Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 616 619, Do you think you are the king who has returned?

This is a tavern.

There were not many guests inside, they were scattered and there was no noise.

There was only soothing music playing on the stereo.

Paired with colorful soft lights, it’s easy to get disoriented.

Sano and Gin sat down.

Sitting across from him was a man in a suit, about thirty or forty years old.

"Where's the stuff?"

Gin asked.

The man immediately took out a box from underneath and pushed it over.

Gin took the box, opened it a crack, took a look, and then closed it again.

"Where's the money?"

The man asked with a smile.

Gin didn't waste any time and picked up a small box and pushed it to the other side.

After checking and confirming that there was no problem, the man stood up and stretched out his hand.

“A pleasure to work with.”

"How can it be pleasant to cooperate like this?"

Gin's cold rhetorical question made the man's expression stiffen.

"……What's the meaning?"

Gin touched the gun in his pocket: "It doesn't matter if someone is watching you. Even if someone sneaks in, you don't know. Your ability really makes me doubt whether we will have another chance." Opportunity to coorparate."

...Have you really been discovered?

No, could it be said that it is fishing law enforcement?

Sano stood up and made way for Gin - yesterday, Gin asked him to help find out the traces of the White Death. At that time, he probably knew that when Asai Narumi was executing justice, he was executed in his own organization.

And it shouldn’t be once or twice.

Otherwise, from the perspective of avoiding trouble and Gin directly approaching Sano, it would not be consistent with common sense... He also asked Asai Narumi first.

The number used was Kurosawai's.

But when Sano didn't get straight to the point, Asai Narumi chose to avoid talking... I don't know if he didn't know the strength of his organization, or if it was just a simple misunderstanding, and his purpose was someone else.

all in all.

Asai Narumi didn't want to "involve" herself, so Sano didn't bother to take the initiative to get involved.

I just didn't expect to meet him here so quickly.

After Sano got out of the way, Gin had already stood up and walked towards Asai Narumi, ready to draw his gun, but he was obviously a little overconfident.

The movement of drawing the gun was slow.

So that Naomi Asai, who realized that he had been discovered, quickly took out his knife, flicked his wrist, and flew towards Gin.

The gleaming scalpel moved so fast that it almost formed a silver line.

Gin's eyes showed a little surprise, and he instinctively tilted his neck, but there was still a very small bloody cut on the right cheek.

"Kill her!!"

Under this development, the man finally reacted. After giving the order, half of the guests in the tavern immediately started to act.

Three people pulled out guns and two people pulled out knives.

The targets are all aimed directly at Asai Narumi.

Asai Shimizu didn't panic at all. He turned over the seat without hesitation and stabbed the person closest to him in the thigh. Then he strangled the person's neck and turned in front of him. While erasing the person's neck, he also Using it as a human shield, he blocked several bullets fired at him.

"call out!"

Two more throwing knives were thrown, both pointing at the person holding the gun.

Although limited by various influences, the probability of hitting the two flying knives is not high, and the probability of hitting the vital point is even pitifully small, but at least it can be delayed briefly, allowing Asai Narumi to have time to change positions.


After knocking the table over with one kick and blocking Gin's gunshot, Asai Narumi dodged the stabbing attack from someone. The first cut was on his hand, and the second cut on his neck.

...If after a period of executing justice, Asai Narumi's combat experience with various underground people has been effectively improved, and he can make effective and meaningful responses to various situations, it is still within Sano's expectation. If so, then its pure combat effectiveness will be improved.

This was a bit surprising to Sano.

Asai Narumi is really not that powerful in person. That is to say, she relies on the fact that she looks female but is actually male, and she is also much stronger than normal men in physical fitness. As a doctor, she has enough understanding of the structure of the human body. The scalpel has very familiar and flexible features.

Only in this way can ordinary criminals be suppressed.

After all, Asai Narumi originally planned to take revenge, so he naturally made some preparations, but that was it. When he met a master, he was completely weak.

But look at it now.

The proficiency in technique is no longer just a superficial skill.

The comprehensive technology of the underground world also has the shadow of the martial arts school.

...It doesn't feel like I just learned it by myself, and I don't have enough time. Someone should have taught me.

In other words, it can barely be regarded as having received professional training.

Of course, even if this is the case, it also shows that Asai has good talent.

It's just a pity that this doesn't change the outcome.

Sano leaned on the corner of the table next to him, quietly watching the development of the situation.

In less than a minute, all the minions belonging to the transaction party were eliminated, and those guests who were really unrelated passers-by ran away screaming early on.


The man doing the transaction looked extremely ugly and started to pull out his gun.

But before the gun could be completely taken out, a scalpel was nailed to the man's wrist, causing his body to shake. When the pistol fell to the ground, the whole man fell to his knees, holding his wrist and howling like a ghost.

"Ahhhh!! My hand! My hand!!"

...Only the last one left.

Asai Narumi jumped forward without hesitation, trying to reduce the chance of being hit by Gin's gun as much as possible. At the same time, he also pushed up another table, grabbed the crossbar with one hand, stood up and charged directly, intending to take away the battle and end the battle. .

Until this moment, Gin, who had planned to end the matter directly from the beginning, was unexpectedly forced to suffer a small defeat, and then stopped taking action. Gin, who was just watching from the sidelines with Sano, finally made a move again.

"Bang bang!"

With a distance of three or four meters, it didn't take much time to get close even if you were carrying a table, but Gin didn't step back and distanced himself, his eyes were calm.

Just two shots.

One shot hit the corner of the table, causing it to shift slightly. The second shot that followed hit Asai Narumi's shoulder, and then kicked him out.

The table broke into several pieces, causing Gin's big leather shoes to fall on the stomach of Asai Narumi who was behind, and flew back several meters away, falling to pieces.

...My horizons are still too small, and I think Gin is the shooter when he pulls out a gun. In fact, he is a hexagonal warrior, and he can hold down one end even with his bare hands.

Sano shook his head and sighed.

Gin stepped forward and put the muzzle of the gun directly on Asai Narumi's head.

"do not move."

Asai Narumi was in unbearable pain, but her brain was very clear.

...The car overturned and was pinned underneath the car.

It is basically impossible to turn over.

"If you want to kill, kill."

Asai Narumi frowned slightly, but showed no sign of any intention to struggle.

Sano can probably understand what this big boss is thinking.

I want to die and live, swinging on both sides of that boundary. Sometimes I feel unbearable pain, and sometimes I feel calm and composed. It doesn't matter.

...Hmm, the kind that goes with the flow and takes things as they come?

However, since Gin did not choose to seize the opportunity to kill him in a sneak attack during the melee between Asai Narumi and those people, she did not kill him with one shot now.

Naturally, it is impossible to say that he killed him directly.

"I heard that the White Death always wears a mask and a white windbreaker when he acts. Why don't you wear that today? Is it normal consumption but you accidentally bumped into us, or are you not actually the White Death?"

...Although speaking of it, Asai Shigemai is currently wearing his vest leather, but he is not wearing that iconic outfit, but ordinary clothes, plus a hat and mask to cover his appearance, which is considered more cautious.

Therefore, it was inevitable that Gin would feel suspicious.

As soon as Gin asked the question, Sano on the other end couldn't help laughing.

Then he replied on behalf of Asai Narumi: "What are you thinking about? They've all lurked in. They must have other purposes. How could they be so ostentatious? It's not like they intended to do it head-on from the beginning, but he should be wearing clothes underneath." That layer of skin, you can always...well, transform when you want."

Gin raised his eyebrows and turned his gaze slightly to Sano... Are you sure?

"Do you recognize...him?"

Suddenly, Gin noticed the details of Sano's word choice and was immediately confused.

"Didn't you ask me to check? I just found this."

As soon as Sano finished speaking, Gin ripped off the mask on Asai Narumi's face.

……to be honest.

The point of what Gin just said was not whether Sano recognized this person.

It depends on whether this person is he or she.

After seeing Asai Narumi's face clearly, I realized that it was indeed a woman's face.

Gin was even more confused.

"So...he is the White Death, right?"


After getting reconfirmation from Sano, Gin straightened his mind and took a look. He was supposed to stay in the car and be on standby so that he could retreat at any time if something went wrong. However, after hearing the noise in the tavern, he rushed in from the car in a hurry. After drinking some vodka from the tavern, he asked Asai Narumi.

"Your name is the White Death. Is there any connection with the Black Death?"

Asai Narumi's eyes were cold and he had no intention of answering at all.

"Ha, are you pretending to be mute? Forget it. There will be plenty of ways to make you talk when you get back."

Gin sneered, and was about to shoot Asai Narumi first in each of his limbs.

This limits its ability to move.

But at the same moment, Sano vaguely heard some sounds.

"Boom! Boom!"


Sano's eyes turned to one of the ventilation ducts... It seemed like something had come down?

high speed.


As soon as the thought came to him, Sano saw that the iron net at the mouth of the ventilation pipe, which was thicker than the human body, was directly knocked away. A black shadow flew several meters away in mid-air, and happened to land on Gin and Asai Narumi. On the table next to me.

"Don't move, Gin!"

The cold muzzle of the gun was pointed at Gin's temple. In the peripheral vision, a figure in white sportswear could be seen, his eyes were even colder, and the familiar threat and appearance sounded.

Immediately, Gin's eyes couldn't help but have a few bloodshot eyes.

"...Co, Colum!??"

Vodka's sunglasses were almost frightened off, and Sano rarely could hold back.

In other words, he was wearing a passerby's hat, so he didn't look embarrassed.

That's right, this figure falling from the sky is none other than Column, Corn Whiskey.

But hasn’t this guy already gone abroad? Why is he back?

...This situation caused a picture to appear in Sano's mind.

Do you really think you are the return of the king?

Oh, maybe there's another one - don't move, Kizaru!

...Wait a minute, speaking of which, has this guy really ever been abroad?

Sano discovered the blind spot... This bitch couldn't have said he was running away, but in fact he had been quietly staying by Asai Narumi's side.

What is it called, silently guarding? ?

No, if you put it this way, Asai Narumi's abnormal behavior could be because this guy not only didn't run away, but also just guarded him silently.

But direct contact?


The corners of Sano's mouth suddenly began to rise, and the grin became wider and wider, and he couldn't help but want to smile... After Coren appeared, making him feel surprised.

Sano, who was thinking subconsciously, felt what he felt next was excitement... This adjective may not be particularly accurate, but other than that.

Sano really didn't know how to describe it for a moment.

Because no matter what the original process is.

As far as the current result is concerned, it was Colon who appeared in front of Gin.

This is undoubtedly a very stupid move.

No matter what Coren wants to do, he still wants to keep himself quiet.

They absolutely shouldn't let Gin know that Coren is still alive.

But Colen stood up. Not only did he stand up, he also made an extreme rescue when Asai Narumi was desperate. In turn, he pointed a gun at Gin's head and threatened him, telling him not to move. He didn't consider that it was entirely possible that he would fail and waste his life in vain.

This kind of behavior is simply stupid... so cool!

Just like the protagonist in a fucking anime, he gave a big surprise in a way that exceeded everyone's expectations, just like Thirty Years in Hedong and Thirty Years in Hexi... Ahem, he is really brave anyway, Sano is willing to give a thumbs up and say "you are a real man."

"...You are still alive, Coren."

While Sano was trying to suppress the smile on his face, Gin, who knew less, was naturally able to come to his senses faster, but when he spoke, he had many things on his mind, and then asked : "Hai Mai said before that you were dead and killed. Did you lie to me?"

Facing Gin's temptation, Coren's eyes fluctuated.

"Yes, unfortunately, Rye and I are actually on the same team... Stop watching. Once I take action, Gin will never believe you again. Take this opportunity to kill them both." , and then evacuate with me!"

Colen's acting skills are superb. His expressions and tone of voice make it seem as if Sano and Sano have planned it for a long time... Of course, in fact, the two of them can indeed be regarded as half-premeditated, not completely. play.

However this.

Sano didn't move at all, still leaning on the corner of the table.

Gin, who already knew what was going on, became even more certain.

Coren is sowing discord... I have to say, this guy still has some brains.

If Colen just excused Sano, it would look very much like he had a guilty conscience... Even considering that he had seen through this layer and started stacking lasagna to pretend to excuse him, in fact, he really wanted to excuse him. .

Barriers will inevitably arise.

But Coren is now trying to "sow discord." I won't say what Gin will think. At least, he gave Sano a chance to make a free choice.

He really followed Colen's "stoking dissension" and stabbed him in the back.

Let the sow discord be the sow discord and continue to stay in the organization.

This is Sano's freedom.

In other words, although the appearance of Colen did bring a little trouble to Sano, at least this guy didn't want to backstab him on the spot.

Morally speaking, Colen did not feel particularly sorry for Sano.

Realistically speaking, Sano gave Column a wave of face at first, and now.

Coren finally returned this wave of face to Sano.

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