Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 3 Chapter 342: It's the mystery novelist who died this time

Mizumayuki's purpose has been achieved, but at this time he has not been notified.

The very simple purpose, the decision to drive away the wolf, drag the organization currently targeting the 'zoo' off the battlefield and make the water a little muddy.

The idea is of course simple. When he called Amuro, Amuro guessed what he was thinking, and then Belmod guessed it too. When the matter was reported to the boss, the boss could also see it.

Of course, it's not that Moon Moon is using the organization, but that the organization is competing with the 'zoo' as two similar companies are competing for market share. Like the last mission to assist Calvados, the organization needs to Strike the place.

And this work organization needs someone to do it, and Mizumayue needs to organize it according to his ideas, so it can form a win-win cooperation, just get what each other needs.

At this time, Mizumayue was still anxiously waiting for news from Amuro Toru, standing in the corner of the empty corridor and circling anxiously.

The phone rang, and Mizumayue hurriedly answered the phone: "Hello?!"

"Officer Mizuma?" However, the other side of the phone was not the good news from Amuro Toru, but the sound of Xiaolan's search, as if surprised by the speed and hurried tone of Yue Mizuma's answering the phone.

Hearing that the opposite is Xiaolan, Mizumayue hurriedly slowed down her tone: "What's the matter? Do you want to report the crime?"

"Yes...Yes." Xiaolan was a little embarrassed, because Mizumayue said it as if they had no other interactions except reporting the case, and it seemed that she would always encounter various incidents .

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the truth...

"Speak slowly if you're not in a hurry... um... um... I see." Mizuma Yue focused on the new murder case and listened to Xiao Lan's introduction to the situation.

Putting down the phone, Mizumayuki glanced at her watch and wondered why she had encountered a case so early in the morning, and the location of the crime was not too close to Mikacho...

"Don't talk about salty eggs! Prepare to call the police, the location is the villa in Ode District!" When he came back and pushed open the door of the office, as expected by Shui Jianyue, those lazy people were still gossiping about what two-color double-layer jadeite was? Really, why did Mizumayue run out with a dark face after seeing the news? Mizumayue patted the table angrily and roared.

"The deceased is worth the money, male, 52 years old, well-known mystery novel writer. Is that right?" Mizuma Yue confirmed while thinking that a mystery novel writer is really a high-risk profession.

In countless cases, or the identity of the murderer or the victim, the proportion of mystery writers far exceeds that of other professions.

Mizuma Yue is even considering whether to teach her subordinates that "there are mystery novels and family affairs among the relevant personnel in the case."

Preliminary speculation about the cause of death should be the most classic cyanide poisoning. The body was found at a little more than six in the morning, and the first person who found it was Conan.

The scene was the room of the deceased, located at the end of the corridor on the third floor of a villa. According to Uncle Maori's people, the body was found in a secret room.

The corpse fell to the window in a very uncomfortable position, probably like the feeling of kneeling on the ground with the lower body and lying on the bed with the upper body.

An overturned coffee cup fell to the ground, and the spilled coffee dyed the carpet into a large black material that looked a bit like dried blood. Combined with the fact that the deceased was poisoned, and the rapid lethal effect of cyanide, The murder weapon must have been poisoned coffee.

According to experience, we also need to consider the possibility that the body and mouth of the coffee cup are smeared with poison. There was a used coffee machine in the deceased's room, but no mixing spoon.

"A question, you said that the doors and windows were locked when the body was found, but I don't seem to see any signs that the doors and windows were forcibly opened. Are any of you better at unlocking?" The Mouri family and the other three related people at the scene were still thinking about the master of the lock-sliding, Kuroba Kuito-kun.

"No, it was this kid who got in through the small transom to open the door for us." One of the three women pointed to Conan.

"So this window was open at the time?" Mizumayuki walked over to the transom and took a look. It was a very narrow prisoner's window. Even if the window was removed, Mizumayuki could only lean sideways and stick out. , there is no guarantee of getting in and out, and the window is still the kind of window that can only be opened halfway, and only Conan can get in among the people present.

Looking down at the window, Mizumayuki thought she could see a corridor-like structure, but she didn't see anything.

She tiptoed hard and looked closer under the window, only then did Mizuma Yue see a narrow decorative bulge on the wall below, about less than a finger.

This is the third floor of the villa, and the whole villa is very high, and the transom is more than ten meters above the ground.

Walking back to the door, I found that there was a large open window on the wall on the same side as the transom outside the door. The window was only 1.5 meters away from the closest part of the transom. Halfway through the large window, Mizuki confirmed the surroundings of the transom. There is only one path.

"Conan... did you enter from here?" Mizumayuki turned back and asked.

The eyes of Mizumayue looking left and right have already exposed his doubts, Conan and Xiaolan were sweating on their foreheads because of their guilty conscience. Hearing Mizumayuki's question, Xiaolan immediately hurriedly said, "I'm sorry I didn't watch Conan! Next time I won't let him do anything dangerous."

Mizumayuki gave Conan a rather kind look, the general meaning of which was "Why haven't you fallen to your death yet?"

"Xiao Lan, why are you apologizing for this stinky brat? It's obvious that he deserves to be beaten. Wouldn't it be better to beat him?" Uncle Maoli said dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, I think the preliminary understanding is enough. Now, please go downstairs to the living room. The police will ask you for details later. As for the scene, it can be completely handed over to us now." Shui Jianyue clapped her hands and said .

"Huh?" The Maori family, who were familiar with the process of Shuijianyue's expulsion, left without hesitation, while the other three were stunned, probably because the progress was different from what they had imagined.

"What's wrong with the three? Are you waiting for me and the second guy to ask everyone: 'You are the murderer, right?' And then the three are repeatedly explaining their innocence?" There are a lot of people who happen to watch nonsense TV dramas, so they have a certain misunderstanding of the case handling process.

By the way, it seems that someone has mentioned before that there is a police department in Gunma prefecture that is mentally retarded like that.

"Officer Mizuma!" Conan suddenly turned around: "Remind you! The ring of the deceased is reversed, but he is a very, very neurotic person!"

"Speak up!" Uncle Mori stood aside, wondering if he thought Conan was too loud or Conan was stealing the show, and a Mori's iron fist hit Conan's head firmly.

Hearing Conan's words, Mizuma Yue carefully checked the hand of the deceased. Sure enough, there was a word '100th' on the inside of the ring, but it was upside down.

Take a photo, take off the ring, Mizumayue found that the front of the ring is a large diamond-shaped ring face, all of which are densely packed with small diamonds. According to a kind of unfriendly to patients with intensive phobia, it is very friendly to patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Arranged in the way, it clearly introduced the mental health of the owner of the ring, and Mizuma Yue, who did not understand art, knew that this must be a design from a famous hand, and the diamonds alone were enough to know that the ring was worth a lot.

Of course, the premise is that if the ring is real, since the ring has been turned upside down, there is a high possibility that it has actually been dropped.

But thinking about it carefully, Mizuma Yue felt that the possibility of Conan and others encountering a case of murder for money is not very likely, if the kind of inheritance is not counted.

'This is! ' Putting the ring in the evidence bag and asking someone to send it back for authenticity verification, Mizumayue suddenly noticed that the finger under the deceased's ring had a different meaning.

Of course, it's not a big deal, but there is a bloodstain under the ring, the width of which is equal to the ring. If you look closely, you will find that the slender bloodstain is divided into two parts, with one broken in the middle.

The problem is that the dead are killed by poisoning! The source of the bloodstain under the ring... Mizumayuki hurriedly called someone to collect the bloodstain to identify the DNA.

Although a big discovery was made because of Conan's reminder, Mizuma Yue did not intend to admit Conan's favor, because the deceased was neurotic and other clues that the police who just arrived at the scene could not get it, as a way to understand the case of the deceased Personnel, it is the obligation of Conan and others to report this clue...Is it an obligation to accept favors? Of course not.

Mizumayuki began to study another suspicious point in the palm of the deceased, that is, the key to the deceased's room was placed in the palm of the deceased.

This is also the reason why it was said earlier that the scene was a secret room. Because of the character of the deceased, there was only one key to the room, so the doors and windows were locked, and there was only one room that only allowed children to pass through the transom, which was judged as a secret room murder case.

After checking the key repeatedly, I didn't see anything suspicious, so I could only expect that the fingerprint identification could establish some credit.

Nothing suspicious can be found here. There are police officers and forensic personnel in other places to conduct a blanket survey. Tsukiyomi Mizuma suddenly became an idle person. Seeing something that caught his attention, he had to wait quietly for the report.

Mizumayue suddenly remembered that Amuro hadn't replied to him until now, so she couldn't help but reach into her pocket, trying to take out her phone to take a look, but it was empty.

The usual pockets are empty.

It was definitely not stolen, not because Mizumayue had any confidence in her own awareness of pickpocket prevention, but from the last phone call to the time she came to the scene to handle the case, Mizumayue was sure that no one had approached here.

After confirming that there is no cell phone in the other pockets, Mizuma starts to recall where the cell phone is...

The last phone call received was from Xiao Lan to report the case, and Mizuma Yue, who was in a mess of the recent series of events, forced herself to calm down and focus on the case.

Then after answering the phone, Mizumayuki ran to the office, because it was estimated that the boys would gossip about him when he was away, so he ran in a hurry... At that time, the phone was still in his hand.

Then I realized that I guessed correctly. When I entered the office, the guys were already faking it and said that they suddenly found that the jade statue looked exactly like the lover in their dreams and ran out excitedly.

Then he yelled angrily, telling them to quickly prepare for the police, and patted the table to express his anger.

Hit the table! ? Mizumayuki's expression froze, and Void gestured for a moment to hang up the phone, then run with the phone, and then slapped the table.

...apparently slapped the phone on the table by the way.

Mizumayuki felt like she couldn't even breathe... If someone called me but couldn't get in touch... For example, Toru Amuro, others in the organization, or Mikazu Sato.

I hope the phone is not broken. For Sato Miwako, not answering the phone will make her angry or curious, but if the prompt is turned off...

But there are more worries... Moon Moon's phone is an old flip model that doesn't support setting passwords. In case anyone sees his phone, a phone call or text message happens to be organized... Moon Moon again I feel like I wish I had broken my phone first.

"Police Department? What's wrong with you?" Shiratori, who came over, saw Mizuki's livid face, and couldn't help but ask a question of concern.

"It's okay." Mizumayue shook her head. The good news was that she angrily drove the two groups of people in the second department together. You don't have to worry about other people in the office seeing your mobile phone when you were away. Nothing like asking someone to help you put your phone in a drawer or something.

No, someone! Mizumayuki suddenly remembered that Kato Xiongxin was sent by himself to send the ring back to verify the authenticity.

"Lend me the phone, it seems that I have left the phone in the office." Just as Shiratori was on the side, Mizumayuki reached out and borrowed the phone from Shiratori.

"Oh, good." His eyes flickered, and Shiratori took out his phone and handed it to Mizumayuki.

Simply find Kato Bear letter in Shiratori's address book, and Mizuma Yue called.

"Hello? Police Department? What's the matter?"

"it's me."

"Oh oh Police Department, what's wrong?"

"Where are you now?"

"I'm on the road, the identification results are out, and I'm getting them back."

"..." Mizumayuki feels hopeless, even if Kato Kumashin turns back to help him put his phone, Mizumayuki still has to think carefully about whether he can't see something he shouldn't see. .

"The police department?" Kato Kumano asked again, not hearing Tsuki Mizuma.

"Why didn't you just call and let me know back when the appraisal result came out!? You're running faster than the radio waves, aren't you?" Mizuma Tsuki, who had changed her mind, changed her mind to yelling at Kato Kumashin again.

But in this way, his behavior is simply waiting and anxious, and it is nothing strange to urge the progress of Kato Kumanobu.

"Oh, oh! I'm sorry I forgot all of a sudden!" Kato Xiongxin apologized tremblingly, and said quickly: "According to the laboratory test results, every diamond on the ring is genuine!"

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