Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 579 582, Gin: Don’t understand and was shocked


Sano, who had put on a black fox vest, was looking at the person in front of him boredly.

While writing vigorously, he talked to himself.

"The demon god that the fff group believes in."

"The power to see through people's hearts and control them."

"The fox is the symbol of the gods."




Sanji Nakajima typed on the keyboard and let out a sigh of relief.

"A total of about ten reports should take about a month and a half."

"What matters is not the length of time, but the heat."

Sano knocked on the table: "You should know the real purpose behind why I came here specifically to cooperate with you in making these reports."


Nakajima Sukezo looked at Sano with passionate eyes and nodded in agreement.

"The purpose of everything is to attract more existence."

"But we must also be careful. The goal is to attract similar species, not to attract hunters who regard us as prey. Unnecessary trouble needs to be avoided."

Sano stood up and waved.

"Then I'll leave it to you. I'll withdraw first."

"Yes, my lord."

Nakajima Sukezo stood up respectfully and bowed to say goodbye.

……to be honest.

Nakajima Sukezo was once someone whom Sano despised and disdained to get close to.

...It's not that he's annoying, I just feel like this guy is a bit troublesome.

But later, Sano felt that it was necessary to develop public opinion work...especially on the affairs of other superpowers in the world.

Only then did Nakajima Sukezo be chosen as the breakthrough point.

Especially after Sano has a mask, I feel that Nakajima Sukezo is more suitable.

Unlike those fanatical believers in Sano.

Those people were all specially selected by Sano. They were suffering and living in dire straits. All they needed was a little "help".

Strong gratitude will breed a desire to follow.

...Of course, not everyone can do it, there are some guys.

Forget about being ungrateful, he even took Sano as his enemy, trying to get more things... and what happened in the end, hehehe.

Nakajima Sukezo is quite special.

This guy's life is not difficult, but whether it is his sincere interest in weird stories, or his pursuit of "gimmicks", which is close to vanity and an urgent need for a sense of honor, he can take advantage of it.


When Sano put on the black fox vest and directly showed him a few things under the "Ghost Story" setting, he successfully captured the opponent.

Of course, this level is still a bit different from Sano's fanatical believers.

Of course, that's enough.

Every time Sano meets Nakajima Sukezo, he will conduct a wave of in-depth "strengthening" on the spot to ensure that there will be no problems in a short time. At the same time, he also wants to try to see if he can achieve the goal of lowering the standard of becoming a believer.

And looking at this situation.

It feels like it's almost done.

Just wait and see if there will be any changes in the next few months.

Sano looked at all the reports posted by Nakajima Sukezo on his phone during this period.

...Although Sano's cooperation provided a lot of material for Nakajima Sukezo, due to the difficulty in grasping the proportion, it always felt like there was only one kind of fried rice, and I don't know if it played a role.

Sano also got a little impatient with waiting, so he relaxed some boundaries a little.

If this is already the case, there will still be no gains in the future.

So besides giving up directly, Sano has other related measures.

The only possibility is - flipping the cards.

However, Sano himself thinks the probability of this is very small.

It is true that Sano is interested in unscientific people in the scientific world.

But being interested doesn't mean Sano will do anything if he can't find her.

In comparison.

Sano still feels that the present moment is more important.


Daikoku above saw that there was no one around Sano, so he got closer.

The daily noise begins.

It didn't matter whether Sano was impatient or not, or whether he responded.

He kept talking to himself - he complained a few words about the Black King on the other end, and then complained a few words about Nakajima Sukezo on the other end, without feeling any boredom at all.

"Gah... examiner... gah."

"I want to eat grilled sausage for dinner, it's very delicious."

This is another topic that Daikoku quickly changes...huh?

Sano stopped for a moment, looked startled, and suddenly turned his head to look at Dahei.

"What did you say?"


Dahei tilted his neck in confusion: "I said I wanted to eat grilled sausages tonight...isn't that okay?"

"It's not impossible."

There was a slight hesitation on Sano's face - the point was of course not what Daikoku wanted to eat at night, and whether he was willing to give the bird, um, grilled sausages.

The point is.

What Sano heard just now seemed to be more than just a translation through spiritual communication.

Rather, what actually came in from my own ears was the word "grilled sausage".

"You, say what you just said again."

Sano's eyes, which were often invisible under the black fox vest, could now be seen clearly. His direct gaze made Dahei unconsciously move to the side, not daring to look directly at him and said: "Then , then I won’t eat it…”

"Who asked you if you wanted to eat?"

Sano frowned and grabbed Dahei's neck.

"I asked you to say it again."


Dahei, who was already feeling a little timid, was really frightened now.

The two wings were flapping and the feathers were flying around.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, master, I will never eat sausages again... No, I will never eat again, and I will definitely not let you spend money!"

"Stop talking nonsense and I'll buy you ten sausages later. Let me tell you again, you want to eat sausages."

Under Sano's impatient gaze, Dahei finally felt roughly that it was not because of eating that he aroused the opponent's dissatisfied anger.

After hesitating for a few seconds.

Dahei repeated "I want to eat grilled sausage tonight."

And now Sano was able to confirm that Dahei's mouth did spit out syllables close to "grilled sausage"... although it was a little unclear.

what's the situation?


Or is it inevitable?

Sano looked at Dahei, was silent for a while, and asked, "Didn't you notice it yourself?"


Dahei tilted his neck again and asked doubtfully: "Che, what did you notice?"

"You kid, you seem to be able to talk."

Dahei blinked: "...Didn't that happen eight hundred years ago?"

"That's not that kind of talk."

Sano thought about the words and said, "It's like the sounds coming from human mouths, not words that only I can understand. Do you understand?"

Dahei was stunned.

"How is this possible? I am a crow. How can I speak human language??"

Sano touched his chin and thought: "Indeed, even if he has intelligence that is not weaker than that of humans, his body structure is different, how can he possibly be able to speak... Is it because crows and parrots are both birds?"

...If this is indeed the case as Sano speculated, there is nothing surprising about this, and at the same time, there will be nothing to worry about.

Because crows are not parrots after all.

Due to their unique biological structure, parrots can learn many human languages.

It’s just that we are limited by our wisdom and cannot communicate too deeply.

Sano's living equipment is the complete opposite.

Dahei may be a bit special, but he can only speak a few fuzzy syllables despite being crazy. He wants to be able to speak clearly like a parrot.

It's basically impossible.

But besides this, there is another possibility - Dahei's special movement just now was not because its body structure was similar to that of a parrot.

The real source is the setting of living equipment...

That would be more interesting.

Sano casually took out Erhei and used the spider silk to hang it around his neck.

...This thing doesn't even make a sound. Is it possible that it can "speak"?


Although he couldn't see clearly... there was even no such thing as a neck, Sano still "saw" Erhei tilting his neck in confusion.

Apparently he couldn't understand Sano's sudden action of pulling him out.

As for that "嘤", it meant asking Sano what happened.

...Yes, spiders actually make sounds.

It's just that it's very small. It's hard to hear the screams of even a spider the size of half a hand, let alone a spider the size of... Erhei.

"It's okay, look at you."

Sano put Erhei back again, not daring to use any force on his fingers.

I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, Erhei will be turned into sauce.

After returning to the downstairs of his home, Sano paused, then came to the dog house under the stairs, squatted down and looked at Xiao Hei, who had already come back first.


Xiao Hei raised his head in confusion.

Sano threw down a few sausages.

"You performed well today. I'll reward you."

"Thank you, brother."

Naturally, Xiao Hei would not be polite to Sano, and after a few mouthfuls, he dropped the sausage on the floor.

But when he raised his head, Sano was still squatting there.


Be reasonable.

In the eyes of Xiao Hei and the other two guys...well, actually, Da Hei is included at most. Although Sano is not an extremely cruel slave owner, he is not definitely not an approachable person. "Mingjun".

When something happens, I call him over to work. When nothing happens, unless I'm bored and happen to be together, I won't even bother to say a word.

...Oh, I heard that the newly added Black King seems to be quite popular with Sano, but there is only one special case.

Erhei has always been carried by Sano because of his size and ability.

The same cannot be counted.

all in all.

Sano didn't leave immediately after throwing away the sausage, which was very wrong.

Xiao Hei shrank into the dog house with some vigilance... The last time he felt something bad for no reason, he was almost used as a test subject by Sano.


Xiao Hei heard from Da Hei that Sano was holding a chainsaw at that time... It was scary to think about it.

"Xiao Hei?"

Sano spoke softly, reached out and grabbed Xiao Hei's neck, and pulled him out with a kind smile on his face.

"Come, learn from me, grill sausages and let's talk about it."


"What the hell, let you learn from me."

"...Grilled sausage."

"I'm not asking you to say these two words to me, I'm asking you to say these two words."

"...Didn't I already say it?"

"No, I want you to squeeze these two words out of your throat exactly, understand."

"...No, big brother, you are a little too embarrassed for the dog. I am a dog, I am a dog. I can only bark, how can I talk!"

"Just say what you say, how will you know if you don't try."

"...Woof woof!"

"No, come again."


After returning home from school, Sano went out to buy a shovel and dinner. He kept waiting and waiting. When the little girl couldn't wait for him to come back until midnight, she finally couldn't help but go out and planned to take a look. I only heard a barking of dogs and bursts of "roasting sausages".

He came to the stairs at the end of the corridor and poked his head out to take a look.

My good uncle was grabbing a dog and repeating the word "grilled sausage".

Just like the teacher in kindergarten who made me repeat those poems and songs... And Xiao Hei, who looked aggrieved, was just like me.

The scene was very strange.


Very hungry.

"Several of the recent operations organized by the organization were blocked by an inexplicable sniper, and many cannon fodder died... Do you have any news?"

in the car.

Gin asked Sano.


Sano didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after hearing such a special term, he immediately became interested and raised his eyebrows and looked away from the mobile phone in his hand.

"Yeah, but it shouldn't be the undead from the FBI."

After Gin thought for a while, he added: "That guy's skills are not that weak."


Sano continued to raise his eyebrows and said: "Why, listening to what Gin-sama means, don't you think that as long as this guy's skills are high enough, you will think that he has the possibility of the undead? Don't you think that he is dead?" Already?"

Gin was silent for a while.

"There are no absolutes in anything, and you will never go wrong if you adopt a cautious attitude."


Sano curled his lips and stopped pressing the topic.

"There are thousands of cases in Tokyo every day, large and small. My identity as a detective is correct, but this does not mean that all cases will pass through my hands."

"……forget about it."

Gin glanced at the rearview mirror and saw the screen of Sano's cell phone that was still on.

This is...a diagram of the vocal cord structure of a crow? ?


Gin couldn't hold it back and turned around in shock.

After receiving Sano's doubtful gaze, Gin thought twice before asking first: "When did you become interested in... the biological field?"


Sano was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the phone again.

After roughly understanding what Gin meant, Sano replied casually, somewhat speechlessly: "It's nothing... I'm not interested in biology, I just want to study how to make crows talk."

Gin: "..."

Vodka: "..."

This guy.

Are you sick?

The crow speaks such a special bird language!

And let the crow speak.

Why not just study how to make your Porsche fly?

Neither the Gin nor the duo could understand Sano's train of thought, and they only felt that they were greatly shocked.

...Originally, Gin was a little doubtful whether Sano was really influenced by someone and began to plan to enter the field of "scientific research" and officially enter the form of a true super-all-around hexagonal warrior with both civil and military abilities.

But think about Sano's test results... Gin felt that if this was really the case.

I'm afraid it will only be a waste of effort...

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