"It seems that Rum has already taken action. He is looking for your weakness."

Then came Gin's reminder and warning: "Don't get involved in this again."

"That's not okay."

"Why, you have also seen how nervous the officials are now. That monster Kurosawa has beaten the officials so much that they dare not show up and shrink into that damn turtle shell. If you really want to do something to the radicals, That’s facing neon with the full power of an entire country!”

Faced with Sano's stubbornness, Gin didn't understand it.

The so-called turtle shell that Gin refers to is a safe house secretly built by the government underground, which is similar to the stronghold of the winery.

Almost all the officials, including but not limited to the radical faction, are hiding there now, for fear that the black masks will come to their door and hang them outside.

Above that stronghold is where Neon's largest army is stationed, close to the coastal area.

The maximum firepower of the three parties, sea, land and air, is basically complete. The way to enter the place below requires approval and verification at all levels. There are more cameras than people.

The most qualified and loyal combatants from the government are responsible for guarding it.

If you want to attack from the front, you have to evacuate... It's not that Gin looks down on Sano.

It's just that the difficulty of this matter is no less than destroying neon.

Unless Sano can rub the little boy with his hands and throw a few over first, otherwise...


However, in this regard, Sano only accepted the information brought by the other party after the previous meeting with Gin, and then roughly browsed through it.

"It's not bad."

Sano laughed: "You seem to have misunderstood something, Gin-sama, we are killers, organized killers, not terrorists, why do we have to be tough? There are three methods of assassination at first glance. "


Gin was stunned. He helped Sano collect this information to let Sano understand how difficult and dangerous this matter was.

As a result, he became more confident?

"Are you serious?"

Gin asked heavily.

Sano tilted his neck: "Am I kidding?"


After a while of silence, Gin said no more nonsense and just told Sano to be careful.

Then he withdrew directly.

A short while later, Wakida Kanori followed Mouri Kogoro to the door.

……to be honest.

Although Sano had doubts, he had no evidence that this guy was Rum. Even if he wanted to, there were many ways to find "irrefutable proof", and it was not difficult, but time did not allow it.

Therefore, Sano calmly used the Hammer of Justice to test the situation quietly to make sure that at least it was not a lewd act, and finally before leaving.

Decided to kill it first regardless of whether it was true or not.

After all, this old guy Rum is hiding from XZ all day long, and it's too troublesome to find him.

If he hides again after appearing this time... Although Sano is not completely helpless, it is still simpler in comparison.

...Although in terms of probability, it is a bit uncertain whether an old fox who has been hiding all his life will directly go into battle at this juncture, but as the saying goes, it is better to kill by mistake than to let go.

Confirm the identity afterwards. If not, then find another opportunity. There is no difference. You have to use extraordinary means to deal with extraordinary people.

And that wave of temptation called Rum was a temporary idea.

Of course, even if Kanori Wakita reacts to this, it does not necessarily mean that this person is definitely Rum. It can only be said that the probability is higher.

In addition to this, Sano deliberately covered his ears. Wakida Kaneori had clearly felt something was wrong at that moment, but he still pretended to be calm... In short, Rum must die no matter what.

Even if this person is really a pathfinder, on the surface, he must be Rum.


If the real Rum comes forward to confront him, then it will be useless?

Is there any evidence?

If you can’t see yourself, then it’s fake. If you can’t see yourself, that’s just fine.

Sano is giving Rum a chance.

A chance to withdraw from this dangerous world and live peacefully as an ordinary person...if Rum refuses to give up.

That can't be blamed on Sano.

...Of course the premise is that this is not rum.

Anyway, no matter what, there are ways on both sides. Sano feels that the matter is considered stable, and the rest is nothing more than wiping the butt and taking over.

"...What are you going to do?"

In the car, Toru Amuro asked after a long silence while driving.

"What do you mean?"

Sano calmly shook his legs.

"...Since you don't resist and are so cooperative, it means that you don't want to fight, but are planning to do something else. Why don't you tell me about it?"

Amuro Toru sighed: "By the way, please explain to me, when did you become Rye, and when did you join that shabby black organization, who is the Black God, and why did you join them."

Toru Amuro asked several questions in succession.

...The so-called Black God is a nickname for official insiders.

Mainly refers to, "that one".

...After all, every member of this thing is like a monster. If anyone can really suppress these few, then it is really only God.

But compared to these.

In fact, Toru Amuro is more concerned about the first question... Rye Whiskey's promotion to cadre has not been completed for half a year.

According to rumors, he only served as a peripheral member for a few months before being promoted to cadre. If this is true, then in other words Sano slowly climbed to the cadre position after being pulled into the organization by Toru Amuro.

In other words.

If it wasn't for Toru Amuro, Sano might not have become Rye.

Or even say something unpleasant.

If only Toru Amuro could have discovered it early, even if it was just halfway through.

Is it possible that things will not develop to the extent they are now?

Because of this, Toru Amuro's mood was so complicated that the first thing he did was not an angry accusation, but a little self-blame.

However, in this regard, Sano just asked: "Shouldn't we solve the current problem first? If you arrest me, instead of looking for flaws in the black clothes to break the situation, you are more concerned about how to end it with the minimum cost, right?"

Amuro Toru remained silent for a few seconds.

"Then what do you say?"


"It's impossible, they don't dare, they can make a video call."

"Then there's nothing I can do. It should be locked up or killed."

Sano spread his hands and lay down directly to let Amuro breathe. At the same time, he became even more puzzled: "No, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Solve the problem."

Sano put his feet up on the center console in front: "You should have seen it, too. Officer Megure has come to the door to urge me to help. If we don't solve it quickly, it will be very annoying. I know him after all, and I can't kill him." .”

Toru Amuro: "..."

Sure enough, it was still rye, and the impressions from the two sides finally began to overlap.

Toru Amuro scratched his head irritably: "I'll fight for it."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Lord Bourbon."

Half an hour later.

In an empty white room with only a table and two chairs.

After a full-body examination, Sano was stripped naked and even his insides were photographed with thermal imaging. He had already put on a straitjacket, with a huge iron ball tied to his feet with iron chains, and his hands were It was carried behind his back and handcuffed with two thick chains attached to the wall.

Toru Amuro was sitting opposite Sano.

...In fact, when he first learned that Sano had to go through such a process before coming in, Toru Amuro was opposed to it because it was too insulting and felt that there was no human rights... Of course, in the face of an existence like Rye, regardless of Is it from a prudential perspective or a human rights perspective?

None of this is too much.

But Toru Amuro was mainly worried that this might anger Sano.

In terms of selfishness... just a little bit.

But later Sano himself said it didn't matter, and Toru Amuro had nothing to say.

"...Just wait a moment, we are still discussing it above."

Toru Amuro looked at Sano's only exposed eye under the straitjacket and said this. Then when he didn't get a reply, he picked up the file on the side and read it... This was the file of Rye received by the official.

Sano is rye.

It is impossible for the official to say that just because they received such a piece of news, they would actually believe it.

At least there has to be some evidence?

Rye's file is the best evidence--of course, the premise is that it is a real file and not a fake file that was fabricated casually.

According to official investigations.

The information in this file can basically be found to be correct. In other words, it is true. However, there are only a few people in the organization who can access this file. Personal.

"...Have you been abandoned by the winery?"

"Don't say it so harshly. It's just that you don't get along well with Rum."

Toru Amuro raised his head and glanced at Sano.

Originally he didn't intend to say anything, but after mentioning it like this, Toru Amuro suddenly remembered.

...The cook who was killed by Sano seemed to have been called Rum?


Toru Amuro looked up in shock.

"Did you kill Rum?"



Amuro Toru's head was filled with questions: "What do you mean, you're not sure who he is yet?"

"That's right, I feel like it's him."


The corner of Amuro Toru's mouth twitched, because of a single feeling, he made someone do it.

It really fits the winery style.

But the goal of this method is not quite right, right?

"What if he is really Rum, or do you really want to kill him?"

Faced with some curious questions from Toru Amuro.

Sano's eyes gradually became like looking at a fool: "That old guy wishes I had died today. Do you think I want to kill him?"

"...No, it's not certain yet. This file was given to me by Rum, right?"

Toru Amuro said tentatively.

Sano sneered: "It's better to avoid sowing discord, Lord Bourbon. My trust in Gin is as strong as my trust in you."

"trust me?"

Amuro Toru's eyes gradually became weird.

...If you trust yourself, what the hell will happen to you without even saying a word?

It was hidden like nothing.

How did this guy have the nerve to say the word trust?

Sano seemed to have seen Toru Amuro's thoughts, and added: "I believe you must be a good person, otherwise why do you think I would help you silence me? Although there is indeed my selfishness in it, but you are also involved."

Toru Amuro was stunned for a moment.

"...Are you afraid that my identity as a police undercover agent will be exposed?"

"if not?"

Sano began to ridicule again: "I have warned you a long time ago. An undercover agent dared to participate in public security activities without any disguise. It would be even better later. He directly negotiated on behalf of the official and directed the work in front of so many people, as if he was afraid that others would not do it. It’s the same as knowing who you really are.”

"...What can I do? If I don't care and the situation gets completely out of control, the final result will be that there is no point in me being able to continue undercover."

Amuro Toru rubbed her temples: "After all, you also have the pot."

"Heh, I helped you make amends, but you blame me."

"The key is that there's no point in making up for it now. Things have already happened. Even if you really killed Rum, it's not clear whether he has already sent the news back. Even if he hasn't, this matter will happen in the future. If it doesn’t reach the winery’s ears, that’s another story.”

Toru Amuro is really not in the mood to care about the undercover anymore.

The levels on both sides are completely different, there is nothing to say.

But Sano was very dissatisfied: "Who says it is meaningless? As long as he is really Rum, it is meaningful. Even if he is not, it will be the same if he does it in the future."


Toru Amuro raised his eyebrows and glanced at the time on the wall. He estimated that the group of people above would not come up with a result of the discussion in a short time. They were idle, so he knocked on the table: "You continue. .”

"My rumors reached Rum's ears earlier than you. Regardless of whether that guy is Rum or not, I can be sure that it cannot be a coincidence that the files appeared almost at the same time. In other words, Rum needs evidence."

Even if he is bored, Sano doesn't mind chatting.

But in this regard, Toru Amuro frowned and said: "It may be that Rum is afraid of your ability, but unfortunately, I don't have as strong an ability as you."

"Didn't you also say it was possible?"

"...betting on the odds?"

Toru Amuro also came to his senses.

The winery is an organization, so it must have rules... For example, he had been deeply suspected earlier and was even kidnapped by Sano.

But later due to lack of evidence, he was released again.

The only problem is that the opposition's definition of evidence is much lower than that of the affirmative. As for how much lower it is, it is very vague.

"Do you think it's possible to fool the past?"

In fact, there is no need for Sano to remind him at all. When the matter is over and he has time to sort out his thoughts, Amuro Toru will naturally know what he is doing.

But Toru Amuro decided to refer to Sano's opinion.

"There is something that cannot be fooled. In order to delve deeper into the intelligence of this matter, I used my identity as a detective and an acquaintance to intervene as foreign aid."

Sano was very skillful in using his tricks of deception.

...This guy does this a lot, right?

Before Amuro Tohru could say anything else, Sano suddenly said: "And if it doesn't work out, don't you have me to back you up? An Xin can be your bourbon."

"Are you going to back me up?"

Toru Amuro didn't understand Sano's logic... Could it be that he wanted to make a show of himself?

"Well, the leader of the intelligence team is your guarantee, who can touch you?"

"...Intelligence team leader??"

Amuro Toru's train of thought went off the rails.




"You're not talking about yourself, are you?"

Toru Amuro guessed all the answers at once, but as soon as he said it subconsciously, he denied it again: "No way, what are you kidding me about? If you make rum, it's not bad if you don't get chased by the distillery. You still want to be a rum?" Team leader?"

"believe it or not."

Sano was too lazy to explain, and Toru Amuro was doubtful, but had no way to verify anything now, so he continued to look at the files in his hand.

...One of the more interesting points.

In the cases that Sano was involved in, there were several relevant records that mentioned that the prisoner saw strange things on his body.


In this area, even a media that has published many popular reports but is very unpopular has reported on it, but no one has ever paid attention to it.

Not until now.

... Could it be that Sano is really just like the other monsters?

Do you have any special, unscientific abilities?

Toru Amuro was thoughtful, but then he changed his eyes. In the basic information on top of the mission experience, he discovered something was wrong in the column of symptoms.

Sano is mentally ill, which Rye can match.

But Toru Amuro had seen Sano's medical records earlier, and it seemed like what he saw here.

It's a little different.



Um? ?

Um? ? ?

Suddenly, Toru Amuro raised his head when he noticed something was wrong.

Look ahead again.

Sure enough, at some point, Sano had quietly broken free from his restraints. The straitjacket on his body had gone to someone unknown. There should have been no body underneath, but he had already put on that familiar set of clothes.

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