subconsciously raised his hand, allowing the crow to land on his finger.

Gin, who was originally checking whether there were bugs or monitors in the room, noticed something strange, turned to look at Sano and the crow in his hand, and found nothing wrong, so he lowered his head and continued checking... In fact, in the past He would leave such small things to Vodka directly, but who made his current "roommate" have no intention of checking at all.

Gin could only bear a little more.

Those who are able work harder, and those who are able work harder... Ginjiu thought silently in his heart.

Sano did not pay attention to Gin's performance, but was immersed in checking the strengthening effect of this crow.

Reinforcement name: Black Crow.

Grade: B.


1. Pet (the affinity between this reinforcer and its owner will reach the highest level and cannot be eliminated).

2. Contract (the attributes of this enhanced object are doubled in all aspects, and it can communicate spiritually with the owner).

3. Summon (use the ignored distance to summon the enhanced object to the vicinity of the owner).

4. Unlucky halo (anyone hit by the excrement of this reinforcement will enter a state of unlucky for ten minutes).

5. Fusion (can enter a fusion state with the reinforcement, lasting up to one hour).

Restrictions: Effect summoning cannot cause the reinforcement to appear in any observed place, and the summoning location will be modified based on the situation; effect fusion cannot be used again within 24 hours after each use.

Note: The dove in the church will not kiss the crow in the field, just like the old man in the toilet will not go home hungry.

...What a goddamn toilet guy.

After complaining as usual, Sano focused on business.

From an effect point of view, the first three are the same as Xiao Hei.

It is estimated that these three should be regarded as the standard combination of living reinforcements... At the same time, it may also mean that such living reinforcements will appear in the future.

Sano did not comment on whether this discovery was good or bad for the time being, but turned his attention to the following two, which were different from Xiao Hei and were unique to the effects of this crow.

Does it have one more effect than Xiaohei?

But isn’t the way this bad luck halo takes effect a bit outrageous?

Relying on excrement to target?

Is there no cooling one, or does it depend on whether... the crow's one can be pulled out?

Once the "inventory" is cleared, it will enter cooling mode until it can be pulled out next time?

Countless thoughts flashed through Sano's brain in an instant.

With Xiao Hei's experience first, what Sano needs to experiment with is nothing more than the two latter effects. The former needs to see what the "bad luck" is, and the latter's "fusion" is even more vague. .

Similar to the cat demon form?

Or just like the black cat form, directly transforming into a crow?

...It is of course impossible to experiment immediately.

Not to mention that Sano is currently on a mission, Gin is unlikely to allow herself to stay out of his sight for a "long time". Even if she could, it would be difficult for this crow to communicate, and she would probably have to let this guy grow for a while.

Sano stared at the crow with his eyes lowered for a while. After silently giving the crow a big black name, he tentatively tried to communicate spiritually with the crow.

‘Dahei, can you speak? If you can speak, just click. ’

Daikoku tilted his neck and let out a "Gah" as expected, although it shouldn't be considered an answer to Sano's question, at most it could be...


The difference between the two lies in whether Dahei can understand Sano's meaning.

The former understood it, but the latter did not.

The reason why Sano thought it was the latter was because the content of Dahei's response was similar to what Xiaohei had meant earlier. Anyway, it was "getting close" and that was it.

Sano didn't care whether Daikoku could communicate or not, he just talked a lot to the other person, just thinking he was talking to himself... Of course, the more important thing is because this might also be able to play such a role in its growth. A little help.

Although Dahei couldn't understand, let alone explain, he still "communicated" with Sano in a "quacking" manner. Both sides talked about their own things, and the "chat" was quite happy.

However, the joys and sorrows between people are not the same.

Most of the time, they just feel noisy with each other... For example, Gin, who was still checking later, was struck by Dahei's "quacking" sound, and his head was filled with veins.

It's already annoying enough to "work" alone, but you also have to listen to the crows.

More and more trouble.

Gin looked back at Sano and the big black in his hand.

...This guy is quite boring, just a crow.

Is there anything so good that I can just sit there and watch it for a long time without moving?

If you have some free time, why don't you come over and help me? I don't have any eyesight at all.

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