Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 643 Gin: The new plane is gone again? ?

As for the dangerous factors in Curacao, regardless of the positive side, it can only be the negative side. Sano is also experienced in this kind of thing... huh?

Have you experienced it so many times? I don’t think so, but it just feels like...

Especially skilled?

After shaking his head, Sano stood up and looked at the approaching Osprey helicopter above, narrowing his eyes... But there was another thing besides this that he couldn't quite understand, and he really wanted to complain about it. .

That's the report of the undercover list.

It is said that this undercover list contains the information of the undercover personnel of the Global Intelligence Organization in the winery that Neon Police has. However, including Toru Amuro, who is one of his own, there are only five people in total, including Reina Mizumu. An old acquaintance, the other three all work abroad.

Just leave this aside.

Curacao passed the undercover list to Rum via text message.

But it happened that only half of it was passed, or more than half.

The codenames of the three undercover agents, plus the phrase "Bourbon and Kiel for Your Concern."

It ended abruptly.

It was said that my hand slipped during drag racing, so it was no problem to send it out without finishing all the shots.

But it just happened that these two people were superfluous.

Sano really couldn't understand it, why not just do the same as the previous three?

Wouldn't it be enough to send out the five code names together?

Do we have to make special arrangements for these two?

Sano couldn't help but wonder if Curacao did this on purpose.

All in all, even if something goes wrong after this operation, it is basically difficult to overturn the case unless there is additional evidence.

Otherwise, Toru Amuro, Reina Mizuna, and Conan will all be fine.

Well, Conan, it's not like Sano didn't know that Curacao's original cell phone was in this kid's hands. Who sent that text message? Could he not have figured it out?

As for whether Belmode knew, and whether Curaçao reported truthfully.

Sano could only say that it wasn't important.

Because as a matter of fact, Curacao can only be an "enemy".

Looking at the Osprey helicopter again, I don't know whether it was a self-installed later or a big clamp that was already there, sticking out from under the helicopter.

Clamping the empty carriage at the top.

But as soon as the carriage was forcibly squeezed out, Gin noticed something was wrong.

"Vodka, turn on thermal imaging!"

"Okay big brother!"

On a display screen on the dashboard, the thermal imaging showed that the compartment that had been clamped out was empty as expected - "Damn guy!"

Gin's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Curaçao has betrayed him, find him and kill him!"


After taking a few seconds to expand the scope of the thermal imaging, Vodka reported: "There are still six people in the Ferris wheel, four of them are children, and only one is a woman, who is probably Curacao, but... "

"but what!"

Gin asked impatiently as he hated his mother-in-law the most.

"But there seems to be something wrong with the shape of this person..."

……shape? ?

Gin glanced at it - most of the time, the role of thermal imaging is to track the enemy and grasp the situation. It is not very convenient in searching for designated targets.

It mainly depends on the understanding, the distinctness of the target features, and the basic number of objects.

Like this time.

There are six targets in total, and there is only one adult female, whose characteristics are consistent with Curacao.

If you want to find nature, don’t go too fast.

What Vodka is talking about is the man at the top of the Ferris wheel who cannot be seen as male or female.

That's right, you can't tell whether you're male or female.

The body shape looks normal and slender, but particularly sleek.

The edges were so rounded that it looked like he was not wearing any clothes, let alone having long hair.

Wait a moment.


A figure flashed in Gin's mind, and he quickly pressed himself against the window to see with his naked eyes.

as expected.

The man at the top of the Ferris wheel was a guy Gin would never forget, and because the helicopter was also above, the two sides were very close.

You can even feel the gin.

The pair of eyes under that mask were staring at him through the window.

"Black Mask..."

Gin's face suddenly turned ugly.

Could this guy also be here for Curacao? Or rather.

Where did Curacao defect to?

Without any time to think about it, Gin let the vodka rise, then reached into his pocket, took out the bomb remote control, and pressed it without hesitation.

"Become ashes with Curacao!"

At this moment, Gin just felt that his decision to let Belmod install a bomb on the Ferris wheel in advance was absolutely correct. Not only could he silence the traitor, but he could even make this a headache for a long time, although he was not always aware of it. It hurts, but it still hurts from time to time, like a thorn stuck in my flesh that cannot be pulled out.

Clean it up completely.

Kill two birds with one stone.

...Goodbye, Kurosawa!

However, as soon as the ferocious smile appeared on Gin's face, he realized something was wrong.

...Why hasn't it exploded yet?

Gin pressed it twice more in disbelief, but there was still no response.


After sneering, Gin threw away the remote control and veins popped out on his forehead.

"Blow him!"


Chianti immediately began to operate. The clamp under the helicopter was retracted, and what emerged instead was a six-barrel heavy-fire machine gun.

...This is the weapon that comes with the Osprey, but I don’t know if it’s a coincidence.

It's a six-barreled machine gun.

Last time, one tube versus six tubes caused me to suffer a loss.

This time Gin wanted to see, what else could this guy do?

The black mask below raised his head, and immediately felt a little emotional when he saw the machine gun... Could it be because he suffered a heavy loss in his hands last time, so he specially changed to a six-barreled machine gun to prevent it? Not prepared?

…Apache to Osprey, one tube to six tube, Irish to Curacao.

It’s exactly the same development as the last time we visited Tokyo Tower.

Is it just a version pulse?

Facing the muzzle that has begun to adjust.

While Sano marveled in his heart, he controlled the vest of Black Mask and pulled out two things that had been prepared in advance from the gap of the Ferris wheel - from Gin's perspective, he only saw two things. Are these thick and long cylindrical objects two Gatlings?

In the night sky, dark clouds drifted across.

The moonlight brightened the view a little.

The black mask raised the things in his hands and put them on his shoulders. Several people in the helicopter saw clearly at almost the same time, and their pupils shrank slightly unconsciously.



The smoke was confusing, and the two rockets flew towards the helicopter with trailing flames.

It is obviously impossible to dodge at this time.


Brilliant fireworks bloom in the night sky.

To be honest, things like rocket launchers sound awesome, but in fact they are not very powerful, especially in terms of shock wave lethality, which is only a little stronger than ordinary hand grenades. After all, the main method of killing is It still relies on the penetrating power and the range of damage caused by fragments.

Of course, if Sano wants, he can greatly increase the power of this thing.

It's just not necessary.

That's enough for now.

Who gave Sano the advantage? From such a close distance, it was difficult to miss.

Not everyone can know Gin's action strategy in advance like Sano.

Including but not limited to time, location, and method.

...It's just a pity that this new top-of-the-line large plane has arrived. If Gin is willing to take Sano on board, then he must consider the safety of his own vest.

Sano would definitely not do this.

Yes, it's all Gin's fault.

After casually throwing away the two empty rocket launchers, Black Mask waved away the smoke in front of his eyes. The Osprey helicopter above was already blazing with smoke rising from both ends. The entire fuselage entered an out-of-control state, swinging crazily in the air.

And Gin inside, his expression had become as if he had eaten something.

...for the second time.

Gin can tolerate bad things.

But what does it mean to keep catching your own helicopter troubles! ?

This is the latest model that has just arrived, and it’s very expensive!

Gin, who was holding on to the seat to stabilize his body, began to think rapidly.

Such an unstable state.

Even if you want to forcibly adjust the muzzle of the gun and make a final blow, I'm afraid it won't work.

Gin quickly rushed to the operating table, and after a few simple operations, he ordered.

"Get your parachute and prepare to evacuate!"

"What, Gin, I don't want this plane anymore..."

"No, hurry up!"

At Gin's urging, several people quickly picked up their parachutes and jumped out of the plane.


Black Mask saw a few shadows jumping off the Osprey helicopter. After opening the parachute and gliding away into the distance, the plane began to fly toward him unsteadily again... This was, automatically. Driving?

... Don't look at it. This plane was hit by two rockets and it seems to have been completely scrapped.

But its core part is still intact.

It may be affected to a certain extent, but if you want to use it less accurately, there is no problem, such as limiting a direction before falling.

"...Ha, let's be buried with my plane!"

Although Gin was a little disgraced now and was still on the losing side, his face was filled with pride and he couldn't help but look back.

I plan to enjoy the beautiful scene of destruction of my masterpiece and that hero together.

However, facing the flying big plane, Black Mask did not move.

Because light looks from the trajectory.

There's no way this thing can hit me.

But this does not mean safety, because the real goal of gin itself.

It's not the black mask, but the Ferris wheel below.

Because the first one is impossible to hit, and the second one chooses to attack the Ferris wheel below, and the chance of success is greater, not to mention that Curacao is still there.

...It just so happened that the silver man never left the Ferris wheel after his "defection". Not only did he not leave, he even rushed up with a tow bottle.

Who is this?

After all, it was his mission target. Although Sano was controlling the Black Mask to fight Gin and others on the opposite side, the other side had already shocked or solved the black death of the main side and was still paying close attention to Curacao.

It doesn't take much effort to lock the target.

Mainly Sano was thinking about how to take away such a big living person.

...Although speaking of it, except for the ruthless Gin and several negative parties, it seems that the positive side will not threaten the life safety of Curaçao.

But the square here is more complicated.

The FBI and the police are not good men and women.

Especially considering that Curaçao has recovered his memory and seems to have a rather prickly personality.

If a conflict breaks out again, it is not impossible to be killed on the spot.

Therefore, Sano will let Curacao continue to stay on the Ferris wheel.

...Of course there is another reason.

Sano wants to join Curacao, just like Ireland.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for a person who knows about the relationship between Rye and Sano and has no position to keep breathing air.

Re-establishing relationships can also solve problems and fill up the team along the way.

Why not kill two birds with one stone?

And now.

This wave of operations by Gin can be regarded as both good and bad.

Although it put Curacao at risk of death, it also caused greater riots.

This is the only thing Sano needs to focus on right now.


The Osprey just hit the support of the Ferris wheel, causing an explosion and impact at the same time.

Successfully brought the Ferris wheel into a collapsed state.

...To be precise, the support collapsed and the Ferris wheel tilted.

However, if the tilt continues at this rate, if we cannot evacuate quickly, the outcome may not be much better than collapse.

Sanoye had an idea.

The black mask above jumped down, and the black death below began to rush upward.

But the primary target of both parties was not the two fake lolita who didn't know why they appeared here and were pulled by Curacao.

But because of the power outage, the trio of real children stopped in the air after falling halfway down... I don't know why these guys are here.

The same thing happened last time when Yoshino was at the Suzuki family tower.

To say that these real and fake children are simply seeking death and being cheap is not entirely true.

Sure enough, it must be the influence of the plague god’s halo.

Otherwise, Sano really couldn't figure it out. Yuya Kazami took a super criminal on the Ferris wheel, and even cleaned up the scene but still missed it.

Well, of course the focus is not on these children, but on Curacao.

If it was said that Sano was still doubtful, then it is now certain that Ginaga Nao really intends to rebel against the organization and change his ways.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come back to save the little devil.

...I didn't expect that the routine that moved the villain and cleared him up would actually appear next to me. This is really surprising.

That's right.

Outrageous to the extreme, but at least it shows.

Curacao is now a "good guy."

Isn't it much easier to deal with good people? What about moral kidnapping?

Are you still afraid that you won’t be able to take it?


In the carriage, after the three real children were calm during the initial power outage, they were already panicking, hugging each other with pale faces and shouting.


The sudden heavy blow made the car shake even more violently, and made the trio scream even louder. Helplessly, Black Mask knocked on the window.

"Stop screaming, come out quickly if you want to survive."

"Black, Uncle Kurosawa!"

When the trio saw the people outside the window, they were startled for a moment. After reacting, they were so excited that their noses almost ran out, but the situation was so urgent that they had no time to think about it.

The trio pushed open the window... which was actually the door.

Then one by one they were hung on the black mask's body, which seemed a bit heavy.

...Especially a certain little fat guy, who was at least half as heavy as the other two combined.

With just a few oil bottles like this hanging on his body, let alone trying to save others, he might even have to get involved himself, but he had to save himself.

Aside from Sano's plan to hijack Curacao with grace, the more important thing is the core.

If the three children are not safe, Curacao will not evacuate.

Sano didn't have time to go find that guy to play hard or anything.

It is most correct to save people easily. Of course, the key point is to be able to save people smoothly.

Both perspectives start searching at the same time.

Working from the inside to the outside and from the outside to the inside, a model was quickly simulated.

"call out!"

Spider silk began to be shot out one after another, intersecting with each other, and in just ten seconds, a rappelling ropeway and a safety net at the bottom were constructed.

"Get down!"

If the weight of several people piled together is forcibly dropped, the final speed may become uncontrollable, so Black Mask chose to throw several children down one by one. Of course, two spider webs were needed before this. It stuck to the child's waist, and the spider silk was tied to the ropeway.

Of course, even so, if a child slides down alone, even if he doesn't die, he will probably be injured, but that's all, and at most he will be disabled.

Then Sano didn't bother to care.

It’s good to be able to survive, but what kind of bike do you need?

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