Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 77 77, Conan: There is someone behind you!

"No, there is an enemy in the USB flash drive!"

Waves of shouts rang out in the house, and the men in black quickly launched a search, both inside and outside the house.

Sano, who was wrapped in an oni coat and a passerby's hat, was holding a USB flash drive and standing in a dark corner watching the people in black walking back and forth, looking for traces of himself, but even if one or two people occasionally passed by him, they would not be there. I didn't notice anything wrong.

Do you want to hide here until these people retreat?

Sano rubbed his fingers, and then realized that he was still wearing black leather gloves. The friction was not as good as before, so he could only sigh with regret.

Forget it, looking at this posture, these Sanhuahui people should not retreat easily. Let alone wait until dawn, I am afraid that even if it is still dark, they will realize something is wrong if they pass in front of them too many times.

Please resolve it as soon as possible.

Sano moved and touched a man in black who was standing in the corridor with his back to him. The moment he lifted up the mask with the word "kill" on his chin with his left hand, the hammer of justice suddenly fell.


In a house full of footsteps, a muffled sound didn't cause any disturbance at all.

Sano took off his mask again, dragged the man in black to a corner, blended into the shadows again, and moved towards the next target.

As for the effect of the Hammer of Justice, it is actually very volatile in Sano's hands.

Because it does not have the property of causing direct damage, when this thing hits a person, it seems to have no impact. If you want to knock people out, you can only rely on pain.

The amount of pain that the Hammer of Justice causes to a person is not only determined by the sin of the person being hammered, but also depends on the force Sano exerts on the person being hammered.

In short, the real function of the Hammer of Justice should be to convert the impact force into pain, and have different levels of bonuses depending on the target.

Although it was just a reference, Sano would have to hit a murderer on the head at least five times to knock him out under normal circumstances. Last time, the Sankakai members basically needed two or three hits.

And if you are in the special attack server state, one hammer is enough.

The combination of the special attack suit and the Hammer of Justice is undoubtedly a positive one.

But outside of that, Sano's passerby hat is not.

The low presence of the passerby hat is an important core of Lao Liu's tactics, but it is greatly affected by the momentum attribute.

Once the special attack suit is put on neatly and the momentum attribute is improved, Sano's presence will skyrocket.

Therefore, Sano is also taking this opportunity to conduct an experiment.

That is to use the strong attack mode interspersed with the old six tactics. Anyway, whether the special attack suit takes effect or not is just a lift and pull of the mask.

Coupled with the passerby's face effect of the passerby hat, Sano does not have to worry about being seen by others. The mask of the special attack suit will not be implicated in his black death vest.

Just perfect.

There were only about twenty men in black at Maru Denjiro's house. They were all scattered in order to carry out the search. This was undoubtedly a natural hunting ground for Sano.

One after another, the men in black were knocked unconscious and put into corners. At a certain moment, only the last person was left in the house, and the other party finally woke up.

"what's the situation?"

The man in black was breathing rapidly, and he didn't know whether it was due to the physical exertion of the search or because he was frightened.

"Where have all the people gone?"

Listening attentively, there was silence in the courtyard. Not to mention the communication signals between teammates, there was no sound of footsteps at all, only the night wind blowing the green plants.

How is this possible? Isn't there only one person on the other side? No matter how powerful he is, he can only escape at most. How can he still have the intention to... fight back?

Cold sweat broke out quietly, and the man in black couldn't help swallowing, his muscles tensed up, and while he carefully observed his surroundings, he also began to slowly retreat out of the house.

It's not good, let alone arresting people now, all the teammates were wiped out before the shadow of this damn person could be touched. Could that guy be a ghost?

Suddenly, the man in black stopped, and a chill rose from his tailbone to the back of his head.


The man in black fell to the ground, and Sano stood at the door with a little excitement in his eyes.

A little exciting.

In fact, Sano originally just wanted to find a way out through this old six interleaving tactic, but when he came to his senses later, he found that the people on the opposite side had less than half of their combat strength.

So Sano simply left in no hurry. Isn't it the best way to retreat if the group destroys the opponent?

Sano reached out and touched the USB flash drive in his pocket. In this way, the task was perfectly solved.


However, just as Sano was about to leave, he noticed something moving in the courtyard, and immediately got into the shadow of the corner again.

Did Sanhuahui's reinforcements come so quickly?

Forget it, it doesn't matter, just think of it as playing again.

Sano turned the hammer of justice, his eyes full of excitement.

In the courtyard at this moment, a short figure was sneaking in sneakily.

The next second, Conan saw a man in black who was thrown behind the green plants. His expression suddenly changed, he rushed over and felt his pulse, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not dead, just comatose..."

Then, Conan frowned and started thinking again. Judging from the man's clothes, he seemed to be the men in black he had seen during the day. These guys were indeed planning something and actually sneaked into other people's homes in the middle of the night.

But why was this man beaten unconscious again and left here?

With such doubts, Conan touched the watch on his wrist and began to continue exploring the house.

A minute later, Conan arrived in front of a room, the look in his eyes becoming more solemn.

Because Conan had just explored all the way, he found more than two digits of men in black who had been knocked unconscious in different corners!

What is going on here...

Conan actually knew very well that what happened tonight was beyond what he could handle. Whether it was these men in black or the unknown people who knocked these men unconscious, I am afraid that they were not something he could handle alone. .


Such a confusing situation will make people even more curious!

Licking his lips, Conan sneaked into the room in front of him.

Although it is not particularly certain, judging from the location distribution of the unconscious men in black that Conan saw along the way, the man who knocked them unconscious was either beaten out from here, or came here from outside.

With his heart pounding, Conan saw the man in black lying upside down in the room through the moonlight.

Not dragged into a corner?

Looking at this guy who seemed a little different from the other men in black, Conan frowned slightly. In this case, it could only mean that the unknown person who knocked the opponent unconscious felt that there was no need to hide anymore.

This was the last one to be knocked unconscious...

Conan's pupils suddenly tightened. The man in black may have been the last one to be knocked unconscious, but the one in front of him may not have felt the need to hide. It could also be...

No time to hide!

A black shadow cast down from above, covering the moonlight in front of Conan.

Behind your back! !

ps: Handsome guys and beauties are all talking. If you don’t talk, you can even vote for recommendations, so that I know I’m not cool (嘤嘤嘤).

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