Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 694 Conan: Transformation! !

Sano looked back at Rishi.

"You want to kidnap Suzuki Sonoko, besides wanting ransom, is this the only reason?"

"Oh, that's right. Otherwise, how do you think we would dare to confront the officials of two countries so blatantly with just two or three hundred people?"

Rishi's smile became more and more wild.

"We are just an introduction. Although it sounds like the risk is quite high, since we already have this idea and as desperadoes we are not afraid of risks, we just want to make some extra money."

"Are you kidding? This is Singapore. How can Black Mask get here in an hour? Whether he can see it in an hour is a question."

Conan never expected that this trip would actually involve that person.

After subconscious analysis and refutation.

Next to him, Kaito Kuroba couldn't help but add: "He is in Singapore."


Conan looked at Kuroba Kaito in confusion.

Rishi also smiled and affirmed: "Well, the original request was to capture the eldest lady of the Suzuki family, as a Neon citizen and the daughter of the consortium, so that the public opinion of Neon and the Suzuki consortium would be given to that thing at the same time. The messenger of justice in Black Mask put pressure on him, forcing him to show up and kill him, but who would have thought that this guy would actually take the risk and save Kaitou Kidd in advance, which can be regarded as an unexpected surprise."

"...You were rescued?"

Conan looked at Kuroba Kaito again... He didn't even mention such important information to him. Sure enough, the thief couldn't be a real teammate.

What, real teammates also hide information, and there is more and bigger information?

Oh, let’s just pretend this hasn’t been said... Well, of course the focus right now is why Black Mask appeared in Singapore. It was obvious that it had been active in neon in the past, but it happened to be here at this time.

Naturally, it is hard not to doubt that this is not a coincidence.

The one who came here came with him, or with Kaitou Kidd.


Conan couldn't help but glance at Sano. Regardless of whether it was true or not, the level of suspicion in the eyes of outsiders would undoubtedly increase significantly.

Not good.

However, Sano's reaction to this was very calm.

"Really? Then we shouldn't need to intervene in this matter?"


Rishi and Conan Kuroba Kaito were stunned at the same time.

"No, 伱, even if their real target is Black Mask, Suzuki Sonoko is also your friend. How could you just ignore it? Moreover, according to the information I investigated, you and that guy should actually be in the same group. Did you really just ignore him just to avoid suspicion?"

"Your international joke is not very funny."

Faced with Rishi's surprise, Sano raised his eyebrows and said, "If you say he and I are on the same team, then we are on the same team. Besides, since you want to threaten him, you must capture him alive, right? Then what else is there to do?"


Conan and Kuroba Kaito looked at each other and blinked.

If there is a problem with what Sano said, that is indeed true, but if there is no problem, it still feels like something is not right... is it too leisurely?

When it comes to Suzuki Sonoko's safety, why are you so confident?

"Oh, it seems to have started over there too."

Before anyone could speak again, Sano looked up.

Conan and the others subconsciously looked up, and then saw a row of windows broken one after another, and several figures flying directly into the air.


Amidst the screams, bullets also burst out of the window, accompanied by several explosions.

...Originally, as Sano said just now, the purpose of the pirates is to take Suzuki Sonoko as a hostage. Naturally, they have to capture them alive. Even if Kyogoku Makoto, an outsider, intervenes, they should not use them casually. Weapons, as that would most likely inadvertently injure the target.

But now it has moved. Not only has it moved, but it can almost be said to be full-scale. In other words, the matter has become so troublesome that it is no longer possible to care about those details. Although it may be a bit unpleasant to say this, Conan is really difficult to I believe that Kyogoku, whose will was shaken, can easily achieve this level, coupled with the special situation.


Among the screams, there was a familiar female voice.

Conan and Kuroba Kaito looked intently. It was Kyogoku Makoto who jumped out of the window with Suzuki Sonoko in his arms. They must have been unable to escape inside and could only escape through this route, but... what should they do at such a height?

"I may not be able to rescue you in time..."

Just when Kuroba Kaito was about to launch his hang glider and soar into the sky, another figure jumped out of the window in the next second. However, unlike Kyogoku Makoto and the previous ones, this figure did not conform to the laws of nature. Instead, it seemed that it was being pulled by some force, drawing an arc in the air, and quickly approaching the two people.

"Don't move."

Several strands of spider silk were shot out one after another and connected to the waists of Kyogoku Makoto and Suzuki Sonoko. They were then connected to other spider threads to allow the two of them to swing out to reduce the force of their fall. After a few trips, the two of them landed safely. .

"Sonoko, Kyogoku!"

Conan immediately rushed forward worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"Well, it's okay."

Kyogoku put Suzuki Sonoko down and looked up worriedly.

Conan suddenly noticed that the bracelet on Kyogoku's wrist disappeared, and immediately asked with some confusion: "Where is your bracelet?"


Kyogoku glanced down at his wrist, then touched his head and said with a smile: "As for that, the black mask was torn off by me as soon as it came on..."

Conan: "..."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

How should I put it? They are really worthy of being in the same group?

Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but glance at Conan and then at Sano.

...Forget it, just pretend you don’t know.

Looking up again, the remaining pirates had all leaned out of the windows, aiming at the figures below and shooting indiscriminately.

And the black figure relied on the spider silk to jump flexibly on the 90-degree wall. It was impossible to be hit. It could even take the time to shoot a few spider silk on it to stick to some unlucky person. By pulling his forehead down, he can go down and keep company with the first wave of pirates.

...Almost the same number of pirates as below.

Although they didn't dare to let go because of scruples at the beginning, after Sano and Kyogoku knocked down nearly half of the number, these people couldn't hold back anymore and opened fire with full force.

And because the space above was relatively narrow, even Sano had no choice but to temporarily avoid the edge and "go out" with Kyogoku Makoto and Suzuki Sonoko.

Are there more than a dozen people left?

"Buzz buzz..."

Just when Sano was thinking about whether to just rush forward again and finish the thing, the sound of propellers was heard. He turned around and took a look. It was a helicopter with the logo of a TV station... It was probably the person in charge of the live broadcast on TV just now. That one is really not afraid of death.

War correspondent? This is it.

But before Sano could look away again, two large black holes appeared behind the helicopter's wide-open door... which were rocket launchers.

"call out--!"

Two rockets flew towards Sano with their tails trailing, and there was no time to dodge.


The explosion swept through Sano, almost hitting him instantly.

...There is no other way. If it is hung on the wall like this, it will be easier to face attacks from above, but if it is attacked from behind, even Sano will not be able to dodge it.

Another pitfall is this sneak attack.

It was unexpected, even more unexpected than knowing that there was a mastermind behind this kidnapping... Although Rishi had already said that there was someone behind it, and the live TV broadcast also mentioned that a certain terrorist group would be responsible.

But in the end, Sano didn't see those people.

If you think about it carefully, a terrorist group, no matter how well-known internationally, is just a terrorist group, not an army of a major country. It is impossible to say that it "attacks" Singapore just to kidnap an individual.

Not to mention whether you have the strength and courage.

At least if it were to be done, it would be impossible for Singapore not to notice it.

... This group of pirates were on the cruise ship that the rich second-generation family had expected to arrive, so they were not intercepted and successfully rushed into the enemy's position.

Therein lies the problem.

Currently, those who can hide people have entered Singapore, or to be precise, it is the means of transportation in this coastal city. It is just such a large cruise ship, and there is only this group of pirates inside, and no one else is there.

Not to mention what big "contribution" this terrorist group can really make.

Then why cooperate with a group of pirates?

Even if they are just cannon fodder, it proves that the main force is not good enough.

Therefore, Sano felt that either this terrorist group could not get involved at all and could only provide weapons to this group of pirates, or simply mix some people in... This also makes the strength of this group of pirates much more reasonable, and This is of course the best case scenario, otherwise the worst case scenario is that the terrorist group and its main force are hiding in the dark, quietly waiting for the opportunity to come.

Anyway, in Sano's opinion, the problem is not big.

But what people didn't expect was an accident... Of course, the focus is not on the strength of the main force, and it's hard to say whether it is the main force.

The key lies in the timing and location of the shot.

Instead of continuing the original plan while "Black Mask" was busy dealing with the pirates, to capture Suzuki Sonoko and threaten them, they directly attacked in a sneak attack.

"Black Mask" killed nearly 10,000 Self-Defense Forces troops in frontal battles.


There are very few people who know this and would still think of confrontation with force.

Even if it's just a sneak attack.

The evaluation is, is it audacious... And it is actually hidden on a TV station's helicopter. Who would have thought of this?

But the only one who can watch the situation here is Dahei.

Otherwise, if you use more eyeliner, you might be able to notice the abnormality above.

... Sano thought instinctively, but his brain was already in chaos, chaos in the real sense. He was so dizzy that he could not see or hear clearly. There was only the smell of blood in his nose and mouth, and severe pain all over his body.

Finally, there is a strong sense of weightlessness.

Driven by the explosion, Sano's falling speed was accelerated again.

Fortunately, the distance to the observation deck is not too high.

In addition, the spider silk in his hand was not broken by the explosion. After falling more than half way, Sano was pulled again and swayed for a distance before it completely collapsed.

Therefore, after it hit the observation deck and rolled twenty or thirty meters, it still had a breath.


Conan and the others subconsciously hid aside to avoid being smashed to death on the spot, and then looked back at the bloody figure under the flying rubble of tables, chairs, and rocks.

Although it's red and black, it's a bit hard to see clearly.

But he was probably still able to recognize it, and the smoking face was Kurosawai, which made Conan couldn't help but cry out in worry.

However, before a few people could go over to check the injury and see if first aid could be given.

The helicopter above has already landed.

"Damn it."

Kuroba Kaito and Kyogoku Makoto were just thinking about whether to go up to the top instead of Kurosawa's well. The next second, the two machine gun muzzles protruding from the helicopter forced the two of them not to move... If it was just the two of them. Forget it, maybe you can take a gamble and try to compete head-on with the opponent.

But behind the two of them.

It's Sonoko Suzuki, it's Conan, it's Kurosawa who is dying, Kogoro Mouri who has just woken up and is still a little confused, oh, and there's Ran Mouri who also just arrived at the observation deck.

Who the hell dares to move?

Conan frowned and stared at the helicopter. Several strong men with guns who didn't look like good guys jumped out, but they did not act rashly, but waited for the last rickety figure to slowly come down.

……That is?

Suddenly Conan's pupils shrank and he recognized that old face.

"Shouldn't this guy be in jail?"

Hearing Conan's confused voice, Kuroba Kaito turned around and asked, "What, do you recognize this old man... um, Arthur?"

"Nonsense, isn't it because Hei Yi and Neon Officials have been having trouble for a few days because of him?"

Conan's expression was extremely ugly: "The leader of the radical faction."

Yes, this makes sense. Why are you obsessed with Black Mask? It turns out to be a big enemy... But how did this guy come out?

Just forget it if there is no movement.

He even made such a big deal out of it.

"Oh, it's really miserable."

The old man didn't come near, he just looked at the inhuman form of Kurosawa from a distance, stroking his beard with a smile. After a while, he seemed to have had enough appreciation, and turned to look at Sano, Conan and the others: "No. It’s really a pity to see this guy’s remorseful face, but it doesn’t matter, what about you guys, do you have any last words you want to say?”

"Wait a moment."

Kuroba Kaito quickly said: "Shouldn't your target just be him? And since you have succeeded, there is no need to involve others anymore, right?"

...This is not because Kuroba Kaito is greedy for life and afraid of death.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, our side does not have an advantage. The key is that there are too many drag bottles. If we can get rid of the drag bottles first, we may be able to fight the most troublesome ones. Bottle to take away.

However, the old man suddenly laughed at this.

"Anyone else?"

"Are you kidding? Don't think I don't know. You are all in the same group!"

The old man's eyes suddenly became fierce, like a beast that was about to get out of control...Also, although Sano was highly suspicious, the rest of the people could not be said to be completely without suspicion, especially for a man who was so filled with hatred, For someone who would rather kill three thousand people by mistake than let one person go.

It’s not surprising that they are all considered enemies.

Conan, who felt both surprised and justified, quietly fell on something on the ground, which was a small black doll...

Or should we say dolls, dolls?

Anyway, it’s just that kind of thing. Of course, the key point is the appearance of this thing.

Black Masked Superman.

To say that this is a simple peripheral, Conan naturally cannot believe it.

Because there is no official black setting for Masked Superman, and no one dares to steal the "copyright" of the black mask, not to mention that this is Singapore and there should be no neon peripherals... In the end, Conan was very sure. .

There definitely wasn't this on the ground before.

Taking advantage of his short height, Conan quietly took a few steps back and squatted down. After picking up the thing, he hesitated for two seconds and made up his mind.


Conan held up the Superman pendant and shouted.

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