Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 614 617, Sano: The organization is my home!

After searching through my memories for a while, I found the explanation I had prepared a long time ago.

Sano said: "Is it necessary to be in such a hurry?"

"What, are you saying you don't want to touch him?"


Facing Gin's tentative inquiry with a hint of ridicule, Sano did not deny it, but directly affirmed it: "In the final analysis, it would be too stupid to act in such a hurry based on just one piece of news. Rumors , traps, misunderstandings, there are all kinds of possibilities, right?"

"...So you plan to find out more before taking action?"

"No, I don't even think that there is a need to inquire about anything, because probably only a fool will think that that guy is really talking about the tiger's skin. After all, our organization has already changed its name and is no longer called a black man. Isn’t it true? If we really want to talk about it, then compared to the vague name of the black organization given by others, using the flag of the winery raised by ourselves, wouldn’t it be more iconic? ."

Gin was silent for a few seconds as he listened to Sano's eloquent analysis.

...Only a fool would think that it means he is a fool?

As for the possibility of pulling off the tiger's skin.

Although what Sano said is indeed true, the organization is now called the brewery instead of the black clothes.

But the problem is that when it comes to black clothes, they still contact their own organizations.

This is especially true when there is only one reputable organization named Black in the world, that is, our own organization.

Anyone with any brains would notice that detail and think that the black cat was most likely not pulling the skin of his own tiger, which was correct.

But what if you just happen to be a brainless person?

With such a huge base, there will always be a few oddities.

Maybe these weird things won't cause too much trouble, but they are still troubles after all.

After all, it’s because that Black Cat guy did something that caused people to misunderstand, isn’t it?

"You said there might be other secrets. If you want to detect something, you, who are familiar with him, are the easiest and most likely person to successfully detect. If you don't investigate whoever you want to investigate, then you might as well kill him by mistake and not let him go. Pass."

Gin was both testing and hinting.

"Then kill him, if you have the ability."

Sano said casually: "Maybe I didn't make it clear. I said I didn't want to kill him, but I didn't say I wanted to save him. To put it bluntly, it's a matter between you. I don't intend to get involved. It's about investigation or killing." , you decide for yourself.”


When Sano refused to give him a step, Gin's voice suddenly became filled with anger.

...No matter what the reason is, if Sano doesn't want to work, then he doesn't want to work, but at least the project must be decent, such as taking over the task as before, but doing it perfunctorily, delaying it again and again, to no avail. .

Now, let alone anyone else, not even Gin would accept it.

"Are you planning to disobey the organization's orders now?"

Gin's voice had a hint of murderous intent, turning from questioning to interrogation. However, Sano remained calm and responded: "What does it mean to disobey the order of the organization? When can you, Gin-sama, represent the organization?"

As soon as Sano said these words, even through the phone, he could feel that Gin was stunned, and subconsciously asked: "What did you say...?"

"The strength of the black cat cannot be underestimated. It is better to kill by mistake than to let it go. This is under the premise that the nail on the fingerboard can be easily killed. However, in order to avoid risks and expend so much energy, it may not succeed. After failure, It may also cause counterattacks and lead to greater risks.”

Sano's voice paused, then he took the dominant position and asked: "Gin, actually a long time ago, I wanted to ask you, sometimes some tasks, are you really out of love for the organization?" The consideration of interests is purely based on your personal thoughts and avenging private revenge."

For a moment, Gin felt like his scalp was exploding. His anger, which was already quite large, immediately swelled to an unknown amount and almost went to his head.

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about?"

Ever since Gin took his current position, some may have questioned his ability, but no one has ever questioned his loyalty to the organization.

Whether it's an enemy or a teammate.

"of course I know."

Sano sneered and said: "If you are not convinced, then just do it well. The facts will prove everything. If you think I did something wrong, you can always change it. No matter what method it is, the premise is that you can change it." , I don’t care if it’s you, Rum, or even the person at the top, any instructions, as long as they are something that I think cannot be done, I will never do it. The organization is my home, and I have to maintain this home.”

"Because of this, if there are any irreversible consequences due to your own actions, then don't blame me for being ruthless and replacing you regardless of past friendships, or even..."

Sano didn't say the final warning, but Gin could probably guess it.

...but this situation is not quite right, right?

Wasn't the purpose of this phone call that he should be the one to question, preach, and warn? Why was it that the roles were reversed before he could react?

In confusion, Gin heard Sano speak again, but this time his voice was slower: "But if you really fail, I will still try my best to cover it for you. After all, no matter it is because of us relationship, or from the perspective of the organization's interests, I can't really let things get too big... The premise is that you don't poke too big a hole, otherwise even I won't be able to save it. of."

... This kind of sermon with a sense of relief made Gin's mind unconsciously think of the boss who was responsible for guiding him when he first joined the organization.

A reassuring feeling.

...But, you are obviously Sano's boss, right?

Is it getting more and more outrageous that the roles of the two have been reversed? ? ?

However, I still don’t feel that there is anything unreasonable.

Confused, Gin never made a sound, so Sano took him as his acquiescence.

"Okay, that's it, contact me if you need anything."

After saying that, Sano hung up the phone, raised the corners of his mouth, and showed some smile.

...Transforming issues of stance into disputes over concepts can be said to reduce major issues to trivial matters. This is the trick that Sano has prepared for Gin a long time ago.

The only problem may be that the words "the organization is my home" made Sano really feel a little was so shameless.

Fortunately, the contact was by phone, not in person.

Otherwise, Sano couldn't guarantee that he would be able to say this without blushing or out of breath.

As for whether Gin will believe this after saying this.

That's not important.

As Gin said before, as long as you can live with it.

Nothing matters.

And if Gin really takes action... it won't be the first time anyway.

Sano said, just do your best if you can succeed, are you still afraid?

Go back, go back.

Sano put his phone back and returned to the original room.

Gin on the other end, after Sano hung up the phone, still couldn't take the phone away from his ear for a long time, his whole body was like a stone.

Sitting numbly in the passenger seat.

The vodka on the main driver's plate was almost unbearable.

...Be reasonable.

It's not just once or twice that Gin feels "dissatisfied" with Sano.

The one and two times were okay, at least it seemed like that.

But after a few times and getting familiar with it, Vodka couldn't help but want to ask.

How the hell can it be called dissatisfaction?

It's like going through a process every time, Sano really dares to fool him.

Gin is also really willing to be fooled.

Seeing Vodka, I was both speechless and envious.

It would be nice if only the small mistakes I made could be ignored, and even the big mistakes that were not particularly serious could be brushed aside...


all in all.

From Vodka's point of view, both Gin and Sano should be considered very proficient in this aspect, and can even be said to have a very tacit understanding. They often just give each other a step and do Tai Chi.

The problem is over.

But this time, Sano seemed not very willing to give this step.

This makes Vodka a little confused.

...What is going on? This is, my eldest brother’s behavior is not quite right either.

After the relationship with Sano seemed to have broken down, something else seemed to have happened?

It doesn’t feel like it’s going in a good direction, but it’s getting worse...

So can I still breathe now?

The gin next to him was even more confused than the vodka at the moment.

Be reasonable.

What Sano said makes so much sense!

Even Gin couldn't refute anything.

As far as the public is concerned, it's not worth it... Of course, this is based on the premise that Sano has no selfish motives and is talking nonsense. In addition, if he breaks up with the other party or even becomes an enemy because of this matter, then his side will suffer even more. .

Personally, Gin still doesn't want to have a fight with Sano, so even if he really wants to take action, it is undoubtedly a more peaceful choice to let others do it in a way that does not violate the other party's wishes, or for himself.

...Especially since Sano also said that he would not interfere.

But everything that seems reasonable is based on the starting point proposed by Sano - the interests of the organization. This seems to have no problem, but the biggest problem lies in his sentence.

"The organization is my home."'s too much.

It's just like in a normal workplace, everyone can talk about the company's interests, but only the boss and senior executives can say it sincerely. of employees.

Maybe they will consider the interests of the company, but they are all based on their own interests. How can they really treat the company as their own home?

Everyone is just cooperating for a win-win situation and everyone gets what they need.

Only a few people can truly regard themselves and the company as one.

...let alone someone like Sano.

Gin really couldn't imagine that Sano would consider the organization his home from the bottom of his heart.

But Sano just said it.

This makes Gin a little confused... Does Sano really think that he is a fool and thinks that he will believe this nonsense? Or is he serious and thinks that it doesn't matter whether he believes it or not? Woolen cloth.


Gin thought of the little girl who was adopted by Sano around the corner.

Originally, after being in contact with Sano for a long time, Gin's impression of Sano was other than that he was very capable and confident to the point of being arrogant.

It means being free and casual, doing whatever you want, and being weird.

Sano's emotions fluctuate greatly and are fickle, but when it comes to feelings.

Gin said it was not good, his intuition and experience told him.

Sano is most likely a cold and ruthless guy in nature, and his concepts in terms of principles and bottom lines are very weak. It can be said that his actual actions are dominated by emotions, but the current fact is that.

Sano adopted the little girl.

Added a weakness, weakness, big trouble to yourself.

From this point of view, even this behavior was based on Sano's emotions.

There should also be underlying emotions.

Relating to Sano's background, it may have been better when he was a child, but when he was a little older, he was an orphan with no family, let alone a home.

Gin has seen a lot of this kind of character, and even more similar types. Basically, he scorns concepts such as family and love, but at the same time, he will also reverse the situation and confirm that The flaw in his heart - after all, the place a person most wants to protect with armor is often the place where he is most vulnerable. This is subconscious.

It is precisely because Sano does not have a home that he wants a home.

Maybe the organization didn't actually give Sano any warmth. Logically speaking, even if he really wanted a home, it shouldn't be the organization, but.

...Gin was given to me!

What is warmth, what is family?

Providing the most appropriate guidance, teaching, helping to wipe the butt, chatting, relieving boredom, accompanying, etc., etc., Gin has shouldered all of them.

Although in terms of purpose, Gin did not deliberately want to get closer to each other.

But is it not impossible to achieve this goal unintentionally?

Well, even though I am a little cheeky, because I regard myself as my family, I regard the organization as my home... This makes a lot of sense.

Including the fact that Sano clearly said that he didn't intend to get involved, but in the end he still said that he would help cover up... wait a minute, let's put it this way.

Could it be that Sano and Black Cat also have feelings for each other?

If he made a mistake, Sano said he would help find out, but what about Black Cat?

Could it be that when he was about to succeed, Sano came over and kicked him?

Gin couldn't help but feel a little worried, but after thinking about it, he felt something was wrong.

Sano asked himself to take action as long as he could succeed.

If it weren't for the fact that I didn't have a deep relationship with that guy, so I didn't bother to care.

Does that mean you think there is absolutely no way you can win?

Gin frowned... Black Cat's strength is indeed good. Apart from the missions performed by the killers in his team, those clear achievements, large and small, that belong to him can all prove it.

But even so, Gin didn't think that a killer would be qualified to fight against him with the organization standing behind him... But to what extent Sano and Black Cat were familiar with each other, although he didn't know it clearly, but relatively speaking, they were already Among the people I know, he is the one I know best, and he gives me kind words and advice.

Not entirely unconvincing.

"……What are you doing?"

When Gin came back to his senses, he found that the car hadn't moved at all during the few minutes he had been thinking about it, and he immediately looked at Vodka in confusion.

"No, nothing..."

Seeing that Gin was recovering, Vodka trembled and quickly started the car.

"...Um, big brother, what about the black cat?"

On the way, Vodka finally couldn't hold it back and asked tentatively.

"Put it aside for now and deal with it first..."

As soon as he gave the answer, Gin suddenly remembered that there was one more thing he hadn't mentioned to Sano.

But after taking out his phone, Gin thought for a while and switched from the dialing interface to the sending interface... For such an insignificant thing, sending a text message is the same.

"There is a guy named White Death. Ask your delinquent friends to help him find out."

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