Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 29 I’m sorry, I’m a good person!

After smearing the blood that had been prepared long ago, it was disguised as a shooting scene. Kishida picked up his mobile phone and took a few photos of Nishimoto lying in blood. Then he went to the place where Nishimoto said he hid the things, found the information, and took a few photos with his mobile phone.

After taking the photo, take a closer look to see if there are any flaws. Kishida sent the photo to the mailbox designated by Mr. Kawashima via email, and then waited boredly.

On the other side, Mr. Kawashima, who was also waiting, received the email. After reading it carefully for a few seconds, he picked up his phone and sent a text message to the wretched man.

Less than a few minutes later, the wretched man responded to the message.

"Boss, the matter has been completed. I heard a slight gunshot outside. It should be that he used the gun we prepared for him."

"How is it?" After Kawashima read the text message, Kuroiwa, who had been enjoying a delicious dinner there, put down the fork in his hand.

"It shouldn't be the police station! He has already killed Nishimoto and obtained his information!" Kawashima said, handing him the photos on his phone to look at.

"The information should be true!" Kuroiwa emphatically looked at part of the client list that Kishida took, and nodded to Kawashima in the affirmative. As a cover for the transaction, although he did not know all of Nishimoto's client lists, he still knew a few of them, and they happened to be on the list photographed by Kishida.

Kawashima nodded, indicating that he understood, then took the phone and sent another text message to the wretched man with instructions.

"Bring him to see me! Remember to stay hidden! Don't let anyone find you!"

Then he sent a message to Kishida via email.

After sending the message, Kawashima put down his cell phone and happily enjoyed the top-quality Kobe steak in front of him with a relaxed mood.

Kishida, who was bored, looked at Nishimoto lying on the body, and gave him a slight pause from time to time. Well, it's not life, it's the kind of coma!

"Ding!" sounded. Kishida immediately picked up his phone and took a look at it. He saw it said "Go out and continue to follow that person. He will bring you to see me!"

Kishida looked at Nishimoto lying on the ground. In the world of Conan, there is not much surveillance yet. Moreover, when he came by boat, he also passed the security check. He had no gun and no motive for killing. The police should not suspect it. Himself, otherwise he would be caught in a few days with such an obvious action.

Of course, this is all assuming he actually killed someone. Now Kishida just couldn't help but think about how to deal with it if he really committed a crime. Well, if Conan is here, he should be dealt with first!

As Kishida thought, he picked up his cell phone and sent a text message to Officer Megure, asking them to come in and secretly arrest Nishimoto in a few minutes when he was gone.

Well, Kishida knew that Officer Megure and the others had secretly come to Moon Shadow Island a long time ago, and they were in batches. As far as Kishida knew, there were at least two policemen on the same boat with him just now. And the two policemen pretended to be a couple.

As for why Kishida knew it, it was because the two guys did not enjoy the scenery together when they were leaning on each other. Instead, they looked at him who was also leaning on the pole of the boat from time to time, which made him think that the two guys wanted to People who seek to harm themselves. So I always look at them nervously, wishing I could give them a thunder and lightning set meal on the spot!

But in the end, one of the beautiful-looking short-haired female police officers sensed Kishida's hostility, so she tugged on her clothes in a subtle way and showed him her police ID card hidden inside her clothes.

In a flash, Kishida’s first reaction was that she was so big, ahem, I said it wrong. He realized that the woman in front of him was Sato Miwako, the policewoman of the Metropolitan Police Department. As for the one pretending to be her lover, she looked very elegant and wore blue. The man in the red suit looked like a nobleman, and Kishida guessed that he must be Officer Shiratori. At least it couldn't be Takagi, because he had seen Takagi before.

Poor Officer Takagi, luckily he was just pretending, otherwise his face would probably turn green. Kishida thought so and opened the door to the ocean view room. I looked around casually and found the wretched man standing in a hidden corner. The wretched man also saw Kishida. He said nothing and just walked to his destination silently.

In less than ten minutes, a couple who were walking intimately on the beach in the distance and enjoying the sea view gradually came closer. After noticing that there was no one around, they slipped in... ..

"Is this here? Sure enough, he is the biggest capitalist on the island! It's so decadent!" Kishida, who followed for another twenty minutes, looked at the mansion in front of him and couldn't help but sigh that the life of the rich is really enviable. , Bah, spit on!

"Mr. Kishida, please come in!" The assistant who had been waiting for a long time stood in front of the door and bowed to Kishida politely. It seemed that he also served as the housekeeper of this top-notch villa. As for the wretched man, he disappeared long after he brought Kishida here. He is very aware of being an NPC!

Then Kishida was led around the mansion by his assistant, passing by small gardens, flower-view rooms, and central courtyards. Oh my God, there was even a small aquarium. Kishida couldn't complain.

He now doubted that Officer Megure would be desperate when he found that he still had to run a long way after the police rushed in. Well, it's possible that no one can be found yet. Given the size of this mansion, there are more than ten people playing hide-and-seek like ghosts and they don't know when they will be found.

When Kishida almost doubted his life, he finally saw his assistant stop in front of a door while passing a corridor with various artworks and precious portraits. He knocked respectfully and slowly opened the door in response.

"Boss, the person is here!" the assistant said, and then stood sideways by the door.

"I killed the person, can I fulfill your promise now?" Kishida walked in carelessly, and then sat on the sofa in front of Kawashima without any hesitation, staring at him straight, looking like a young boy.

"Don't worry, cooperate with us, there will be plenty of money in the future!" Kawashima smiled and pressed his hand, indicating that Kishida didn't need to worry. He didn't relax until he saw Kishida. This kid, you can tell at a glance that he is one of his own, this face should be the material for doing bad things!

"Humph, of course you are not in a hurry, it is my company that is about to go bankrupt, not your company!!" Kishida put his hands in his pockets, crossed his legs, and said arrogantly.

"Haha, that's right!" The more arrogant Kishida was, the happier Kawashima was. He saw that he pressed the inconspicuous bump under the table twice, one lightly and one heavily, and then quickly.

"Click" a faint sound, Kishida found that there was a sound behind the portrait on the wall on his left.

Kawashima walked over and took down the precious portrait gently, revealing the wall behind, where there was a tiny opening and a remote control-like thing.

Kawashima picked up the thing and input it again.

"Click" This time Kishida smacked his lips and found that a one-square-meter space opened up on the floor of the living room.

"What you want is in there!" Kawashima said, reaching in and taking out a suitcase. When he opened it, it was full of poison.

"These and the remaining ones in the library are all our thanks for you killing Xiben! As for how to sell it, I think I don't need to say it." Kawashima said with a smile.

"Of course!" Things went so smoothly that Kishida smiled. He tapped his phone with his hand in his pocket and sent out a long-edited message.

Sorry, I'm a bad guy! Kishida thought.

And Officer Megure, who was lying in ambush around the mansion, was excited and waved his hand to start his weight loss journey...

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