Conan: Peppermint Beluga

Chapter 275: she's in the organization

Wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap should not be recognized by acquaintances, although his hair color is more conspicuous like Belmode.

Matsuda walked forward with his hands in his pockets, and the group of children were lining up with Curacao in the Ferris wheel. He looked at Belmode beside him and said, "Go pick her up, then Groups of children may recognize my voice, so be safe."


Knowing that Curaçao lost his memory, Matsuda looked like he was watching a good show. At the same time, he looked around and tried to find Miyano's figure. He happened to see that she was holding a pendant of a white dolphin in her hand, and she was walking towards this side with Conan.

Belmod leaned against the glass half wall and said in a low voice to Curacao: "What are you doing in this kind of place, let's go back."


Curacao was a little confused. Who was this woman who suddenly came to talk to him?

"Sister, if you stay in a daze, you won't be able to keep up with us!" Kojima Motota noticed that Curacao was in a daze, and immediately shouted.

"I'm sorry, it seemed like someone was calling me just now."

"Is it someone my sister knows?"

"No, I must have made a mistake."

The eyes behind Belmod's sunglasses were puzzled, why Curaçao pretended not to know herself, she frowned and walked towards Matsuda, asking: "Did you see anything strange in Curaçao yesterday? "

"Something different? No, is there something wrong?"

Belmod was about to speak when she noticed Conan and Haiyuan walking in the distance, she directly grabbed Matsuda's arm and turned her back with a pretense of intimacy, and said with a smile, "Your little girlfriend is here too. ."


Noticing Matsuda's puzzled appearance, she knew that he hadn't noticed it, and Belmod didn't mention it again. She chuckled and said, "Let's go, the plan has changed, let's observe again."

"Oh, can you take your hands off, it's hot."

"Ah, are you shy?"


After Belmod released his hand, he said with a smile: "Wait for her to sit on the bench over there after she has finished riding the Ferris wheel?"


But at this moment, the shouts of Conan and Haiyuan suddenly came, and the two turned around at the same time.

"Dangerous, dangerous! Yuan Tai, be careful!!!"

The next second, Yuan Tai, who was at a high place, could not hear what they were saying, so he leaned out and asked loudly, "Ah? What are you two talking about?"

"Idiot, get your body back!!!"

Kojima Motota's center of gravity was unstable and fell down instantly. Seeing this scene, Matsuda clenched his fists, and for a while he didn't know whether he should go to the rescue or what to do... Belmod was standing beside him.

Curaçao, who was standing on the side, was stunned for a second and turned out of the railing. It seemed that although she lost her memory, her skills did not regress. She observed her surroundings and found that it was not suitable to pull it up directly.

Seeing that he couldn't bear to fall, Curacao gritted his teeth and jumped down, which was crazy enough.

Belmod pushed Matsuda's back and motioned for him to help. She didn't want to see the silver bullet she cared about showing a sad expression.

Matsuda took off his sunglasses and rushed towards the falling two people. Even Curacao could easily be seriously injured while protecting Kojima Motota. If the head is stimulated again... I am afraid it will cause some trouble, he I also want to use Curacao's amnesia to save the two.

"Curaçao, this way!"

Curacao found out that it was the man from last night. Seeing his anxious appearance, could it be that he is a good man?

At this time, I can only trust him. Curacao used high heels against the curved wall, and tried to use friction to slow down. Matsuda arrived in time and jumped to easily rescue the two, that is... Curacao would be heavier, which he did not expect.

"Matsuda?!" Conan, who came immediately, showed a surprised expression, thinking of the performance of the Curacao dart just now, as well as his superhuman skills and courage... Could it be that this sister is a member of the organization?

However, Haibara Ai suddenly stopped her steps. At this moment, she felt a strong organizational aura, and her radar sounded an alarm, but... This aura didn't come from Curacao in front of her, but from behind her!

Bey, Belmod? This breath is definitely hers.

"What a coincidence, I met you here."

After Matsuda stood up and put on his sunglasses, he squeezed Conan's shoulder with his hand and said, "Send them back to the infirmary, and you can rest assured for a little check up."

Conan sensed Matsuda's hint, and it seemed that the person in front of him was indeed a member of the organization.

"Well, Brother Matsuda, please trouble you!"

Before leaving, Matsuda tapped the headset twice, implying that Belmod was on standby first, and he needed to contact Curacao to see if there was anything unusual about her.

I took Curacao and Kojima Moto to the hospital for a simple treatment of the injury, but in the end... the one who was injured the most was Dr. A Li, who was kicked hard just now trying to grab Moto's chin, causing him to fall. When sitting on the ground, it flashed to the waist.

Seeing that Matsuda did not intend to explain, Haibara took the initiative to drag him to the corridor and asked, "Belmode is with you, right?"

"Well, the silver-haired woman is an important person in the organization. Something went wrong with the plan I set. You should already know that she has amnesia, right?"

Haiyuan nodded and said, "Well, she doesn't remember anything, including her name... Matsuda, is she Rum?"

Seeing Miyano's frightened expression, Matsuda smiled and crouched down and said, "Don't worry, it's not Rum... She is Rum's cronie, Curacao. I was at the scene of the accident last night. Speaking of which, she lost her memory. The culprit is me."

"...It's not that simple, is it?"

"I can't tell you the specifics. Is her cell phone with you?"

"The phone is in Kudo's hands, why?"

"It's really troublesome... It seems that I can only have a small cooperation with him."

To get the phone from this annoying detective, I'm afraid he has to provide some information on his side. Matsuda glared at Conan, who had been looking this way, and gestured for him to come over.

The little face immediately showed an excited expression, Conan ran quickly, opened his mouth and said, "Is the gin coming too?"

"No, he was on missions abroad, mostly to destroy undercover agents."

"Destroy the undercover? What happened?"

Matsuda nodded and said, "The silver-haired woman invaded the Police Department last night, which led to the retrieval of the identity information of several undercover agents who infiltrated the organization."

"What about you?" Hai Yuanai asked quickly.

"My information is not in the National Police Agency, unless someone infiltrates the top management of mi6, they will not be able to get me." Matsuda's mouth raised slightly as he explained.

"What can I do at this stage?"

"Give me the cell phone of Curacao, I need to forge the mail... or two people will be in danger."

Knowing that Matsuda would not tell him all the information, Conan had to hand over the phone and said, "First of all, let me explain, I didn't break the phone."

"I know."


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