Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 700 The last kindness or madness

"A date for a fight..."

After watching the figure leave, Toru Amuro's expression turned extremely ugly.

"Sure enough, there is an ulterior motive for so many people appearing all at once."

Kudo Yusaku also saw Toru Amuro's thoughts: "It's probably the instructions of the Black God. Showing them all is an attitude. I just don't know if this guy will show up in three days... But I don't understand them." The way you handle it, the decisive battle, are you so confident?"

"Who knows."

Akai Hide lit a cigarette: "The question is how should we respond."

Toru Amuro and others were silent for a long time. Finally, they each took out their mobile phones and called the leaders above... The original meeting was terminated.

Now that the conference can be held openly, it makes people feel complicated.

Then came the next day.

Ordinary people within Tokyo began to evacuate under official arrangements. Of course, the actual situation was not clearly stated. It just stated that they must evacuate, but it was completely voluntary, if they were unwilling to evacuate.

The official will not force it.

There is only one point that must be emphasized, and that is the consequences.

Such an ambiguous attitude undoubtedly caused dissatisfaction among Tokyo residents. However, after the announcement was issued, various official departments had already begun to force the evacuation, and the people naturally panicked.

Many timid or cautious people followed suit.

And this move caused a chain effect. On the second day alone, more than half of the people evacuated or started to evacuate until the last day.

There are only a few stubborn ones left in the whole of Tokyo, and they still refuse to leave.

The official actually didn't care about this.

But if there are more left, Sano estimates that the authorities will probably have to take compulsory measures, otherwise it will be difficult to wipe the butt behind.

"...What do you think, you actually plan to start a war here?"

Looking back, Gin looked at Sano with a puzzled face. Whether he had earlier ordered him to lead the action team to focus on the protection around several target persons, or to locate and kill the professional killers who entered the neon territory, Or the current evil behavior that could almost confront the whole world made him feel very confused.

Sano had a cigarette in his mouth and did not answer.

Until a while later, Sano suddenly asked: "Gin, if one day you know that you are going to die, what do you think you will do?"


Gin was stunned, never expecting that Sano would discuss such a topic with him.

When did you start engaging in literature and art?

After a few seconds of silence, Gin replied seriously: "I will only die under the enemy's gun. Even in the end, I will try my best for the organization."

Sano looked weird for a few seconds, but Gin didn't change his expression.

"Forget it, forget it, that's it, you should quickly organize the people below to withdraw."

Seeing Sano getting up and about to leave, Gin quickly stopped him and asked, "Wait a minute, what did you mean by that question just now? Are you going to die?"

Sano paused and didn't respond. He just waved his hand and continued to leave.

...Just like Gin said.

Confronting the whole world head-on, well, this may not be the whole world, but it already represents half of the powerful officials. Even if we really win, then what we will face next will undoubtedly be the whole world. This obviously does not mean that it is the whole world. It was not a wise choice, and according to Sano's original idea, he should have used the nuclear button to make other countries fearful.

As long as time is delayed, Sano will be able to take over the world sooner or later.

Whether it is using brainwashing to gradually erode the officialdom of various countries, or directly using "superpowers" to slowly convert the foundation of the world into theocracy.

The results are the same.

It wasn't until he came into contact with Karasuma Renye that Sano learned the truth.

Sano was indeed dying, but of course it was not death in the actual sense.

...the memory goes back to the previous life.

Sano's life was relatively short.

When I was a child, I was studying in the countryside of my hometown. My father worked outside all year round, and my mother stayed at home to study with me. Except for a friend who was very good at playing with Baijiafan, there was nothing special... Oh, this friend was the one Sano mentioned, who often had sex with her. The two-thorned monkey watching anime with him.

If you have to say something special.

That is, when he was ten years old, Sano killed someone, but it was self-defense. He and his friend were almost forcibly abducted, and then he killed the person for no reason, although no one blamed him afterwards. There was no such thing as treating him as a monster or having any strange eyesight. The official even arranged for a psychiatrist to comfort the two of them.

After that, it was really uneventful.

With outstanding academic performance among rural children, I went to high school in the city and got into a pretty good university. Unfortunately, I gave up halfway and went to work. I spent a few years in a muddle-headed but relaxed manner.

Putting aside the stage where I was urged to get married but kept perfunctory, at least it wasn't too sad.

Then comes the final stage.

This aspect can be considered relatively close to the movie.

Sano's family of three had an accident, and the accident happened to the local black society.

Although the compensation was adequate and the punishment was carried out according to the law.

But Sano felt it was not enough.

Neither too sad nor too angry, just out of a feeling close to responsibility, Sano planned to take revenge, and his friend joined him.

However, before the two of them could take action, they were stopped by a lame old man.

The man claimed to be a retired policeman and had been involved with that black society. That leg was just missing. However, due to imperfect laws in the early years, there was nothing he could do against that group of people, let alone now.

So the old man tried to help Sano get revenge.

The way to help is also very simple, which is to provide two pistols and intensive training, mainly on the use of pistols, after a month or two.

It's just barely enough to see through.

In the end, that's it.

The common man was so angry that his blood spattered five steps, and after a mess, his revenge was successfully avenged.

Sano was gone too and came here.

In fact, Sano himself had almost forgotten this memory, but he saw it again in the notebook given by Renya Karasuma.

That's right, the book that records Sano's time travel.

But it was still given to me by an outsider.

Sano thought it was outrageous at the time, but who knew it would be even more outrageous in the future.

According to the introduction at the back of that book.

Sano actually didn't travel through time a year ago, but hundreds of years ago, but at that time he didn't even have a golden finger, but just one.


Relying on the supernatural talent that came from nowhere, Sano quickly reached the peak of the alchemist, and finally performed the forbidden alchemy.

eternal life.

And it was extremely successful.

But as we all know, the essence of alchemy is equivalent exchange. While living forever, Sano also paid a price. Just like these current equipments, in addition to their effects, they also have restrictions similar to side effects.

Sano's "immortality" does not mean keeping the same body forever.

Instead, after aging naturally for a period of time, the body automatically turns back time.

In general, they will return to the age of eighteen or nineteen, but accordingly, the memory will also regress... Of course, the memory here only refers to the memory after Sano's time travel. In other words, every time the memory regresses.

Sano will always return to the state he just traveled through, thinking that he has just arrived.

...Inexplicably, I feel a little afraid of that taste when I think about it.

And the last time... Sano also forgot which time his memory regressed.

Anyway, it was Sano who met Karasuma Renya.

Although not detailed.

But Sano always felt that the organization would study this elixir.

I'm afraid it's also directly related to myself?

Of course, the point is that in Sano's view, memory is human life.

Every time the memory regresses.

On the surface, it seemed that he was just back to the starting point, but Sano felt that it was tantamount to death, and Renya Karasuma seemed to feel the same way.

So much so that when he spent his whole life pursuing immortality, but in the end he was still struggling to survive without success, Karasuma Renya didn't even talk to Sano.

Because I know very well that the two sides simply cannot empathize.

In the end, he just silently handed the organization to Sano and lay breathless on the bed.

The most troublesome point is that Sano's time is running out.

The earliest time regression was after twenty years. Logically speaking, Sano still has at least nineteen years left, but the problem lies in the subsequent regression.

The time interval between time reversal began to become shorter and shorter.

Until this time, the previous reasoning regression interval had only been one year.

In other words, Sano only has one month left.

The above is the general situation. Of course, there are some details in the book, such as some photos of Sano from earlier, to prove to him that this is not a joke or a conspiracy.

In the past, "Sano" did not think about changing this retrogressive phenomenon.

But undoubtedly they all failed.

In this term, because the time interval was too short, I didn't even have any contact with alchemy, because in just one year, it was impossible to go deep.

The current equipment is actually the product of alchemy in the past.

The so-called system is just a small means similar to a program.

After the previous one created the substitute messenger so that Sano could take over, he never struggled again and left the choice to himself.

Whether to wait for death or to struggle in vain, it all depends on Sano.

...It can be said that the seemingly struggling choice is of no use at all.

A month, no, not even a month at this point.

What can I do?

Sano couldn't understand even more. It might have made sense for his predecessor not to let him come into contact with alchemy, but why did he spend so much effort to create a system? It was still like this in the end anyway. What's the point?

Can't understand, can't understand.

Returning his attention to the present, Sano, who knew everything, naturally no longer had any thoughts about twists and turns. There is an old saying about planting flowers.

When a person is about to die, his words are also good.

In the past, Sano would choose to help those unlucky people who were implicated by him. Maybe there was this factor, but it was other than that.

It’s hard to talk about others.

For example, the mushroom bomb dropped very decisively.

The so-called people who are about to die are also kind to their words, which means that people often become very gentle before death. Especially in many movies and novels, the more evil villains usually do more evil, the more gentle they are at this time.

It can be said to be the last kindness in the human heart.

On the contrary, thinking that he was about to die became even more unscrupulous.

That was the final madness.

If he had to die, Sano and Gin would have the same idea.

White dots gradually fell from the black sky.

Sano paused, squinted his eyes and saw through the street lights that it was snowing.

After raising his hand to catch a few snow spots, Sano lit a cigarette.

"Obviously it will feel better if it rains."

Rain washes away everything, and although snow can cover it, it has to be heavy snow.

If not, it will only serve as a contrast.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s more or less a background, otherwise it would be too boring.

Sano moved on.

Tokyo is already like a dead city, the streets are empty except for Sano.

The road with only street lights is getting farther and farther.

The back gradually merges into the darkness at the end, becoming increasingly blurry.

Until we reached the end of the road and came to an intersection, the sound of the propeller of the helicopter above became clearer and clearer, and finally it flew out from behind the building.

A lamppost hit Sano directly.

"It's really surprising. I originally thought about taking the initiative to find him, but was he so proactive?"

Sano stopped, put his hands in his coat pockets, and unconsciously tightened his clothes... It felt like the temperature was a bit cold tonight.

In a moment of distraction, there were already more than a dozen lampposts hitting Sano, but there were still more lampposts constantly sweeping around.

This was naturally to check if Sano had any teammates.

On the ground, tanks and armored vehicles gradually approached, coming into Sano's sight.

Finally, they stopped at a distance of one or two hundred meters.

...It feels a bit like the one-on-one battle with the Self-Defense Forces earlier.

Countless figures began to spread out quickly. Sano saw many heavy machine guns, and many heavy sniper muzzles appeared on the surrounding buildings.

With tanks and heavy machine guns as the center, the surrounding soldiers were carrying rocket launchers and probably flamethrowers, and more of them were cold weapons.

There are no such things as pistols, rifles, and submachine guns.

This is very similar to the mode set previously for rye.

It's just that it's been upgraded to the top in terms of scale.

And a single figure walked out and stopped dozens of meters away from Sano.

Against the backdrop of lampposts.

The snow spots became clearer, and Sano's face looked a bit whiter.

Toru Amuro, who was wearing headphones, saw the familiar face and unconsciously lost consciousness for a while until he discovered that a small piece of Sano's ear was missing.

Then he calmed down a lot.

"We are here, where are they?"

Faced with Toru Amuro's question, Sano calmly replied: "It's just me."


Before Toru Amuro could speak again, Sano spit out the cigarette butt and transformed directly into the mask form. Under deliberate control, the coat was not wrapped inside, but put on the outside, but at the same time it was put on the inside. He added a thug suit and directly modified the sniper sunglasses and fox demon mask.

The two merge into the mask form.

The motorcycle helmet is in the form of a mask, with a pair of large bulbs on the face, a pattern similar to a fox protruding from it, and a pair of ears on the top of the head.

With a final wave of his hand, the modified black knife finally no longer looked like a wooden knife, but a completely black sharp knife, with a cold light shining on the blade and tip.

With open permissions, in addition to the vest, Sano can naturally modify other core equipment, but the suit thugs and special attack suits have not been modified.

The former is necessary and cannot be changed.

The latter is too weak after the change, so there is no need to change it.

As for the fox demon mask and the black knife, the former has almost remained unchanged, while the latter has been in a normalized killing mode, that is, the momentum attribute bonus has been cut in half. Considering the modification time, there is actually no big problem.

Except these core equipment.

The cat demon form under the mask has also been unfolded, and the martial arts bandage has also been put on.

It can be said that they are almost useful buffs, and Sano has stacked them all.

The strongest form when alone is full power.

"I'll give you a discount, I only use one life."

Sano pointed the tip of his sword forward and shouted in a cold voice: "Come!"

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