Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 388 387, Organize a group of singles

Amuro Toru's thoughts were instantly confused.

Because if you really want to confuse the audience, there is no need to involve a Codename member, not to mention it is still like this...

Identified code members.

Totally harmful and unhelpful.

Then consider Rye’s past performance.

There is something wrong with this girl's brain, but Toru Amuro really doesn't think there is any problem.

... Damn it, is the organization crazy?

He actually recruited a mentally ill member of the account?

Or is it because the other party had the code name Rye and became more important before he was diagnosed with mental illness, so he was reluctant to abandon it directly?

If you look at it this way, there is no need to go to such great lengths to recruit a psychiatrist.

It does make sense.

If you think about it this way, rye may be more important than you think.

Much higher.

Amidst the uncertainty, another train of thought emerged in Amuro Toru's mind.

That was the fact that Rye was mentally ill, which made Toru Amuro unconsciously think of another mentally ill person he knew. At the same time, it also reminded him of something he was planning to investigate before setting off to go abroad.

"Izu Detective Team".

On that day, Gin asked Toru Amuro to dig out the relevant information about this thing from the intelligence library and send it to Rye, which undoubtedly attracted his attention.

Originally, Toru Amuro thought that if he had a chance later, he would check this thing to see if he could find out anything. Unexpectedly, the case related to Sano and the Izu Detective Team was published in the newspaper the next day, which surprised him greatly. .

Originally, Toru Amuro wanted to talk to Sano to see if he would find out anything.

As a result, before I had time to ask, I was sent abroad.

...Toru Amuro cleared away all the irrelevant thoughts in his mind, took out his mobile phone and started operating it.

Izu Detective Team, Rye asks for relevant information.

Sano solves the case.

The first known place where rye appeared was on Moon Shadow Island.

Sano showed up halfway through.

Tequila Rye teams up for a mission to Mantian.

Sano solves the case.

Hei Mai was targeted by the Yingjiang Gang because he was their boss.

And earlier, the Yingjiang Gang had a confrontation with the Black Death.

At that time, Black Death, the leader of Black Death, was still the first generation of Black Death.

That is Sano.

After that……

Toru Amuro looked at the small information library he had recorded on his mobile phone. The more he looked through it, the colder his eyes became, and the colder his heart became. If the setting of "mental illness" like that of Rye and Sano was added to the end, Could it be that……


After closing the phone, even Toru Amuro, an intelligence officer who always needed to maintain facial expressions, became extremely ugly.

Looking back, I saw that the queue at the door of the office had disappeared at some point, and Rye at the end of the queue had disappeared, probably because he had entered the office.

But apart from that, Toru Amuro saw another guy who looked a little familiar, and he was also the first person to enter the office to see a doctor.

As if noticing Toru Amuro's gaze, Ito Taka turned his head.

After staring at Toru Amuro for a while, Ito Taka approached and said hello: "Hey, Mr. Bourbon, I didn't even have time to say hello to you just now. I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet you here. What a fate."

haven't seen you for a long time?

Toru Amuro raised an eyebrow and asked, "Have we met before?"

"Well, in the psychiatry department of Mihua General Hospital, my master was in the hospital at that time, and you came to work as a volunteer, and you were even complained about, don't you remember?"

Ito Taka replied, which made Toru Amuro, who had not been impressed at first, think about it instantly.

...Sano's patient?

Is this guy also a member of the organization? Or rather.

When did this guy become a member of the organization?

Amuro Toru nodded calmly, with an undercurrent surging in his heart.

More and more details are giving Amuro a very ominous premonition.

If Rye is really Sano, then is this guy recruited by him, or is it because the organization wants to explore his situation, so it arranges people to stay around him and keep an eye on him in a reasonable way?

But no matter what.

Since this guy appears here, it should mean that he is really sick, right?

Looking at the other guys around him, namely Ito Takashi's puppets, Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes: "Are these people also your master's patients?"


Ito Takashi said with a smile: "Looking at it this way, it seems that Master is surrounded by people from some organizations. I think we should go back and try to bring him in as well."

Ito Takashi's words sounded like a joke, but they made Toru Amuro alert.

"Okay, come back to me after you finish what you need to do. If you really have nothing to do and are too busy, I can find you two tasks to relieve your boredom."

Gin finally intervened in the topic, dragged the progress bar to the bottom, and rushed people.

Seeing this, Ito Taka and Amuro Toru had no choice but to leave.

After watching the two people...and the puppets disappear, Gin withdrew his gaze.

Look towards the office door.

In fact, of course Gin knew very well that letting Toru Amuro stay here would probably cause him to become suspicious of Sano. After all, he was not stupid.

How could you not understand such a simple little logic?

So, Gin did it on purpose.

This was true even when the matter of the Izu Detective Team was handed over to Toru Amuro last time.

The purpose is to make Toru Amuro doubt Sano.


Didn't Sano always suspect that there was something wrong with Toru Amuro, so he would give him a flaw.

If Toru Amuro really sees something and takes action, then of course there is no need to say more, and if not, it proves that he is fine.

At least there won't be any problems in the short term.

There is no need for Sano to guard Tohru Amuro in everything, and make it look like nothing.

...Help subordinates handle interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

It is also a necessary professional quality for an excellent boss.

Turning his attention back, Gin actually wanted to go in with Sano to see the doctor's diagnosis, but the other party said that a very quiet and private diagnosis environment was needed, and no one other than the patient was allowed to be present.

Gin could only wait patiently.

Time passed by minute by second, and not long after, Sano opened the door and walked out.

Valentine's Day is a special holiday.

Sano, who slept until the afternoon and didn't go out until the evening, walked from the alley to Gin's Porsche 356A and knocked on the window.

Then he handed a black bag in.

Gin, who was about to hand the mission document to Sano, raised his eyebrows, and then exchanged the objects in the hands of both parties as if they were making some kind of transaction.

When he opened the bag, he saw a bunch of chocolates inside... Gin thought it was going to be a bomb or something.

"What's the meaning?"

Sano opened the document bag and replied: "What do you mean, it's Valentine's Day."

Gin: "..."

Ginjiu didn't know beforehand that today was Valentine's Day. After all, he didn't have a lover, and even if he had a lover, he wouldn't be interested in this kind of festival.

But Sano mentioned it now.

There were only two thoughts that came to Gin's mind.

First, he suspected that Sano was plotting against him.

...First pass, and secondly, Sano thought that he was too "poor" because he could not receive the chocolate, so he "gived" some chocolate.

No matter which one it was, Gin seemed to only feel a strong sense of ridicule.

Making trouble?

Just as Gin was about to draw his gun, Sano added, "By the way, there's Kago's share in it, don't keep it all to yourself," causing the corner of his mouth to twitch.

Who the hell would have nothing to do to swallow something like chocolate?

Besides, Gin doesn't like eating this stuff at all, and he's not a child.

Then Vodka asked Sano a little... flattered.

Why should I give chocolates to two of myself.

Sano naturally answered truthfully: "Because the girls in school gave too many gifts and I couldn't eat them. It would be a waste if I didn't eat them, so I can only ask you to help share the burden. There are still a lot of them that haven't been dealt with. If you If you feel it’s not enough, you can go and get two more portions.”

"So this is ah……"

Vodka nodded suddenly, while Gin withdrew his hand from touching the gun.

Since Sano didn't come here specifically to ridicule him, there was no need to make trouble...despite what the other party said.

It seems to make people feel that they are being mocked invisibly.

Or the Invincible Thomas spirals into the air to accelerate and taunt.

Listening to Sano's words, the bag of chocolates Gin is holding is only "one portion", but the amount of chocolates in it is at least ten or twenty. He even has a guarantee of more than three portions of chocolates. .

This also means that the number of girls who gave Sano chocolates is at least three digits.

And that's just chocolate.

Not counting those girls who only send love letters.

...Is this girl that popular?

"Ah, by the way, I forgot there was anyone else."

Sano clapped his hands: "Chianti and Cohen probably didn't receive the chocolates either. I'll get one for each of them later."

...Although what Sano said is true, the code members in the organization are basically the same.

No, it should be said that they are all singles.

But these words still made Gin feel a little uncomfortable.

It's not that Gin felt uncomfortable with the fact that Sano distributed the chocolate to everyone, let alone that he felt that he was "affected".

It's because this sentence not only confirmed Gin's previous thoughts, but also made it even more terrifying.

How much chocolate did you receive?

Those who knew it were receiving gifts on Valentine's Day, but those who didn't know that they thought this guy was going to buy some goods.

While Gin was speechless, Sano had already made an appointment to bring the remaining chocolates when he got the task tomorrow.

Then he turned and left.

After watching Sano's back disappear from sight, Gin rolled up the car window, took out a chocolate and tore open the package, then broke off a piece and handed it to the vodka.

After a few minutes after Vodka ate the chocolate, nothing special happened. Gin then safely put the remaining chocolate into his mouth.

Well, it tastes pretty good.

...Are you testing the poison on yourself?

Vodka looked back speechlessly, but didn't say much.

Because every Valentine's Day is a time of high incidence of murders, basically due to emotional conflicts and the like. Poisoning chocolate is also a common method... Although Sano shouldn't poison the two of them, but he can't protect them all. Who can be reluctant because of love, and then hate because of love?

"By the way, brother, how was Rye's diagnosis yesterday?"

Vodka, who was bored, started to find a topic, while Gin chewed it like a meal.

The words of the psychiatrist who was abducted yesterday seemed to echo in Gin's ears again.

"There is nothing wrong with the guys in the front, especially except for the first one, the ones in the back have entered a very numb state. I can't make any precise judgment on them at all, but at least I can be sure that , they shouldn’t suddenly lose control.”

"As for the last one, I looked at his previous diagnosis and there was a big problem..."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that his last doctor was an amateur. Of course, relatively speaking, his judgment cannot be said to be completely wrong. At least the key points are simply wrong."

"Speak plainly."

"...That guy probably has a split personality. Don't get me wrong, split personality is not schizophrenia. Although he does have signs of schizophrenia, the most serious and troublesome thing is the split personality."

"He was unwilling to cooperate and admit it at first, but it was later that I tested him that forced him to admit it."

"According to what he said, his other personalities have disappeared, and now he only has one personality, so there is no problem. Of course, what is the situation? One-sided words are not credible, but he is also very difficult to deal with."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve greater gains in a short period of time."

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