Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 631 Chapter 634, hurry up and get the demon sword Muramasa!

"What are you doing? Kill them quickly!"

Saijo holds a long sword and confronts Suwa Yuuji, whom he finds the most troublesome.

The two sides were going back and forth in a one-on-one duel.

As the blades intersected, sparks shot out.

Hattori and Heiji were blocked behind Tachibana Maya, watching her use the wire to block the blows, constantly looking for opportunities to strangle the enemy.

Just one person's defense is limited, let alone having to protect two people.

... Toyama and Ye rely on their own Aikido to make sneak attacks occasionally, but this method is fine against some ordinary people, but against swordsmen like Yoshitsune-ryu who are average per capita, the lethality is too weak. Taking action was too risky and not worth it. Hattori Heiji was even weaker because the long sword in his hand had been cut off by Saijo before.

"call out!"

A dozen arrows flew towards him.

In a hurry, Tachibana Maya had no time to dodge and was hit by an arrow in the shoulder.

When the Yoshitsune-ryu disciples on both sides saw this, they immediately took the opportunity to slash at his neck with their swords.

It's going to happen!

After Hattori Heiji's eyes flickered, he was about to forcefully step forward and use his body to block the two swords for the unknown woman in front of him who suddenly appeared to save him.

Then I heard the sound of breaking through the air.


Two long knives flew into the sky.

The long black sword cut into a shadow and hit the necks of the two Yoshitsune-ryu disciples.

Well, that's right, pumping, not cutting.

Because when he hit the two men's necks, Hattori Heiji heard a muffled sound.

This is a wooden knife.

...But when we collided with the two knives just now, there must have been a sound of gold and iron colliding, and why didn't the wooden knife break when it collided with the real knife?


The blood was spilled, but it was not sprayed from the neck, but from the mouths and noses of the two Yoshitsune-ryu disciples... Look at the twisted angle of their necks.

This is a person's neck that was violently severed with just a wooden knife! ?

In shocked eyes.

The black figure caught everyone's eyes, and the cherry blossom-colored high ponytail was particularly eye-catching.

"...Kurosawa Blade?"

After running out, he had already recovered his original form... No, it was Conan who turned into a primary school student. After changing into his original clothes, he hurried back.

I just happened to see this scene.

In the silence of the whole place, everyone's movements stopped abruptly.

After the four Yoshitsune-ryu disciples looked at each other, they rushed out and planned to kill Sano, who was wearing Kurosawa's sword vest, but... a shadow passed by.

All the knives in the hands of the four people had fallen.

Then they all covered their arms holding the knife and knelt down wailing.


Sano's backhand was followed by four more knives, sending four people away.

He waved the black knife casually and shook off the non-existent blood on it.

Sano turned around and "looked" at the people of Yoshitsune.

"Yoshitsune-ryu is so weak."

The cold ridicule made everyone in Yoshitsune look as ugly as if they had eaten shit under their masks. Conan and the others were stunned for a moment——

Isn’t this guy a mute?

How can you still laugh at people? ?

...Although I don’t quite understand why Kurosawa Blade appears here.

But deep in Conan's heart, his most original and true thought emerged immediately, that is - that liar!

big liar!

Black Fox, that damned super liar!

No matter who is dumb, he or she is a good person, and no matter who is stalking, he will definitely gain something.

Fortunately, I didn’t believe it!

"...Who the hell are you!?"

Saijo asked angrily towards Sano.

"I'm just a challenger, here to compete, but the stake is not your Yoshitsune-ryu's signature, but the lives of all your Yoshitsune-ryu disciples."

Sano slashed his long sword and landed in front of the throat of Suwa Yuuji who had retreated to his side: "Anyone who has nothing to do with it should not interfere, otherwise they are enemies."

The hair on Suwa Yuji's body stood up. After swallowing, he carefully held the tip of the black sword, pushed the wooden sword away and took a step back.

"Of course, it's your fight."

Sano walked forward, Hattori Heiji glanced at Suwa Yuuji and the two who were not moving, then looked at Conan who was approaching, and raised his eyebrows.

Conan shook his head and said he would wait and see for now.

So the originally tense melee... to be precise, it should be a chase.

It just became a duel.

It's just Sano alone, challenging everyone in Yoshitsune-ryu.

In the large, empty courtyard of the temple, Sano stood alone, holding a sword in one hand. Opposite him were forty or fifty people gathered together, led by Saijo.

Further away, twenty or thirty other Yoshitsune-ryu disciples holding bows and arrows were scattered in a semi-encirclement. There was no electricity in the temple.

It is even less likely that there will be lights.

Under the moonlight and firelight, there was only the sound of the bonfire beating and the night wind howling.

"...What's going on with this guy?"

Tachibana Maya still couldn't hold back, and asked Suwa Yuuji in a low voice: "He is so powerful even though he is blindfolded... No, this is no longer the level of being powerful, right? Why can he still be so good at beating while blindfolded? , Isn’t this unscientific? Is this how you swordsmen defend themselves by listening to their voices?”

"I've never heard of anyone who can do it to this extent."

Suwa Yuuji straightened the eagle mask on his face: "This is probably the inner eye."

"Mind's eye?"

"Well, a legendary realm that is even more mysterious than intuition."

In the serious expressions of the people around him, as if they were listening to some popular science, Suwa Yuuji suddenly paused and said helplessly: "Don't count on me. To a normal swordsman, this thing is just like God in the public perception." Likewise, I only heard his voice but not his details. I can't explain why. If I have to say it, I can only say that he is awesome. Whether it is true or false, he is awesome anyway. That’s it for being awesome.”

Conan: "..."

Tachibana Maya: "..."

Hattori and his wife: "..."

...Why does this person look so serious yet so funny when he opens his mouth?

"The fight is about to begin."

At this moment, Tachibana Maya gave a timely reminder, and several people immediately started watching the live broadcast again.

"Don't get too close. Make room for others, but don't give him a chance to breathe!"

Without even giving Sano a chance to say, "Are you guys going up one by one or together?" Saijo opened his mouth to give instructions, which was completely devoid of martial ethics.

But it doesn’t matter.

Sano turned sideways to avoid a direct thrust, and was just about to kill an opponent with a backhand.

The defense and attack have arrived at the same time.

Under such circumstances, even Sano could only choose to give up attacking and finishing, and instead focus on defense and dodge from the surrounding Yoshitsune-ryu disciples.

Just like the animated picture on the Internet in a previous life, three people each took turns pounding nails with a sledgehammer. The cooperation was very tacit. They attacked one round after another, and often retreated with one strike, regardless of whether it had any effect.

This is to make way for the teammates behind him who will be responsible for the next round of attacks.

Further away, there are those who are responsible for wiping the butts of the Yoshitsune-ryu disciples who attack in that round. As long as Sano dares to chase, he will face the defense and attack that have been waiting for him for a long time. This makes the Yoshitsune-ryu disciples who attack in every round.

You can let go of your hands and feet as much as you want, without worrying about anything else.

"call out!"

Sano raised his sword and deflected the cold arrow fired by someone... This was not good. I originally thought it would be a crushing round, but why was it delayed?

This is a bit embarrassing.

After frowning slightly, Sano thought about the breaking point.

Conan and others who were watching on the sidelines probably realized this after watching for a few minutes. However, unlike what Sano thought, these people did not think that the Kurosawa Blade was too weak because of this. .

on the contrary.

Compared with the previous personal experience, when watching from the sidelines, I can better appreciate the teamwork and individual skills of this group of Yoshitsune-ryu people.

Being able to stay in such a situation and still be able to handle it with ease and defend perfectly.

Doesn’t it make Kurosawa Blade stronger?

Especially if this guy doesn't have vision yet... Of course, maybe it's just because he doesn't have vision that he can be so powerful?

What the hell is the mind’s eye?

"Get out of the way, I'll do it!"

Logically speaking, even if Yoshitsune-ryu cannot be attacked for a long time, there should be no rush.

After all, the physical exertion on Sano, who was fighting against many, could not be ignored.

If you guard against it for a long time, you will lose it.

Of course, this does not refer to the spiritual aspect.

Sano now fully understands the function of the mind's eye and what level it can reach.


That's right, the key point is not that he can grasp the surrounding situation even without using his eyes, but that Sano can predict the upcoming changes of the enemy one step ahead... not just the enemy, but everything around him.

Hmm, maybe it’s similar to seeing and hearing sex and domineering.

This allows Sano to respond one step ahead.

This is a completely different advantage from the opportunities brought by high-value flexible attributes.

Maybe when his physical strength is exhausted, Sano may not be able to keep up.

But as long as you have a clear mind, you can definitely keep up mentally, and there will be no mistakes.

Well, maybe Saijo knew this, or maybe he simply felt it was a bit embarrassing to fail to succeed in so many rounds with such a numerical advantage, so he finally dismissed his disciples and stepped forward in person.


Facing Saijo's lunge attack, Sano remained calm and unhurried, but he was just able to resist the opponent's attack before it arrived.



Sano, who noticed Saijo's second-hand preparation through his mind's eye, just tilted his head and dodged the short sword in his other hand. No.

Should I say Kodachi?

There are many kinds of neon's not wrong to say they are short knives.

The point is.

After Saijo's sneak attack failed, he actually did not put down the second sword.

In other words, this guy felt it was more advantageous to have two knives.

Sano naturally doesn't think that the leader of the Yoshitsune style is like those rookies who don't know anything. They think that the more weapons in their hands, the stronger they are. Most likely, he has specialized in left-handed sword training, which is the so-called two-sword style.


"...Ha, you guy, you better be careful. My sword is covered in poison that will seal your throat. If you scratch your skin, you're doomed."

Hearing this, Sano unconsciously pictured Saijo smiling evilly as he licked his knife.

...Is this the power of ghosts and beasts?

After secretly shaking his head, Sano twitched with a sarcastic smile: "With such a dirty weapon, no wonder your swordsmanship is so poor."

"Dirty weapons?"

Saijo also twitched his lips, looked at the black knife in Sano's hand, and said, "I should give this to you, right? That knife is made of wood. It can cut continuously. Even if you use an ordinary iron knife, then I'm afraid I can’t use the Kodachi at all, so the one who takes advantage of the weapon is obviously you.”

... Use the knife to cut the knife.

This kind of thing often happens in novels and movies, but according to Sano's limited memory, if he remembers correctly, a certain popular science blogger seemed to have said it.

This is impossible.

But before this Saijo cut off the sword in Hattori Heiji's hand.

Cut iron.

Whether it is fact or rumor, there may be a certain gap in quality between Saijo and Hattori Heiji's swords, but Sano is still more willing to believe it.

It's Saijo's skills that are superb enough.

...That way you can look more awesome, right?

Sano raised his hand and touched the strap around his eyes. Saijo's sneak attack had cut a small part of the strap, and it was almost time to end.

After some technical flow operation, I found that Sano is basically difficult to pass.

Decided to cheat.

The blindfold was pulled by Sano, and his bright red eyes opened.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Conan always felt that those red eyes seemed to be getting redder and redder.

Until a second passed, it had reached the level of red light, and its pupils had turned into beast-like vertical pupils - the true symbol of the black organization.

That's right, this guy must be in black!

...The only problem may be that this person's eyes seem to be able to see?

Conan's mouth twitched unconsciously.

Although there are some blind people, their eyes look the same as those of normal people.

But who is Conan?


Just based on the focal length of his pupils, Conan was sure that this person could see!

That is to say.

Black Fox lied to himself again!

Good guy?



Go ahead and fool the devil! !

And just when Conan was angry inside, invisible pressure climbed onto his shoulders in the next second.

The Black Sword Intention is superimposed on the Killing Mode, and then the Eyes of the Beast are superimposed.

A total of five hundred aura attribute blessings made the surrounding air turn bright red in a trance, like blood, and it was so sticky that it made people feel like they couldn't breathe.

It is supposed to be a temple that is a symbol of peace.

Although the atmosphere of peace has long since disappeared after a fight, at least the appearance is still there. And now, with the corpses and blood on the ground as a backdrop, it even makes people hallucinate, feeling that they are not Being in a temple is like being on a battlefield. The number of corpses is increasing, until corpses are everywhere, and the area of ​​​​blood is getting larger and larger, so big that blood is flowing into a river, and there is only that one person in the center of the battlefield filled with the smell of death.

The black color all over his body seemed to be thick and dried blood.

He is the only one who survives on the battlefield by virtue of his strength and drives all the enemies to death.

Fierce general.

God of death.

The long knife in his hand, even though it was just hanging there, seemed to be lying across his neck... He would die and be killed, as long as he dared to move even once.

He will definitely be killed!

The Yoshitsune-ryu disciples were all stiff and did not dare to move at all.


At this moment, Saijo roared angrily.

Sano didn't know whether this guy's will attribute was high enough, so he was not completely suppressed, or whether it was simply because his personality and temperament were different from ordinary people, so when he was about to collapse, he acted differently from other people.

Anyway, he charged at Sano with both swords raised.

In response, Sano just waved the black sword lightly, one long and one short.

It all broke into two pieces.

Previously, Saijo said that Sano had a weapon advantage, which was pure fart. Maybe the black sword could not be destroyed, but he said it as if it could cut off the opponent's sword, but now, it was really a weapon advantage.

Absolute cutting edge.

It doesn't matter whether Sano can cut iron or not, the sword can do it.

After being stunned for a moment, Saijo stepped back in horror.

...How is this possible? The swords I use are all of excellent quality.

How could it be cut off by a wooden knife! ?

"Quick, get the demon sword Muramasa!!"

Saijo screamed in horror. Sano, who was originally planning to follow up with a last-ditch attack, heard this sentence that seemed to be "Go to the West to invite Tathagata Buddha."

But he made a movement and then stood there motionless.

Seeing this, Conan and the others couldn't help but have weird expressions.

...Is this deliberately leaving Saijo a chance to counterattack?

I really don’t know whether I should say confident or arrogant.

Fortunately, Yoshitsune-ryu didn't let Sano wait too long. In just a few seconds, a long knife was thrown from the air towards Saijo with a cry of "Master!"


Saijo jumped up to catch the sword, and the sharp blade was unsheathed, radiating cold light.

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