Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 685 Taboos of Human Technology

Sano family.

When Toru Amuro arrived in a hurry, he immediately looked Sano up and down, and then pulled two hairs without hesitation.

"Damn, come again?"

Sano glared at Toru Amuro dissatisfied: "Didn't it happen before?"

"in case."

Toru Amuro put his hair into a small sealed bag. When he arrested "Sano" in front of him, he naturally collected his fingerprints and hair and other related information, and compared it with the information about rye he had collected previously. Unexpectedly, The results of the side are not out yet, so now I have to make a second one.

...a little subtle.

After completing the most critical step, Toru Amuro turned his hand and pinched Sano's ear again. He pulled hard for a while until his hand was opened, and he was sure that there was no problem.

"It's fine if you don't pull my hair, but why are you pulling my ears?"

Faced with Sano's increasingly dissatisfied expression, Toru Amuro just replied calmly.

"Let's see if you and that Sano are the same person."

Sano pretended to be confused and said: "Then this has to do with ears...he is missing a piece of his ear?"

Toru Amuro was stunned: "How do you know?"

Sano lit a cigarette: "That's it, I've seen this fake before."


Conan also responded and joined the conversation: "So it really is that one?"


Toru Amuro was still confused and looked at Conan: "You also know?"

"Ah... let's leave it at that."

Under Toru Amuro's questioning gaze, Conan roughly explained what happened last time.

"...So, the difference between you is your ears?"

Toru Amuro looked at Sano again.

Sano nodded: "Yes, I rowed it, but it's a pity that the guy ran away."

Toru Amuro frowned: "So now there are two Sano and two Rye, and even without considering that they appear at the same time and can see their faces, there are two black masks... This is really messy. ah……"

...The earlier wave of Black Mask against the Self-Defense Forces.

Amuro also watched the live broadcast clips after Tetsuya Amuro. Of course, he also noticed the damn "Black Angel" setting and reasonably suspected that it was actually Rye.

Three sets of dual settings.

On the surface, it seems that there is a connection everywhere, but if you look closely, it seems that there is nothing, just like a mess, which makes people have a headache.

Conan next to him was curious about the "two ryes" that Toru Amuro just mentioned, but unfortunately he didn't wait for him to ask.

Toru Amuro suddenly glanced at Sano again.

"Speaking of which, even Black Death has two."

"…What do you mean?"

Conan confusedly changed his gaze between Sano and Toru Amuro.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Sano is actually the previous Black Death."

Conan: "..."

Why the hell is this "didn't you say it before" again! ?

"How much information did you hide from me?"

After complaining dissatisfiedly to Toru Amuro, Conan looked at Sano with an even more indescribable look: "...just in case I ask in advance, when did you not die in the dark? The one who tied me to a telephone pole Are you the one who slapped my butt, and the one who kicked me?"


Sano deliberately thought for a while.

"I can't remember clearly. I haven't been considered a black man for a long time. Besides, whether I am a black man or not, what does it matter whether I can beat you or not."

...In other words, Sano would still attack Conan even if he wasn't a black man.

Well, that makes sense.

Conan rubbed his forehead and sighed, but he also knew that now was not the time to talk about this.

"So what's going on over there? That guy deliberately took Sano's place and was taken away by you. I'm sure it's not as simple as escaping, right?"

Toru Amuro was silent for two seconds. He first explained the development of the situation at that time, and then began to explain the aftermath: "The current situation is that a large part of the official high-level officials have been killed, and those who are left behind are not sure whether they are afraid or something else. , very simply arrested all the radical officials involved in the Kusakabe incident and sent them to the prosecutor."

"...There is also a possibility that the remaining ones have actually defected to the black side a long time ago, or even more exaggeratedly have become followers of the black fox."

Conan put forward a new guess, his face full of solemnity.

Toru Amuro has also long suspected this: "But the problem is that there is no evidence at all. There are no traces of that guy's hypnosis. We can't tell who has been manipulated. Let alone an intelligence war, it is a head-on confrontation. It is undoubtedly a foul method comparable to nuclear weapons."


Conan also rubbed his temples with a headache: "But no matter how unscientific it is, there must be restrictions, such as the selection of targets and time... Otherwise, this war wouldn't have broken out?"


Toru Amuro nodded in agreement: "And so are the other members in black. If the black fox was really unlimited, he would have become the black god long ago."

"...Black God?"

Conan received a new intelligence blind spot.

Toru Amuro could only explain again.

Fortunately, this piece of information was not particularly important. Conan was too lazy to express his dissatisfaction to Toru Amuro, and then said: "Anyway, since the goal has been achieved, they should not do anything else. Come on, we need to prepare for a rainy day?"

"Well, we have to find a breaking point. Otherwise, the officialdom will become a piece of meat on the chopping board, and Hei Yi can do whatever he wants from now on."

Toru Amuro looked at Sano.

"What do you think?"


Sano came back to his senses: "What can I think about? I just lie down and think about it."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with me. Let's not talk about the fact that you were a black man earlier, nor the impostor who replaced you. The key is the file that Rum threw. Although the authenticity still needs to be considered. , but even if it is a counterfeit, it is unlikely that it can deceive the winery.”

Toru Amuro stared at Sano and finally showed his fangs.

"...To put it bluntly, you just don't believe me."

Sano looked at Toru Amuro without fear: "I can understand your current fear of the strange situation created by the black fox. The trust between each other has dropped significantly, but is it too much to do the same to me?"

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes: "Are you afraid?"

Sano smacked his lips and simply lay down: "Forget it, if you want to do something, just do it. I won't resist at most, but I don't need to actively cooperate. If there is really a problem, then what should I do? manage."

Upon hearing this, Toru Amuro immediately slapped his thigh.

"Okay, monitors, bugs and locators are a must. In addition, I have to follow you closely 24 hours a day until I think there is no problem."

Sano rolled his eyelids and was too lazy to reply.

...Be reasonable.

What Toru Amuro said just now was actually on the verge of breaking his skin. Not to mention resistance, even a complete betrayal was not too much.

But on the surface, Sano's response seemed to be a tit-for-tat confrontation with Toru Amuro, but in fact it was a step down - this was unavoidable distrust, but the real problem was not the black fox's hypnosis.

Rather, it lies in Rye’s ability to disguise himself.

Tohru Amuro wanted to believe Sano, but he couldn't.

At the same time, precisely in order to be able to trust Sano, Toru Amuro must say some things and do some things. It is best to agree, and you must agree if you disagree.

To put it bluntly, disagreeing is almost equivalent to feeling guilty and afraid.

Logically speaking, this kind of request for self-certification is definitely excessive, but in the end, Sano's response was still cooperative. If you can't believe it, then find a way to believe it. Anyway, you are not afraid of the shadow.

Being generous and generous is already the best way to deal with it at the moment.

With just this step, Amuro Toru's tense nerves relaxed a lot.

But before Toru Amuro could implement the method he just mentioned, a sudden text message forced this small meeting that was almost over to end prematurely: "Sano, come out with me."


Sano clasped his ears: "If I don't tell you what you want to do, just do it. I won't resist, but I will never ask for trouble. Don't expect me to cooperate."

…The implication is that it’s troublesome to go out.

Toru Amuro was silent for two seconds: "I'll treat you to dinner, the best."

Sano jumped up and said, "Okay, just put in some effort for the sake of justice."

Conan: "..."

Toru Amuro: "..."

Sure enough, no matter how you look at it, this man doesn't look like a qualified terrorist.

After reducing the suspicion again.

The three of them went out and came downstairs, starting separately.

On the rooftop opposite, two figures watched the white Mazda leave.

"...So, the officialdom is now completely under your control?"

Sano turned around and glanced at Curacao.

"You came all the way here just to ask this?"

"if not."

Sano lit a cigarette: "It's not bad yet, but it's pretty close."

... Just as Toru Amuro was worried, the remaining senior officials of Neon Official Party can be said to be obeying Sano's words. Of course, it is not necessary to say that all of them have become believers.

Sano hasn't had time to do this yet.

According to the original plan, Sano wanted his followers to secretly control the situation and form a small group quietly. In this way, he only needed to kill the most critical leaders among the top leaders, and then easily kill those annoying opponents. After that, some neutral entities remain.

Once that matter is over, the official command level will naturally be replaced.

But before taking action, very unexpectedly, a leader in his own faction showed an obvious desire to join Sano... Although the original plan was feasible, considering that the command would suddenly If it is thrown away randomly, there is a risk of being unable to control it back.

Sano simply kept such a leader and took direct control afterwards.

As for whether there are any hidden dangers in doing so.

Sano doesn't think the problem is big. Anyway, the current matter has been dealt with. Even if this guy rebels again, he doesn't care at all.

If there is a need in the future, then find another opportunity to brainwash this.

Is there a problem?

completely fine.

However, Curacao is still dissatisfied with this: "You have gone too far this time. Even if you control the Neon official, it does not mean that you can really be unscrupulous. There will be more people targeting you." .”

"so what."

Sano asked calmly, and Curacao smacked his lips and replied: "So I just want to ask you what you are going to do. To be honest, I don't care whether you want to die or not, but unfortunately I don't want to die, let alone you. With those children implicated, why not just give up the public identity and hide it temporarily until you can completely control the overall situation?"

Curacao made her point clear.

...This should also be a doubt that most people who know the inside story will have, that is, Black Fox's brainwashing methods are as invincible as nuclear weapons. As long as there is enough time, they can easily win without spending a single soldier, but in the end, the black fox is still You must keep an eye on Kusakabe.

It doesn't seem right to show your head in such a hurry.

In fact, it’s not that you don’t want to do it, but that you can’t do it.

Normal people may have such conjectures, and there are also conjectures that it cannot be done or does not need to be done, just based on the current situation.

Curacao is not wrong to feel that the black clothes may not be able to solve the huge troubles they are about to face, and there is nothing wrong in trying to gain a sense of peace of mind because they are worried about teammates who are on the same side as the community.

"... Figure it out, if I can replace one neon official, I can replace more."

Sano glanced at Curacao coldly: "It's just not necessary."

"Then what is necessary?"

"Certainly the most taboo part of human technology."

As soon as Sano said these words, Curacao was stunned.

"You guys, do you want to..."


Sano raised his index finger in front of his mouth, signaling to be silent: "Just know what's going on."

Curacao was silent for a long time, but finally couldn't hold it back and asked suspiciously.

"...Are you really not the Black God?"

Sano turned around and smiled mysteriously: "Be scientific, there is no such thing as God."

Curacao: “…”

...There is one thing to say.

Although the identities of the various members in black seem to have been basically clarified at the moment, if you really look into it, several of them still belong to the same, relatively vague neutral state, and Rye is one of them.

Some people think it is, and some people think it is just involved.

Of course, on the whole, I still prefer the former. Among them, Curacao knows more about the existence of Rye and is the only one who knows clearly that Sano is the real owner, so he has the deepest feelings.

...The black fox's hypnosis is unfathomable and the most dangerous?

No, the most unfathomable thing in Curacao's eyes is Sano.

Because this guy's disguise is too deep.

The random means used to reveal one's identity are already impossible to expose.

What if more unknown means are done at a deeper level?

Curacao didn't understand why Sano was obsessed with this stable and harmless identity, but her intuition told her that the other party must be hiding something deeper, just like the layer on the surface, which people can never catch the clue to.

That's why Curacao has its deepest doubts.

...As for whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter, and knowing it is of no use.

Curacao just needs to be sure that Sano knows it, and that is enough.

When he came back to his senses, Sano in front of him had disappeared.

Curacao probably also knows where they are going, and the follow-up work at the winery there.

But it's just getting on track.

The scene changes.

In an abandoned warehouse area near the sea, more than a dozen cars were scattered scattered.

Toru Amuro stopped the car.

"...Stay in the car and don't move."


Sano responded impatiently, and Toru Amuro got out of the car and walked towards the dozens of people gathered dozens of meters away... There was a privacy film on the window of his car, as long as no one opened the door and looked in. .

If you bring one more person here, you won't be discovered.

After approaching the group of people, Toru Amuro first glanced around secretly.

Toru Amuro could probably recognize less than half of the faces. All the members of the action team including Gin, the team leader, plus Mizuno Rei, Nai Totaka, and even the intelligence team members such as Black Fox. Except for Belmod, the rest The twenty or thirty people should be members of the intelligence team who have never met before... Of course, this does not mean that there are only so many cadres in the winery. Not to mention foreign cadres, there are probably domestic ones. Due to time and distance issues, there is no way Came back in time for the meeting.

Of course, the most important thing is...

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