Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 529 532, Gin is menopausal?

Ito Taka moved quickly.

This Sano had just left the scene of the crime, and the text message from the other end had already come over.

It's a photo.

In the photo, there are identification certificates of peripheral members of the organization.

In other words, it was proof that Sano's employment application was approved.

Sano sent the photo to Shuichi Akai with a backhand. After successfully harvesting a row of points, it didn't take long for him to receive another certificate of employment approval from the FBI.

Another good harvest day.

After closing the phone, Sano, who was in a good mood, hummed a tune.

Sano would be involved in that case, naturally because it triggered the task of solving the case.

As for why I don't participate as a body vest, I just want to show my face.

After all, this vest's identity is that of an FBI agent.

It was only a matter of time that I would meet Conan in the future... In fact, since the last Black Cat Vest, Sano had wanted to stay away from the plot and characters as much as possible.

As a result, I didn’t expect that we would encounter each other in the end.

Sano simply didn't bother to care about it, it wasn't a big deal anyway.

If you really need it in the future, just pinch out another one, what a big deal.

Sano turned around and went to the meeting place agreed with Gin to paddle today's water.

It's just more unexpected.

The water is a bit difficult to paddle today. To be precise, the waterway is a bit far.

A business trip.

The destination is actually not that far away.

Probably, if we set off now, we can reach the point at dawn. But including the time of going back and forth and paddling, it will take at least two or three hours.

"Vodka just stay in Tokyo and continue doing your thing."

Before leaving, Gin ordered vodka and then led Sano into the station.

Don’t ask why I drove to Osaka last time. This time it’s not far from Osaka and I didn’t even drive.

Last time, vodka and gin took turns driving.

Who will I exchange gin for this time?



It was just a mission, how could Gin risk his car.

However, when buying tickets, after Sano and Gin handed over their IDs one after another, the staff responsible for selling tickets curiously looked at the two IDs and asked: "Kurosawa Jin, Kurosawa Yu... who are you two?""

Kurosawa...Yu? ?

Gin raised his eyebrows and looked at Sano in surprise and speechlessness.

Sano went out of his way to learn how to make false evidence, and of course Gin knew about it.

Gin had heard of it directly or indirectly, and the number of fake names Sano had used exceeded ten. Some of them were ordinary, some were outrageous, but like this one today seemed like it was the first time for an older girl to sit in a sedan chair.

It's not that Gin was unhappy that Sano used his name as a reference.

It's just this fake name.

Gin couldn't help but think of another fake name that made people uncomfortable.

As for the talkative staff member.

Gin never bothered to pay attention.

There are always some people in this world who are very curious and talkative. As long as they don't get a response, they will naturally shut up.

However, just because Gin was too lazy to pay attention, it didn't mean that Sano was too lazy to pay attention.

"Yes, brother, I am the brother and he is the brother."

Sano said to the man with a playful smile.


The staff member was stunned, and asked Gin at the same time.

The staff looked at Gin, who was at least thirty years old, and then at Sano, who was standing behind the tall man and wearing a hat, so his face could not be seen clearly, but at least judging from his clothes and body shape, he looked at most That is...

Twenty years old?

If it's not the guy with short hair and the hat who looks too young, then this guy with long hair looks too precocious...

Before the staff could speak again, Gin snorted coldly.

He said that the two of them were in a hurry and urged the staff to speed up.

"Okay, okay."

After the staff took the tickets, Gin glanced at Sano, but didn't say anything more... At least he didn't say that the two were father and son, if he said that again.

If Sano is the father and Gin is the son...heh.

The corners of Gin's mouth twitched, and a vein popped out on his forehead under the black top hat. The picture he imagined made him full of anger.

"It's not Mr. Ginjiu, I just took advantage of you. As for why you are so angry, relax and don't make yourself angry again."

Through Gin's back, Sano could faintly detect the anger in his heart.

He couldn't help but speak.

"Humph, it's none of your business."

Gin snorted again, not giving Sano a chance to ask any more questions. He found a seat near the back and sat down, sulking to himself.

...What's going on, aunt? No, uncle is here?

Sano sat next to him, observing Gin with his peripheral vision - or is he getting old and entering menopause? Is there such a thing as menopause for men?

Sano fell into thought.


Suddenly, a text message came from Sano's cell phone.

I took it out and took a look. It was the number of the main body vest, and the text message was from Azusa Enomoto.

"Boss, I found a part-time job, but..."

Why are you only telling half of this?

Sano scratched his face and replied: "But what?"

"But this part-time employee is yours, boss..."


Sano was stunned for a moment, and Azusa Enomoto immediately sent a photo.

In the photo, Toru Amuro, wearing work clothes, was joking with Mitsuki Aiko.

Sano: "..."

When Anding District opened earlier, Toru Amuro went to congratulate it.

Therefore, if Enomoto Azusa can recognize it, there will be no problem.

It's just that this guy hasn't shown up for a while, why would he think of working in his own store?

Sano narrowed his eyes, and two routes quickly emerged in his mind.

One, this guy wants to get in touch with Hui Yuan Ai.

Second, this guy wants to get close to Mitsuki Aiko directly, or in other words, Miyano Akemi.

Sano frowned slightly.

Azusa Enomoto sent another text message, her tone full of temptation.

"Boss, should this be...?"

Sano came to his senses and replied directly: "Just do what you have to do, and pay according to the market price... Let him do all the work that can be done by him. You and Aiko take a rest, don't let him do it." Just have nothing to do in your free time."

"……Okay, I know."

After Azusa Enomoto closed her phone on the other end, she looked at Toru Amuro with a strange look in her eyes.

It seems that the relationship between these two people is not that good, but rather... a little bad?

Azusa Enomoto narrowed her eyes - based on her contact with Sano, although her boss was a bit picky most of the time, and there were some weird ones, in general, he should spend money. There have never been any problems here. He distinguishes between public and private affairs and is considered a good boss.

Therefore, Azusa Enomoto felt that there must be something wrong with Sano's treatment of Toru Amuro.

Thinking of the relationship between boss and part-time employee, the two of them also have the relationship of employee-boss, and how clearly Amuro is the owner of a detective agency, but he actually comes all the way here to do odd jobs. point.

Azusa Enomoto felt that he had every reason to be suspicious.

Toru Amuro is a black-hearted boss who treats his employees extremely harshly!

As a conscientious and hard-working employee, Azusa Enomoto instantly and subconsciously put herself in someone else’s shoes, feeling full of empathy and gaining a lot of anger.

Toru Amuro happened to look over.

Azusa Enomoto immediately gave him a cold snort.

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