Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 622 625, Belmod: Didn’t you mention it beforehand?


Sano thought for two seconds and pressed the earphone: "Roe deer."

But before Sano could speak again, he heard Ireland's hoarse voice: "Don't count on me, I also have trouble to deal with."

Listening to the faint sound of several gunshots that could be heard on the other end of the headset.

Sano frowned slightly. The three people in front of him were Silver Fox, Yoshino, Belmod who replaced Calvados, and Ireland.

Is there anyone else that I haven't seen among the people Coren brought?

It's just that Coren obviously didn't expect that Calvados was replaced by Belmode. Now if the chess piece hidden in the dark pops out.

That would be a sure win.

But Sano didn't intend to do this. To be precise, he couldn't do it.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be telling Bermod that he already knew that Calvados had been replaced and could even continue to command?

Belmode was probably also worried that if he called Calvados for help, he might be exposed, so he didn't dare to act rashly... But if it really came to a critical moment, he probably wouldn't be able to control so much.

After all, a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist.

Now Sano will either have to deal with the three people in front of him on his own and then go to support them one by one, or else he will have to wait for Belmode to ask for help on his own.

When that time comes, of course Sano will turn a blind eye appropriately.


In a moment of distraction, three people rushed over again.

"Ah ah!!!"

Director Ochiai, who was wearing armor, roared angrily. While confirming his identity to Sano with an old voice, he rushed to the front. Although the speed was not fast, it was not too slow. Suwa Yuuji was close to him. , waiting for the opportunity to move, while Maeda Satoshi is like an ape, moving very flexibly on the walls on both sides, ready to attack or rescue at any time.

Bells and whistles.

Sano loosened his tie, calmly took two steps forward, and then when the distance between the two parties was close to the limit, he suddenly accelerated and kicked sideways.

Director Ochiai failed to react at all and flew back faster than when he came, forcing Suwa Yuuji who was hiding behind him to stop and dodge to the side. Sano seized the opportunity to get close to him and hit him. Just as the punch was about to strike, Maeda Satoshi from above rushed down and punched him in the head, trying to encircle Wei and save Zhao. Of course, it was also possible that he was simply planning a sneak attack.

After all, these people are all criminals, and they are probably not close to each other.

In any case, Sano is definitely not happy to trade punches for punches.

So he gave up the attack and turned to dodge. However, Maeda Satoshi's move was not unexpected. Sano was already prepared. He twisted his waist and launched a roundhouse kick, hitting his hands that were raised to block. above the arm.


Although Maeda Satoru reacted quickly and had rich experience, he still blocked in a hurry, but he failed to land, but he still managed to hit Sano, who fully utilized his explosive attributes. With one kick, the huge force made a roaring sound. The bones in both arms seemed to have cracked, and the whole person flew out like a sandbag.

He can fly much further than Director Ochiai.


Suwa Yuuji didn't panic at all. He kept swinging the long sword at Sano, almost dancing to the point of dancing. He used offense instead of defense, giving no chance to attack at all.

...It's a little surprising how powerful this uncle is.

Not to mention continuing to attack Yuji Suwa, even Satoshi Maeda, Director Ochiai, and Sano behind were unable to finish the attack... Of course, this was also due to the advantage of the field, but I have to admit that my vision was too low earlier.

He actually just regarded this uncle as a little master.

After Sano retreated about ten meters, Suwa Yuuji did not move forward rashly.

Instead, he stopped his offensive and retreated.

...very cautious.

"Are you okay?"

Behind them, Satoshi Maeda and Director Ochiai had also climbed up again. They came forward to get together with Yuji Suwa, regrouped and assumed their respective postures.

Suwa Yuuji couldn't help but glance at Maeda Satoshi's slightly trembling arms. On the other side, Director Ochiai's chest had a lot of deflated armor, which was even more shocking.

...What kind of terrifying explosive power is this?

It's a good thing that I wasn't hit by this guy just now. Otherwise, without the top-notch fighting ability and defensive skills like Maeda Satoshi, and without the steel armor of Director Ochiai, I might have died on the spot.

"Be careful, this guy is dangerous."

Looking at the three people who were waiting for him, Sano smacked his lips, and finally suppressed the urge to draw his gun directly, so as to educate the other party that times have changed, and at the same time let them experience the Iaijutsu of the new era... To be reasonable.

When it comes to life and death fights, guns are always the way to go.

Perhaps a few people can rely on experience, physical attributes, and various skills to crush enemies with guns, but they are only a minority after all.

Even these few people, in some circumstances - such as in an open environment, may not be able to win a head-on mid-range battle. They are just gun owners who have undergone ordinary training.

Like the winery cadres, a group of Sano's tool men.

The outstanding ones, such as Akai Shuichi, Amuro Toru and others, are bound to carry guns.

Monsters like Kyogoku don't have guns. Apart from the fact that they really don't need guns, the real reason is that they can't get guns and it's inconvenient to get them.

Apart from avoiding trouble when being investigated and searched at critical moments by not using guns as weapons, Sano really can't think of any other benefits... His vests are because of plug-ins.

So it’s okay not to have a gun.

But who is this guy in white clothes? Is he really just playing house?

Apart from Colen, it seems that only the unidentified person has used a gun to fight?

What are you thinking about?

Feeling confused and speechless, Sano shook off those distracting thoughts.

Judging from the current situation, the trick just now failed to successfully capture these three people.

It's bad for Sano.

Because of Black Cat's action mode, it is destined to be a surprise combat type.

It's best to drop it in seconds.

Otherwise, the longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for Sano.

Therefore, we have to change the mode... To be precise, we have to enter the second form.

It's like the boss in the game has entered a state of madness.

Sano's green eyes behind his glasses glowed red. Under the sunlight, the slender shadow became distorted and spread out into unreasonable parts.

But it’s different from game bosses.

That thing is a mechanism that will be triggered only after losing a lot of blood, and Sano.

Not a trace of blood was lost, and he entered the second stage with just one face-to-face encounter.

"Playtime is over, rats."

The pupils of Suwa Yuuji and the others tightened, and they were still unable to recover from the unscientific picture in front of them, as well as the sudden increase in the aura and attribute suppression.

Sano's whole body has been drawn into a shadow and close to him.

So fast!

Even faster than before!

Almost out of instinct, Suwa Yuji launched a set of defensive techniques from his own swordsmanship school... A sword is a sword after all. It is said to be defensive, but it is actually to use offense instead of defense. The sword light covers the entire area in front of him, forcing him to People retreat.

However, Sano only took two steps to avoid this set of slashes.

This was nothing.

Because Suwa Yuuji wanted people to avoid him.

But the problem is that Sano's way of evading - retreating is just a kind of evasion. Side dodge can also achieve the effect Suwa Yuji wants, but while dodging while continuing to attack forward, this is obviously not right.

Speed ​​improvement.

Not to mention the sprint speed, the reaction speed has obviously improved by more than one level. be finished.

Seeing his center of gravity shift downward to avoid the last horizontal slash, Sano, who seemed to be sticking to the ground, raised his left hand, and the sharp claws at the top of the five fingers were like daggers, piercing his chest with a cold light. The scene in front of Suwa Yuuji seemed to be captured by It slowed down countless times, but my body just couldn't move.

Death is right in front of you.

"Get away!"

Director Ochiai's angry shouts could be heard in his ears.

Suwa Yuuji was forcibly pulled back a little. Although this still could not allow him to avoid Sano's attack, it gave Director Ochiai a chance to intervene.

The silver-white gauntlet blocked Suwa Yuuji's chest.

With a harsh sound, Sano's sharp claws dug into the armor.


Sano frowned, and while exerting force on his legs, he rotated his waist. The harsh sound sounded again, and it lasted longer.


Sano bent his five fingers and opened several gaps of more than ten centimeters in Director Ochiai's arm armor, then forcibly hooked him, and then like throwing a sandbag, he lifted his whole body into the air, ruthlessly Throw it hard.

...In fact, Sano could have chosen not to throw it, but to control Director Ochiai's figure, and then take the opportunity to kill the opponent with his other hand.

The premise is that Maeda Satoshi doesn't interfere.


Sano turned his head to avoid Maeda Satoshi's high kick... Although even if this guy intervened slowly, he would not continue to tangle with Director Ochiai.

That iron bastard, even in the form of Sano's cat demon, couldn't drop his claws for a second.

If he really wanted to get it right once and for all, he would probably have no choice but to hit him hard on the head and put the old man to sleep... But after that, his hands and feet would probably hurt for a while.

When fighting alone, the most effective method is indeed the earliest one.

He picked up his head and smashed it on the ground, so he wouldn't faint.


Sano didn't give Maeda Satoshi a chance to distance himself, and pointed his fingers directly at his face.

But this time, someone still pulled away from Sano's target.

Suwa Yuji.

This is the problem with one-to-many, especially when the one with the many is still a good player.

Obviously, even in a wheel battle, you can kill one after another instantly.

By supporting each other, we can hold on and even fight back.

Of course, that is only when the gap is not big. If these three people could be said to be evenly matched with Sano, now they can only struggle to support themselves, especially when there are only two people.

The means of response can only be used once.

If you fail to distance yourself after one time, there will only be one result.

That means both of them die.

Sano had no intention of procrastinating, nor was he in the mood to delay any longer.

After shifting his center of gravity, Sano was ready to launch a second wave of attacks.

But just as he was about to take advantage of Director Ochiai at the other end, who had not yet gotten up to come over to support him, to deal with Suwa Yuuji and the others first, the voices of Daikoku and Ireland were suddenly heard in his earphones and in his mind at the same moment. .

The former said he saw a large number of police cars approaching.

The latter said that his identity was exposed, so he negotiated with Colen.

... Time was short, and Ireland didn't say much. Anyway, the general meaning was that the two sides could cease the war this time and go back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

Colen will be responsible for informing the men in white.

Naturally, Sano was the one who had to inform the zoo.

The fact that things have developed to this point is indeed somewhat unexpected, but it is reasonable.

Instead of going after Belmode, Colen went after Ireland.

It is not surprising that Ireland was recognized from this.

The question is "why is Ireland on Black Cat's zoo team".

Colen is a black boy, so maybe he knows Ireland.

But as a defector who had run away early, did Colen know that Ireland was called back to the country and was almost silenced by Gin, and did he know that the person who rescued him was none other than Black Mask? , to be considered.

...Forget it, I have already recognized him anyway, it will be a matter of time.

Sano himself didn't care about this.

Most of the time, it's just a matter of going with the situation.

Compared with this, what Sano is more concerned about at the moment is who is chasing Belmode, who is the master in the prison, and whether he knows him.

Hmm... I think it's unlikely. It can't be such a coincidence. Every member of Baiyi knows each other, like the one who had a fight with Silver Fox.

Sano was not impressed.

After squinting his eyes, Sano put away his posture and pressed the headphones.

"Stop everyone and prepare to withdraw."

...The communication device in Sano's ear is on the same public channel as everyone else's earphones in the zoo, but it can also be used for private chat after fine-tuning.

If possible, Ireland obviously does not want to show too many traces in front of Belmode, especially under the premise that the war has ceased and can free up hands, it is normal to make a little more action to cover up something.

Looking at Suwa Yuuji Maeda Satoshi in front, and Director Ochiai who finally got up, the three of them seemed to have received Coren's instructions.

There was no further movement, although the minimum level of vigilance was still maintained.


Although Bai Yi is said to be a secret special organization under the police.

Judging from the nature of these members.

It really is a more "secret" existence than an undercover agent.

It's okay to provide some help on some trivial matters. On the surface, there is a high probability that you will not be willing to get involved in anything.

In other words.

The policemen who are being escorted around here are probably not called by Bai Yi?

With the intervention of "third party" forces, the situation has been muddied, so we need to evacuate as soon as possible.

It is indeed the right way.

Sano released the cat demon form and stepped back without looking at the three people again.

"The neon police are not far away. Crow, give me your car. I will be responsible for attracting the police's attention. You seize the opportunity to evacuate."

I received this order from Sano.

Belmode, who had finally persisted until now and waited for the truce, was immediately confused and blurted out the word "Huh?" - you know, even though she took over Calvados's identity, she also got the other person's suit. Equipment, but things like cars are definitely impossible to replace.

That is to say.

If Belmod handed over the car now, it would be her own car.

...Belmode is not worried that any flaws will be discovered because of the difference in the car. The key is that this car is his own private property!

To do a mission, you have to get a ride.

No one told me this beforehand! ?

Is it still too late to contact Calvados and meet to exchange car keys? seems too late, and there is still a risk of exposure.

Otherwise, just don't worry about it. Anyway, the police siege is just a fake to him. He only needs to change his disguise to fool him.

But Calvados would still be exposed.

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