You have to choose a location where the sun can shine in the fastest!

This side is blocked by rocks, which is obviously not a good choice!

The other side has good lighting, but it is too far from the cave entrance!

And the location near the cave entrance is blocked by the reef outside.

After careful consideration, Miyamoto Han finally decided on the land for planting seeds.

He dug a hole, threw the seeds in, and covered it tightly with soil. He also stepped on it twice to prevent people from finding out that this place had just been dug.

After doing everything, Miyamoto Han left reluctantly.

Who knew that it was better to come at the right time than to come at the right time? When he just returned to Shimamura, he ran into Maori Kogoro who was surrounded by a group of ignorant villagers.

Miyamoto Han immediately rushed forward.

"You murderer!"

"You were the one who killed Hamada!"

"What a famous detective! He is simply a murderer!"

Kogoro Mouri was cornered and waved his hands,"I told you I am not the murderer! I became like this when I woke up! You must believe me!"

"Don't explain! Why did you run out in the middle of the night? The patrolling guards saw you and said you were chasing Hamada in armor! You must be the murderer of Hamada!"

"We shouldn't have allowed outsiders like you to enter Shiki Island in the first place. You angered the soul of the navy! That's why things like this happened today!" said an old man.

"Yes, hand him over to the police and drive them out of Shikishima!"

The people in the back began to respond.

Miyamoto Han grabbed Xiaolan from the crowd.

"Han, you are finally back, where have you been just now?"

Xiaolan threw herself into Miyamoto Han's arms.

"Dad was wronged! I believe my dad will never kill anyone!"

Miyamoto Han touched Xiaolan's head and said,"I know Uncle Maori very well, he will never kill anyone.Xiaolan, please stay here for a while. I'm going to talk to those fools."

"Han, don't go. The villagers are very angry now. If you go up, I'm afraid you will be in danger."

""Stupid, don't you know how strong I am? Don't worry, all these people combined are no match for me."

After letting go of Xiaolan, Miyamoto Han resolutely squeezed to the front and stood in front of Maori Kogoro.

"Dear villagers, listen to me! Uncle Maori is not the murderer! The real murderer is someone else!"

"You are a member of Maori Kogoro's gang. What qualifications do you have to speak for him? We will no longer believe what you say!"

"Yes! We won't believe your lies anymore!"

"Get off our island! We don't need ignorant outsiders like you!"


Who is ignorant is still unknown!

Miyamoto Han grinned and said,"Maybe you think I am not qualified, but the reason why your Shikishima has such a prosperous tourism industry today, don't forget who helped you? Don't forget the well digger when you drink the water!"

"Who do you think you are?" A middle-aged man pointed at Miyamoto Han's nose and shouted

"I am from the Miyamoto family!"


"Can you listen to me now?" Miyamoto Han tilted his head and said,"Uncle Maori chased out because the murderer in armor wanted to attack Uncle Maori, and he chased out to catch the murderer."

"So you mean to say that he accidentally killed Hamada?"

"Of course not. Uncle Mori was attacked by the murderer after he came out and fainted. In fact, Hamada had been killed by the murderer before Uncle Mori chased him out!"

"What evidence do you have? Hamada is dead now, so you can make up whatever you want!"

"Of course I didn't make it up! If you don't believe it, you can go to the ghost ship and look for it. There is Hamada's blood on the deck. The blood has dried up, which means Hamada has been dead for more than three to four hours. At that time, Uncle Maori was still sleeping!"

"Really? Go check it out!"The village chief, Mikami Takeo, waved his hand, and the guard ran to the cabin with a flashlight to check.

Less than five minutes later, the guard came back.

"Report to the village chief, there is indeed blood on the cabin"

"But that blood may not be Hamada's."

"If you don't believe me, you can take it for testing. I'm 100% sure that it's Hamada's blood!"

Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses.

""Don't come out in the middle of the night, or you'll be misunderstood!" Mikami Takeo said angrily, turning his back and walking away.

Those ignorant villagers also left tactfully.

Conan stood beside Miyamoto Han and asked secretly:"Miyamoto, I didn't see you on the cabin just now, and you didn't seem to be at the scene when Uncle Maori was attacked? How do you know so clearly?"Conan was speechless. It was as if this guy was reading a script!

"Haha, can't I just listen to what Xiaolan said?"

This is obviously unbelievable, okay?

"Uncle Maori was attacked. You heard about it from Xiaolan, but you couldn't have heard about the blood on the cabin from Xiaolan, right? Moreover, I was in the cabin the whole time and never saw you go up there. How did you know that there was Hamada's blood on the upper deck? And you also knew that it had dried? Did you see the murderer?"

Miyamoto Han must be hiding something!

Conan showed a"sinister" smile

"I saidYou are such a talkative kid, aren't you? Is my guess not good enough? I guessed that there were traces of Hamada on the deck, I guessed!!"

"Too perfunctory"Conan rolled his eyes, but Miyamoto Han���

Conan was already thinking about who the murderer was. The deceased Hamada was killed by a sword through the throat. When he turned up his sleeves, Conan saw some traces of being tied up with a rope!

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