This will rightly make people suspicious.

Is this Zhutian because he met this wanted robber early?

Was he killed because of this?

But faced with such speculation, the lame one-eyed dragon did not agree.

Say what it is.

People like Takeda are completely merciless in killing people if necessary.

It is impossible to be counterattacked.

...Sano didn't understand very well and remained silent.

Kuroda Biewei didn't say much, he just asked everyone if they had any opinions or understanding about the relationship between Takeda and Woodpecker.

After a while of silence.

A woman with short hair said: "...I once heard when I was at the Torada family that there was an internal organization composed of black policemen in our area called the Woodpecker Guild. At that time, I thought it was just gossip and gossip, but Now it seems that there may be a connection between the two.”

"Woodpeckers do?"

Such a novel topic immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Including Sano.

"...You are really a shallow bastard."

Hearing Sano's casual emotion, Kuroda Bie's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Although he was transferred here not long ago, and strictly speaking, he does not belong to this area, but he is not completely new here either.

Coupled with Sano's taunt, the target can also be regarded as the Neon Police.

Kurodabei would naturally feel embarrassed.

Not to mention the starting target is a special character like Kurosawa Blade.

"...Okay, it's useless to talk any more. You three from the Takeda Group will conduct an investigation on the spot for me to see if any passers-by saw the movement of the burning or other movements. Yamato Morofushi Uehara, you three Just go back and check for me all the cases that Zhutian has handled, and see what targets there may be for criminal suspects who have any grudges against him."

Kurodabei forcefully pushed the topic to the next stage.

After giving instructions to divide the six detectives present into two groups, he looked at Sano again.

"...You just have to look at the situation yourself."

"...What should I expect?"

Sano asked deliberately: "Is what you just said referring to this case... Then I advise you to stop joking. I am not a policeman and a detective, so naturally I have no interest or ability to get involved. "

"But you are my subordinate."

Kuroda Bei tried to establish his superior authority.

But Sano still looked cold and slightly arrogant.


"Get it clear, I'm just your employee, and the relationship between us is employment."

Kurodabei narrowed his eyes.

Conan, who was eavesdropping next to him, suddenly became curious.

...What is going on with these two people?

The Mori father and daughter, who knew the situation of Kurosawa Blade, were hesitant to speak from the beginning... But considering Kuroda Hei's identity, they felt that there was no need to say anything more. Perhaps, the official had already communicated with him It’s over.

"Then do your best, and you will get the bonus at the end of the matter."

Kuroda Bingwei said perfunctorily, and Sano didn't really stop him from stepping down.

Being silent was considered acquiescence.

This made Kuroda Hei breathe a sigh of relief. He turned to look at his colleagues around him and said seriously: "Be careful. If this paw print is really a special mark left by the murderer, maybe he is targeting our entire county." With the presence of the police, there will probably be another attack, do you understand?"


"Okay, let's get to work."

police station.

The God of Plague's family of three were the first to discover the body.

I was invited here to take notes.

Sano naturally followed, and this was considered to be following Kuroda Bei's wishes.

In the office.

Kuroda Hei looked at Kurosawa Blade, who was sitting there quietly and motionless.

I really want to open up the topic and have a chat.

After all, Kuroda Biewei wants to keep people so much, isn't it just to collect information.

But this guy acted like a mute when he arrived at the police station and didn't say a word for a long time.

Even when Kuroda Hei took the initiative to talk, he pretended not to hear like a deaf person.

Apart from anything else, concentration is in line with what a swordsman should have?

And while Kurodabei was calm on the surface, secretly observing Sano with his thoughts circulating, he was watching the newly broadcast popular anime from the perspective of the other clone - there is a saying One, although the entertainment environment in this world is a bit worse than in the previous life.

But it's not entirely without merit.

Let’s not talk about novels and TV.

As for animation, it is indeed authentic.

Also the foreign movies are pretty good, if not for the timing.

Sano even wanted to dig out the flower gardener's novel and read it.

But it doesn't matter. Currently, Sano's excitement level is quite high.

Because I have just started to get involved, there is a lot of inventory that can be made.

When Sano gets tired of it, he will talk about finding new things.

Another half hour of dead silence passed.

The two very distinctive male police officers who went to the archives room to investigate finally came out and immediately attracted Kuroda Biewei's attention.

… Among the three police officers, the female police officer named Uehara did not participate in the investigation process, but was responsible for taking notes for the Plague God’s family of three.

After finishing, the four of them sat down in the corridor to communicate.

Kurodabei's office is not far away. Not only can he see the conditions of several people, but he can also roughly hear the voices of exchanges. This also allows Sano to have some understanding of the background of the white-clothed leader next to him. .

It turns out that this guy had been in a coma for ten years because of an unknown accident.

During the coma, Kuroda's hair turned gray, possibly due to unconscious pressure. It was once thought that it was impossible to wake up. It was not until recently that he gradually regained consciousness, but he still lost some memories.

all in all.

Because of the missing ten years, Kuroda Bei suffered a great loss.

Originally, when you age ten years, your body's functions will decline a lot, let alone lying motionless in bed for ten years. You are lucky that you are not disabled.

Of course, thanks to Kuroda Biewei's hard work in rehabilitation.

Another issue is seniority. Kuroda Hei himself is considered to be a high-ranking person?

Not an ordinary police officer anyway.

But since he has been missing for ten years for no reason, he should have needed some meritorious performance.

That's why I was sent here... Of course, this is from Sano's perspective.

From an outsider's perspective, you won't be able to see too deeply.

Of course, even so, Sano still knew that Kuroda Heiwei had already restored his actual power, otherwise he would not be here.

In short.

Conan can now basically confirm that Kuroda Bei cannot be Rum.

How could this be possible for a person who had been lying in a police hospital for ten years?

But this also made Conan more curious about the relationship between Kuroda Hei and Kurosawa Blade.

As stated previously.

Employees, employment relationship.

How did a policeman who had been in a coma for ten years hire Kurosawa Blade?

in addition.

This guy was originally dressed in black and suddenly changed into white. What's the operation?

Just as Conan frowned in thought.

Two people named Yamato Kansuke and Morofu Gaoming have already explained the investigation situation.

In their opinion.

Among the cases that Takeda has handled in his career, there are only two that are more concerning. One was a guy shooting randomly on the street with a gun nine years ago, and the other was a case half a year ago, where a banker held a gun. Robbery.

In both cases.

Takeda was very precise in sending the bullet from his gun into the prisoner's head, hitting the forehead, which is the brainstem area, killing him instantly on the spot.


The families of the prisoners who died in these two cases are likely to hold grudges and seek revenge.

But the problem is.

Basically all the family members of these two people died.

The only one who is still alive is the grandmother of the criminal who committed the shooting nine years ago.

"But the old woman is so old that she can hardly walk. It's impossible."

After Yamato Gansuke said this, he took out his cell phone and looked at it as an excuse to leave.

This makes Conan a little strange.

"Does Officer Yamato know the grandmother of the prisoner nine years ago?"

"Well...actually, I met the prisoner. The two of them are good friends who have known each other since childhood."

Uehara Yui should also know that saying what she said will increase the suspicion of Yamato Gansuke, but she is a police officer after all, and this matter is not a secret. No one knows except her, so it is best to bring it up openly. The best choice was to adjust the atmosphere with a joke: "The relationship is so good that I'm a little jealous."

" turns out that Officer Uehara is jealous."

Mao Lilan smiled teasingly.

Yui Uehara blushed and said nothing.

Then Zhufu Gaoming calmly defended Yamato's daring to help.

The friend whom Yamato dared to help did indeed cause a lot of casualties to passers-by, so even if Takeda killed him in front of his eyes, he didn't react much, thinking that the other person was just fulfilling his duties as a policeman.


In fact, after that, Yamato Kansuke left the Takeda Group and entered a different group.

So it's quite complicated.


When the members of the Zhutian team who were responsible for investigating the scene returned, they brought back one thing.

Maybe it's not good news.

Someone saw a figure suspected of being Yamato Gansuke by the river that morning.

...That place seemed to be an area that Yamato Kansuke would pass by on a daily basis, so of course he was asked, but his answer was.

Didn't go from there today.

Those present were either colleagues or friends, so they naturally believed it.

But now that these words have come out, the problem becomes even bigger, especially since Yamato Gansuke left early. He has a guilty conscience and is more likely to abscond in fear of crime.

"Zhufu, find that guy Yamato for me immediately!"

Kuroda Biewei finally walked out of the office and ordered in a deep voice.

Before Zhu Fu Gaoming could respond, he heard a call coming from his cell phone.

"...It's Yamato."

Zhu Fu Gaoming answered the phone and hung up after a while.

"He said he received more than a dozen missed calls from Officer Luye, but no one answered when he called back. There might have been an accident... Where is Officer Luye?"

"Ah, he said he seemed to have some clues, so he went home first."

The two policemen from the Takeda Group replied.

"Then hurry over!"

Kuroda Biewei gave the order, and everyone except the Plague God family crowded into the car together and hurried to Officer Shikano's home.

Finally I just opened the door.

Then I saw the figure of Yamato Kansuke.

"...To destroy the woodpecker, the God of War."

While reciting Chuuni's lines, Yamato Gansuke looked back with wide eyes.


A flash of lightning flashed in the gloomy sky outside the window, illuminating the motionless figure hanging in mid-air next to Yamato Gansuke. It was Shikano who was staring at death.

"...Agan, you, what are you talking about?"

Yui Uehara took the initiative and tried to figure out the situation directly.

Yamato Gansuke was naturally not a fool and pointed his cell phone at everyone.

"That's the text message I received."

Sano glanced at it and said, "I am Bishamonten, -" followed by the Chuuni line that Yamato Kansuke just read. It was a kind of declaration of victory?

"Put the person down first."

Kuroda Bei chose to understand the situation first.

After investigating and analyzing the scene, everyone came to the conclusion that the person was strangled first and then hung up. Although it took three people to successfully remove the body when the body was placed, it was difficult to do so. It seems that there should be more than one person, but this was brought to pass by Kuroda Hei's saying that "you only need to put the person on the chair and then hang it, then even one person can succeed", and even added in the end One sentence.

“Even people with limited mobility can be successful.”


Yamato Gansuke nodded in agreement without any wavering on his face.

Then before the discussion could continue, a voice came from the pocket of Luye's body.

Zhu Fu Gaoming immediately took out his cell phone and took a look.

"...It's a text message sent from Mr. Takeda's mobile phone."

"Oh, interesting."

Kuroda Bingwei's eyes were cold: "Read it."

"...There are three woodpeckers left."

Zhufu Gaoming reported the content, making the air in the room quiet.


Kurodabei twitched his lips: "There are still two people in the Takeda group, but there are three woodpeckers. So, Yamato, who was a member of the Takeda group earlier, seems to have also been targeted by the murderer behind it. .”

...Another taunt.

Although on the surface, this is indeed the case.

But it is precisely because of this that Kuroda Bingwei has reason to legitimately doubt.

Yamato Gansuke was deliberately trying to clear himself from suspicion.

In this regard, Yamato Gansuke still did not respond.

Immediately afterwards, a member of the Takeda group next to him, who looked a bit like a kid from the Plague Team, suddenly asked Yamato Kansuke if he had any thoughts on the rope tied around the neck of the deceased Kano.

Yamato Gansuke walked over and picked up the rope and looked at it.

"Speaking of which, this seems a bit strange."

Seeing this, Yui Uehara criticized Yamato for daring to touch the evidence without wearing gloves.

Yamato Gansuke said nonchalantly that he had already touched it.

…Isn’t this Chunchun just pouring dirty water on himself, and his mind is still normal?

Sano frowned secretly.

However, although we don’t know whether this guy was intentional or unintentional, based on Sano’s experience, the possibility of the murderer being Yamato Gansuke is really low.

Regardless of normal development.

Or from the macro perspective of the Plague God’s social circle.

Zhufu Gaoming then raised key witness issues to Yamato Gansuke.

Yamato Gansuke still denied it nonchalantly, saying that he was definitely wrong.

As a result, he and Kuroda Bingwei started to mock each other again.

"...You police are really good at playing."

After returning to the police station, Kuroda Bei and Sano continued to return to the office.

The Plague family in the corridor outside took the opportunity to inquire about the situation from other police officers.

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