Miyamoto Han and Shiota Heihachiro quickly arrived at the crime scene.

When Maori Kogoro saw his master, he felt like his hair was exploding.

"Hey! Where are you from, old man?"

"Maori, is this how you address your master? You are so disrespectful, don't you think about the days when you were a detective, I was following you and that kid Megure around every day to clean up your mess!"

Maori Kogoro held his forehead with his hand."Master Shiota, why did you come to Izu if you have nothing to do?"

"The senior travel group happened to be short of one person, so I signed up. I didn’t expect that I would actually be accepted!" Shiota Heihachiro said with a smile

"By the way, isn’t your partner Megure? Who is this policeman with a bird’s nest head?" Shiota Heihachiro pointed at Officer Yokomizo and said.

Yokomizo pointed at himself, with a frown on his face,"Old man, my name is Yokomizo, not the policeman with a bird’s nest head!"

"All rightPolice officer with bird's nest"

"Mr. Maori! Who is this weird old man?"Yokomizo pointed at Heihachiro Shiota and asked

"He was my and Inspector Megure's mentor when we were young.Always like to show off your little deeds!" Kogoro Mouri put his hand to his mouth and whispered to Officer Yokomizo.

As a result, he was directly killed by Heihachiro Shiota with a Thousand Years of Death,"I can hear everything bad you say about me!"

"Aren't you hard of hearing?" Maori Kogoro asked loudly, holding his sore spot.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"This old man, his ears are quite sharp when people say bad things about him!"Mouri Kogoro rolled his eyes at Shiota Heihachiro.

Conan on the side looked at Shiota Heihachiro very excitedly. He was known as the Japanese Sherlock Holmes!

It would be great if I could hear his reasoning show! Conan thought excitedly

"Why did you come here instead of staying in the Senior Travel Agency? Maori Kogoro asked

"I'm just afraid that you're unreliable."

"None of your business!"

"But you seem to be doing very well recently, it seems you have inherited my mantle of a famous detective!" Shiota Heihachiro laughed.

"Oh, I remember now!" Officer Yokomizo was slow to react and then he remembered,"I often heard Officer Megure mention you, Senior Heihachiro Shiota, you are a very famous detective!"

"That was all in the past!"

Officer Yokomizo immediately told Shiota Heihachiro the whole story.

Shiota Heihachiro nodded and occasionally interrupted to ask a question or two.

"Senior Yantian, what do you think about this matter?"


"Do you mean that the murderer of this case is a woman?"Yokomizo asked with interest.

Conan also looked at Shiota Heihachiro excitedly. As expected, he was worthy of being a famous detective and had the same idea as him!

"Isn't it a common saying that there is a woman behind every crime?"Shiota Heihachiro laughed.

Conan's shoulders slumped.What kind of bullshit reason is this?!

""Ah? What do you mean?" Yokogami frowned.

"I think Mr. Jiang Yuan must be upset because his beautiful wife wants to divorce him!"

Everyone present almost fainted when they heard this!

What kind of reason is this?

"Mr. Maori, is Mr. Yantian reliable? Yokomizo asked quietly.

"Didn't you see it all yourself? Maori Kogoro rolled his eyes.

""Senior Shiota, please go sit over to the side for a while!" Officer Yokomizo turned around and said.

Seeing Heihachiro Shiota like this, Miyamoto Han was wondering if he was playing dumb!

Officer Yokomizo glanced at his watch and said,"It looks like we won't find out anything tonight."

At this moment, Gong Benhan stood out from the crowd

"Officer Yokomizo, you may have to work harder, because I already know the truth of the matter!"

"Really?" Yokomizo asked. Miyamoto

Han nodded.

"Really? Was the death a homicide or suicide?"

"Officer Yokomizo, don't worry, I will explain it to you slowly!"

"I have just communicated with the police officers upstairs in advance. They will put five quilts on the rooftop in 2002, 2101, 2001, 2102, and 1001. The weight of these five quilts is almost the same as Jiang Yuan Shinan's weight."

Under Miyamoto Han's instructions, five quilts were put down from five rooms.

"Officer Yokomizo, I marked the room numbers on the cups, but 2101 is the room number of Jiang Yuan Shi's room. The quilt that fell from the balcony did not fall on the sculpture."

"Huh? It’s true!" Officer Yokomizo ran to the quilt and took a look to confirm,"But why?"

"windBecause of the wind, I heard from the service staff that there will be a strong princess wind tonight, so the quilt thrown down from the balcony of Jiangyuan Shinan will not fall on the sculpture!"

"Could it be"

"That's right, this means that Jiang Yuan Shinan didn't fall from his balcony! He fell from somewhere else!"

Officer Yokomizo nodded and looked around. He saw a quilt that happened to fall on the sculpture and was pierced by the sculpture's gun.

"this"Yokomizo hurried over to take a look,"This is room 1001, Mr. Maeda Satoshi and Ms. Sayama Akiko's room!"

"I know! The murderer is one of Mr. Maeda Satoshi and Sayama Akiko, right? Yokomizo looked at the two of them.

"No! I just meant that Jiang Yuanshi fell from the balcony of room 1001, but I didn't say that these two people were the murderers!"

"thisCould it be that the murderer is not among them?"

Miyamoto Han nodded and continued:"Before that, let's get to know the person in charge of organizing this Izu tour group!"

"Isn't it Mr. Jiang Yuan Shi'ao?"

Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses,"Of course not! The person who organized this Izu tour group is Miss Sayama Akiko!"

"Sayama Akiko?"

Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at Sayama Akiko.

"Could she be the Duke of Darkness?"

"That's right! I think the reason why Ms. Akiko held this trip to Izu was to kill Mr. Ehara Tokio! The secret room was arranged by Ms. Sayama Akiko in advance, but it was later discovered by Mr. Maeda Satoshi and stopped. So Ms. Sayama Akiko gave up the idea of killing! However, Ehara Tokio knew that she wanted to kill Ehara Tokio and that she was the Duke of Dark Night. So, Ehara Tokio wanted to use this to achieve his own goal!"

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