Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 609 612, another fake loli?

Sano's focus on this is rather biased.

"Are you staying in a hotel now?"


Narumi Asai also knew where Sano's focus was, and said with a smile: "Although my job has been unstable since I came to Tokyo, I also have a part-time job, and the salary is not higher than that of my main job. few."

...Normally speaking, if you don’t buy a house, there are just a few types of housing.

Generally it can be divided into rentals and hotels.

The expenses on the hotel side are undoubtedly higher.

Of course, there are many types of hotels, including inns, guesthouses, restaurants, and hotels. There are also differences in the levels of each type... But since Asai Shige used the term "hotel", it is naturally impossible to be different.

Even at the flower garden where Sano lived in his previous life, hotel prices were on the high side, let alone the Neon side where consumption levels were higher...

Of course, salary is another matter. Asai Shimizu is a doctor.

The salary should be considered to be at the upper level of Neon.

As a result, now a part-time job can keep up with the main business... Is this guy right?

Sano, who unconsciously thought wrongly, shook his head quickly.

"Because I changed hospitals, do I have to change places to live?"

Sano asked: "Why not just buy a cheap car and drive."

"Ha, it looks like you are the type who has never bought a car."

Narumi Asai explained: "Buy a cheap car. It doesn't matter whether it is easy to use or not. It also burns gas. The key is that it is difficult to park. Otherwise, you have to find a house with a parking place, or else you have to find a parking lot nearby." For a house on the market, paying for parking is secondary, but more importantly, it’s inconvenient.”

"Is this so?"

Sano blinked. It seemed that it was true. Even the three-story Maori family didn't buy a car. When they needed a car, they basically chose to rent a car, and Kudo was the only one. The mansion is an independent house like Dr. Agasa's house. It has a garage, so it is convenient to park... and even plant flowers there.

Not too good either.

At least the neighborhood where Sano lived in his previous life had too many cars because there were not enough parking spaces.

The road is almost blocked.

"There is no other way. Until things stabilize, we can only live outside."

Sano looked around: "Which hotel are you staying in?"

"Acupo Sovereign Hotel is the building over there, you can see it."

Sano looked in the direction of Asai Narumi's finger.

...This building feels a little familiar, Abeto Sovereign Hotel.

Does this name sound familiar?

No way, are you so stupid? Are you going to run into that tomboy?

In other words, that god of plague is going to start causing trouble to people again?

Speaking of which, Sano didn't even notice, Sera Masumi, have you been discharged from the hospital?

Even if you are discharged from the hospital, at this point in time, you should be in school, right?

Sano felt that there was no big problem, so he followed Asai Narumi to, uh, the hotel. Fortunately, the two of them aimed for the buffet restaurant instead of the room.

Otherwise, even if Sano feels he has a clear conscience, he will not feel any guilt.

But it doesn't feel weird at all.

That's pure nonsense... It's a bit creepy just thinking about it.

"You can grab whatever you want to eat. It's quite expensive to buy a meal ticket alone."

Asai Narimi winked at Sano playfully: "Otherwise, it will be a loss."

Sano: "...Okay."

After all, why bother touching your eyes!

My hair is standing on end!

Sano touched his arm while picking up a plate to load the food.

But without paying attention, Sano accidentally bumped into an unknown object.

When I looked down, I saw a little girl.

She has short blond hair with some waves.

There is a slight resemblance to Sera Masumi's hairstyle.

"I'm sorry for blocking your way, but you are also wrong for not paying attention to the road..."

Akai Marie raised her head, habitually wanting to use her own mantra.

As a result, before he could finish his words, he was startled again after seeing Sano's face clearly.


Sano narrowed his eyes and looked down at Akai Mari.

...I take it back, this girl's hairstyle is not similar to Sera Masumi's.

Especially the bangs on the forehead.

That tuft of hair was curled into a circle, which made me feel uncomfortable no matter how I looked at it.

What on earth were you thinking of giving such an awkward hairstyle?

While he was puzzled, Sano's focus was not completely lost.

This girl's face and eyes... Sano felt more and more familiar the more he looked at her.

Looks a bit like the fake lolita Haihara Ai?

Only the eyes are special...if we add this location.

And after looking up just now, he reacted as if he recognized himself.


Behind him, Asai Narumi called tentatively. Sano calmly withdrew his gaze from Akai Mari, turned around and responded: "Here he comes."

Asai Narimi looked at Akai Marie and asked, "Is that girl someone you know? Is she a mixed race? She's so cute."

"Who knows."

Sano also glanced at the back of Akai Mari as she hurriedly left.

...You didn’t even eat, so you were so vigilant?

But I am a famous detective, no matter how vigilant I am, I should still have a certain degree of trust... Is there any secret that I don't want myself to discover? A little girl who looks like she is about to enter junior high school.

What secrets could there be?

Sano peeled off the lobster in his hand, stuffed it into his mouth, rubbed his oily fingers, and came up with an uncertain guess in his mind.

But this situation doesn't seem right.

...No, I have to find an opportunity to explore it.

"Sorry, I have to go to the toilet."

After pulling out a piece of paper and wiping his fingers, Sano casually found an excuse to leave, and then actually went to the toilet first and washed his hands.

Only then did he pull out the map again. On it, Erhei, whom Sano had conveniently left on the golden retriever loli just now, was glowing with a striking red light.

"Heh, he ran pretty fast."

Looking at the red dots on the map that had climbed several floors up from the stairs, Sano curled his lips, turned around and went directly to the elevator entrance. He kept pressing the button for a certain floor, and then depending on the situation, Press the new floor to cancel the original floor in real time without falling behind.


Finally, the red dot stopped on one floor and did not go up any further.

Sano finally made no move and waited until the elevator door opened.

Stepped out of the elevator.

Calmly, after turning the corner at the end of the corridor, Sano happened to see the golden retriever who was opening the door. However, he did not approach immediately. Instead, he waited until the other person opened the door and stepped in with one foot. when.

Then he quickly came over.


Just as Akai Marie was closing the door, she was about to look back to investigate.

A big hand blocked the door, and Akai Marie's peripheral vision also happened to reflect a pair of shoes and the shadow on the wall... No!

Akai Marie's expression immediately changed, and she felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart.

But just when Akai Mari, who was ready to fight, turned around and realized that the person behind was Sano, her body relaxed a little.

Of course, that's just a few.

Akai Marie still retained the most basic vigilance in her eyes.


Before Akai Mari could speak, Sano suddenly stretched out his hand to grab her.

This made Akai Marie's expression change again... Although judging from what Sera Masumi explained to her, it seems that the young detective in front of her is not an enemy, but that is just a seeming, no matter in the long run She is not willing to get involved with the other party because she is fishing for big fish, so it is better to be cautious and not drag others into the water.

At least, not yet.

But the God of Luck is always so wicked. He just happens to meet someone he doesn't want to meet. Not only does he meet someone, but he can't get rid of him... Akai Marie can be sure that she paid very careful attention when she came up. Pass.

No one is following me at all.

As a result, we arrived at our doorstep and this guy showed up.

...If I failed to notice this guy's approach because his footsteps were too light, and I was about to return to the "safe house", so I was careless, then the former is really a big problem. .

The young detective may be worthy of his name, but that should only be based on his reasoning ability.

To sum up, Akai Marie is sure.

This guy is definitely more than just a detective!

...Not to mention that you are still "taking action" on yourself now. Do you think you can close the net?

Almost instinctively, Akai Mari raised her hand and slapped Sano's hand away. At the same time, she put the fingers of her other hand together and pointed the knife directly at his throat.

Upon seeing this, the interest in Sano's eyes immediately became stronger.

The two movements of first defending and then attacking have different deflection points. They have the flexibility of Zaru, the sharpness of martial arts, and... there are also shadows of Jeet Kune Do.

This golden retriever loli is definitely not a real lolita.

After all, Akai Marie uses a child's body, but the attack is shown.

But it seems to be a level better than Sera Masumi.

If it were an adult wouldn't feel any worse than Shuichi Akai.

This level is what such a loli can achieve.

Sano didn't believe it anyway.

Back to the present moment, facing Akai Marie's hand sword, Sano used almost the same action as the opponent before, swatting away the attack and attacking at the same time. But the difference was that he not only swatted away the attack, but also caught it. The opponent's wrist directly controlled the opponent briefly.


Sano raised his right hand high, and the hammer was thrown into his hand. Without hesitation, he hit it with a hammer... Of course, Akai Mari wanted to hide, but her hand was caught.

There was no way to break away in a short time.

Especially when Akai Mari was using a child's body, and there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides, if they couldn't keep it together, they would have to be beaten.


Akai Marie tried to block it with her other hand in a desperate struggle.

Unfortunately it didn't work.

The hammer still fell on his head.

The severe pain affected Akai Marie's movements to a certain extent.


After gritting her teeth, Akai Mari kicked Sano in the crotch.

Naturally, it was easily blocked by Sano's hand holding the hammer.

...This guy is quite insidious. He actually plays with me and teases his vaginal legs?

Although based on the reaction to the blow just now, this new fake loli.

He shouldn't be a bad person.

As soon as Sano had this idea, Akai Mari kicked off the ground with her other foot, forcing her body into the air, and clamped his neck with a pair of short legs - except for a few perverts, most people's bodies were very Vulnerable parts, especially certain weak parts, are once locked.

Then there is a high probability that in the end, a weakling who gets a gun may be able to kill someone who would have been absolutely impossible to win.

Of course, in addition to the target, the method is also important.

Choke-choking is usually performed with arms, but legs can also be used.

Scissor legs.

...It seems that he has become very proficient in this weak body, otherwise he would not be able to use such a move so subconsciously.

Caught off guard, Sano failed to stop Akai Marie from completing the move.

The two short legs around the neck are constantly tightening, making people breathless.

Sano took back the hammer, still holding Akai Mari's right hand with one hand, and using the other hand to open the legs around his neck, but unfortunately he couldn't.

Although there is a huge physical difference between the two of them, their arms cannot twist their thighs.

It won't be fake.

Not to mention that once the choke and strangle thing is formed, it is basically difficult to untie it.

And Akai Marie, who was riding on Sano's neck, had her scissor legs formed.

The hand that was originally grabbing Sano's collar to stabilize his body was immediately let go by Akai Mari, and she raised it and hit him on the head with her elbow.

In response, Sano shook his upper body vigorously and his head kept moving.

While dodging the elbow attack, he tried to knock Akai Mari down.


After feeling the feeling of suffocation getting stronger and stronger, Sano found that there was no way to shake off the fake lolita from his neck, so he simply kicked off his legs.

After the whole person soared into the air, he hit the ground in an inverted posture.

……This guy! ?

Akai Marie sensed something was wrong and finally decided to give up her rare advantage.

But Akai Marie planned to leave Sano's neck.

Sano didn't intend to let this guy leave.

The two hands that had previously held his hands and feet now clamped on his waist.


Akai Marie, who failed to break free, was like a meat pad.

It was hit hard to the ground with a loud muffled sound.

Sano stood up quickly and looked at the unconscious Akai Mari on the ground.

Can't help but feel a little sad.

... He almost fell over on this fake lolita, so he is quite capable.

Sano touched his neck and tilted his head.

Of course, Sano can't be blamed for this.

After all, even Shuichi Akai's skills couldn't do anything to Sano.

Who could have imagined that with such a body, he could explode and almost match Shuichi Akai's fighting power... Of course, carelessness is carelessness, and of course he won in the end.

It's still Sano.

At this moment, Sano glanced at the end of the corridor and seemed to notice the movement here. The shadow of an unknown person approached, quickly picked up Akai Mari on the ground, entered the room, and closed the door.


Did he strike too harshly?

Looking at Akai Marie in his hand, Sano shook his head.

No, you can’t blame yourself.

I just wanted to test this new fake loli, but who knew this guy's reaction would be so strong... and the situation turned out like this.

Whether it's from an instinctive reaction or an interest perspective.

It's not too much for Sano to use a little more strength and play with him, right?

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