Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 606 609, I heard that you tell people everywhere that I am dead?

Just as Sano thought.

This waitress felt that she could no longer escape.

That's why he "fights to the death".

Not to protect himself, just to get revenge.

From beginning to end, Sano is the real goal.

But just when the waitress thought she had succeeded and her revenge was successful.

This scene at the moment broke the waitress's beautiful fantasy.

I failed.

There is no doubt about this.

Not only did the waitress fail to kill Sano, she didn't even seem to cause much damage... to her vision, hearing, and pungent smell.

All aspects of sensory stimulation are constantly impacting the waitress's heart.

After the cardiac arrest, the heart beat rapidly, and at the moment when the heart seemed to explode, the waitress felt that her scalp also exploded.

Without any hesitation, the waitress turned around and ran away.

But how could Sano let this guy go?

With just a slight movement of his hand, Sano grabbed this guy's hair.

"Ahhhh!! No! No! No!!"

Sano pulled the waitress by her hair and threw her to the ground.

Tears flowed out unconsciously amid the screams full of fear.

I don't know if it was because I was scared or because my hair was pulled in pain.

Without any unnecessary movement, Sano punched the waitress in the face.

The howling stopped abruptly.

With just one punch, the waitress passed out.

But Sano didn't stop, and the second punch followed, and he woke up again. With the third punch, he finally stopped attacking the face that was beyond recognition and covered with blood, and instead focused on the target. on the limbs.

……to be honest.

Sano didn't mind flipping.

As long as you are not on full alert and tense your nerves 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, then overturning is inevitable. How can a person fall flat while walking, let alone walking on the edge of the world? .

Especially for most people, when a car rolls over, which may be fatal, Sano always has a way to avoid it. Just like now, it is said that his neck was almost stabbed, but it was just a painless injury.

Sawing back only takes a few minutes to recover.

After flipping the car a few more times, Sano might be able to learn some experience and use less cumbersome methods to avoid the next rollover.

But this aspect often doesn't work for Lao Liu.

The car overturned twice in a row today, both because of being beaten.

This was really something that Sano couldn't bear - it was impossible to kill him directly.

Having already lost a vest, Sano didn't think it was worth losing another salary just because of a moment of anger.

But being imprisoned doesn't mean that you have to be imprisoned completely, right?

As long as you are sent to prison with a breath left, can it still be considered a prison sentence?

Anyway, he will have to stay in jail for the rest of his life.

Then Sano will help again and let this guy lie in prison for the rest of his life.

It’s not impossible! ?


The hoarse wails continued.

About ten seconds were enough for Sano to crush most of this guy's bones.

At the same time, it was enough for everyone to recover after being frightened continuously.

"I said……"

Officer Zhongmori seemed to be unable to stand it anymore and wanted to stop him.

But Suzuki Jirokichi stood in front of Officer Nakamori.

The reactions of the two people represent viewpoints from two directions... Of course, in fact, both of them have similar thoughts to each other.

It was just that after much hesitation, they each chose different actions.

However, the leaders of the two positions did not wait for a confrontation.

Sano on the other end has already stopped... It's not like he's giving the two of them face.

It's just that the waitress on the ground has no room for Sano to continue to show off... Ahem, but after stopping, he noticed again.

Because the entire audience's attention was diverted.

A little policeman didn't seem to notice the man he was pressing down.

His hands were almost reaching the submachine gun on the other side.

Come again.

Sano snorted secretly, and the spider poison in the man's body immediately broke out.

...just in case.

Sano had already asked Erhei, who came to the restaurant in advance to monitor the situation, to drop spider poison on each target, and quietly took control of the situation.

Of course, thinking about it now, Sano should have been cautious at that time and let Erhei leave spider poison in everyone who didn't know the details first. That way, he would not be able to get a knife in his neck. .

Forget it, it’s useless to talk about what has already happened.


Sano instantly rushed to the man who was temporarily paralyzed, raised his leg and struck vertically.



Sano stepped on the man's at least shattered arm, glanced at the little policeman, and mocked: "Trash is trash, and can't even do this little thing well."

The little policeman was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly turned green and red.

Officer Zhongmori over there wasn't much better either... Even though he couldn't see what happened from beginning to end, he could pretty much guess it.

...It's really embarrassing to be embarrassed like this.

And after Sano made sure that he was here, the work was definitely over.

Naturally, there is no need to stay any longer.

But with so much blood on his body, he wanted to find a place to send it back to Tokyo quietly.

It will most likely be a bit troublesome, so it's better to evacuate from the airship first and then teleport.

Sano walked up to Kuroba Kaito and said, "Let's go."


This made Kuroba Kaito the center of everyone's attention.

When a head-on conflict breaks out, Kuroba Kaito fills in with Maori Ran and controls the situation, which should attract attention.

Even everyone's attention was almost focused on Sano.

But the problem is that the subsequent development is too fast one step after another, and the way Kuroba Kaito took action previously was also very covert. Not only did he use a poker gun to sneak attack, he didn't even take off his disguise.

So much so that everyone ignored Kuroba Kaito.

But looking at it now, everyone except Mao Lilan was unconsciously confused - who is this? Is he in the same group as Hei Shi?

Kuroba Kaito twitched his eyes, took a step back, and said with a dry smile: "What are you talking about? We don't know each other..."

"What, are you still planning to poach Kudo Shinichi?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

...Yes, Kuroba Kaito once again borrowed Conan's identity.


Why do you say it again?

never mind.

Others may not know it, but Sano was collecting information everywhere today.

But I know that this kid Kuroba Kaito has accidentally exposed his true identity in Maori Lana because of a flaw, and he just wanted to cover it up.

Kuroba Kaito pulled off his mask and revealed that he was Kudo Shinichi.

Mao Lilan naturally didn't believe it, but after pulling Kuroba Kaito's face...

Then you have to believe it.

all in all.

Mao Lilan hesitated to help Kuroba Kaito temporarily conceal his identity.

But now, the situation has changed again.

Kuroba Kaito was covered in cold sweat... He could already accept the fact that his disguise technique always seemed to be in vain in front of a few people.

What Kuroba Kaito couldn't understand was how this guy knew.

Did he temporarily borrow Kudo Shinichi's identity?

Did this guy come here for himself from the beginning, so he was followed the whole time? ?

Before Kuroba Kaito could react, Sano, who didn't think he was discussing at all and just thought he was giving a notification or even an order, grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him to the side. window.

"Hey...hey, wait a minute, what are you doing?"

Kuroba Kaito tried to struggle, but he was afraid of being beaten, so he could only scream.


Kuroba Kaito was thrown out of the airship from the window by Sano.


Before Kuroba Kaito's howl could be heard, Sano jumped down again.

By adjusting his posture to accelerate and catch up with Kuroba Kaito, who fell first, Sano "stood" on the opponent's back, with the blood on his neck still rising.

"Stop shouting. Where is your hang glider?"

Kuroba Kaito turned around in disbelief, his eyes widened: "Damn it, aren't you? Why are you all using me as a mount!?"

"Cut the nonsense."

Sano slapped Kuroba Kaito on the back of the head.

Kuroba Kaito gritted his teeth and could only pull out his glider. At the same time, he also took off his disguise, revealing his white body as Kaitou Kid.

"...You are really messing around. Didn't you think that I put the hang glider somewhere else and didn't even take it with me? What if I fall to death?"

He heard Kuroba Kaito muttering.

Sano squeezed out a chuckle with bubbles... blood bubbles from his throat.

"Anyway, I won't die. At most, I will just collect your body for you."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."


Except for the people who were responsible for suppressing the group of criminals, everyone else was crowded in front of the window where Sano and Kuroba Kaito left, sticking their heads to look around, including Conan who was outside the restaurant the whole time. .

"...That boy turns out to be Kaitou Kidd."

Suzuki Jirokichi touched his chin thoughtfully and muttered: "But what did that black guy say about Kudo Shinichi just now? What's going on?"

Conan glanced at Mao Lilan strangely.

Even though he just heard that sentence, Conan probably knew it.

My account has been hacked again.

Of course, compared to this trivial matter, what Conan cares more about is the relationship between Kaitou Kidd and Black Death... It would be fine if Black Mask helped out before.

The key is to declare sovereignty and say that Kaitou Kidd is his younger brother.

Black Death came on board, maybe because of this fake red Siamese cat?

From what the bearded man said, there seemed to be some dispute between the two parties.

But Conan still couldn't help but wonder if Kaito Kidd might be one of the reasons.

in other words.

Could it be Kaitou Kidd...probably not.

After all, this guy is dressed in white, which is completely the opposite.

……Wait a moment.

Suddenly, Conan realized something was wrong.

To be precise, I remembered something.

Didn't Huang Mao say before that he was so black that he lost one of his hands?

But isn’t this good now?

Not only is it complete, but it feels like the fist is more powerful than before?

what happened?

And right here Conan frowned and felt confused.

In a building far away near Tokyo.

Toru Amuro was leading a group of peripheral members, cautiously moving against the wall.

...A few hours ago, Toru Amuro had returned to the organization's base camp and explained to Gin face to face the situation of being ambushed.

Then it happened exactly as Tohru Amuro expected.

At that time, Gin fell into a state of rage that he had almost never experienced before.

The first is doubt.

He questioned whether Toru Amuro was lying and felt that Rye would not die easily.

It is questioned that if Rye is really dead, then Toru Amuro may be the mastermind.


After calming down a little, it’s time to verify.

Gin immediately called Rye, but no one answered.

More than ten calls in a row were like this... I still didn't give up.

It seemed that Gin's gaffe was more serious than he thought.

After watching Gin confirm that Rye was at least out of contact through preliminary verification, Amuro Toru personally accompanied him again and led the way. The place where the two were ambushed and sniped was of course different from the last time. , this time they brought a lot of people with them, not to mention it was a head-on battle, but at least they were prepared, even if they were ambushed again.

At least it can guarantee a safe escape.

But when they arrived at the place, Toru Amuro and his party could not see Rye's body, but Gin did not think that he was lying because of this.

On the contrary, Gin believed Toru Amuro.

Because that place was treated too cleanly.

It's like trying to hide something on purpose, and you have to hide traces.

no doubt.

Rye's body has been disposed of to avoid unnecessary trouble.

that moment.

Both Gin and Toru Amuro fell into a dead silence.

Members of his men were ambushed and killed.

Logically speaking, it seems that Gin should take revenge and get the situation back.

But Toru Amuro knew it very well.

This concept simply does not exist for organizations.

Especially with Gin's personality that puts everything first on organization, in Toru Amuro's opinion, unless Rye's death caused the forces lurking on that side to do something particularly out of bounds.

If you can avoid conflicts, try to avoid conflicts. If there is no corresponding gain, choose to reduce losses. This is Gin's consistent style.


It was unexpected.

Gin actually gave Toru Amuro the task of conducting an in-depth investigation on the spot.

Find out who did it and what the purpose was, and then decide what to do next depending on the situation.

This shocked Toru Amuro.

...A mission with such content actually seems to have no problem in itself. After all, this unknown force has indeed taken action against the organization. Collect relevant information and prepare in advance.

Totally justified.

The only problem is that Gin is too impatient.

The task was issued on the spot and required to be completed in one step. The manpower used was far beyond ordinary tasks. The most important thing was that Gin also went a bit beyond the rules.

The leader of the action team assigned a task to the cadres of Tohru Amuro's intelligence team.

If Rum knew about this, there might be internal fighting.

Of course Toru Amuro doesn't care, he will even clap his hands and applaud if a dog bites a dog, and as a senior cadre, Gin is in a different group.

But how could Toru Amuro dare to disobey orders?


Why not contact Rum?

Oops, isn't it because of the strong gin, didn't you expect it...but it's other than that.

In fact, Toru Amuro also knew that Gin's mission was clearly to collect intelligence.

What's the meaning behind it?

It's just an excuse for revenge.

In this regard, Toru Amuro's attitude is somewhat complicated.

If this force is also an evil force, then Toru Amuro would naturally not mind taking a step ahead to eliminate harm for the people... As for revenge, although it is a bit hard to describe, he has to admit that accepting such a favor Finally, if he did nothing, he would probably feel uneasy, let alone the guy's deepest identity.

It remains to be explored.

But what if the force that attacked the two of them before was an official department.

Then Amuro Toru was a little worried again.



Toru Amuro, who was distracted, was brought back to his attention.

Not because I met an enemy, but because there were no enemies, to be precise.

The enemies are all gone.

The whole building was pitch black without any light. Since entering the building, Toru Amuro has not seen a single person. That is to say, relying on the function of the night vision device, he can barely see a few people lying on the ground. silhouette.

There was no doubt that this place had been attacked.

But who would do such a thing?

"...Ah, I know, I've seen it."

Before Tohru Amuro could finish thinking, he suddenly heard another voice coming from above.

Toru Amuro's expression changed immediately, he turned around quickly, raised his gun and aimed upwards, and then he saw the figure standing on the second floor. Because of the light through the window, he could barely see his figure, and his pupils suddenly tightened.

"How could you..."


After hanging up the phone, Sano, who was wearing a rye vest, closed the phone, put his hands on the railing, looked at Toru Amuro below, and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, I heard that you tell people everywhere that I'm dead?"


The second time I listened to it, I finally felt a very familiar voice.

Amuro Toru's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

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