Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 300 The oil man in the world——Kishida Yuichi is it!

"What's going on with you? Why did you suddenly... hug me in front of them, without considering my feelings at all?"

Mingmei was shy but didn't break away. After taking the initiative to put her arms around Kishida's waist, she put her head on his shoulder and murmured something inaudible.

The sweet breath blew against Kishida's ears, and it was a bit burning. Kishida couldn't help but hug the soft Akemi tightly, and took a deep breath of the orchid-musk scent on her body. Feeling relaxed and happy, he didn't reply for a long time.

Mingmei didn't see any movement from Kishida for a long time, and she was a little confused. She quickly raised her head on his shoulder and saw that he had his eyes half-squinted, as if he was leisurely and contented.

"Sorry, I'm very tired today, so I want to hug you more to recharge myself for a while to see if it can boost my energy! The gloves have run out of power just now, and physical charging won't work, so I want to try the effect of biological charging. Well, probably only holding you in this world can give me the feeling of being touched by electricity, so tingling and numb~~"

Kishida met her worried eyes, chuckled and loosened his arms around her weak and boneless waist. His slender fingers crossed her cheeks and stopped on her beautiful and delicate nose. He deliberately tapped a little on her face. Full of doting affection.


Mingmei seemed to give out a vague warning, as if her spine was taken away in an instant. Her already soft body became even softer in Kishida's arms, and a pair of small jade-like hands kept unconsciously caressing her. He stroked his shoulders and back, and after a long time he murmured: "Junior, you are so numb~~"

Kishida's finger that touched her nose stiffened. After a few seconds, he blinked and said helplessly:

"I feel nauseous if I tell others, but not to you! Why, don't you like it?"

"I don't like it if you say it to others, but you won't if you say it to me!"

Akemi imitated Kishida's words and blinked her eyes, her eyes full of joy.


"So, let's hug each other for a while?"

Kishida's eyes lit up, and then he asked cautiously.

Mingmei just lowered her head and wanted to agree, but suddenly remembered something. She turned her eyes and glanced at Conan from the corner of her eye. She found that he was raising his head and looking at the night sky without any distractions. He seemed to be attracted by the stars and the moon in the sky. It looks like living, motionless, more like a lifelike sculpture, so interesting that it can't be interesting anymore.

Mingmei felt very satisfied in her heart, and then under the teasing look in Kishida's eyes, she nodded gently and whispered:

"Well, my very own Mr. Robot..."

Kishida:? ? ?

Mr. Robot? What kind of weird name is this? Also, why do you two sisters like to give people nicknames?

Several big question marks appeared in Kishida's mind, and he looked at Mingmei helplessly.


"Hehe, people who need to be recharged to boost their energy are just robots~~"

Minmei saw his doubts and couldn't help but laugh.

"So, you are my exclusive battery lady?"

Kishida replied angrily.

"No, this sounds so unpleasant!" Mingmei shook her head quickly without even thinking about it.


Kishida couldn't help laughing when he saw this, and Mingmei seemed to feel that she had a double standard. She couldn't help but raised her little hand on Kishida's shoulder in embarrassment and gave him a gentle hammer. Then the two looked at each other. I couldn't help but laugh.

The night sky tonight is very beautiful. The moonlight is like water, and the sky is full of stars. The watery moonlight splashes down from the sky, reflecting coldly on the two of them, making the two of them deeply attracted to each other. The smiles were printed in each other's eyes.

Kishida narrowed his eyes slightly, once again spread his arms across Mingmei's waist, and hugged her tightly from behind. He let the cold wind blow by, but he didn't feel the cold. He only felt a warmth in his heart. The two of them stopped talking. They both quietly enjoyed the tranquility and tranquility of this moment, feeling each other's close proximity and each other's violently beating heart...


The two of them hugged each other tenderly, so they didn't feel cold. However, Conan, who was watching the stars and the moon alone, felt the cold wind biting his bones. He was shivering slightly while hugging his body. The surface of his body was very cold, and his heart was even more chilled. So cold, so cold!

Should I really confess to Xiaolan and then confess to her to avoid being accidentally hurt by these two guys... Oh!

A trace of envy flashed in Conan's eyes, and this sudden thought inexplicably flashed through his mind, but it turned into a deep sigh.

Because he knew this was impossible, even if he really made up his mind to confess to Xiaolan, how could he hug Xiaolan tenderly with the child he looks like now! ?

When he thought of being picked up by Xiaolan, held in his arms, and then looking at each other as lovingly as the pair of dogs... ahem, loving men and women in front of him, Conan felt his whole body disappear, and he only felt that the temperature around his body became even colder.

When will this guy Huiyuan invent the antidote...

Conan lowered his head and looked at Kishida's Bentley, as if he wanted to see Haiyuan inside through the car window. Unfortunately, the outside could be seen from the Bentley's windows, but the inside could not be seen from the outside. of.

So he could never have imagined that Huiyuan, who was in the Bentley, was looking helplessly at the two men and women hugging each other tightly, but the corners of her mouth seemed to have a hint of an involuntary smile, um, an auntie smile!

Oh, by the way, even if Huiyuan invented the antidote, he couldn't completely eradicate the Black Organization, and he couldn't openly restore himself to Kudo Shinichi! ε=(′ο`*))) Alas

Perhaps it was really because Kishida and Akemi were so stimulated that Conan felt complicated at this moment, and his heart was very uneasy!

Damn Black Organization, where are you! ! ? I must find you all! (Ahem, hand you over to the country! !)



At this time, on an unknown highway in Tokyo, Gin, who was being thought of by Conan, was holding a cigarette in his mouth, exhaling a wisp of smoke with his breath, and driving his antique Porsche 356A carelessly.

"Brother, I got the whereabouts!"

Just at this moment, Vodka, who had been answering the phone, happened to close his flip phone, with a hint of ferocity on his lips, and laughed softly.

Gin did not reply directly, but just used his peripheral vision to signal Vodka to continue.

"The twin tower skyscrapers in Nishitama City, it seems to be the place closest to heaven!"

As soon as the voice fell, the corners of Vodka's mouth became more ferocious.

"Humph, great! It can be used as the guillotine closest to heaven!

Accompanied by a sneer, Gin, who had a faint smile on his face, had a shivering chill on his face.

PS: Why does Lazy Fish, who just broke up, want to write dog food? Friends, are you sure you won't vote for recommendations or anything, comfort Lazy Fish?嘤嘤嘤~(")"(︿)

Also, today's second chapter, cough cough... clumsy hands!

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