Kogoro was not willing to believe it, and hurried to the next room to look at the window.

As Takeno said, the window could only be opened a small gap. Maori Kogoro tried to go out through the window sideways, but was stuck in the middle. In the end, it was with the help of Miyamoto Han and others that Maori Kogoro managed to escape.

"It seems that Mr. Takeno can't be the murderer!"

Maori Kogoro came to this conclusion.

Miyamoto Han always felt that this case was not as simple as he imagined. The reasoning of this case in the original book was not very rigorous, so Miyamoto Han wondered if the truth of the matter was not as it was said in the original book!

Looking down from the window, Conan was still talking to a policeman at the crime scene. Because the distance was too far, Miyamoto Han was not clear about the content of their conversation.

After Conan asked, his eyes wandered between the two apartments, and suddenly a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Soon, Conan appeared at the door of Takeno's house.

He opened the anesthetic watch in his hand and aimed it at Maori Kogoro's neck and gave him a shot!

Maori Kogoro staggered like he was drunk and sat down cross-legged by the window.

"Inspector Megure, I already know the truth of the matter!"Conan said, tuning the voice changer to Maori Kogoro's voice

"Hey, is this true, Maori?"

"Yes, Inspector Megure, the real murderer is actually Mr. Takeno!"

"Mr. Takeno?" Inspector Megure asked with a question mark on his face.

"Mr. Maori, I have been in this room all night, how could I possibly kill Ikuta? Do you still think I can climb out of the window?" Takeno retorted.

"Of course not, Mr. Takeno, you only need three things to easily kill Ikuta!"

"What three things, Maori?"

"Inspector Megure, could you please prepare these three things now: fishing line, hemp rope, and a cloth bag filled with stones!"

"Please wait"

After about two or three minutes, all three items were ready.

"Officer Takagi, could you please go to the top floor of the apartment opposite now?"

"Oh, okay!"

Officer Gao Mu said and trotted away

"Inspector Megure, now pick up the slingshot on the table, tie the fishing line to a stone, and hit the stone to the roof of the apartment building opposite. Inspector Megure did as he was told, and he bent his bow like an eagle, and shot a bullet through the narrow window.

The stone fell to the roof of the apartment building in a parabolic trajectory.

At this time, Inspector Megure's intercom rang.

"Inspector Megure, my name is Takagi. I'm already on the rooftop of the apartment building opposite. Do you have any instructions for me?"

"Officer Takagi, please untie the fishing line from the stone and tie it to the railing."Sleeping Kogoro said

"Okay, Inspector Megure, I've tied the fishing line!"

"Brother Maori, what should we do next?"

"Inspector Megure, now you tie one end of the hemp rope to one end of the fishing line, and then pull the other end of the fishing line back." Inspector Megure did so, and then the fishing line was completely pulled back, and a very thick hemp rope replaced it between the two roofs.

"Inspector Megure, please untie the fishing line now, and then tie the cloth bag filled with stones to the hemp rope. Yes, Officer Takagi can now go to the victim's location downstairs."

"Inspector Megure, I'm already downstairs!"

"Inspector Megure, now, release the bag in your hand and throw it towards Officer Takagi's position!"

The bag filled with stones hit the wall where Takagi was standing with a bang.

"Takagi, what's the situation?" Inspector Megure asked into the intercom

"The stone hit exactly where the bloodstains remained!"

"Very good, now Inspector Megure, please pull the hemp rope and pull the bag back."

After passing the railing of the building opposite, the bag hit a wall downstairs of Takeno's house.

"Omura, you said that you often heard knocking sounds on the wall at night. In fact, it was because Mr. Takeno was practicing this technique day and night!"

"But brother Maori, although this method is wonderful, do you have any evidence?"

"The evidence is the pair of hiking socks on Mr. Takeno's feet. The weather is so hot, but Mr. Takeno is wearing such thick hiking socks. Don't you think it's strange? Because Mr. Takeno used hiking socks to commit this case! He hid the stone in the hiking socks and completed this method! The best evidence is that the back of the hiking socks must be stained with Ikuta's blood!"

""Mr. Takeno, can we check your hiking socks?" Inspector Megure asked sharply.

"No need, officer." Takeno lowered his head,"I was the one who killed Takeno!"

Conan smiled behind Maori Kogoro, it seemed that this time, he had defeated Miyamoto Han!

"Mr. Takeno, you didn't kill him!"

Miyamoto Han suddenly stood up and said

"Miyamoto, what are you talking about?" The sleeping Kogoro raised his voice and asked:"Mr. Takeno has already admitted it, could he be wrong?"

"Uncle Maori, your reasoning is correct, but you missed one point.Since Mr. Takeno used your method to kill people skillfully, but in fact, when the slingshot was fired, an error had already occurred. Tell me, if he used that method, without Officer Takagi on the other side, how could he have completed such a method alone?"

"He just prepared it in advance!" said the sleeping Kogoro

"That's right, that's the problem! In fact, Mr. Takeno is not the only one involved in this murder!!"

"What???" Everyone present was shocked

"There is another person who participated in this murder! That is you! Mr. Kusaka!!"Miyamoto Han pointed at him and said

"You must be kidding! Takeno has already admitted it himself! How could I still be involved?"

"That's right! Miyamoto and Takeno have already admitted it." Inspector Megure said

"Inspector Megure, if you don't believe me, you can check Takeno's current socks. I guarantee that there will be absolutely no blood stains of the deceased Ikuta on them!"

"What? Really?" Inspector Megure looked suspicious and turned to Takagi and ordered,"Takagi, take Mr. Takeno's socks and check for blood immediately!"


After a while, Officer Takagi returned to the scene,"Inspector Megure, after inspection, I found that there was no blood stain on the hiking socks!"

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