Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 531 Chapter 534, Conan: I’m kind enough to help you, but you want to take advantage of me?

Based on this alone, Sano can be sure that this guy definitely knows Akai Shuichi, and it's not just a simple meeting.

Either senior brothers or sisters, or other close relationships.

Therefore, Sano felt that there was nothing wrong with bullying him.

...If you want to blame it, blame Shuichi Akai. If you have the ability, let him come and get the place back.

Speaking of which, Akai Shuichi himself seems to have enjoyed this treatment, right?

Wouldn't that be fairer?

Sano looked at Sera Masumi who had no retreat, and just wanted to continue.

Then suddenly I realized something was wrong.

Because Sera Masumi's hat was slapped off by Sano just now, he can now look directly at her face, but this is not important. What really matters to him is this girl's eyes - dark green pupils. The color is relatively rare, the main thing is the shape of the eyes.

Sano felt inexplicably familiar...

Especially the corners of the eyes, it seems like I have seen them before.

Wait a minute, why does this development feel a bit familiar?

Sano instantly remembered that there was once a pair of siblings with very similar eyes, and what was very similar here was the younger brother of that pair of siblings.

Much like a woman.

...No way, is this how you play?

Sano realized that the co-authors were not senior brothers and sisters, but real brothers and sisters?

Isn't that right? It should be beaten? ?

The corners of Sano's mouth curved slightly, but unfortunately before he could continue to take action, Conan finally came to his senses and shouted hurriedly.

"Wait a minute Sano, he's not a pervert!!"


Seeing Conan's anxious face, Sera Masumi calmed down a lot in an instant, and said in a deep voice: "Ah, I am indeed not a pervert. The real pervert is that one over there."

The two best friends looked in the direction Sera Masumi said and saw a middle-aged man with a panicked look and a sinister face: "...Conan, are you telling the truth?"

"Well, I actually saw it just now, but before I could say anything, you just..."

Conan wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Originally, Suzuki Sonoko spoke too quickly and Mao Lilan moved too quickly.

Conan really didn't have time to stop it.

Later, Sera Masumi and Maori Ran competed for two rounds, and they went back and forth, not falling behind at all. It felt like they could stop and explain at any time, which surprised Conan, but also felt that he didn't need to say anything anymore...until later. Sano took action, and that was what really frightened him.

The unlucky guy who lost one of his hands in Izu.

Conan has not forgotten it. Although at that time, it seemed that Sano was not in the right state, but who would dare not be concerned about this kind of thing.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected, especially if this is still a misunderstanding.

But who would have thought that Sano's movements would be even faster.

Conan was just recalling it, it only lasted a few seconds, and it would have blown someone's hat off. If he had recalled it slower...

I can’t even think about it.

"So that's it."

The bestie duo pointed the finger at the real pervert.

Sera Masumi reached out and pulled out the hammer stuck on the car window and handed it to Sano.


Sano took a look and knew that behind Sera Masumi's behavior, there was actually a small thought of wanting him to say sorry to her, but he chose to ignore it.

Instead, he walked straight towards the pervert.

Seeing this, Shiliang Zhenshun's mouth twitched, but he knew in his heart that it was because he didn't explain in time, but instead tried more with interest after Mao Lilan took action, so there was no chance to explain later.

It's just my own fault.

Therefore, Sera Masumi chose to vent her anger on the culprit.

The pervert was cornered by Sano and others, his legs became weak, and he couldn't help but slumped on the ground, covered in cold sweat, tremblingly apologizing and begging for mercy.

A few minutes later.

The bus driver opened the back door, and the pervert with a bruised nose and swollen face was thrown out by Sano like garbage.

"I'm sorry, Master, I will pay you the money for the car window later."

Suzuki Sonoko first apologized to the bus driver, and then she and Maori Ran apologized to Sera Masumi - only Sano didn't move.

Seeing this, the two best friends could only apologize verbally.

...At least Sano didn't do anything extreme, whether it was the misunderstanding in the first round or the "truth" in the second round.

After what happened just now, the two best friends have also recalled what happened last time.

Fortunately, Sano had just made a good move.

All the screams were heard, but no red... well, the injuries on that guy's face were all caused by Mao Lilan and Sera Masumi, especially the latter who was the most evil.

On the contrary, it was Suzuki Sonoko, the victim, who kicked her from behind.

Neither light nor heavy.

What stands out is that he is weak, timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

Fortunately, Sera Masumi didn't care about this... trivial matter, which showed that she was still willing to forgive a few people. After all, Mao Lilan was her favorite type.

This disappointed Suzuki Sonoko next to her.

"...You kid, you've been in love for so long, and you're still obsessed with it?"

Faced with Sano's sideways glance, Suzuki Sonoko smiled awkwardly.

"Haha, I'll just take a look. After all, he's quite handsome, eye-catching, eye-catching."

In addition, there is Conan down there who doubts life.

What the hell, what do you mean?

I was kind enough to explain to this guy, but this guy actually wanted to pry into my corner?

Conan's eyes were immediately filled with hostility towards Sera Masumi.

"By the way, where are you planning to go?"

Sera Masaki asked, and Mao Lilan answered truthfully.

"That's a coincidence. I'm also planning to go to Acupido Hotel, so let's go together."


Suzuki Sonoko readily agreed.

Then, four people, oh no, three plague gods plus one Sano were in the team.

There was another Sera Masumi.

Sano didn't know what these three guys were thinking.

Maybe that area is indeed a little flat... Well, it should be said that it is completely a piece of the Great Plains. It is the type where you can use your front as a back, but when you wear a hat and keep silent Forget it.

If you take off the hat and see the face, you should at least doubt whether it is a boy or a girl. If you make a noise, you should think that it is a girl.

It's comparable to those women in domestic dramas who dress up as men.

Can't understand.

Can't understand.

Sano followed the team all the way to Abedo Hotel.

Masumi Sera pushed her suitcase to the front desk to check in, but was told that the room was fully booked - which made her very dissatisfied because she had booked a room in advance, and now she was told that there was no room. .

Isn't that just playing with yourself?

The hotel manager obviously knew that this was a work error on his part.

I could only keep apologizing to Sera Masumi.

Seeing this, Conan quietly withdrew his gaze - at least for now, this guy really wanted to live here, not to get close to Mao Lilan.

It was a special excuse.

"Na na na, sister Xiaolan, I'm hungry. Let's go eat cake."

Although it has been confirmed that Sera Masumi did not suddenly plan to strike up a conversation after seeing Mao Lilan's charm, but it does not mean it.

This guy doesn't have any evil intentions towards Mao Lilan.

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