Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 688 Promotion at the Speed ​​of Light

When Sano and Tohru Amuro return.

I saw an unexpected but reasonable person at the door.


Toru Amuro turned to look at Sano.

Sano didn't talk nonsense and asked directly: "Is something wrong?"

Haibara Ai, who was still looking troubled, glanced at Amuro Toru and then regained her cold expression, pretending to be unintentional and asked: "What are you two doing?"

"It's just personal surveillance."

Sano didn't have any scruples and explained truthfully. Haibara Ai nodded. Seeing that he didn't care about the other person, she naturally wouldn't get involved too much. She turned to Amuro Toru and asked, "Can I have a few words with him alone?" ?"

Toru Amuro looked at Sano again, hesitated for a few seconds, and nodded knowingly.

...Conan and Toru Amuro mentioned Haibara Ai's feelings towards Sano.

But even if you don’t mention it, you can probably guess it.

Even though Sano's suspicion has been greatly reduced now, even Toru Amuro no longer wants to waste time anymore.

But whether Hui Yuan Ai thinks the same as him, who knows.

Toru Amuro watched Sano and Haibara Ai close the door, turned around and lay on the railing, staring blankly. He could only hope that the little girl would be more sensible...

And just when Toru Amuro was worried about whether Haibara Ai would stubbornly believe that Sano was definitely Rye, and then do something not very good.

In the room, Haiyuan Ai just put down the lunch box in his hand.

"...I cooked a little too much for dinner."

Sano raised his eyebrows, opened the lunch box and took a look... Originally, Toru Amuro had agreed to invite Amuro to the dinner, and he planned to trick him into having a good meal.

As a result, after being dragged by this guy in the toilet for a while, Sano felt that he had no appetite and did not mention it again... The fake loli's skills were still acceptable for the time being. Of course, he didn't mind having sex for free, but the problem was that it had always been If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, how could you really be doing too much?

"So, you came here specially to deliver food?"

Haihara Ai fell silent... Of course not, she mainly wanted to come over and tell Sano that she would never say anything nonsense, so he could rest assured.

...After all, Miyano Akemi, who was let go, happened to be working part-time at Sano's cafe. If this is true, it is unlikely to be a coincidence.

If we look at Huihara Ai's words, they can only be illogical intuition.

So now that we have this layer, isn't it a sure thing?

...Although according to Miyano Akemi, she found this job herself.

But Haihara Ai still felt that this was Sano's intentional arrangement.

Otherwise, how could there be so many coincidences in the world? After he was also let go and became smaller, he happened to be picked up and brought home by Sano?

In other words.

If it were revealed that Miyano Akemi was still alive and was Mitsuki's love child, then Sano would undoubtedly be Rye in the eyes of others.

...Miyano Akemi also said that she was warned not to show up.

If Haibara Ai hadn't thought about it later and Miyano Akemi had to show up, I might not have had to wait until long before the sisters could meet each other.

Haibara Ai can certainly understand that Sano would do this because he had a lot of concerns, but no matter what, the other party didn't owe him anything.

The opposite of.

Haibara Ai knew that she owed Sano two lives, but because she didn't know before, she even resented him... It was a bit like repaying a favor with a grudge.

Hmm... Actually, Haihara Ai is a little embarrassed.

Therefore, the main purpose of this visit was to show his attitude that his sisters would definitely not cause trouble to Sano and to apologize for the previous incident.

Unexpectedly, Sano has been targeted by Toru Amuro.

But looking at Sano's behavior, there probably won't be any big problems. It's better not to get involved, so as not to cause any more trouble to Ping.

However, just when Haiyuan Ai was minding her own business and making excuses for herself, Sano suddenly stretched out his big hand and held her head.

"You should have something else to tell me, right?"

Sano knelt down and twisted Haihara Ai's head, forcing him to look into the eyes and asked.

"What, what are you talking about?"

Haiyuan Ai looked away with a guilty conscience.

"Apologies and thanks."

Sano didn't give Haibara Ai a chance to talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

...what this and that.

Not telling the truth is nothing more than being thin-skinned, which is also caused by an inexplicable self-esteem. He feels embarrassed if he gets too serious with Sano.

But how could Sano care about this?

You really think you don’t know what’s going on over there and you want to muddle through, right?

Originally, Sano didn't care, but now that this guy has taken the initiative to come to his door.

Is it enough to satisfy you with just one meal?

What kind of thing are you putting on this tsundere? Your head will be hammered crooked!

But when Sano pointed it out directly like this, Haihara Ai's face couldn't help but turn red from suppressing it, sweat squeezed out from his forehead, and the corners of his eyes twitched for a while.

Huihara Ai finally squeezed out a voice as small as a mosquito.

"I'm sorry...and thank you..."


Sano changed his grip to a pinch and looked down at Haibara Ai arrogantly: "Didn't you scream happily before? Why are you mute now? Scream louder. Who is sorry for whom, and who is thanking whom. Please explain clearly to me. Some."

Hui Yuan Ai couldn't hold back at all, closed his eyes and shouted.

"I, Haihara Ai, am sorry for Sano, and I thank you!"


Sano finally nodded with satisfaction and let go of his hand, while Haibara Ai ran directly to the door without looking back, opened the door and ran away as if running away.

Toru Amuro looked confused when he heard the noise at the door and turned around.

"...What did you do?"

Toru Amuro stared at Sano suspiciously: "Why do I feel like she is about to cry?"

"That must be because my education worked and moved her so much."

Sano leaned against the door frame and calmly lit a cigarette.

Toru Amuro: "..."

So, what exactly is being taught and how?

"Okay, now I have dinner. What are you going to do for dinner? Do you want to order takeout? I don't have the ingredients to make it for you. I can only eat instant noodles."


Toru Amuro complained as he walked to the refrigerator: "Don't you two, father and daughter, eat takeout instant noodles on weekdays? You don't even prepare any ingredients?"

"Stop talking nonsense. By the way, Huang Mao will be sent back later. Are you laying the floor?"


next day

Sano followed the address on the text message he received and came to the underground stronghold of a winery... although he thought it was more of a safe house due to its size.

On the bright side.

This is just an ordinary small bungalow.

But after opening a secret door from the basement and entering a string of garbled codes that were most likely randomly generated, Sano stepped onto a spiral staircase that went all the way down, and then walked down for about twenty or thirty meters.

Another code door.

When it opens, there is a straight passage, twenty or thirty meters further.

Sano finally arrived at the real destination and saw the true face of the person.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Sano."

A cold mechanical voice sounded: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Karasuma Renye."

Sano's eyes moved slightly.

He looked at the man with tubes inserted all over his body on the bed next to the substitute.

...that night.

A sudden news spread in the winery.

The boss of the winery died of illness and abdicated, and the new boss's successor was the leader of the intelligence team.


... Just two days after the death of Rum, the leader of the intelligence team, the boss also passed away.

Rye was promoted to the leader of the intelligence team and became the boss within two days.

You can imagine how chaotic it must be inside the winery.

"Hey, what's going on? Answer the phone!"

"Rye, where have you been?"



Looking at a lot of text messages from Gin on the phone, not to mention the number of missed calls. In addition, Belmode also tried to make contact, but unfortunately, the phone was muted. Sano still didn't choose to respond. He just put the phone back in his pocket and turned to look at Suzuki Sonoko: "Which way to go now?"

"Well, don't worry. Ah Zhen said we would meet here and just take in the scenery."

Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile.

At this time, Mao Lilan, who was lying on the railing watching the fountain, suddenly turned around, waved towards the distance, and showed a bright smile: "Xinyi over here!"

Sano also looked over, and then saw a certain little guy in the crowd, Hattori Heiji's version of Conan, looking confused.

"Kudo Shinichi" ran past Conan and started talking and laughing with Maorilan.

After turning his stiff eyes slightly and realizing that Sano was looking at him, Conan immediately calmed down a lot and waved to him.

However, Sano turned away from this.

...Don't pretend you didn't see it, asshole!

Conan was furious, but it was difficult to get close, so they could only hide temporarily. It was not until Sano and the other four turned to look for Mouri Kogoro who was enjoying the shade under the shade of a tree that they sensed an opportunity and hurriedly approached him.

After hiding in the grass and deliberately making some noise.

Kuroba Kaito almost knew that Conan, who had woken up, could no longer hold it in any longer, considering the purpose of his trip and the stability of his situation.

Kuroba Kaito decided to go over and comfort the famous detective.

"...You guys, you really dare to do this, and you actually stole my identity again."

Conan first expressed his dissatisfaction to Kuroba Kaito... Although there was no communication beforehand, he could probably understand what was going on.

On the way home last night, Conan felt that he was being followed by someone. Just when he was ready, he found out that the person was Mao Lilan. He immediately relaxed his vigilance, and then... came here.

Able to disguise as Mao Lilan and himself.

Who is this person? Conan feels that there is no need to ask more.

Kuroba Kaito smiled and said: "Oh, you can't make it anyway. What's the problem if you lend me your identity? I can bring you with me."

Conan curled his lips: "So, what do you want to do here by pretending to be me?"

Kuroba Kaito explained.

...As Kaitou Kidd, the purpose of all actions is naturally only gems.

This is Singapore, yes, abroad.

In the near future, an international martial arts conference will be held here, and Kyogoku Shin, an already well-known master, has also been invited.

Sano and his group came here just to watch Kyogoku Makoto compete.

Of course, for Kuroba Kaito, this is not the point. The point is that some time ago, a famous rich man in Singapore salvaged a big gem in the nearby sea and was a martial arts enthusiast.

The rich man decided to give this gem as a prize to the winner of this martial arts competition, so Conan and Kuroba Kaito got closer.

"...But since your goal is gems, there is no need to bring me here, right?"

Conan asked.

However, Kuroba Kaito just smiled mysteriously and avoided answering: "Then there is another reason, but that part is too complicated, so let's put it aside for now."

Conan gave him a dead eye.

"You didn't say anything, why do you think I will help you?"

"What can I do if you don't help me?"

Kuroba Kaito smiled and said: "Don't forget that I stuffed you in the suitcase and smuggled you here. You don't even have a passport. If you are discovered..."

Conan's mouth twitched: "Are you threatening me?"

"Hey, I don't have one. It's just up to you."

Faced with Kuroba Kaito's confidence, Conan thought about it and could only choose to accept the reality, but a few seconds later he suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, no, you stole my identity, didn't Sano react at all, or did you say hello to him in advance?"

Kuroba Kaito blinked: "No."


Conan immediately put a question mark on his face, while Kuroba Kaito kept smiling: "Actually, I also thought about how I could persuade Sano if he came over, but who knew that he didn't even ask when he saw me? It’s better to do less than to do more, so naturally I don’t want to waste more words.”

Conan: "..."

There is no doubt that.

Just like Kuroba Kaito knew without much thought, Sano must have known Conan's true identity long ago and knew that he was fake.

Sano must have already known what the current situation was.

But the two sides relied on a wonderful tacit understanding, and they tacitly understood that there was no nonsense... Only Conan, the victim, felt even more resentful.


If two people play with the rules of society, they just treat themselves as human beings, right?


And just when Conan was shaking with anger, Mao Lilan suddenly intervened.

Conan was shocked and couldn't care less about that. He quickly hid behind Kuroba Kaito, but unfortunately, his face was still seen by Maori Lan.

"Oh, this kid..."

"Ah ha, it looks familiar, it scared me too."

Kuroba Kaito was not nervous, so he casually started making up random things: "He is a local kid I just met. He seems to be called..."

Kuroba Kaito looked at Conan and blinked.

Conan understood what he was saying, his brain was running rapidly and he said: "My name is Arthur Hirai, I am a mixed race, my mother is a neon person, so I can speak neon language."

"I see……"

Perhaps because he felt that this face was so familiar, Mao Lilan's favorability was very high, and he immediately introduced the people in the team to Conan.

And when Mao Lilan asked Conan where his parents were.

Conan immediately said that his parents were traveling to Neon, leaving him alone to look after the house, so he joined the team naturally.

Then, because no one was waiting, Suzuki Sonoko took her mobile phone to meet Kyogoku, while Mao Lilan turned back to see how her father was doing.

After all, the weather was very hot, and Maori Lan was also afraid that Maori Kogoro would really suffer from heatstroke.

Conan finally had a chance to complain to Sano.

"Hey, Sano, what's going on with you? Aren't you worried that something bad will happen to me?"

...put aside the facts.

Isn't it possible that this "Kudo Shinichi" could be another criminal who knows how to disguise himself, and he himself has been killed, or was suffocated to death in the suitcase?

What if Kaitou Kidd has turned dark and doesn't care about his own life or death?

Don't trust this thief more than your own life safety!

"It's none of my business if you have an unexpected event. Anyway, it seems like an unexpected event is about to happen over there."

Sano replied impatiently, leaving Conan confused.

Following Sano's line of sight, Suzuki Sonoko over there seemed to be in trouble. She was being harassed by a careless man with a dozen or so bodyguards around him. She looked like a good girl being teased.

...What kind of look do you think you're actually teasing that bastard?

Speechless, Conan still didn't intend to watch, but before he could say anything, Mao Lilan, who had returned, asked Sano: "Half for one person?"

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