Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 587 590, Suzuki Tower: Death!

Blood smeared the floor.

Various parts of twenty or thirty people were scattered on the ground, making the scene look as tragic as a pile of hundreds of corpses.

And in the middle of the picture.

It was a figure that looked like a demon.

There was a lot of blood on Black Cat's body, but more of it was concentrated on his hands.

His hands were covered with thick blood, as if they were wearing a pair of red gloves.

The blood dripping from the fingertips became the only sound in the dead air.

...What should I do?

Conan was covered in cold sweat because things were developing so fast.

From the meeting and fighting between Black Cat and Mao Lilan, to the appearance of that group of people, fighting again, to the end, the whole process did not take more than half a minute.

Especially the last wave.

Twenty or thirty professionally trained gun-wielding soldiers, the average death speed is even more exaggerated than the instant kill, and the black cat's figure cannot be locked at all.

All he could see was a shadow flashing past.

Wherever the shadow goes, there will be blood and death.

The inhuman explosive speed, coupled with the claws that are more terrifying than the blades, makes this group of people unable to defend, let alone fight back, let alone escape.

It was a complete crushing and killing.

"Since it's all dirty, it seems."

Sano deliberately turned his gaze to the other side, where Judy and Mao Lilan were still awake.

The two of them became nervous instantly.

...Cameron's injury is unknown, but at least he has passed out. Currently, only Judy is the only one here who can be called combative.

The two of them naturally have to take responsibility.

But the problem is... this responsibility is too heavy.

The two of them knew that the black cat was very powerful, especially Mao Lilan, who had experienced it personally, but the pressure this time was really a bit too strong.

With so many people and so many guns, he was able to clear the level without any injuries in such a short period of time without using any weapons. He was so powerful that he was beyond human... Of course, considering the current appearance of Black Cat. look.

This guy really doesn't look like a human being.

...Cat demon, turns out to be real?

Mao Lilan's calves began to tremble unconsciously. You must know that this weird thing has special mental damage to her.


While the two parties involved, as well as Conan who was observing, were thinking about what to do next, a piece of news suddenly came from Dahei.

A large number of police cars are approaching.

...It's rare. It came quite quickly this time.

Sano smacked his lips secretly, originally he was speechless at what Conan did today.

He noticed the truth but did not notify the police. Instead, he only informed Judy of the FBI, so that only these two people came... Or maybe Conan actually informed both parties early, but the neon police arrived too slowly...

Forget it, it’s a trivial matter that doesn’t matter.

After releasing the cat demon form, Sano walked towards Yoshino on the other side.

"I would like to advise you, it would be better to leave this place as soon as possible."

After saying these words, Sano, who was carrying Yoshino, quickly rushed to the next floor.


After a brief period of confusion, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At least a small life was saved...

Only Judy was able to maintain some space for thinking, her brows furrowed.

"The guy said he advised us to leave quickly...what does that mean?"

"...I also think it would be better if we leave here quickly."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the things on the ground, covered her mouth with twitching, and said in agreement: "Otherwise, I really can't guarantee that I won't spit it out directly next... ugh!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Suzuki Sonoko began to spit out mosaics.


Judy gets a call from James.


"How's the situation over there?"


Judy took a few seconds to briefly summarize what was going on.

"That's it..."

After James was silent for a few seconds, he said: "Judy, there is something very, very dangerous right now. You can choose to do it or not..."


Judy frowned in confusion: "What's the matter?"

"Go to the top of the tower and stall Rye."


Judy froze in place.

"Wait, wait a minute, you mean, that guy is here now?"


On the other end of the phone, James looked solemn.

The purpose of this operation was originally just for Yoshino.

But as the situation develops, the situation becomes more and more complicated, and more and more serious... If you want to achieve the original goal, you must "liberate" Akai Shuichi, but that Rye has been staring at him intently. live.

There was no chance for Shuichi Akai to take the lead.

It was impossible to fight back, and it was impossible to avoid the black cat that chased Yoshino away.

Only by holding back Rye from another aspect can Shuichi Akai create opportunities.

Also... plenty of neon police are on their way, if you wait long enough.

Maybe there will be a huge unexpected gain.

But the question now is, how to drag it, and who will drag it...

Cameron has passed out, and the only one who has the possibility is undoubtedly Judy, but let's not say that this guy's hand was twisted by the black cat and was broken, then it is not broken.

Facing such a dangerous person alone, what will be the final result?

No one can tell.

But then again, when will there be no risk in this business?

It’s nothing more than the size of the risk.

Out of his professionalism, James still said this.

And then because of my own morals and my colleagues with Judy.

James gave Judy a do it or not to do it.

It's all up to Judy alone.

After about ten seconds of silence, Judy accepted the job.

"You take Cameron and leave here first. I have to go to the top of the tower again."

Looking at Judy with a smile on her face, trying to give herself a group of people safety.

Mao Lilan noticed something was wrong.

I always felt... After coming back to his senses, Mao Lilan grabbed Judy.

"Teacher Judy, I'll go with you!"

Judy looked at Mao Lilan blankly, never expecting that the other party would say that.

After reacting, Judy naturally couldn't let Mao Lilan follow her and take such a big risk, so she quickly declined...but it was no use.

Mao Lilan's attitude was very firm and he did not accept refutation at all.

It's not that Judy doesn't want to be tough, but she definitely can't run away, let's fight... Even when her wrist is fine, she doesn't have the confidence to beat Mao Lilan in close combat, let alone He said that he was injured, and he even had to make sure not to hurt the other person... He had a headache.

What should I do, should I give up?


Before Judy could hesitate to come up with a result, an alarm bell sounded in her ears.

...are the neon police almost here?

Judy turned her eyes and watched the red and blue light gradually approaching.

This is definitely a good sign.

Because this means that if you want to delay, the time required may be very short, or even... there is no need to delay at all.

Of course this seems even less likely to Judy.

On the contrary, such a high-profile battle may make the guy at the top of the tower choose to run away first. Even if he delays it, he may not pay attention...

Damn it, why are you getting more confused?

Judy's brain, which had calmed down a lot, became confused again.

The pain in the wrist, Mao Lilan's "coercion", the tense situation where every second counts.

"...Teacher Judy, your cell phone is ringing."

Mao Lilan's reminder brought Judy back to her mind, and then looked at the phone in her hand.

Was it James' call... urging?

After the call was connected, what came from the other end was indeed urging, but it was not what Judy thought, urging her to hurry up, but - "Run away Judy!"

"Get out of that place!"

"That guy is down!!"


Judy's pupils shrank and she looked at Mao Lilan... Because of Cameron's unknown condition, Suzuki Sonoko and the children did not notice the situation here, and had indeed followed the instructions and took him away first.

No, since James has clearly told him to withdraw, it means that there is no point in delaying it now, he has to avoid it!


However, before Judy could speak, another loud noise was suddenly heard.

To be precise, there were countless loud noises erupting at the same time.

Fire shot into the sky, and the tower beneath the two men began to sway.

It's a bomb! ?

Judy's face changed wildly, and her heart suddenly contracted.

Who planted the bomb and who detonated it... Judy didn't even have to think about it.


After instinctively cursing, Judy looked around to observe the situation.

The Suzuki family's tower is very tall and very big.

Judging from Judy's view from this internal level, it is true that she cannot understand the whole picture.

But what is certain now is that.

The shaking of the tower weakened after the moment of explosion, and then continued to intensify, and dust, gravel, floors, walls, and ceilings were falling everywhere. The cracks were already visible to the naked eye.

In fact, these cracks are still expanding.

There was no doubt, Judy was certain, that absolutely vital structural points had been blown.

This shows that this tower is going to collapse!

...Now I have no choice but to run away even if I don’t want to.

"We have to retreat quickly..."

Judy grabbed Mao Lilan and wanted to run away, but she couldn't pull her away.

After looking back in confusion, Judy discovered that Mao Lilan was staring blankly in the direction of the stairs.

……Could it be that?

Judy turned around suddenly and saw the dangerous figure as expected.

Why, why so fast! ?

Judy's facial features were ferocious, and she felt as if her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

...The time goes back to when Judy just received a call from James asking about his intention.

Sano on the top of the tower had suppressed Akai Shuichi for nearly five minutes from beginning to end... This number does not sound exaggerated.

Especially when snipers face off on the battlefield, it is possible that it can last for hours or even days, but the problem is.

This is not a battlefield.

The two sides facing each other are not soldiers at all.

Time is really important to people like Shuichi Akai.

...Akai Shuichi felt that criminals like Rye were the same.

As time dragged on, Akai Shuichi might have missed the opportunity to capture Yoshino.

But correspondingly, if it takes too long and the neon police get involved...

Shuichi Akai at least has an FBI identity, but Rye is different.

Of course, Akai Shuichi didn't think so.

Being surrounded by neon police, Rye will definitely be eaten. Compared to this, Akai Shuichi is more focused on what he should and can take.

Well, it’s Yoshino.

Rye doesn't matter anymore. It's most likely impossible to eat it. It's best if you can eat it. But Akai Shuichi won't work hard for it. He quickly gets rid of this guy, creates space for himself to escape the opponent's lock, and then goes to Yoshino.

This is the right way.

So when James contacted Shuichi Akai, he explained the situation.

Then another message was received.

It was said that someone would hold Rye back, but for how long, he was not sure. Shuichi Akai had to seize the opportunity... But James hadn't finished speaking yet.

Akai Shuichi, who was clinging to the bunker, used the camera on the tablet in his hand that had been placed elsewhere to observe the situation on the top of the tower. After enlarging the picture, he saw that Rye over there had put away his gun...

Just like using the 3D real-life map on the Internet to discover the key points of this serial case, technology benefits mankind. Shu Akai has always been good at using tools, whether it is intelligence collection or assisting in combat.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is, is this guy planning to withdraw?

...could it be said that the black cat has successfully evacuated?

Akai Shuichi frowned, so didn't he fail before he even took action?

Turning his eyes again, he saw a police car in the distance.

Or maybe it's just that I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble... Wait a minute.

If so.

"James, Rye is ready to go down!"


James's voice was full of surprise.

...Akai Shuichi didn't know what the outcome of this operation would be.

But what Akai Shuichi can now understand is that there is no need to tangle with Rye anymore.

Otherwise, it will be a meaningless sacrifice!

At the same time, Sano, who had turned around and returned to the tower, was rubbing his fingers.

...It's boring. That guy Shuichi Akai is really vulgar.

To put it mildly, it’s prudent.

He didn't even bother to raise his head.

But there is really no need to keep an eye on him anymore. Yoshino has been successfully taken out, and the neon police are getting closer and closer... Although there is actually no need.

But everything has been put away. If you don't recycle it, it will be a bit troublesome. If you recycle it, it will be a little troublesome.

It's also quite troublesome.

Think of it as a smoke bomb and a small gift for Conan and Akai Shuichi. While going down the stairs, Sano snapped his fingers and dropped it.

The crows had previously asked the crows to place bombs throughout the Suzuki family's tower just in case.

Blooming began immediately.

And Suzuki Tower: Death!

But what was surprising next was that Sano had just reached the next floor.

I saw Judy and Mao Lilan.

...What's going on? Why haven't these two guys run away yet?


Just when Sano was confused, Judy looked over and shouted at Mao Lilan without hesitation, and then forcibly dragged the other person to run wildly.

But Judy already had an injury on one hand. If she dragged Mao Lilan away again.

Of course he can't run fast.

Mao Lilan finally reacted, quickly pulled Judy's hand away, and ran away.

Not long after the two of them ran out, the lights of the Suzuki Tower suddenly went out at the same time, plunging the entire tower into darkness.

...Sano could swear it.

I didn't do anything with the power system of the Suzuki family's tower, and there was no need to do so. It was probably a broken wire caused by the collapse of the tower.

After a thought, the sunglasses under the peaked cap turned into night vision goggles.

Looking forward again, the two figures with black eyes were obviously a little panicked.

Judy is a little better, she is still an FBI agent after all, and her mentality is relatively stable.

But Mao Lilan was different... This girl was originally more afraid of the dark.


The collapse of the tower is getting faster and faster.

...It’s not that big gravel is about to hit Mao Lilan.

Only a piece of floor in front of it, near the edge of the tower, collapsed.

Mao Lilan couldn't see it, so he just missed it.

The world changed from darkness to light again...but Mao Lilan's mood did not get better.

Because Mao Lilan was falling from an altitude of more than 300 meters.


Because he focused all his attention on Mao Lilan, he didn't notice at all that Rye on the top of the tower retreated into the tower. Conan, who didn't realize something was wrong until the two sides met, couldn't even recover from his pale face. Even if there is a little bit of blood, I can see that the situation has become like this again.

He suddenly let out a shocking roar and wanted to jump off the roof.

It would be best if you could grow a pair of wings and fly over.

Hearing Conan's voice, Shuichi Akai, who had no night vision function in either the sniper scope or the camera, quickly locked onto Mao Lilan's figure.

But in this situation, nothing can be done... huh?

Suddenly, Akai Shuichi's gun muzzle deflected, and his expression was startled.

That is……! ?

From Akai Shuichi's perspective, a figure was running wildly on the tilted tower. Although the tower was tilted, the angle was still very steep.

It was said that he was running wildly, but Sano was almost "flying" against the surface of the tower in a head-down posture. This was only possible with the blessing of the Superman pendant.

Sano's speed was not considered too fast.

He also gained a "running" speed that was enough to catch up with Mao Lilan's falling speed.

It's just that the distance is a bit far.

You still have to find a foothold to borrow strength to get close.

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