Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 363 362, Gin: I’ll kill you again

Then he took out a wallet, pulled out a wad of bills, and threw it to the waiter.


The waiter hurriedly caught the money with hesitation on his face.

Seeing this, Sano tossed out another batch without hesitation. The other party immediately smiled brightly, and without caring about anything else, he nodded repeatedly and added a series of "okok".

Sano closed his wallet, put it back into Gin's pocket, and walked towards the table where the sniper duo was sitting, leaving behind Gin vodka and Calvados.

A big question mark gradually appeared on his face.

Calvados did not expect that, faced with such a "dilemma", Sano neither chose to cause trouble nor endure it, but chose to use money to solve the problem...and the money he used was not his own. .

As for gin and vodka... neither of them had any idea what was going on.

The only thing that is clear is one point.

That is to say, Sano was not embarrassed at all. He took out Gin's wallet as if he was digging into his own pocket and took a lot of bills from it.

...Do you dare to be thicker-skinned? ?

Gin's eyes twitched when he finally came to his senses, because Sano's behavior just now was so natural that he didn't even think there was anything wrong for a while.

if not.

It was absolutely impossible for Gin to watch helplessly like this. Sano took so much money from his pocket and still spent it on something of such unclear meaning.

But the money has already been spent, at least Gin can't look down on him and snatch the money back from the waiter, so he can only keep up with him depressedly.

"...Why did you use my money just now?"

After all, Gin still felt that he couldn't swallow this breath and asked in a muffled voice.

"Because I only have Japanese yen on me and no US dollars."

Sano replied to Gin as a matter of course, then took some food and gave it to Dahei, and then started to peel a lobster for was an Australian lobster.

This hotel is indeed upscale enough, even the free buffet is of such high quality.


...It turns out there is no currency here.

After receiving the answer, Gin was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Remember to return it to me later."


Do you still need to pay back this little money?

Do you dare to dig a little more?

Sano raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully: "Is it necessary? Isn't it going to have to be reimbursed anyway?"

Gin: "..."

Damn, you shouldn't continue this topic.

Why is the organization's reimbursement system just for you to squander like this and fill the cup?

After taking a deep breath, Gin lowered his head and started to eat.

You have to get your money back from this cafeteria... Although judging from the amount Sano spread out, there is a high probability that you won't be able to get it back. You can only get back as much as you want.


After Dahei ate something by himself, he tried to get something for nothing and had sex with the lobster that Sano had peeled. Then he was undoubtedly slapped in the face, spun 720 degrees on the spot and sat down on the table, dazed. It took a while to stand up again, but at least it understood now.

Who is the boss?

He even pushed the food he had "processed" to Sano as if to please.

Of course Sano is not interested in this stuff.

If Dahei was a little beauty with a delicate body, Sano would be happy to be fed.

So after being rejected by Sano, Dahei started eating by himself again.

Because he has been looking for food in garbage dumps in the past, the food in high-end hotels is undoubtedly close to heaven for Dahei.

This caused Dahei's "quacking" sound to become continuous.

To Sano's ears, it was probably words like "delicious" and "really fragrant"... Of course, to the ears of Gin and the others, who couldn't understand its meaning, it was simply noisy.

"Rye, shut up your bird!"

The vodka and sniper duo were naturally unwilling to provoke Sano. Even Calvados didn't want to be the one who stood out, so the only one who spoke out was Gin.

However, in the face of Gin's "order", Sano just shrugged: "Please, if I tell it to shut up, it will shut up. It is not a human. If it can't understand the words, even if it can understand, I'm not its owner, so why should it listen to me?"

Speaking of this, Dahei next to him seemed to understand what Sano meant, and actually moved his neck up and down in cooperation, as if "nodding" in agreement.

Vodka and others were left speechless for a while...and so was Sano.

Did this guy understand what he meant, or was it just a coincidence?

If it's the former, then that's a little too stupid, right?


Before Dahei could say "ga" again, Gin's cold voice that could barely suppress his murderous intent had already spit out: "If you dare to make any noise again, I will kill you!"

Ga ga ga ga ni mana ga, if you quack again, I will give you to quack!


The already silent air on the table became even more dead.

Big, big brother actually lost his temper!

Vodka leaned back in a cold sweat, while the other three looked strange... Gin was so angry that he was actually trying to "threaten" a crow?

Sano's expression was equally strange.

He coughed and said seriously: "Master Gin, if you say this, it won't understand."

Before the three Calvados people could nod in their minds, Sano continued: "After all, this is America's crow. You have to speak English to it. How can it understand Japanese?" Bar?"

Cohen: "..."

Vodka: "..."

Chianti: “…”

Calvados: "..."

Gin realized that his brain was having a seizure: "..."

God damn you have to speak English, your focus is a bit too strange! ?

But when Sano turned to Dahei and said "shut up", Dahei responded with a "ga", and then continued to work hard without any more "ga".

Several people present were stunned again.

My special method... is really really good at it?

Is it just a coincidence, or...does this crow really understand? ?

After the silence.

Gin raised his hand to rub his temples, dropped the fork in his hand, and got up to go upstairs.

Anyway, he couldn't finish this meal.

Seeing that Vodka didn't dare to stay any longer, he quickly got up and left.

"Hey, Gin-sama, you don't want to eat. You only took a few bites now. What a waste of money you paid. You will be hungry at night if you don't eat?"

Hearing Sano's voice coming from behind, the corner of Gin's mouth twitched.

The food, drink, and sleep that these few people spent all day were not as much as the amount of money that the other party just spread out.

What else is wasteful?

Gin didn't even bother to reply to Sano, and just quickened his pace.

When night came, Sano and others had already left the hotel, divided into two groups, and took a ride to their respective mission targets.

As for the weapons, they had already obtained them at an early stage.

After all, several of them are people who have been involved in the "jianghu". Even if they are not on a mission, they will feel a little uneasy if they don't have weapons with them.

...Except Sano.

"I didn't expect Gin to put us in a group."

Calvados glanced at Sano and Vodka beside him and said, but his eyes especially fell on the sniper rifle held in the former's arms.

"Well, I thought it would be a team of two."

Sano replied casually, causing Vodka, who was driving, to break into a cold sweat.

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