Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 368 367, the method of changing one’s appearance!

At the same moment, the neon lights are far away.

A figure raised his left hand covered in black gloves and snapped his fingers.


The flames gathered and surged toward the sky. The violent shock wave formed an air wave, sweeping everything around. The roar penetrated the heaven and earth, deafening.


After the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, leaving only a bit of thick smoke, the buzzing sound caused by the tinnitus made James's already groggy brain.

Becoming more and more dizzy.

Standing up with difficulty with both hands on the ground, James staggered a few more steps, shook his head to try to wake himself up, and then some vague screams and wails from around him reached his ears.

Looking around blankly, almost all of the more than a hundred agents collapsed on the ground, and only a few, like James, were able to get up.

The agents who fell on the ground did not die directly on the spot or lost consciousness. After all, there was still a long distance between these people and Sano, that is, the bomb. Plus, they responded in a timely manner... Of course, this is just by the way. There are a few factors, but in short the situation has not reached the worst level.

But this is definitely not good.

Because the shock wave of the explosion is different from those of fragmentation grenades.

Sometimes, although it may seem like nothing on the surface, the internal organs may have been injured, bleeding, or even... shattered by the shock.

The two unlucky guys who were closest were even burned by the expanding flames. The area was quite large, and the internal injuries were probably the most serious.

All in all, it is still necessary to send him to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible.

"Quick, send to the hospital, call an ambulance!!"

James called on the agents who were still able to move to give priority to those in more serious conditions to the hospital. He stayed behind and directed people with some medical knowledge to handle the situation while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

...After all, there are too many wounded, and it is impossible to send them all away at once.

We can only do this first.

It wasn't until most of the agents were sent away that James turned his attention back to the center point of the explosion - a large crater created by the explosion.

Because of the high temperature of the explosion, the pit was extremely dark and there were many cracks.

Not to mention New Rye, even the car that the other party drove had only a "skeleton" left there, and it was still in a dilapidated state.

Where is that guy? Is he dead?

James wiped his dark face. No matter how he thought, he didn't think that Rye, who was standing next to the bomb at that time, could survive.

But it shouldn’t have been blown up to pieces, right?

James lowered his head and thought.

Then again, if this guy is really dead, did he have this idea in the beginning, and wanted to die together with him?

...This is unreasonable!

What good does this result do to rye?

It can't be because you want to give Gin a chance to retreat, right?

So loyal? ?

But let’s not talk about whether Rye is such a person. Even if he is, will Gin sacrifice such a talent for a chance to retreat?

James, who had been thinking hard to no avail, felt his head start to hurt again.

Forget it, it's over anyway, there's no point in thinking about it anymore.

It's impossible to go back and chase Gin and the others, and if Rye hadn't died... he would definitely run into them in the future, so there's no point in worrying about it now.

Thinking of this, James turned around and left, planning to go to the hospital to check on the situation.

Not long after James left, a tiny black particle appeared in the middle of the big pit, and more continued to emerge, and finally condensed into a ball and turned into a small black doll.


The black crow landed, quickly took the doll away, and then flew to a room in the hotel where Sano had stayed. Then he went to the bathroom and looked at the dog's head lying on the toilet seat with an innocent face.

"Just put it in its mouth."

There was an invisible spiritual communication. Dahei obediently put the replica doll into Xiaohei's mouth, and then the two disappeared into the room together.

"Keep in touch, I'll talk to you later."


After recovering the replica doll, all of Sano's affairs in America were over for the time being...except for Daikoku, who was still unable to summon.

"Okay, it's none of your business, let's go."

Sano rubbed Xiao Hei's dog's head and turned to leave.

That's right, in fact, Sano's body has already returned to Neon's side. As for the Rye who left the hotel, it is his clone.

As mentioned before, Sano was prepared to "lose" from the beginning.

And if he wanted to "lose" smoothly, Sano had to "die".

Because of such a situation, it would be too difficult to escape without considering tearing off the vest. Even if it was really torn off, the follow-up would still be quite troublesome.

It would be better to just activate Wushuang and destroy them all.

In the end, Sano simply decided to "spend money" to get it done.

As long as the clone comes over through the "Transformation Technique", Sano can completely remove the clone effect at 0.001 seconds before the explosion.

In the end, you don’t even have to pay for the vest, you just need to repair a doll.

There is another key point.

Sano didn't want to come back with Gin and the others.

That's why Sano arranged the location of the "challenge" so far away.

The purpose is to prevent Gin from "seeing" him.

Only in this way can Sano return to Neon first to complete another of his tasks, and then go to bed quickly... Otherwise, if the task here is completed, the other side still needs to rush back, which will be too tiring.

At the same time, it was precisely because of this that Sano set the date of the fight so early.

In addition to being able to get off work as early as possible, you can also go back and complete the task if the task is not up to standard or triggers subsequent related tasks.

Kill two birds with one stone.

...To put it bluntly, the core of Sano's entire chain of actions revolves around the word "lazy", with only one purpose.

Get off work quickly!

Finally, there is Dahei's role in this operation.

That is to say, helping to recycle replica dolls... This is also something that surprised Sano.

Dahei's "growth speed" is somewhat beyond Sano's imagination.

Unlike Xiao Hei, who used to take several days to have some simple communication, this guy was even able to say "good morning" to Sano after just one night, and even put forward his needs to him.

What do you want to eat for breakfast, or lunch?

So Sano tentatively began to direct Daikoku to do some small things.

Of course, even if there is no Daikoku, Sano can completely recover it by himself, because even if the clone "disappears", the "space passage" will still exist.

At most, it just offends Xiao Hei's dog head and hangs it on the toilet in the bathroom for a while.

All in all, it's all over.

Sano let out a long breath and looked up at the dark sky... It seems that this shift ended too early?

Then he turned to look at the content of the task that was triggered later.

[Please take bus No. W707 at Mihua Park Station at 12:30. You will get 100 strengthening points when you complete it. The remaining time of the task is - 08:19:49].

It is also a task that is limited to a fixed time point or period and appears in a certain place or scene.

The problem is that Sano has to take the bus after twelve o'clock.

As for now.

Sano silently took out his cell phone and set the clock from América back to Neon.

Well, a little after four in the morning.

No wonder it's still dark... What's the time difference between the two sides?

Sano smacked his lips, closed his phone and got up to look for a nearby accommodation.

There are still seven or eight hours left, so it’s impossible to stay up forever.

It would be nice to sleep a little longer. In order to maintain the existence of the clone these past two days, I had to wake up every two hours, and Sano was almost exhausted.

The sun gradually hung in the sky. Sano, who was woken up by the alarm clock, still felt that he had not slept enough. He leaned on the pole of the Mihua Park stop sign and watched the chicken peck at the rice.

It wasn't until two familiar voices came into his ears that Sano woke up a little.

Turning around and looking... it turned out to be not Conan, the god of plague, but Tomaki Shinde, the school doctor of Teitan High School, and Judy, the new English teacher that Sano had only met twice.

Why are it these two guys again?

Sano frowned slightly, and then suddenly discovered that there was a third guy he knew present.

Under the black knitted hat, only a strand of black hair was exposed on his forehead, and the white mask was enough to cover most of his face.

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