Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 539 542, Sano: Touch your conscience

When Gin heard the answer of hypnotism.

I felt surprised and confused... This was also the emotion that Sano was locked into.

Especially surprised about this one.

Although Gin's will attribute is not low, the starting point of this emotion itself is also not low.

Not to mention that after realizing that the feeling of surprise in his heart seemed to be rising continuously.

Gin was even more surprised.

This is like the mutually multiplying detonation symbols developed by a certain discriminator. They are superimposed or even multiplied by each other, and in the end it is an exponential explosive growth.

Such a strange and unexpected situation even made Gin cough, a physical reaction.

It was a creepy feeling that was almost like shock.

The pupils and heart are constricted, the nerves and muscles are tense, and the hairs all over the body stand on end.

no way.

Because in Gin’s career, and even in the whole life.

This is the first time such a situation has occurred.


Gin was obviously very uncomfortable with such an abnormality.

He immediately pulled the trigger in his hand, trying to maintain peace of mind.

The huge gunshot shocked the two people nearby who didn't know what was going on.

But because the bullet only grazed Sano's head, it was a miss.

The two of them were not too surprised.

"What, what's wrong, brother?"

Vodka thought it was because Gin didn't want to believe the hypnosis that Sano said.

But he didn't expect that after Gin exhaled, he actually put down the pistol in his hand.

"Is this hypnosis?"

Gin paid no attention to the two people next to him. Although Sano no longer tried to control them, he still couldn't completely suppress his emotions and asked.

"Well, it's just that the more determined the person is, the worse the effect will be."

Sano smiled and nodded... To be honest, he didn't think that just showing the tip of the iceberg was enough to pretend to be inscrutable.

Instead, he planned to ravage Gin's emotions for a while to convince him completely, but he didn't expect that this guy's reaction would be so strong.

It's not that Sano is worried about losing his temper...well, that's actually why.

Just like no matter how high the level of a dog trainer is, when the dog's condition is unstable, it is impossible to choose to go into battle empty-handed.

Look at the other side again.

After receiving the confirmation, Gin rubbed his fingers.


It's not that Gin is bragging, but it's about will.

You must at least be among the best in the world, right?

Even he could be affected by this. If he were an ordinary person... Gin immediately thought of the way back from Osaka.

What Sano said.

...Talent, real talent, a super talent who can compete with Sano!

For a moment, Gin didn't know how to speak next.

"... Let's forget about this matter for now and pay attention to it later."

After thinking about his words, Gin could only give a verbal warning first.


As soon as Sano finished nodding, Ito Taka nodded immediately: "Okay."

Be reasonable.

Ito Takashi didn't quite know what happened.

But looking at Gin's reaction, it seems that he believed in the theory of hypnotism... Even after listening to those words, not only did he believe it, but he also experienced it himself?

In this way, this guy has indeed learned the hypnosis part, and he has learned it quite deeply... No, this is no longer a question of whether it is deep or not.

Is it completely at the Grandmaster level?

Ito Taka himself is not incapable of hypnosis, although his level is not that high.

But it's not like you can't even tell whether a person has used hypnosis or not.

There was no movement at all just now, how could it be possible that hypnosis was used?

It’s confusing.

Is he really gifted?

Relying on his own little teaching, he has reached his peak in a few days?

And just when Ito Taka was full of doubts.

Gin, who had already planned to leave, suddenly stopped and turned around.

"By the way, are you mentally ill?"


Facing Gin's question, Sano's mouth twitched unconsciously.

"Oh, sir, you are overthinking this. I am a normal person."

After getting the answer, Sano actually saw something in Gin's eyes.

A sense of security that is close to a sigh of relief.

"That's good."

After nodding with satisfaction, Gin asked again: "And what's the situation with your undercover account? Did you smuggle in from abroad, or did you?"

"It's an unexpected stay."

Sano said perfunctorily...but it was not like he was accidentally stranded in Neon.

Instead, he was stuck in this world by accident.


Gin thought for a moment.

"Then the name on the document this guy fabricated for you is your real name?"

Sano glanced at Ito Taka.

Sano has naturally seen the information fabricated by Ito Taka.

After all, it is your own information, even if it is fabricated, it is just in case.

You should at least get some air, right?

Otherwise, if something happens later, none of them will match up.

There was no problem at all, but now it has become a problem.

...Although Gin found out the problem directly this time, it was of no use.

And on that information.

The name of Sano Black Fox Vest is - Black Fox.

…Well, it’s actually a transliteration.

It feels like an inexplicable collision with Sano Black Mask's other titles.

I don’t know if Gin can understand it.

But no matter what, at least it was no problem, so Sano chose to nod.

"So be it."

Yes, that's right.

Gin still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't say anything more. He just said, "Go back and ask that guy to send me your number."

Then he left first.

"...It's true that I have you, so Gin-sama, who is not easy to talk to, can indulge you."

Ito Taka approached Sano with a smile: "Master?"

Sano glanced at Ito Taka and responded casually: "Stop talking nonsense. In the final analysis, isn't it because you didn't remind me that Gin may be randomly inspected?"

"Are you sure I didn't remind you?"

Ito Takashi asked with an angry smile, while Sano calmly changed the subject.

"Okay, let's make it sound like if I can't fool you, what will happen to you?"

Regarding Sano's statement, Ito Taka was noncommittal.

"But let's talk about it. It's a bit scary when Gin-sama is angry. I really didn't expect that the first time he found out that you had a problem, he directly suspected that my information was false, and even found out the root cause. .”

Ito Taka sighed: "So much so that I didn't even have the time to find a chance to communicate with you. I was so scared that I almost didn't call my boss for help."

...Does this guy think that if he calls me, he will help?

In this guy's mind.

Are you actually so trustworthy?

Sano, who felt inexplicably weird about Ito Takashi's words, couldn't help but raise his hand and secretly touched his conscience. Even if he wasn't a black-hearted boss like Gin, he didn't show any good intentions. ?

"Now that the matter is over, it's best to evacuate first."

Sano stopped talking nonsense and left quickly... and then called Shuichi Akai back.

Well, in addition to not receiving a few calls from Taka Ito but actually Gin, Sano also failed to receive several calls from Shuichi Akai.

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