Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 581 584, Conan: I even took off my pants and that’s it?

Sano watched from the side as Toru Amuro grinded his teeth secretly, obviously whether it was out of his personal opinion of Akai Shuichi or simply out of the position of the Neon Police, that is, the Neon Intelligence Agency and América's intelligence agency.

Toru Amuro didn't have much favorable impressions of these three people.

However, due to identity issues, Toru Amuro didn't behave too obviously.

One can only grind his teeth secretly.

Then, because they failed to catch the murderer, a group of people went to the Metropolitan Police Department first to take notes and provide testimonies, and then held a small meeting.

Plan to discuss the case.

From this, Sano also knew why the FBI trio got involved.

It's not a coincidence.

Rather, it is a command from “above.”

That's right, the trio acted as if they had received the order.

This is a very special point.

Because the FBI identity of the trio is no longer a secret.

It was only because of a far-fetched name that he was on vacation and had no work obligations that he was not deported directly. This was what Sano wanted to complain about the most, but considering the relationship between Neon and América.

It's not entirely unreasonable to say it.

all in all.

The three people appeared because the murderer... to be precise, he was a suspect.

This guy's identity is very special.

Former ace sniper of the Navy SEALs.

He is a veteran who has been fighting on the battlefield for many years and is called a hero.

And not long before today's deceased, there was already a guy who also had a grudge against this sniper and was killed by a sniper abroad...

As for motivation, it's more complicated.

This sniper was awarded the Silver Star Badge for his outstanding military exploits... Sano didn't know the meaning of this badge very well, but he looked at the reactions of the people next to him.

It should be equivalent to the highest honor.

But after getting the badge, the sniper was accused by people in the army of violating regulations and shooting unarmed civilians on the battlefield.

So much so that the badge was withdrawn and he became a tainted hero.

Then, perhaps influenced by this incident, the sniper named Hunter lost his calm. Not long after returning to the battlefield, he was hit in the head by the enemy.

I don’t know whether I should call it lucky or unfortunate.

Hunter underwent surgery and saved a small life, but he did not go to the battlefield again.

But return home.

But Hunter's misery wasn't over yet.

in the following days.

Hunter went bankrupt due to investment failure, his sister chose to commit suicide because her fiancé broke off the engagement, and his wife took a lot of drugs.


Reputation, property, relatives, lovers.

Leaving one after another, Xu Sanguan is really worse than Xu Sanguan.

Pure miserable world belongs to yes.

And among them.

The first person suspected to be killed by Hunter, the one who died abroad, was a reporter. To be precise, a gossip reporter. When the incident of defaming the hero in person first came out, he wrote a series of related reports.

It can be described as a fierce pursuit against Hunter.

I wish I could pluck out all the hairs on Hunter's body.

in other words.

The main culprit that caused the Hunter couple to suffer from excessive mental stress, and then caused his wife to overdose and die, was this gossip reporter.

And next, today's deceased person is a real estate agent - this guy was the culprit who treated bad properties as high-quality properties and sold them to Hunter Investment, causing him to go bankrupt.

"In both cases, the deceased were killed by snipers, and based on the analysis of the bullets in the bodies, they were also the firearms that Hunter was best at using."

"As early as when the first case occurred, we had already suspected Hunter, but could not find him. It was not until two weeks ago that we found Hunter's entry record in Neon, and then we knew that his target was Neon.”

After listening to Judy's explanation, Toru Amuro immediately sneered.

"So, you FBI has actually known for a long time that there is such a very dangerous suspect entering the country. Instead of explaining it to Neon officials, you also acted in private to try to enforce the law. This led to today's second murder. happened, I said, it should be no problem."

Sano raised an eyebrow.

Sure enough, I still took it out and said it.

...As mentioned before, the FBI trio stayed in Neon with far-fetched excuses, but because of today's case, the nature has changed.

Now it is no longer a question of whether it is far-fetched or not.

It would have been a little better if Amuro didn't point it out.

Can be placed on the surface.

It would be embarrassing for both parties.

The FBI trio were silent for a while, not knowing how to answer.

It’s even harder to say about the neon police officers headed by Officer Megure.

After all, Toru Amuro said this to maintain the official face of Neon.

As for Officer Megure and others, there is no doubt that Neon’s official position is true.

After being pointed out, if you don't do anything, how can you help the FBI in turn? Isn't that a pure white-eyed wolf... But now because of the identity of the suspect, it is extremely special.

I really need the FBI's help on my side.

I have a headache...

Just when Officer Megure was extremely confused, Sano, who was sitting next to Toru Amuro, finally said: "Okay, although the behavior of these guys is indeed unreasonable, they are only following orders, and the most important thing at the moment is It is to catch this dangerous suspect, and if we can get help from the FBI, it will indeed reduce a lot of pressure."

Just as Tohru Amuro was about to respond, Sano said again: "I know that even without the assistance of the FBI, we can catch the suspect on our own, but as long as we can be faster by even one minute or one second, we may be able to reduce the number of suspects. The possibility of the next victim appearing, isn’t it?”


After Toru Amuro was silent for a few seconds, he snorted coldly and turned his head away.

Apparently, he finally planned to relent and not pursue the issue for the time being.

This relieved the FBI trio and Officer Megure.

Officer Megure quietly gave Sano a thumbs up.

Well done Sano!

...Be reasonable.

In Officer Megure's opinion, although Sano is indeed very powerful.

But it can only be used as the "main force".

This sounds a bit hard to say.

In fact, Sano can not only take on major responsibilities in solving crimes and rescuing people.

No other use...ahem.

It seems a bit too realistic...playing as a support player is impossible anyway.

It is absolutely impossible for Sano to play support - this was the view that Officer Megure had always held before today, but now, this view has changed.

This guy actually knows how to look at the atmosphere and act as a peacemaker!

It’s simply, simply, so touching!

Officer Memu even had the urge to wipe away tears. This child has finally grown up!

The Maolilan people who were "unrelated persons" next to them had strange expressions.


Not to mention the stereotypes based on daily interactions, even at first glance, the impression given by Sano and Toru Amuro should be that the former is chaotic and the latter is comforting... In other words if.

In that scene just now, the roles of the two people were reversed, right? ?


James coughed, calling for attention.

"Then let's continue...Based on the motivation of the suspect Hunter, we have also found three more people who may be his next targets."

James also posed photos of the three of them, as well as related information.

Similar to the two guys who caused Hunter's wife's death and bankruptcy respectively, these three people were also different sources of his current situation.

A neon-looking man in his thirties.

This guy made an engagement with Hunter's sister back then, but later broke off the engagement.

Resulting in Hunter's sister's death.

The other two are both foreigners, one black and one white, in their thirties or forties.

These two people were the ones who reported Hunter for violating regulations.

The white one is a relatively senior officer in the Marine Corps and is considered the "plaintiff", while the black one is a subordinate of the white one and is considered a witness.

...I feel like these two should be the highlights.

After all, if we really want to talk about it, the real source is also these two people.

According to James.

The neon man disappeared after breaking off the engagement that year. He has not been found yet, but the two behind...coincidentally, they are both currently in the neon territory, the white one is in Kyoto, and the black one is in Kyoto. sunlight.

This made Sano feel a little, well, expected and unreasonable.

Despite what James explained.

This Black and White Wuchang has been retired for a few years, but at any rate he was once in the army, with a high official rank, so he can enter the country so casually...

Yeah, very beautiful.

Finally, there is another more obvious clue - in today's case, at the location where the suspect conducted the sniper attack, an empty bullet casing and a blue dice placed on "four" were found. .

The shell casings were undoubtedly left on purpose.

And dice, according to the information provided by James Fang, is Hunter's favorite game, and he also has a dice tattoo on his upper arm.


The remaining three people.

This was taken for granted by everyone, and it was Hunter counting down.

The only doubt.

No such dice were found around the reporter who was killed abroad.

So far.

The matter is over for the time being... at least Sano doesn't need to do anything for the time being.

Oh, even if the case requires it.

That also depends on whether Sano wants to do anything.

Before leaving, Sano picked up the information on the table and took a few photos.

This made Officer Memu subconsciously say: "Hey, we can't take pictures..."

Sano glanced sideways, and Officer Megure immediately reacted and pretended not to see.

On the way back.

Conan's face was filled with sighs and emotions, and he was also slightly disappointed and relaxed.

…The former is naturally due to Hunter’s motives.

A hero created from the battlefield... at least for America.

He is an undoubted hero.

The result was a twists and turns, and it turned into what it is now.

It’s really hard not to feel sad. I always feel like I’m a bit sad that the rabbit dies and the fox dies?

As for the latter.

It's a misunderstanding.

To be precise, it was Conan himself who had unfounded conjectures... Of course, he didn't think it was unfounded, and there was nothing he could do about it. As a witness to today's sniping process, he knew the implications of that shot all too well.

Shuichi Akai, gin, rye, Kurosawa.

There are also Chianti, Cohn, and Calvados.

Conan has not seen many snipers, but those he has seen are top-notch.

There may be slight differences in the levels of these people.

Although at Conan's level, he couldn't feel the difference too directly, he could say with great certainty that that was the gun today.

It's the top level.

Naturally, a top sniper cannot appear casually.

Therefore, Conan was rightly suspicious of the organization... especially during the subsequent pursuit, the guy also threw a thunder behind.

Good guy.

At that time, Conan was almost directly stressed.

And the final result... He is indeed a top sniper, but unfortunately, he is not one of the snipers Conan originally imagined.

This made Conan feel quite complicated.

I almost took off my pants, and this is what happened?

"...Then I'll just go and return the car."

After seeing off the Maori family, Toru Amuro continued to see Sano home.

But after arriving at the place, Toru Amuro did not open the door, but looked at Sano.

"What do you think of Teacher Maori?"

"dont see."

Seeing that Toru Amuro didn't want to open the door and let him go without asking for more information, Sano "lyed" back again and flipped through his phone in boredom.

Toru Amuro was confused by Sano's answer.

"...He is not a beautiful woman. I have nothing to do to see what he does."

Before Toru Amuro could speak, Sano added another sentence.

"...Who asked you this? What I mean is, do you think the setting of the sleeping Mouri Kogoro is really scientific? His normal behavior and his sleeping behavior may really be the same person. Well, is there a possibility that this guy is actually a dual personality?"

After listening to Toru Amuro talking a lot, Sano's eyes twitched slightly.

...Indeed, when ordinary people see the setting of Kogoro Mouri and think deeply, they will easily think of the so-called dual personality, but Toru Amuro.

An ordinary person?

Not to mention how sharp this guy is, Conan is such a desperate person.

I'm afraid the abnormality has already been noticed.

The more critical point is - there is precedent.

Yes, what Belmode and Conan didn't know was that Toru Amuro already knew that Ai Haihara was the shrunken Miyano Shiho.

Action on the Suzuki Family Express.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is nothing more than the enlarged photos of Ai Haihara that Amuro Toru secretly took through the trio of real children and then uploaded them to the Internet.

Only then was it confirmed that Shirley would get on the bus.

But actually.

However, Toru Amuro had already sensed the real core point through the changes in the number of members of the Plague Team at that time... Just like Belmode was able to quickly discover Ai Haibara after confirming that Conan was Kudo Shinichi.

Toru Amuro, in turn, had some associations with Conan through Haibara Ai.

Especially during the actions after getting in the car, Toru Amuro further confirmed that his speculation was not wrong... As the saying goes, if there is one, there are two. When the first example appears, how big of an impact does it bring to people? , how easy it is to quickly associate it with the second example when it appears.

Not to mention, Haibara Ai, as Shirley, just happens to be hiding around Conan.

How could Toru Amuro not be surprised.

Although Sano is still not sure, Toru Amuro probably already knows roughly what is going on, but now he is still talking about other things and talking nonsense to him. This is a bit hard to understand. ...It's because I haven't gotten Haibara Ai's hair or anything else to compare DNA with Shirley...or maybe there is simply no material on both sides, so I still don't want to believe it.

Then I tried to overturn the second example and find a reasonable explanation?

Or... is this guy just testing himself?

Sano narrowed his eyes, finally looked away from the phone, looked at Toru Amuro, and asked: "How would I know if Kogoro Mouri has a brain disease? Why don't you take him to the doctor to ask me? ?”


If this is really the case, maybe people of the same kind will feel it?

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