Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 677 Hand-held mobile turret

But Sano ignored Conan and just looked at the fighter plane in the rain through that mask, and couldn't help but sigh that Gin had seen this scene.

Will your eyes turn red with jealousy?

But just at this level.

Should I say that the official side underestimated their own side, or the Neon official side.

Much weaker than you thought?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Sano glanced back at Conan, and then looked at a helicopter in the distance that was relatively different... It was a live broadcast reporter from a TV station.

The officials didn't stop me.

Probably because I want the general public to see it.

It's a pity that this may become the most shameful thing in the history of neon.

At the same time, this will be a huge event that will shock the whole world.

The moment he raised his hand to summon Dahei, the fusion effect was already activated.

Two pairs of big wings spread out.

The second after the raindrops were knocked away, the air flow surged, and Sano rose up from the ground and rushed into the sky, making Conan behind him almost look stupid... because just when the other party turned back to look at him, he felt something was wrong.

This black mask seems different from before.

It's not a mysterious statement like temperament, but a real appearance.


There is really no difference between the original black mask and the so-called Masked Superman except for the color. The mask is actually a helmet. According to the official setting description of Masked Superman, it is a motorcycle helmet.

But in fact, this helmet is very different from ordinary helmets, especially the eyes.

Some of them are just a pair of goggles, which are about the same shape and size as normal people's eyes. Well, let's just say they are goggles for now.

And what Conan saw just now.

The pair of goggles on that helmet are very, very big.

That's right, it's big, much bigger than before, almost bigger than a fist, if the two big round frames were connected in the middle.

It feels no different from a normal motorcycle helmet.

Originally, Conan was still wondering whether he had seen it wrong because of the poor visibility due to the rain, or whether Kurosawa's equipment had been upgraded.

But look at it now.

Those big wings really make people think of the Black Angel.

…well, rye.

Then I thought about the current few candidates in black. Basically, they either don’t look like humans, or they are too powerful to be human. Only Kurosawa, although he is quite good at fighting, he seems to mainly rely on that. Equipment... Conan may not be able to explain the performance of those other guys, but no matter how you look at it, it should be a product of science. Since he can wear it, others should be able to wear it, right?

Or even, mass production, modification...such as this?

Just looking at it like this, another question came up - if Kurosawa is a waste who fights with equipment, why is he a man in black?

Everyone else has abilities that are unique and far beyond what normal humans should have.

Kurosawa may be good at fighting and has a good mind. He can be ranked highly even in the police or the FBI, but it is not enough to be in the black uniform, right?

...Conan's original guess about this.

This piece of equipment may only be used by Kurosawa, but the specific details are unclear.

It may be that, as said in Masked Superman, the transformer is selected, has some special energy in his body, or is it a gene, or has signed a contract, etc... Ahem, Conan knows this is a bit outrageous. , but precisely because it is outrageous, it is just like everyone else.

At least there should be such a restriction, so it is reasonable, but now...

Conan couldn't help but feel confused for a moment.

Above, Sano, who had reached the desired height, had stopped rising.

As Conan saw it.

Now, in addition to the Kurosawai vest worn by Sano, it is no longer as simple as the ordinary mask form in the past, but has an elite effect added to it.

That's right, Sano at this moment is wearing both a Superman pendant and a thug suit.

They are both A-level enhancers. One can add a special effect to the form, but the other one has a certain form. It has to be said that it is very subtle.

[Elite enhancement effect: Obtain the hand of justice, you can touch all enhancements with your hands and modify them. The first transformation effect is random and will be fixed later. The effect of each modification can only last ten minutes, and the same enhancement item cannot be used for twenty-four hours. Within, continuous transformation is not possible. 】


An equally subtle statement.

It’s a bit troublesome to describe in detail. For example, Sano modified the sniper sunglasses, and they were directly integrated into the helmet.

The original effect disappeared immediately, and another new effect appeared instead.

Firearms Mastery (The user will be proficient in the use of all firearms.)

Another example.

Sano made a move with both hands, and the moment the two killer guns emerged, they turned into a pair of slender pistols. Well, in general, the barrels of the two guns became longer, almost as long as the forearm, and they looked like submachine guns.

Double guns of justice (unlimited bullets, rate of fire, bullet speed and range increased tenfold, and the bullets fired will have high-explosive armor-piercing properties.)

Facing the soldiers on the helicopter on the same level, they looked at him in surprise.

Sano raised his guns and pulled the triggers.

"Da da da da——"

Two tongues of fire spit out like this and directly hit two armed helicopters.

When these bullets hit the plane, they almost immediately penetrated the outer armor, penetrated deep into it, and then... exploded with countless fireballs.

The huge armed helicopter was completely swallowed up by the flames. In the end, not even the rough wreckage was left, only countless flaming fragments fell from the sky. This is the meaning of armor-piercing and high-explosive attributes.

Each bullet is almost equivalent to a rocket.

However, it also has a more terrifying rate of fire and range than ordinary submachine guns, not to mention bullet speed, and finally there is unlimited bullets.

It's like holding two mobile turrets.

Of course, in this way, the effects of the original killer's double guns will be gone.

The only option was to wait for ten minutes to pass, or Sano to cancel the modification on his own.

But if it is lifted, there will be no way to modify it within 24 hours.

Anyway, that’s what it means, it’s equivalent to getting a new piece of equipment… In a sense, it’s equivalent to grinding entries in the game?

Sano has almost forgotten how many pieces of equipment he has on hand, but in this way, the equipment on his hand is almost doubled, although less than half of the equipment can only be used ten times a day. Minutes, although there are very few that can come in handy.

...After all, there is such a thing as writing entries.

All I can say is that I understand everything.

It is common for the brush to be neither up nor down. If the brush is good, it depends on the face. If the brush is bad...

Not surprising either.

At least most of what Sano spawned was garbage, not as good as the original.

Fortunately, there are only a few available.

... Putting aside everything else, just changing the skin settings with the sniper sunglasses made Sano very satisfied. It finally looked like a Kamen Rider.


When he came back to his senses, the planes in the sky and the troops underground had begun to fight back. The overwhelming bullets were really more than the rain.

To maintain a target at such a height, firearms on the ground are of little use.

Only a few snipers and machine gunners can shoot effectively.

Of course, whether the shot was successful or not was another story. Sano mainly avoided the aircraft's machine guns. As for the artillery shells... maybe he was still wary, or maybe he was confident, but he hadn't taken it out yet.

So even though it can't fly very fast with these big wings.

But Sano was still able to evade the firepower of planes and shuttle between buildings very freely, and then casually wiped out the air power of the Self-Defense Forces.

...The main reason is that these guys are too careless.

Coupled with the urban terrain, Sano, who is more flexible, has an advantage.

all in all.

To others, Black Mask took only two or three minutes to annihilate several aircraft, and then turned its firepower on the ground troops.

This time there was no more suspense.

Compared with the power in the air, it is difficult to move the things crowded together. If there are just a few cars speeding up wildly on the road, Sano may still find it a little difficult, but in this way, he only feels like he is using boiling water. , watering a colony of ants attracted by a piece of candy dropped on the ground, especially under the advantage of height.

Sano didn't need to worry about his bullets hitting the ground, but those on the ground were completely out of reach.

...Looking down from a high place, you can see how insignificant human beings are.


"Boom boom boom boom..."

The ground was constantly baptized by explosions, and soldiers and armored vehicles were shattered one after another.


The officials couldn't bear it anymore. They must have received the order. Sano saw the anti-air missile on the armored vehicle starting to operate, but rather than saying it was an anti-aircraft missile, he still felt that it would be better to call it an anti-aircraft gun.

After all, the first impression given by the sound of missiles is that they are only used for cleaning the ground, but the shells are different, although they can also be used for cleaning the ground.

But the more important thing is to be able to clean the ground and strike accurately.

...After all, who would have thought that the enemy would be able to fly in the sky after coming here?

It would be nice to have a standing anti-aircraft gun for use. How could they bring a missile here specially... Moreover, even if it is brought here, it may not be usable.

Anti-aircraft guns must be used with great caution now, let alone missiles.


"call out--"

In the blink of an eye, dozens of artillery shells began to circle Sano.

Sano could only put away his offensive and move quickly to avoid it.


Continuous explosions were no less than Sano's floor-washing noise. Because they were in the city, no matter whether they hit or not, they would have some impact on the nearby buildings, and countless windows would burst and fall.

Holes were blown out of walls, rubble, and even entire buildings.

I'm afraid that no matter the final result of this war, whether the official wins or loses, the people below, especially the residents of this area, will have their heads sprayed with blood... Suddenly there is a feeling of exhaustion. After working overtime, you finally got off work and just walked out of the company door when you discovered that Superman had lifted your car that had been allocated for thirty-six installments and smashed it at the villain opposite but missed. Instead, he also smashed into the house that you still have thirty-year loan on. …


Sano couldn't help but get distracted, and as a result, he couldn't completely dodge a shell. His body was affected by the shock wave, and he crashed directly into a nearby building.

...This pair of wings was originally relatively fragile. Even if Sano was affected by the aftermath of the explosion, he would doubt whether they would break, but now they were hit again.

It's basically useless.

This pair of wings was the product of the fusion of Sano and Daikoku, and it was broken.

Naturally, it is impossible for Dahei to have no influence at all.

Under normal circumstances, after exiting the fusion state, Sano needs to give Daikoku a saw to help him restore his broken wings before he can fly again.

...Of course this is without considering cooling.

If he wanted to be able to fly again on the spot, Sano would probably have to give himself a saw.


His eyes turned.

The ground troops obviously wanted to seize this flaw exposed by Sano, and they all directed their firepower towards this side... As expected, it was better to be rough.

After exiting the fusion directly, Sano ignored Daikoku who was unable to fly on the ground.

"I'll come back to resurrect you when it's over."

After saying these words, Sano jumped directly from the upstairs.

Dahei was left on the ground cursing.


A second before the explosion, Sano left the building. His own momentum, gravity, and the thrust of the explosion shock wave made him fall very fast.

"...Jumped, jumped off the building?"

The top of the mall building.

Officer Megure, who was supposed to retreat with the large force in accordance with the orders from above, found out that Conan had actually sneaked into today's negotiation and ran directly to the roof afterwards, so he came to the rooftop with Kazami Yuya and was thinking. While leading people away, I also wanted to wait and see the situation.

"Do you think there is no hope and are you planning to try your best to escape?"

As soon as Officer Megure said these words, Conan rolled his eyes.

"Do you think it's possible? If that were the case, he wouldn't have done anything in the first place."

Although the performance of this black mask, which was unknown whether it was real or fake, was extremely terrifying, Conan still felt it.

not enough.

It's not that Conan is bragging, but speaking of facts, it is impossible for the Black Mask to face the Self-Defense Forces alone and to die. If it really overturned so easily, then the two Black Foxes would not be able to withdraw.


And under the watchful eyes of these three war reporters.

On the other end, Sano opened his arms and stretched his body as much as possible to slow down his landing speed. Finally, when he was halfway down, he finally raised his hand and shot out a spider thread, which stuck to a spider thread connecting two buildings.

...that's right.

Sano had already left a lot of spider silk nearby for use when needed. However, these ground and air troops of the Self-Defense Force were either too short or too tall and could not be touched at all, even though they were filled with bullets and artillery shells. , some of these spider threads were broken, but the majority were sustained.

Next, it’s time for the spider to hunt.

Finally, it was only at this moment that Sano remembered that he had forgotten to turn on the red eye special effect. After a sudden thought, the red light that should have been the size of an eye successfully turned into two big red lanterns through the big eye sockets.

Then, after using two pieces of spider silk to ease the fall and swinging forward twenty or thirty meters, Sano untied the spider silk in his hand, grabbed the second spider silk, used the force to spin and roll, and then went towards Fly out to the left.

Then he adjusted his body shape midway so that his feet stepped on the third spider silk.

The spider thread quickly tightened, stretched to the extreme, and finally rebounded - "Whoops!"

Sano immediately flew out like a sharp arrow and successfully arrived above the heads of a group of ground troops, about ten meters above the ground.

And these soldiers were almost blinded just by aiming at the black figures flying in the sky, especially due to the rainy weather. In the end, they had no idea what they were aiming at.

Many people simply lost their target and thought they were missing.

Until this time.

Sano had already put it on his face before the group of people reacted.

But before the order to fire was shouted, Sano had already gathered his hands and raised them above his head, and then justice fell from the sky and smashed into the crowd - "Boom!"

The armored vehicle in the center collapsed instantly, and a dozen or so soldiers around it were blown away several meters away. The fragments of the vehicle were scattered along with smoke and dust.


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