Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 551 554, Conan: Black Death is so useful

Conan then looked at Sano.

Sano remained silent.

He looked like "Since you've already spoken, I'll let you explain."

Conan was a little speechless, but he couldn't say anything. He could only express his own thoughts.

...According to what Ayumi just explained, the two kidnappers knocked the coffee to the ground in order to kidnap her. In addition to the puddle that was still on the ground, it also included her clothes, face, and carpet. above.

All touched.

But in fact, there was no trace of coffee on the carpet that Ayumi was wrapped in when she was "sent" back, and now spread out on the ground.

It's clean, just like Zhang Xin's.

To be honest, this is not the first time that Sano has seen the blindness of the "people who eat melons" during the course of the case, but every time he sees it.

Sano would be shocked.

"You mean, the kidnapper's real target is that carpet?"

Conan nodded, and then analyzed again, feeling that the two kidnappers must have been planning for a long time and knew the situation of Dr. Ali's family well.

So I asked Dr. Ali again if any strangers had come in recently.

Dr. Ali also gave three groups of six suspects.

...It seems that Dr. A Li's vase is quite particular, so there are only a few people coming to see the goods.


Before Dr. Ali could start, he introduced the suspect's characteristics in detail and provided various true and false clues for Conan to make deductions.

Sano suddenly spoke.

"Well, I think I have found the location of the kidnapper."


The air suddenly became silent, and then everyone's eyes suddenly turned to Sano.

"What did you say?"

Even Akai Shuichi was a little surprised by Sano's words.

"Are you serious?"

"What's so serious about this?"

Sano looked at Dr. Agasa and said: "Everyone has been caught, but it needs to spend some money... It has to be paid with about half of the price of the carpet. This is my own decision, but I As a party involved, you should be happy to earn back the money for the other half of the carpet."


Dr. A Li rubbed the back of his head in confusion.

I really can't quite react to what Sano meant by this.

"So, the kidnappers have already revealed their purpose, which is the carpet, and that carpet is indeed valuable, right?"

Conan gets right to the point.

"Well, according to what they said, it seems to be around 10 million."

Sano once again said shockingly... For ordinary people, ten million.

It is indeed a large number.

Dr. A Li gritted his teeth and nodded: "If those two guys can be caught and brought to justice, then I am willing to pay half of the carpet money... Anyway, as you just said, if these two guys can't be caught, With two guys, that carpet has nothing to do with me at all.”

"Okay, let's go."

Sano closed his phone and led the group out the door.

Conan followed the team in confusion... This script is not quite right. As for reasoning, whether you push it yourself or others, you must at least push it first. Isn't this the normal development process? ? ?

What's the point of just skipping the climax and ending it?

And who is this guy?

Could it be that he and Shuichi Akai are actually members of the FBI? He was able to be so fast with the help of the FBI's power... Then this isn't right either.

If it was with the help of the FBI, how could Shuichi Akai not know about it?

What's more, if the FBI arrests people, how can they collect money? ?

Conan was puzzled until he arrived at the target location. After following the team through the door, he saw several people wearing black Death God uniforms...

Damn, that’s exactly what I spent! ?

"Everything has been explained honestly, and the content is here."

Sano took the voice recorder handed over by the Black Death members without checking it, and said with a smile: "Well, if I'm sorry to bother you, I'll just take the carpet away and leave it to you to handle it. You can send the extra money back to the designated address." .”


Without any nonsense, several Black Death members left carrying the carpet.

Conan was left alone. In a moment of silence, they turned to look at a middle-aged man and woman whose hands and feet were tied and kneeling in the middle of the living room, with bruises and swollen faces.

"It turns out it's you..."

Dr. Ali recognized the two of them immediately.

"So, does the doctor really know them?"

Conan asked, and Dr. Ali nodded, indicating that this couple was one of the three groups that came to the door for the vase.

"...However, although Black Death is indeed quick to find people, you must first know what kind of people you are looking for, right? How did you set a target for them?"

Akai Shuichi raised his own question.

Sano smiled and said.

"Ah, it's actually very simple, because when these two guys' cars were parked in front of Dr. A Li's house, I happened to see them... It turned out that they didn't even change their license plates, so they could be found so quickly."


Is this so simple and crude?

Akai Shuichi twitched the corner of his mouth and cast an indescribable look at the couple.

It's also very stupid.

Not to mention changing the car, at least the license plate number must be changed.

There was also a carpet that was the target, but instead of taking the carpet away directly, he chose to replace it secretly, and ended up not noticing obvious details like coffee marks, which were not even small details. He was really the stupidest kidnapper in history.

Although speaking of it, if Dr. Ali discovers that the real target of the kidnappers is actually a carpet and calls the police, the carpet may fall into his hands without any way out. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with changing the situation. On the contrary, it is A good card... but it's half as bad.

He is really a special talent.

"Well, now that the matter is over, I'll leave first."

At this point, Sano's mission has been completed, he said hello and left first.

Conan looked at the two prisoners in front of him and sighed that the Black Death was really easy to use... but the price was a bit hard to accept, costing several million at a time.

At least Conan's family fortune is not enough to allow him to squander it in this regard.

If you want to use this to deal with that organization.

The price is probably even more ridiculously high.

...Although Conan has not really come into contact with this area in depth, he still heard a little bit of rumors from Akai Shuichi.

"its not right."

Conan's thoughts suddenly stopped and he said in surprise: "That carpet seems to be important and decisive evidence. They took it away and sold it. Can the case still be processed?"

Before anyone else could react, Shuichi Akai held down Conan's head.

"Little guy, do you think he left this recorder just for fun?"

Conan opened Akai Shuichi's hand dissatisfiedly.

"But such a recording is not necessarily legal, right?"

"Still too young."

Akai Shuichi smiled and shook his head, but didn't say much. He left the scene immediately, leaving all the remaining matters to Conan and the others.

When Sano got up and went out to smoke, he saw the little girl in a daze in the corridor.

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