Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 585 Chapter 588, Sano: It’s because I believe in you

Sano would call the other white pig in the black and white impermanence a dead fat man.

It's not unreasonable.

I don’t know if this guy fell down after retiring or if he was always like that.

Anyway, now he is like a middle-aged uncle who has gained weight.

Judging from the appearance in the photo, that round belly can even compete with Dr. Agasa and Officer Megure. He doesn't look like a soldier at all... Of course, this guy is no longer a soldier.

And now the point.

The reason is that this guy suddenly disappeared.

Yesterday, Officer Megure asked the policemen in charge of this guy to remind each other and be more vigilant, but as soon as it dawned the next day, ugh~

There are no more people.

At that time, Officer Megure panicked.

Fortunately, this guy didn't seem to have encountered any accident, because he had informed his wife and children one night in advance that he would be back the next day... There was no doubt that he had fallen into the murderer's bait.

If nothing else, the location is Tokyo.

Because the previous sniping locations were not too far away.

The general area can be determined, but the location is specific.

There's no way to be sure...but Sano doesn't know what the police think.

Wouldn't it be better to just block the entire area?

If the worry is that "snatching the enemy off guard" will cause the murderer to no longer take advantage of the situation, or even move the location of the operation outside this area, making it more difficult to control, then at least one can arrange for someone to hide in the area and wait, right?

In other words, it might be a little difficult to bring this guy into law enforcement for fishing.

But now this guy has taken on the responsibility of baiting himself, wouldn't that be better?

Sano rubbed his fingers... He actually didn't need to know where the murderer's last action was, because the other party would take him there himself.

But this didn't stop Sano from being curious.

It gets later and later.

It seems to be creating the best hunting environment for assassins.

...So, why on earth is this guy trying to get into trouble?

Speaking from Sano's experience, these places must have special meaning.

Leave aside the foreign reporter.

The second deceased was killed while continuing to sell distressed real estate on the high tower of the Suzuki family, and the third was killed in front of his own love nest... Both of these seemed very reasonable. Nothing is wrong.

But the fourth Hunter was killed at a temporary stop, and the fifth Hei Wuchang was killed on the train to Tokyo, which is not right.

The location itself definitely doesn't have any special meaning, so it can only be seen by "combining" it. Generally speaking, it will be a "pattern".

Sano pulled out the map and looked at the four locations.

Before the fourth position came out, the first three positions felt somewhat connected, but the distance between the fourth and the third was too close.

Is it to "pay homage" to Hunter?

Sano pulled the map, changing from a bird's-eye view to a level view...


For a moment, Sano noticed something was wrong.

...Because it comes with its own map, which is more detailed and convenient, Sano rarely uses paper maps or online maps.

But in this series of cases, Sano only looked at the map twice.

They were the paper map used by everyone to discuss the case when the second deceased appeared, and the online map that Toru Amuro looked at on the train behind.

Both maps are flat maps from a top-down perspective.

Looking at it from this perspective, it is true that there is no problem, but if you change the perspective... Sano tried to rotate his 3D map.

Finally fixed on one perspective.

...Is that so?

Sano raised the corners of his mouth.

The fourth victim was the one who failed in the train sniper attack.

Because the murderer failed to succeed, he naturally would not leave what he should have like the previous times, but after knowing that Hei Wuchang was dead.

This guy actually turned back and quietly left the shell casings and dice behind.

Sano didn't know exactly what this guy was thinking, but as a matter of fact.

The number of the dice is five.

This is a very strange point, but not that strange.

Because starting with the first die is a four and ending with a hunt is a two.

They are all normal countdowns.

Logically speaking, the fourth one should be one anyway.

But the result is five. Of course, since there is another target behind, it is really not right to directly say one. Maybe it can be regarded as announcing that the matter is not completely over yet... But in this case, it is directly limited to five from the beginning. Wouldn't it be better to count down from five, no matter how you look at it.

They are all extremely far-fetched.

It's all pieced together and very confusing.

This kind of puzzle-solving type of thing is what Sano is least good at.

Of course, Sano is not good at anything.

Simply plug-ins cannot solve this problem.

If the person is right in front of you, you can get the reference answer directly from the side through the fox eyes, but under that premise, ask for the answer head-on.

It seems even simpler.

All in all, under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for Sano to think of the answer by himself, and the answer he thinks may not be correct.

But in any case, leaving aside the one who is not in Neon, and counting Hunter, who died inexplicably, there should be five locations that can be determined at present, except for the last one, and the five points can be combined to form The pattern... after thinking of Gin's "sentiment".

Sano pointed at the top of the tall tower of the Suzuki family.

...Out of curiosity, Sano searched for the silver star badge that Hunter was supposed to get. It was a silver five-pointed star badge that connected five locations.

It happens to be a five-pointed star pattern.

...Although it still feels far-fetched, it does correspond to the theme.


Just then Conan's call came.

"Hey, Sano..."

"The location is the Suzuki family's tower."

For some reason, Sano didn't feel at all that his judgment this time would be wrong, so he just threw it out, leaving Conan on the other end of the phone stunned.

"...Ah, that's what I thought. It seems to be right."

There was a little smile in Conan's voice... Since Sano didn't tell the answer until now, he must have just come up with it.

I was able to get the answer at about the same time as Sano.

Conan felt that this was a rare thing, so that even at this juncture, he still couldn't help but feel a little bit happy.

"Based on what the last target told his wife and daughter about the return time, I'm afraid everything will be over at eight o'clock at the latest. I'm rushing in which direction, but I may not be able to make it in time... How long will it take for you to arrive? "


Sano knowingly asked, "How long?"

Conan was stunned again when he heard this: "...Why, have you already passed...have you already arrived? Didn't you just solve this mystery?"

"No, I just found out."


Conan was silent for a few seconds and asked tentatively in disbelief.

"Then you don't plan to come over?"

"if not."

"...Why don't you come over?"

"Why go there?"


Conan, who was riding a skateboard on the other end, choked for a while before he could say anything.

"Of course I'm going to save people!"

"Save someone."

Sano said calmly: "Let's not mention that this guy has nothing to do with me. Whether he is dead or alive is none of my business, let alone a garbage man. And even if he really wants to be rescued...then you can be sure that within ten minutes Can I get there?"


Conan immediately became hesitant.

This is so reasonable and well-founded that there is absolutely no way to refute it.

"I may not be able to say anything about the front, but the back..."

Conan forcibly found a reason and said: "I'm not here, don't think I don't exist. Even if the problem can't be solved, it's okay for me to delay it until you, the main force, come over to finish it off."

"You seem to have misunderstood something."

Sano remained calm and said: "First of all, that guy is so dangerous, how can you be so sure that if I go there, it will be useful, and it will be finished. Maybe he will collect the body... and it will be the one who was collected."

Before Conan could speak, Sano said again: "Secondly, I didn't treat you as if you didn't exist. On the contrary, I won't let it go because I believe in you. I believe you can definitely solve the problem. I believe that I will leave everything to you." You will definitely be fine, I believe in you, I believe in you.”

After saying that, Sano hung up the phone directly, leaving Conan messy in the wind.


Fuck you! !

Conan almost dropped his phone.

First he said that the murderer was too dangerous, and then he said that he believed he could definitely handle it.

As a co-author, you are invincible, right? ?

Indeed, even if one of these two reasons is taken alone, it is tenable, but if two of them are put together, the conflict will be too great.

It's obviously just a quibble for the sake of quibble!

Especially the latter.

I have said "believe" so many times in a row. Is this stroking my "conscience"? ?

Conan glanced at the time, and considering Sano's temper, he didn't call back to stalk her... Mainly because he didn't have the time.

Time is of the essence and scores must be prioritized.

You can't get past the Suzuki family's tower, so first find a higher place to determine the target's location.

Conan stopped his skateboard and ran into a tall building nearby.

And at the same time.

On the top of the tower of the Suzuki family, Sano, who had hung up the phone, was crouching down and looking at the figure lying on the ground. The sniper rifle in his hand was aimed at the small window of the rooftop attic of a small building in the distance, with a painting on it. Holding a five-pointed star.

"Something's wrong."

Sano raised his head slightly, and the howling night wind hit his face.

The smell of chaos.

"Big black."


In the night sky, the black crow blends into the darkness. Even if you look carefully, you can only see a blurry outline, like a shadow.

"found it."

Dahei passed back a few numbers.

Sano quickly took out a device that was similar to a tablet. After clicking on it, there was a dense sequence of numbers inside. Then he clicked on three of the numbers.

Three small screens are separated.

...By installing eavesdroppers and micro cameras on crows, the speed of returning information obtained by the reconnaissance network can be greatly reduced.

There is nothing to talk about in this way. After all, Sano himself installed this thing on Dahei, and now it is just a lot of copy and paste.

The only problem is.

Too much wear and tear.

As instruments with small size and precise structure, bugs and miniature cameras are prone to problems, especially if they are used in large numbers.

Especially on a crow.

It flies everywhere every day. Not only is it not easy to drop, it is also subject to wind and rain.

That's not to say that Sano is really so greedy that he can't afford the money, it's just...

Too much trouble.

Look at the screen again.

There are three groups of six people in total, distributed in different locations... Are they all snipers?


Sano zoomed in on one of the three screens.

In the picture, there is a guy with the appearance of an oriental man.

Sano had an impression of this guy. He was one of the three characters who had been suspected of colluding when Hunter was still considered the murderer. The information about the guy named Spencer, America's consultant, was attached. of.



That’s why he’s called that, right? He seems to be of mixed Eastern and Western descent?

But judging from the appearance, I can't tell.

Of course this is not important, what is important is this guy's identity.

He is also a former Marine, and he is also a top sniper who can compete with Hunter at his peak.

But in terms of time, this Carlos is considered a senior.

In other words, this person has been growing up for longer than Hunter.

But correspondingly, they age faster.

I don’t know if his level has dropped... Considering that this guy has been following Spencer all the time, he must have been training.

Not too weak.

At this moment, Dahei sent back another message: "Master, a group of people have sneaked into the tower. The target should be the guy at the top of the tower."


Sano swiped the screen again and saw the twenty or thirty people on the screen who couldn't see clearly due to the distance...most likely they were also Spencer's people.

Sano put on his headphones and paid special attention to the situation on Carlos' side.

... Originally when he saw these guys, Sano thought it was Bai Wuchang who was worried that he couldn't solve the problem alone, so he spent money to hire some other guys to ensure his own safety and kill his opponents.

But after it was confirmed that these people were Spencer's people, the nature changed.

They were both Marines, so we helped each other out of friendship and so on.

Compared with this, Sano felt that Spencer had received an order from above, and then secretly took action, intending to silence him and wash away the "shame".

The premise is that Bai Wuchang loses first.

"Master, that waltz is out!"

Another news came from Dahei.

Sano drew another small screen, and sure enough, he saw Bai Wuchang, whose face changed drastically after seeing the five-pointed star painted on the window.

"Master, Conan is over there!"

Sano swiped the screen again... The screen seemed a little inadequate.


Conan, who was on the top of the building not far from Bai Wuchang, quickly locked the target's position, and then used his glasses to find that the gun at the top of the Suzuki family's tower was pointed at the opponent. He didn't have time to think too much and twisted his shoes.

"Go to me!!"

A football shot drew an arc, and before the bullet shattered the window, it first broke the window, and then hit Bai Wuchang's head, causing him to lose consciousness.

Fall to one side.

By the way, he dodged the bullet that was supposed to hit his head.

"Damn it, it's this brat again!?"

Seeing the man below aware of Conan's presence, he was furious and fired wildly. However, he turned into a stroke master again, and every bullet hit the feet of the scurrying god of plague.

Sano couldn't help feeling a little speechless.

...Why does it feel like a person who is usually quite powerful is here next to Conan.

Just turn everything into waste?

The simplest and most direct example.

Even the Silver Fox under Sano Black Cat Vest, and Calvados too.

"Master, I saw Akai Shuichi!"

Listening to Dahei's excited voice, Sano subconsciously switched the screen.

In the picture is Shuichi Akai, wearing Subaru Okiya's skin and holding a sniper rifle.

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