Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 679 Conan: Has completely transformed into Sano’s shape

Conan shook his head: "That's not what I'm asking. What I mean is that it's so dark outside because of the fighting. You don't know or something. If you don't go home and hide and play games, what are you thinking?"

"I know, it was just shown on TV."

The three real children looked at each other: "But this kind of thing is not particularly rare, and isn't it already being dealt with by the authorities? If it doesn't work, will a good person like Black Mask still harm us?" ?”

Hearing this, Conan was stunned.

… Let’s not talk about whether these children don’t quite understand the meaning of war, so they don’t get nervous. The key is their trust in Black Mask.

To that extent.

Even if these few were saved by Black Mask, they should still be intimidated, right?

How could it be so bland?

Haibara Ai next to her seemed to have noticed Conan's thoughts and said, "Maybe I saw that the situation was not developing properly. The TV station's live broadcast was cut off midway. I don't know what happened next."

Conan was stunned again, so that's it...

But before Conan could speak again, Haihara Ai opened her phone again and handed it to him, saying, "In addition, the current direction of media public opinion is a bit strange. The official seems to be out of control... It feels like someone is controlling it."

Conan took the phone.

At a glance, they are basically all reports of live broadcast events.

Just click on an article.

At the beginning, it is clearly stated in advance that there is a mastermind behind the Kusakabe incident, and it is the speculation of official insiders... No, it can no longer be said to be speculation. Almost all the official actions after catching the person have been disclosed. come out, including but not limited to testimony transcripts, etc.

...This was leaked by someone within the officialdom.

Conan frowned. He didn't know whether this was because some righteous people couldn't stand the official's inaction, or because the black fox had hypnotized an official.

all in all.

This is undoubtedly a very good excuse for Black Mask's behavior.

In turn, it makes the officialdom look rubbish.

...Although Conan also thinks it is indeed rubbish, the fact that the official cut off the live broadcast for the sake of face has undoubtedly made the whole thing more stable.

"Under that mask, it could be anyone."

Looking at the last sentence of this report, Conan unconsciously twitched his lips. It sounded really exciting and exciting, and even an unrelated person might become an angry youth.

But the problem is that the essence of this matter is no longer right.

...Everyone can be a mask.

If that's really the case, are you planning to hang corpses all over the earth?

I clicked on a few articles one after another and found that the positions and structures were basically the same, especially the endings of the last sentence were all the same.

Conan probably understood why Haihara Ai said someone was controlling her.

...actually even public opinion was taken into consideration.

It is probably the work of Black Fox again, it is really powerful.

Conan flipped through the pages and found that one of the reports also mentioned Black Death... The main thing is that the focus of this thing is all on the headless and the wings of the black mask.

The whole article uses a very exaggerated tone.

There was a lot of chirping, which was nothing more than saying that this was the manifestation of God, God's will, and the punishment of God because of the anger and resentment of the Neon official.

...It's an obvious superstitious gimmick, but a lot of people actually believe it.

At least the heat is really high.

Conan glanced at the media side, Tokyo Monster Talk, reporter Nakajima Sukezo.

Oh, it turns out to be this guy, no wonder.

Thinking of the guy who was following behind him earlier, Conan was thoughtful. After shaking his head, he didn't want to pay attention to these trivial matters anymore.

"Where's Sano?"

"It seems like he's still sleeping."

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the little girl sitting in front of the TV.

The little girl turned around and said, "I advise my little brother not to disturb his sleep. He won't come back to sleep until the morning. If he wakes up, he will be angry."

"You won't be back until morning?"

Conan frowned: "Does he usually come back at this time?"

"No, normally I come back in the middle of the night. Occasionally, special circumstances change."

The little girl replied.


"Oh, don't bother Brother Sano. You'll be beaten later. If you don't let us play games and drive us away, that will be real trouble. Conan, come over and play. This game is really fun. , Hanana is so powerful, we can’t beat her, let’s try it.”

Before Conan could think about it, he was pressed in front of the TV by the real children. Considering that Sano had just fallen asleep, it was really not suitable for him to disturb him, otherwise he might not get the desired result, or it would lead to I couldn't get what I could get, so I decided to wait patiently.

"...You guys play games every day, but you can't beat a little girl who is still in kindergarten. It's really embarrassing."

After picking up the game controller, Conan glanced at his team members and muttered.

But the trio of real kids just smiled and said nothing.

Conan started the game suspiciously... and then was beaten to death.


Conan stared in disbelief.

...Yes, Conan knows that he is very good at games. Basically, anyone who has played games, no matter what kind, can beat him without any blind spots, but the premise is that this person must be of a high level.


This is an age where you can't even hold the handle fully at once, and you have to work hard to press the buttons.

Why can I beat myself?

Conan looked at the little girl next to him.

The little girl blinked at Conan, then raised her chin slightly, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and showed a very playful mockery in her eyes.

This posture is almost too familiar to Conan.

You are literally cut from the same mold as someone else, exactly the same.

Conan: "..."

If Conan remembers correctly, Sano would occasionally complain to Mao Lilan on weekdays. The little girl was becoming more and more outrageous. She should have gradually exposed her true nature after getting along with her. If he had known that this would be the case from the beginning.

Then I will never adopt a little girl again.

...Of course Conan also knew that Sano was just complaining. If he really regretted it, the little girl would have been left to Dr. Agasa to worry about.

Of course the point now is.

Conan felt that Sano must have misunderstood something. This girl's true nature was definitely not revealed gradually, but her innocence was led astray by him!

What a good seedling it turned out to be?

Conan was so heartbroken that he might as well leave it to Dr. A Li to take care of him.

Speechless, the trio of real children on the other end couldn't help laughing.

Started to mock Conan crazily.

Then... "Watch your heads if you make too much noise!"

Sano's violent warning sounded from behind the door nearby, causing the trio of real children to immediately shut up, and then looked at Conan resentfully: "It's all your fault."

Conan: "...?"

Blame yourself?


"Haha, who can hold your nerve and not laugh at you when you're a bad guy and still like to scream?"

Haibara Ai saw Conan's thoughts again and made a last-ditch attack.

Conan was speechless for a while, but when he turned around, he felt that since Sano had been woken up and was probably still asleep, why not take the opportunity to ask?

Thinking of this, Conan dropped the controller and headed towards the room over there.

Seeing this, the little girl quickly followed up: "Hey, little brother, why don't I let you go later? I'll just lose the game and be looking for death myself?"

Conan: "..."

After turning around speechlessly and in disbelief, Conan looked at the little girl with a strange look in his eyes... Putting aside the outrageous point of feeling that he had lost the game and was angry, in the eyes of this girl, was Sano a god of death?

Could it be that that guy Sano didn't even spare his own child?

Conan, who was really in no mood to complain, was too lazy to explain. He opened the door and walked towards Sano, who was sleeping on the bed: "Sano, I have something to do..."

That's half the story.

Conan found that Sano didn't move at all, and he suddenly became depressed.

...You just woke up and fell asleep again. How sleepy are you?

Suddenly, Conan's eyes turned to the mobile phone placed next to Sano's pillow.

After having an idea.

Conan looked at the little girl: "Hey, do you know what the password of Sano's mobile phone is?"

"I know, what's wrong?"

The little girl nodded and gave an unexpected surprise.

"Really? Can you tell me?"

Conan looked at the little girl expectantly, but she became wary.

"Why should I tell you."

"I have something very probably don't want me to disturb Sano's sleep?"

Conan tried to deceive.

The little girl thought for a while: "Well, you do what I say, and when you're done, I'll tell you the password on your phone. How about that?"


Conan blinked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

The little girl took out a pen from her pocket and handed it to Conan: "Draw a big turtle on his face. If you are not discovered, I will tell you."

Conan subconsciously took the pen and looked up to see the little girl's sly smile.

Slowly punch out a row of dots.

...How the hell was he led astray by Sano?

He has completely transformed into Sano's shape!

"...No, if you do this, won't you be afraid when Sano wakes up later?"

Facing Conan's problem.

The little girl just smiled innocently: "You did this, what should I be afraid of?"

Conan: "..."

Fake, this girl is really Sano's biological child, right?

Seeing Conan hesitate, the little girl blinked her big eyes twice and continued.

"Password or life, you choose."

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched... It's not serious enough to choose one of the two life codes, right?

After gritting his teeth, Conan nodded in agreement.

...If you draw a turtle for Sano, Conan might lose half his life because of it.

You can continue to wait without drawing.

That kind of suffering is worse than death.

Conan took off the cap of his pen and quietly approached the bedside while holding his breath. The little girl also approached nervously, her eyes widened, and she finished one stroke.

Their hearts almost jumped out of their throats.

Fortunately, Sano did not open his eyes, which made the two of them sigh in relief.

...This way, it should be stable.

Conan continued to work, and after finishing painting a turtle shell, he couldn't help but look at the little girl next to him, and then snickered at the same time.

However, before the two of them had finished laughing, Conan had just turned around to finish the painting when he met Sano's calm eyes.


Conan and the little girl's smiles froze at the same time.

"Laughing, why don't you keep laughing?"

Sano asked quietly, and Conan immediately retracted his big teeth, scratching his face in embarrassment.

"Ahem, Sano, when did you wake up?"

"In the beginning."

Sano looked at the little girl: "Password or life?"

Just when he was about to talk nonsense, he tried his best to stop Conan before, but the other party ignored him and took him out: "..."


Sano let out a breath and sat up.

"I can't even sleep well, it's annoying."

Looking at the pen in Conan's hand again, Sano's somewhat lazy eyes suddenly focused.

He reached out and took the pen from Conan's hand and looked at it for a few seconds.

Sano looked at the little girl with a dark face: "Where did you get the pen?"


The confused little girl scratched her head: "I just took it from under your computer."

"But it's a marker!"

As soon as Sano said these words, the little girl and Conan immediately fell silent, and the first thought in their minds was that maybe half a life would be enough...


Conan tried to escape, but of course he was pinned to the ground by Sano one by one.

A few minutes later.

The children squatting in front of the TV looked at the two big black faces in front of them.

He wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, for fear that Sano, who was rubbing his face frantically over there, would think he was laughing at him and turn around and give himself a bad look.

So I could only turn my head away and try not to look at Conan.

But even if they didn't look at it, those two black faces couldn't stop appearing in their minds, causing the bodies of the three real children to shake crazily.

Those who didn’t know thought it was epilepsy...

On the other end, after Sano's wild rubbing, a layer of his face was almost rubbed off.

Finally, the ugly turtle shell was rubbed off.

"...What kind of bad skills can a turtle draw so ugly? It's worse than what a kid in kindergarten could draw. It's even more rubbish than your game skills."

Hearing Sano's taunt.

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched again... He had already drawn all the damn pictures, why did he still talk so much and stab himself twice at once? He couldn't blame himself for the marker. After all, wasn't Sano himself the culprit?

If Sano hadn't led Miaozi astray and made Miaozi hostile.

Will this happen?

Conan was full of slander, but on the surface he didn't dare to say anything.

The little girl next to her was lucky to have Conan to draw the firepower, but it was a pity that Sano pointed the finger at her again in the next second: "Did I ask you to hang the clothes to dry before going to bed? I can play games pretty well." happy?"

Little girl: "..."


Fortunately, Sano didn't hold on to it and yawned loudly.

" tired."

"Just go back to sleep if you're tired."

Conan tried to get this over with quickly.

But Sano glanced at Conan... He wasn't asleep just now and was woken up, but he wasn't sleeping at all and was busy with other things. The reason why he didn't move when he heard the noise was because he simply wanted to see the two idiots. What do you want to do?

Unexpectedly, something went wrong...

After wiping his face, the things over there have basically been taken care of.

But Sano didn't go to sleep immediately.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, and the little girl immediately ran over to open the door.

And after opening the door.

Standing outside the door were Mao Lilan and his daughter, Officer Memu, and one.

The shortest man I've ever seen.

...It can’t be said that it resembles Officer Megure, but rather that it resembles Vodka.

He is about forty or fifty years old, wearing a chef's uniform and a tall chef's hat. You can see from the bottom of the hat that he has a short crew cut. In addition, the more distinctive point is that he has the standard Japanese look for some people. He has a mustache, two big front teeth like a mouse protruding from his lips, and one eye is covered with a pirate-style eyepatch...

One-eyed setting?

"This is the first time I've met Senior Brother Sano. My name is Wakida Kanenoori. I'm a cook. I've heard of Senior Brother for a long time, and I hope to give you more advice in the future."

Wakada Kanori smiled and bowed towards Sano, saying hello.

"Big, senior brother?"

Conan was confused and inserted his head between the two of them.

As a result, Mao Lilan, who was stunned for a moment after taking a glance, laughed at him severely.

"Hahahahaha, Conan, your face..."

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